«Sí- ’.I-.--”;; NEWS WHILE IT IS NEI FIRST IK YOUR ME WORLD ' i; VOLUME 23, NUMBER 100 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1955 « t With Interracial Committee (Special to Memphis World) NASHVILLE—(SNS) -N ashville and Davidson County school board officials moved to tackle the public school desegregation problem when last weekend both city and county school boards ordered studies begun on the school desegregation issue. t stand atom« dfee.Jwd The county board took the strong­ year. er action, directing the superinten­ The boards are said to be con­ dent and board chairman to work sidering three approaches to the out plans with an Interracial com­ school desegregation problem The mittee to be selected by the chair­ three approaches include (1) the man. "voluntary” approach wherein Ne­ The city board referred a copy gro parents would say whether of the Supreme Court ruling to one they want their children to register « IUaW of its standing committees along lit former "white" schools or re­ with a . request from Robert Remit­ main In Negro schools; (2) the FOUR-YEAR SCHOLARSHIP AWARDEES - Dr. and saluataforlan, respectively, of this year's ter, a white associate professor of abolition of all school zones which William L. Crump (left) Director of Tennessee Haynes High School graduating class. Both mathematics at Fisk, that his two would make it possible for students State University's Bureau,of Public Relations an’d young ladies were presented four-year academ­ children be admitted to "Negro" to register at the school of their schools. choice or i3> "gradual" integration Clinton Derricks (right) principal of the Haynes ic scholarships to Tennessee State during the A similar request by Mr. Remp- by beginning with the first grade «WÊMLMirtNt: High School, Nashville, are shown with Miss Eu­ commencement exercises on June 3. Dr. Crump fer, along with one made by anoth­ and working up each year The nice McClain and Miss Edith Waters, valedictori- made the presentations. er former white Fisk staffer, Dr. latter two approaches are said to Lee Lorch, was turned down last be favored by the boards. Clayborn Temple AME Church On Sunday, June 26th; the wo­ will slug at this service also. Miss men of Clayborn Temple AME Two Shelby Countians Robert L. Evans, the car, driven by Mr. .-------------------------------------- Jones, a recent graduate of Arkan- BIBLE VERSE CHAMPS-Two of the three local in addition to 12 other prizes for memQj*Mriil Church, Hernando and Pototoc eas State College of Pine Bluff, Wiggins, 32, and Tommy Walton, 33, Walton the father of eight children, . ~ ----- , winners in the International Bible Memory Con- Mamie Streets, wilt take over the church Ark , will render a special solo some 250 Bible verses were: residents and employees of Cedar swevered off the road at about 70 Memphis Youths test are shown here with Miss Harriet Smith, ford. Porter School student, and Claudine-;$li Grove Dairy farm at Bartlett, Tenn., or 80.miles an hour and crashed in- ' se-vlces m the observance nt An­ during the service. Miss Jones Set. I Depart For Boy's staff member of the local Child Evangelism of bury, a Leath Schooler. Not shown I» Jda’ ■ were killed Friday’ night when their to the tree with terrific nual Women's Day. Beginning majored in music while in college ‘ for on. Ai - A ft RF at the Sunday School hour and and possesses a‘ lyric soprano voice Fellowship which conducted the contest locally. ’ an and salutatorian, respectively, of fhisA apparently speeding car careened bounced back and continued for an­ State At A. & T. , off the Raleigh LaGrange Road other 27 feet. Both were killed in­ co”tinuir.i through the .ve-dng of great beauty and quality. .................................................Winning a trip to a Jacksori ............(Miss.) camp year's' contest.-(Ernest- ......Withers Photo.) worship service, all departments Mrs. Katie Marble of the Mt. near Raleigh and crashed Into a stantly, the deputies said. Some 13 Memphis youths, all ---------------- ----------- - ¡.--.¡a* tree. Burial arrangements were incom­ of theL'hurch will be In charge of Olive Cathedral CME Church will high school juniors chosen by the the women. serve as mistress of ceremonies at According to Investigating Sheriff plete at prestirr.e. Owens Funeral school faculties for. their outstand­ Local Le Moyne Alumni West Memphis Chamber Home is in charge. Mrs Una. Banks a progressive the afternoon, service which will Deputies W. H. Hathcock and J. ing leadership, left Saturday en­ * ■ ... ■" ' ' , -d... • V . ' . business woman of the city and a begin at 3 o’clock, Mrs. Elmura _ .... , ... ... .. v..< otÇo.IW’ew« ■ route to Tennessee' State Univerity Blirtlett -'WHI be the principal in Nashville to take part in the loyal' member of Clayborn Temple, la the general chairman of the wo­ speaker at this service. Mrs. Scheduled For Tonight annual American Legion sponsored Bartlett Is well known In Mem­ Association In Meeting Boy’s State which opens officially men's day activities. She Is ably assisted by Mrs .Helen' Webster phis as a successful business wo­ Thé Memphis. Chapter of the Le- culty lounge In Brownlee Hall at The Negro division of tàe yfa Saturday, June 18 thru the 20th. man and an outstanding church Memphis Chamber of CommercéÜ The 13 Memphians are: Hayward Hudson who is the co-chairman of Moyne College Alumni Association 5 o'clock. Mrs. Letitia Poston,’Mrs. the program. and civic leader. She. is a force­ met last Tuesday evening in the Alice Jeffery, Miss Frances Hall, meeting In an important Strickland, Richard Thompson, Ray ful speaker with a message for Joi-ner, Leonard Martin, Charles Mrs. II. IL Culpepper, a most faculty-lounge in. Brownlee Hall. and Miss Gloria C. Lewis represent­ Tuesday night June 14. ' everybody She will be sure to President LeRoy Van Johnson em­ ed the class of 1955, at the last Laylng of the world’s first, trans-. The new cable system will great­ Delane, Donald Gandy, Robert Al­ outstanding business, church and Weathers, circulation manager' tor ien, Joseph Isabel!, William Tyus, Inspire all who hear her on this phasized the fact that the meeting meeting. oceanic téléphoné cable—to span ly Improve the telephone service civic leader In the cltv of Mem­ occasion. Mrs Bartlett is a mem-: marked the close of a very suc- the Memphis World newspaper-Will Jr;, Robert Johnson, Lafayette phis. will be the speaker at the the Atlantic between Newfoundland between the ’ United States and ber of the Salem-Garfield Bap­ cesful year for the Association. PLANE KILLS MAN IN YARD be present. • . -. Great Britain. Tills service was Seymour, Willie■ Brown Jr., and 11 o’clock a m. worship service. and Scotland—is to begin June 22, tist Church Music for this af­ He.lited among the achievements.' COLLEGE PARK, Md. — Andrew Dr. I. A. Watson Jr., wlthkOfi inaugurated in 1927 and is hand­ Emmett Crosby .The youths are Mrs. Culpepper is Dreparing to it was announced here today by sponsored by the local American ternoon service will be furnished such activities as the Alumni Day C. Slemp, Jr. 47-year-old’ airplane fice on South 8th Street, has «Jsà Key Freeman, District Manager of led entirely by radiotelephone. go abroad for several months and. by the well-known Salem-Gar­ Program with Vernon Hall as ' the mechanic, was mangled to death In The transatlantic cables and the - Legion Post 27 - this will probably be her last been invited to attend this meet» Southern Bell Telephone Compa­ field Choir guest speaker, the Alumni Play di­ his own back yard when the plane Ing. These professionals• axe nswi J(bwlfoundland-Nova Scot|ia cable public appearance In Memphis rected by Miss Van Ness, the pre­ be' was working' on apparently ny.. before leaving for Erirone. Mrs. The women’s day('services will comers to our community, and thè The transatlantic voiceways are will be laid by HMTS Monarch. come to a close, at 8 o’clock; p. m, sentation of the alumni scholarship Jumped the phdeks beneath its chamber is proud of the opportuni^ The ship is now loading the first Man Held On Charges Culpepper Mas a dynamic person­ with a program of gospel music to the chairman of the committee wheels and Slemp was caught in to be extended 300 miles westward ality and is, in<le»<I. a forceful . ty to let . them know how West segment of deep-sea cable at the rendered by the Southern. Female on scholarship, and also the. project, the propeller. After knocking Slemp from Newfoundland to the eastern Of Robbing Relatives speaker with a Christian mesas»e Memphis appreciates their- enmity y tpl of Nova Scotia via another Simplex Wire and Cable Company Chorus. To all of these services, of equipping Bruce Hall with chairs. down, the plane,, minus Its wings, plant’at Newington, N. H. Twenty eight year old Lucius Lee for every day living Tlie public the . public is cordially invited Alumni with the assistance of their continued forward until it rammed The meeting will be heli at thè submarine cable, and from there is urged to hear her and receive a to the United States over a 575- A radio relay route, connecting Matthews Jr,, of 510 N. Manassas', The -women's day committees are many friends were able to purchase into the inside reaj; wall of the. 7Hi street I&ive-I^ Caf^, gp with the cable, will pass within message of Inspiration Mrs. 500 chans for this magnlficant build garage. mlle radio relay system. who was arrested shortly after as, follows: --- ;-----fi____ ' , '____ ■' ,' 111 ■ v <-.'•> sight of the grate and former home .pawning a radio for fifty cents, was Culpenper Is an actlv« member of Mrs.
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