A Quantitative Analysis of View Degeneracy and its Use for Active Focal Length Control D. Wilkes S.J. Dickinson J.K. Tsotsos Dept. of Computer Science Rutgers University Dept. of Computer Science University of Toronto Center for Cognitive Science University of Toronto Toronto, CANADA M5S 1A4 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1179 Toronto, CANADA M5S 1A4 Abstract to a prescription for focal length control that allows a trade- We quantify the observation by Kender and Freudenstein [6] off to be achieved between the width of the field of view and that degenerate views occupy a significant fraction of the view- probability of view degeneracy. ing sphere surrounding an object. This demonstrates that sys- 1.1 Definitions of degeneracy tems for recognition must explicitly account for the possibility Kender and Freudenstein [6] presented an analysis of de- of view degeneracy. We show that view degeneracy cannot be generate views that pointed out problems with existing defini- detected from a single camera viewpoint. As a result, systems tions of the concept. The definitions that they propose in place designed to recognize objects from a single arbitrary viewpoint of earlier problematic ones incorporate the notion that what must be able to function in spite of possible undetected degen- constitutes a degenerate view is dependent on what heuris- eracies, or else operate with imaging parameters that cause ac- tics the system uses to invert the projection from three di- ceptably low probabilities of degeneracy. To address this need, mensions to two. One of the definitions incorporating this we give a prescription for active control of focal length that al- system-dependence is the negation of the definition of a gen- lows a principled trade08 between the camera field of view and eral viewpoint: A general viewpoint is such that there is some probability of view degeneracy. positive epsilon for which a camera movement of epsilon in any direction can be taken without effect on the resulting seman- 1 Introduction tic analysis of the image. This definition was noted by Kender Image segmentation is the task of transforming a signal-level and Freudenstein to be incomplete, in the sense that there exist image description into a symbolic description, consisting of sets general viewpoints on certain objects that are unlikely to allow of segments or features of some sort. Examples of features in a system to instantiate a proper model for the object, relative common use are homogeneous regions, and also discontinuities to other views of the same object (e.g. the view of the base of described by line segments or curves. Such features may be a pyramid). They argue for somehow quantifying degeneracy difficult both to identify and to interpret due to the accidental according to the amount of additional work expected to be re- alignment of spatially distinct scene parts belonging to a single quired to unambiguously instantiate a model corresponding to object or multiple objects, as seen from the camera viewpoint. the object being viewed. This alignment is often referred to as view degeneracy. This We are interested in a definition that is independent of the superposition of features can lead to erroneous part counts or particular recognition system in use, and are willing to trade bad parameterizations of a model. For example, if two object away the completeness of the definition to achieve this. Figure 1 edges are abutted and collinear, one longer edge is seen in their illustrates a definition of degeneracy that covers a large subset place. of the cases appearing in the literature. The definition has to Given arbitrarily high resolution, such alignments would not do with collinearity of the front nodal point of the lens and a be a problem, because they would occur only for a vanishingly pair of points on (or defined by) the object. We shall consider small fraction of the possible viewpoints [I]. Unfortunately, a view to be degenerate if at least one of the following two cameras and feature-extracting operators have finite resolution. conditions holds: We shall see in this paper that this enlarges the set of view- points that are problematic. 1. a zero-dimensional (point-like) object We begin by defining view degeneracy precisely, and show- feature is collinear with another ing how our definition covers many interesting classes of degen- zero-dimensional object feature and eracy. We develop a model of degeneracy, under perspective the front nodal point of the lens projection. It is parameterized by the distance to the object 2. a zero-dimensional object feature to be recognized, the separation of features on the object, the is collinear with some point on either: minimum separation of the corresponding image features in or- a. an infinite line, or der for them to be detectible as distinct features, and camera b. a finite line segment focal length. The model gives the probability of being in a defined by two zero-dimensional object degenerate view as a function of the model parameters. The features, and the front nodal point evaluation of the model at realistic parameterizations indicates that degenerate views can have significant probabilities. Each of the specific imaging degeneracies enumerated by We will show that there is a significant additional problem Kender and Freudenstein for polyhedral objects belongs to one for recognition systems operating from a single, arbitrary view- of these types. Below we discuss each of their example degen- point. Namely, view degeneracy is not detectible from a single eracies in turn: viewpoint. As a result, single-viewpoint systems must be able to perform unambiguous object identification in spite of possi- Vertices imaged in the plane of scene edges This is ble degeneracies. The alternative is to minimize the probability encompassed by case 2b above, and is depicted in figure 2. The of degeneracy. We will show that the probability of degeneracy lower right scene edge on the upper object is the line segment of is very sensitive to camera focal length. This will lead finally case 2b. The vertex on the lower object is the zero-dimensional object feature. 938 0-8186-7042-8195 $4.00 0 1995 IEEE front\ nodal point Figure 4: An example of view degeneracy in which copla- nar scene lines are imaged in their own plane ohjecdpoint feature front-\ nodal point Figure 1: Our definition of view degeneracy. The two cases are the collinearity of the front nodal point of the lens with two object point features (top) or with one object point feature and a point on one line (bottom) or line segment. tetrahedron Figure 5: An example of view degeneracy in which perfect symmetry gives preference to a flat, 2D interpretation of the lines. the case of a radial symmetry, this is equivalent to case 1, with the two zero-dimensional points chosen to be any two distinct points on the axis of symmetry. In the case of symmetry about a plane, this is equivalent to case 2a, with both features cho- Figure 2: An example of view degeneracy in which a vertex sen arbitrarily to lie in the plane of symmetry. Note that in is imaged in the plane of a scene edge the case of symmetry, the features defining the degeneracy are more likely to be abstract points on the object (e.g., the cen- troid of an object face), rather than points extractible directly by low-level vision. The use of abstract object points rather Parallel scene lines imaged in their own plane We than obvious feature points has no impact on the estimation of depict this situation in figure 3. This is case 2a, with an infinite probabilities of degeneracy that follows. What matters is that line. The portion of the viewing sphere in which the degeneracy there is some means to enumerate the types of degeneracy that occurs is that for which the front nodal point of the lens is in are important to the approach. This enumeration is discussed the plane defined by an end point of the edge on the front object later in the paper. and the other scene line (extended to have infinite length). Coincident scene lines imaged in their own plane 1.2 Dependence on effective resolution This generalizes to coplanar lines imaged in their own plane. If a computer vision system had infinite ability to resolve We depict this situation in figure 4. This is equivalent to case object features that were close to one another, then all of the 2b, using an infinite line. An endpoint of the edge on the right- degeneracies discussed above would have infinitesimal proba- hand object may be used as the zero-dimensional feature. The bility of occurrence. Figure 6 shows typical loci of points on edge on the left-hand object may be extended to define the the viewing sphere at which instances of each type of degener- infinite line. acy occur, assuming infinite resolution. Each case 1 degeneracy Perfect symmetry Kender and Freudenstein include per- occurs at a pair of points on the sphere surface. Each case 2a fect symmetry in the enumeration of types of degeneracy be- degeneracy occurs at a circle of points on the sphere surface. cause they say that it leads to a tendency to interpret the sym- Each case 2b degeneracy occurs on a sector of a circle of points on the sphere surface. Since these loci of points are of lower metric structure as flat. An example is shown in figure 5. In dimensionality than the viewing sphere itself, the probability that the viewpoint is on such loci is vanishingly small. Infinitesimal probabilities of view degeneracy would poten- tially allow strong inferences to be made about scene struc- ture 111.
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