Minutes of the 612thmeeting ofthe State Level Expert Appraisal Committee(SEAC) held on 18/03/2020 at Committee Room, Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Sector 10A,Gandhinagar. The 612thmeeting of the State Level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) was held on 18th March 2020 at Committee Room, Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Sector 10A, Gandhinagar. Following members attended the meeting: 1. Dr. Dinesh Misra, Chairman, SEAC 2. Shri S. C. Srivastav, Vice Chairman, SEAC 3. Shri V. N. Patel, Member, SEAC 4. Shri. R. J. Shah, Member, SEAC 5. Shri A. K. Muley, Member, SEAC 6. Dr. V. K. Jain, Member, SEAC 7. Shri A. V. Shah, Secretary, SEAC The regular agenda of Appraisal, Screening & Scoping/ToR / EC – Reconsiderationcases were taken up. The Committee considered the applications made by project proponents, additional details submitted as required by the SEAC/SEIAA and details furnished in the Form-1, PFR, EIA-EMP reports. Proposal No. Name and Address of the Unit Remarks 1 SIA/GJ/IND2/27657/2018 M/s. Lincoln Pharmaceutical Limited Appraisal Block No. 176 (old Block No. 95/5-B), At – Khatraj, Ta. Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar. Category of the unit: 5(f) Project status: New Project proponent (PP) has submitted online application vide no. SIA/GJ/IND2/27657/2018 on dated 05/11/2019 for obtaining Environmental Clearance. The SEAC had recommended TOR to SEIAA and SEIAA issued TOR to PP vide their letter dated 30/10/2018. Project proponent has submitted EIA Report prepared by M/s. Bhagwati Enviro Care Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad based on the TOR issued by SEIAA. Public Hearing of the Project was conducted by Gujarat Pollution Control Board at Project Site of M/s. Lincoln Pharmaceutical Limited, Block No. 176 (old Block No. 95/5-B), At – Khatraj, Ta. Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar dated 13/11/2019. This is new unit proposes for manufacturing of synthetic organic chemical as tabulated below: 612th meeting of SEAC-Gujarat, dated 18.03.2020 Page 1 of 216 Final Sr. Quantity Product Name CAS NO. Application No. Kg/Month of Product Caroverine Hydrochloride Pharmaceuti (1-[2-(Diethylamino)ethyl]-3-[(4- cals Raw methoxyphenyl)methyl]-2(1H)- Material 1 quinoxalinone monohydrochloride) 55750-05-5 100 (For Capsule Manufacturin g ) The project falls under Category B of project activity 5(f) as per the schedule of EIA Notification 2006. PP was called for presentation in the SEAC meeting dated 18/03/2020. Salient features of the project are as under: Sr. Particulars Details no. A A Total cost of Proposed Project 0.49 Crores (Rs. in Crores): Details of EMP Sr. System Approximate Approximate Basis for cost estimates No Capital cost Recurring per annum cost per (in Lac) year (Rs. In Lac) 1 Air pollution 0.0 0.5 The capital cost will be zero for Air Pollution control control because there will be no flue gas emission & process gas emission from the unit. The recurring cost will include control of fugitive emission. 2 Water 10.0 10.2 Capital cost would include cost of ETP, In capital pollution cost civil work, mechanical work, Electrical work and control piping work is included. Recurring cost is for operational phase regarding Evaporation cost of 612th meeting of SEAC-Gujarat, dated 18.03.2020 Page 2 of 216 Spray Drying etc. 3 Noise 0.0 0.25 The recurring cost would include cost of noise pollution monitoring. monitoring 4 Solid and 1.5 1.0 Capital cost would include cost of providing storage hazardous space for hazardous waste and membership of waste TSDF Fee. Recurring cost would include cost of land management filling and transportation. 5 Environment 1.5 1.0 The recurring cost would be incurred on hiring of monitoring consultants and payment of various statutory fees to and regulatory agencies. management 6 Green belt 2.0 1.0 Development of Greenbelt including Gardening and Plantation. 7 Occupational 1.0 1.0 Occupational health check up of Employees and health (OHC) workers Total 16.0 14.95 Details of CER as per OM dated 01/05/2018 2% of Total Project Cost 1.02 Lac for 2 Year (2.06 % of total Plot Area) M/s. Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Limited CER Budget: 1.02 Lacs (For Two Year) Propose Planning for CER Activity (2020-2021) Cost in Lacs/Yr 2020 2021 0.51 Lacs give to Gram Panchayat 0.51 Lacs give to Gram Panchayat Sanavad Village as per his Khatraj Village as per his requirement requirement (mention in letter) i.e. (mention in letter) i.e. provide RO plant provide RO plant for drinking water, for drinking water, help in Education help in Education Sector, Infrastcture Sector, Infrastcture Development. Development. Total: 0.51 Lacs Total: 0.51 Lacs B Total Plot area ( sq. meter) 1049 sq. m. 612th meeting of SEAC-Gujarat, dated 18.03.2020 Page 3 of 216 Green belt area 361.05 Sq. m. ( sq. meter) C Employment generation 08 D Water i Source of Water Supply Water tanker (GIDC Bore well, Surface water, Tanker supply etc...) Status of permission from the concern authority. Yes ii Water consumption (KLD) Category Quantity Remarks KLD (A) Domestic 1 (B) Gardening 2 (C) Industrial Process 0.12 Washing 1 Industrial Total 1.12 Total (A + B + C) 4.12 1) Total water requirement for the project: 4.12 KLD 2) Quantity to be recycled: 0.00 KLD 3) Total fresh water requirement: 4.12 KLD (Total water requirement = Fresh water + Recycled water) (4.12= 4.12 + 0.00) iii Waste water generation (KLD) Category Waste water Remarks KLD (A) Domestic 0.9 (B) Industrial 612th meeting of SEAC-Gujarat, dated 18.03.2020 Page 4 of 216 Process 0.13 Washing 1 Total Industrial 1.13 waste water Total [A + B] 2.03 iv Treatment facility within premises with capacity [In-house ETP (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary), MEE, Stripper, Spray Dryer, STP etc. ETP (Cap-5 KL having Primary Treatment Unit) Treatment scheme including segregation at source. After Treatment of Industrial effluent, It will be send to Common Spray Drying facility at Chhatral Environment management system Pvt. Ltd. – Dhanot For spray drying. Note: (In case of CETP discharge) : Management of waste water keeping in view direction under section 18 (1) (b) of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) act, 1974 issued by CPCB regarding compliance of CETP. Not Applicable Brief note on adequacy of ZLD (In case of Zero Liquid Discharge): Unit will achieve zero liquid discharge by discharge proposed effluent to common spray dryer. v Mode of Disposal & Final meeting point Domestic: 0.9 KLPD discharge to soak pit via septic Tank. Industrial: Industrial effluent generation will be 1.13 KLPD. That will be primary treated in ETP (Having Primary Treatment Unit) and after treatment it will be send to Common Spray Drying facility at Chhatral Environment management system Pvt. Ltd. – Dhanot For spray drying. vi In case of Common facility (CF) like CETP, Common Spray dryer, Common MEE etc. Name of CF Common Spray dryer – CEMSPL Membership of Common facility (CF) (For waste water treatment) Common Spray dryer – CEMSPL vii Simplified water balance diagram with reuse / recycle of waste water 612th meeting of SEAC-Gujarat, dated 18.03.2020 Page 5 of 216 viii Reuse/Recycle details (KLD) Total reuse 0.00 KLD Source of Application Characteristics of Remarks waste water for area with waste water to be regarding reuse with quantity in reused (COD, BOD, feasibility quantity in KLD KLD (Where it TDS etc.) to reuse (From where it is used) i.e. is coming) 0.00 --- --- --- E Air i Flue gas emission details No. of Boilers/TFH/Furnaces/DG sets etc. with capacities viz. TPH, Kcal/hr, MT/hr, KVA etc. There will be no Flue gas emission from proposed activity ii Process gas emission details i.e. Type of pollutant gases (SO2, HCl, NH3, Cl2, NOx etc.) There will be no process gas emission from proposed activity. iii Fugitive emission details with its mitigation measures: As below: 612th meeting of SEAC-Gujarat, dated 18.03.2020 Page 6 of 216 Fugitive emission could occur from the storage yard of raw materials and finished products. Due to smaller batch size of the product, The storage quantity is low maintained at site and proper handling methods will be adopted. Emissions from transport of vehicles would occur to a certain extent. The emissions from traffic movements will be controlled by proper planning of the transport of raw materials and finished products to and fro from the factory premises. All the roads inside the plant will be concreted to reduce any dust emissions. Proper planning and maintenance will control the extent of fugitive emissions. During the production, the industry will carry out regular monitoring of fugitive emissions as per the factories Act. Measures taken for fugitive emission control: Proper storage of raw materials and products. Ensuring closed feeding and sampling. Establishing SOPs for start-up, shut down and maintenance operational procedures. Regular work place monitoring and ambient air quality monitoring as per post project monitoring plan. F Hazardous wastes (as per the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules 2016. i Sr. Type of Waste Category Quantity Management No. Collection, Storage, 12 1 ETP Waste 35.3 Transportation & Disposal at MT/Annum approved TSDF site. Collection, Storage, 72 Transportation & Disposed 2 Spent Oil/Used Oil 5.1 Lit./Yr. by selling to Registered refiners or reuse as lubricant. Collection, Storage, Discarded 2.4 Transportation & Disposed 3 Containers (Bag, 33.1 MT/Yr by selling to authorized Barrel, Drum) recycler. ii Membership details of TSDF, CHWIF etc. TSDF – Detox India PVT LTD (For HW management) iii Details of Non-Hazardous waste & its disposal Not Applicable 612th meeting of SEAC-Gujarat, dated 18.03.2020 Page 7 of 216 (MSW and others) G Solvent management, VOC emissions etc.
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