3I7.3M31 M41 AWCMFVES -?/'-^ t giy r. ff\^ g\u i n,itfi\T>t,ffy,a ;?^g^^V^./(;\i,i^t\; i,, .rrv .^^ THE MASSACHUSETTS ^ -nr AND United States Calendar; For thk Year of our LORD and Forty-sixth of American Ii^dependence. COIVTAIMNG Civile Judicial Ecdes'anicali and Military Lists in MASSACHUSETTS; Associations, and Corporate Ixstitctioms, kr h'terary, agricultural, and charitable Purpoies. i Hit of Post-Towns in Massachusetts^ with the Names of the Post-Masters. ALSO, Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT, its With several Departments and Establishments ; Times of the Sittings of the several Courts j Governors in each State; And a Variety of other interesting Articles. BOSTON : PUBLISHED BY JAMES LORI5JG, AND RICHARUSO.V & LORD. SoMwhfilesaltf \ui retail, at theu- Rouk-itoies, Conihil), ECLIPSES FOR 1822. There will be four Eclipses this year, two of the Stcn* and two of the Alooru a? follows, viz. I. The firft will be of the Moon, February 6th day^ 1 Ih. 36m- evening, visible at Boston. Digits eclipsed 4® 34' on Mocha's southern limb. II. The second will be of the Son, on the 21st 6f Feb- ruary, visible at Boston, as foUo^ws : Beginning, 3h.20m.i Greatest obscuration, 4 30 ^ evening, i-jnn sets, 5 20 ) Digits echpsed 8* on Sun's Northern limb. The Eclipse will end about 10 mmutes after sunset. III. The third will be of the Moon, on the 2d of Au- gust, visible at Boston, as follows : Moon rises eclipsed at 7h ISm. ) Middle, 7 39 S evening. End, 9 12 ^ Dibits eclipsed 9«> 3' on Moon's North limb. iV. 1 he fourth will be of the Sun, on the t6th of Au- gust, at %\\. 33m evening, invisible at Boston. VOTES FOR (;OVERNOR—77irow^Ao«? the Siatr. ForMrStrong.lHOO 19,630 . For Mr. i>eiTy, 16,958 For do 1801 25,452 5 For do 20.169 For do 1802 29,983 ? For do 19.58-1. 1803 29,199 For 11,656 For do J do For do 1801 30.011^ For Mr. Sullivan, 23,979 For do 1805 35,204 J For do 33,250 For do 1806 36.433 ^ For do 56,031 For do IJ 07 39,224 \ For do 41,954 For Mr. Gore 1 808 59.643 * For do 41,1 93 For do 1609 47.916^ For Mr. Lincoln, 45.118 do 1810 44,272 For Mr. Gerrv, 46.541 For J For do 1811 40,142' For do ' 43,328 ForMr.Strong 1812 52.696^ For do 51,326 For do 1813 56,754 I For Mr. Vamum, 42.789 For do 1814 56.374 5 For Mr. Dexter, 45,953 For do 1815 50 921 > For do 43,938 ForMrBrooks 1816 A9,57S \ For do 47,384 For do 1817 46.160 j For Mr. Dearborn, 58,129 For do 1^18 39.538 \ Mr. Cro\vninshi€kl,30,04l For do 1819 42,875 5 For do 35,271 For do 1820 31,072 \ For Mr Eustis, 22,218 fet'ohil821, brooks o0£8 * For Mr. Eustis, 130* 3/7, -5 /M&/ Digitized by tine Internet Arclnive in 2009 witli funding from University of IVIassacliusetts, Boston littp://www.arcliive.org/details/pocketalmanacl<fo1822amer 7 JANUARY, i8^2, begins on Tuesday. Full Moon 7th. day, llh. 2m. morning. Last Quarter 15th, day, Oh. 55m. morning. New Moon 2yd. day, i)h. ^im. morning. First Quarter t40th. day, 2h. 5m. morning. MjWI ObfervaWe Days, £5'*. r. s, Jr. ^ s.jf.Sea, 1 C.P.&S.Bost. C.S.Cam. 3» 2y 5 5« 2 Co/nfor tablefor 3J 1 4! 6 43 3 7*s sou. 8h, 40111. > per. 3* 51 a .57 7 39 4 Sir I. Newt. b. 164a. d 5H ;- 5 4 15 8 39 5 Very high the season. 30 5! 5 -ii 9 41 6\ Epiph. Much 2'^ 5j 6 40 10 46 cooler with 2» 11 7i2 tides. 5 ©nse 47 '15. 'g 28 8i3 Brit.dcf.at N. Orleans. 5. i i7 nnorn. signs sno-zu. »7 6: iJ 42 94 of J7 7 lO Grocws more Q O b '7 27 5| 8 21 1 33 11 26 2 M- 7 5\ 9 27 19 1 Y'L.sou.9.17. Some D^% 7 25 5 10 29 3 o •3 I St Sun. past Epiph, rain. \7 24 5|ii 3i 3 42 not '4 if \7 »4 5morn. 4 15 Low tides. inocw. 23 5 o 33 5 o 16 22 7*€Sou.7h.5om. j)apog. 5 1 36 5 4.5 21 »7 Dr. Frank, b. 1706. dear 5 a 39 6 30 18 20 Prisca. and cold 5 3 40 7 18 some 9 for 4 40 8 7 20 2d. Sun. past Epiph. days. ;7 5 34 9 o 21 Lou.XVI. beh.'93. More \7 17 5 6 19 9 5S 22, t6 Vincent. pleafant, {/ 5! 7 o 10 46 23 Middling tides. d > $ 17 15 3, >sets|ii 4c. 24 Becomes (7 H 5 6 3oev. 3d ij 2.5 St. Paul, cno'ery 1 Cenv^r. 5 7 47 1 l-^ 26 with more 8 2 c d > $ J7 57 27 3d. Sun.p<!st Epip. i7^/?j 7 28 7*8, 7h. i'fstu'zo. 10 south 7 ,5|n 21 3 s'g 29 K. Geo. III. died 'to ag 81. 7 9 5itnorn.! 4 .3c tides. A siorm per. 30 Mid. i) 7 ^ 5j o 37' 5 24 ColdTues. 1815. r J near. 7 7 5! I 53 6 2K — y 1 FEBRUARY, l,b22, begins on Friday. Full Moon 6th. day, Oh. 3bm. niornirg. Last Quarter 13th. day, J Oh. 21m. evening New Moon 21st. day, 2h. 50m. evening. First Quarter 28th. day, 9h. 28m. morning. Obfervable Days, iifc. ^'^^^- ill®-** Jl:!?5J 6 Blustering and b 5 8 s Pur. V. M. orCAND. 4 J 4 18 8 a5 3 ¥ Septuag. Sun, coldfor 3 5 5 20 9 26 42 7*s set 2h. tht season. 2 5 6 lojio 22 eel. 5 3 Changes to [ > vis. o 6 6 44»i M 64 Fed.Con.rat.byCoii.'88.& 59 6 l^riselmorn.' 7'5 (Mid. tides, more 6 5« 6 651 o 2 8 6 comfortable (> 57 ^ 8 6 47 I 1 9,7 I weather 6 55 6 9 i» 30 10 F Sexages. Sun. ^ith some 6 54 6 lo 14 2 10 11,2 i snc^w or 6 S2> 6 n 16 12'3 ipeace an. with G. B. 1815. 6 51 morn. 3 35 13U IColdFri. *i7. rain, > apog. 6 50 6 20 4 I i4i5 iValentine Day. Cooky 6 49 6 1 23 5 4 iqiS iLovv tides. and unsettled, 6 47 2 25 5 55 i6i7 [Gh.'t.rat.byCon.'ii, 6 46 6 3 20 6 47 1 7I F jQuinqua. Sun. 9 sat. 6 45 6 4 10 7 4 18 2 17*5 set ih morn. Snoxu. 6 43 6 4 5? 8 34 193 is.J.C.Ded. Shor.T.<?0(J ,6 42 6 5 *8! 9 2<> 20J4 lAsh Wedns.or Lent. l6 41 6 5 sr}o r eij5 Gets; 1 'High Pleasant ^eclip. 6 39 6j J 22:6 WASH.bpr 3^ andfrie 6 38 6 6 39'ii si 23i7 tides. / r some 8 > $ 6 36 6! 7 52 ev. 4a 24; F 1st Sun. in \X. St. Matt. 6 35 61 9 8 1 34 25*2 C.P. Lenox. days. 6 34 610 24 2 2^ 263 Cooler^ but > perig. 6 32 6:11 42 3 20 7*8 set oh. 20m. fne 6 31 6 morn. 4 18 285 ;6 29 w o 59 5 18 Venus will be evening . tar uh 9aioi iviarch; thei.ce morning star till 23c! of Decenriber ; thence evening star. Jupiter will be nrniing star till 3cl of Mfiv ; thencf evennig star to ilit 29th of August ; tlience morning star. APRIL, 1 822, begins on Monday. MAY, 1822, begins on Wednesday. JUNE, 1822, begins on Saturday. Full Moon 4.th. day, 3h. 39m. evening. Last Quarter 12th. day, llh. 31m. morning New Moon 19th. day, Ih. 48m. morning. First Quarter 26th. day, 2h. 44m. morning. MjWJ Obferyable Days, Isfc. |r.0».|r.#s.iF. Sea Veryjine 4 33 8 2 20 9 5 Trin. Sun. for 4 33 ^ 2 44 9 JO 3 Ar. Elec. Boft. some > ap. 4 32 8 3 13 10 40 4 Mid. tides. days, 4 3» 8 Qrise 11 30 5 Gen. Elec, N. H. 4 3i » »5i morn. 6 Grows 4 31 8 9 34 o 20 7 cooler, nvith 4 30 8 o 10 I % 8 7*s rife 3h. morn, signs of 4 29 8 10 41 2 % 9 1st Sun. past Trin. ra'tn.^ 29 8 I 6' 2 50 JO C.P. Con. & Taun. 4 29 8 11 29' 3 37 II St. Barn. A d ? b 4 28 8 » 50' 4 ai 2 tides. 28 8.'morn. Low stgrm J4 5 7 is fast approaching}^ a8 81 o 10 5 5a H Dull and j4 27 8] o 34I 6 38 [Gr. Eclip. i8o6.'4 27 81 07 30 l^d. Sun. past T. unsettled^ 2; 8! i 32 8 %i , »7i» C.P.Sa.&Wo. Bat.B.H.:)p.'4 27 8! 2 14 9 26 '°'3 U. S. decl. war G.B.*ia U 27 8' 3 7,10 30 »9,4 jHigh tides.
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