THE BAGPIPE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2015 14049 SCENIC HIGHWAY, LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, GA 30750 VOLUME 62.4 Women In Leadership The MLB Playoffs Race to The Oscars Dificulties In Translation Ghetto’s Bricks I think we can all just agree that The Cubs haven’t won the World Garrett Sisson lays down some Meet Morty’s friend, and Second North. Chrisitana should make most of Series since Theodore Roosevelt gospel wisdom. Buckle up, folks. reconsider what you think about They try their best. the college’s important decisions. was in the White House. Sorry. place-based exhibits. Page 2 Page 3 Page 5 Page 5 Page 7 QUALITY STAFF ENHANCEMENT LAYOFFS PLAN TOPIC by Zach Jones CHOSEN Covenant College elim- by Will Lattner inated eight staff posi- tions this June, three of As Covenant approaches them occupied, in the its re-accreditation date in midst of a $1.25 million 2017, the Southern Associa- budget shortfall partially tion of Colleges and Schools caused by lower admis- Commission on Colleges sion and retention rates. (SACSCOC) mandates that The college fin- every member institution ished Financial Year 2015 submit a Quality Enhance- “in the black” with an those interpreted as ei- and current budget cuts, Halvorson was not person- ment Plan (QEP) that in excess income of approx- ther redundant or no lon- however, Greeson doesn’t ally involved in making the some way improves student imately $200,000, accord- ger needed. foresee the need for fur- decisions on which posi- learning or the environment ing to the President’s Oc- Greeson said that ther layoffs in the near fu- tions to eliminate, but said supporting student learning tober Report to the Board some job duties were out- ture, although that could that he knows the process within the college. of Trustees. Financial Year sourced to increase effi- change. was painstaking. An ad hoc commit- 2016, however, has not got- ciency. Eliminating other President Halvor- He said that admin- tee (containing eight mem- ten off to such a smooth positions called for depart- son said that the college istration made every effort bers) were tasked with so- start. mental restructuring. Col- made every effort to invest to minimize the effects “Missing both our liciting the entire Covenant lege services have changed strategically as it was mak- on those who were laid community for suitable retention and admissions over the years, and some ing cuts. “We brought on off. One college employee, targets has had a signifi- QEP topic ideas, then rec- positions were simply no an additional Admissions who had been employed ommending one of those cant negative impact on longer needed. Counselor, which will ideal- by Covenant for over twen- our FY2016 budget,” said submitted ideas to senior This budget year ly increase our enrollment ty years, was even offered administration. Submission President Derek Hal- will be extremely tight for numbers,” said Halvorson. a job in another depart- vorson. “In the simplest was open to anyone - stu- the college. A 15% reduc- Positions under ment, but decided to retire dents, faculty, and staff, in terms, being down by tion in operational spend- the Work Study program instead. roughly 50 students, at an ing is currently in effect will not be affected by the Halvorson said order to show that everyone average revenue-per-stu- college-wide, despite the budget cuts, since funding that he was thankful that has a voice in improving dent of $25,000, means June layoffs. for those positions comes five of the eight affected Covenant College Poten- that we began the year Departments are largely from the federal positions were vacant. tial topics for the QEP were with about a $1.25 million making every effort to op- government. Rumors had been received by the committee budget deficit.” erate efficiently in light Covenant made ev- circulating that the layoffs from October 2014 through One of the six pri- of the budget cuts, but ery effort to minimize the were an indirect result of March 2015. mary goals in the most eliminating some redun- affect the June layoffs will debt incurred by the Car- About two dozen recent Covenant Col- dant or unnecessary em- have on students. Athletes ter construction project. potential QEPs were sub- lege Strategic Map is to ployment positions was may have noticed that the The construction, how- mitted, and the selection “strengthen organization- an inevitable move on Athletic Department lost ever, is on its own budget committee used a variety al resilience and innova- the part of the college in one of its three Athletic that has been in planning tion.” of criteria to make a final order to maximize struc- Trainers. The mailroom for years. On the other recommendation. Covenant’s HR tural efficiency, Greeson also lost an employee, al- hand, the operational bud- Director, Tonya Greeson, Following several said. though Greeson says that get—a majority of which months of deliberation, the told the Bagpipe that the Covenant College the college can utilize goes to compensate em- administration worked selection committee decid- already budgets 60% of Work Study employees ployees—is largely funded ed to recommend this topic hard to identify non-crit- its spending on personnel. and Mark 10:45 program by student tuition. ical positions, meaning Despite the layoffs in June volunteers to fill the void. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 “I understand the PRANK WARS prank war mentality, but it seemed unnecessary by Molly Hulsey and unwarranted,” said Oliver Beers, Lawren- About two months ago, conian. He claims that Lawrence filed back to the havoc was wreaked its hall after chapel only by a few newcomers on to find glitter and toilet Sutherland. “Tit-for-tat paper strewn across the or expected pranks can carpet, Nicolas Cage’s actually be pretty fun,” mug leering from every he said, but he can see flat surface, and a poster how these newcomers of a naked, pregnant Be- misunderstood. yoncé plastered on one Meanwhile, relics student’s wall. from male halls across Kool-aid and milk campus have been steadi- cascaded from the res- ly disappearing since ervoir in Daniel Hogue’s September. When Cata- in for an interview with Since then, Ingra- these rules have. showerhead, while glue combs attempted to ex- Ingraham, it seemed ap- ham has begun to “reit- According to the was slathered across the act retribution on Suther- parent that the Dean had erate and remind” the manual, students must hall sign. Lawrence—a lands—home of the “already made a decision Residence Staff of the have “closed hall” pranks hall that generally doesn’t suspected thieves— with on hearsay. Someone tells guidelines for pranks in approved by their RD, but participate in pranks— stink bombs, Sutherland- on you and there is not a the Residence Hall Manu- Ingraham encourages stu- was not amused by this ians brought the prank chance to argue the case.” al to make sure that RDs dents to have all pranks unwanted inconvenience, to the attention of the He suggested that Ingra- and RAs are aware of what approved. Similarly, he particularly with the re- Dean of Student Life, ham implied that the case pranks warrant communi- prompts “students to not cent stress caused by the Jonathan Ingraham. had “moral implications … ty service hours. Written keep things longer than 24 40-fall of hallmate, Mat- According to one you yourself are wrecking policies haven’t changed, hours… to help students thew Gidney. anonymous student, community.” but the interpretation of when he was brought CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 NEWS 02 ness in how students prog- She hopes that the out more of the QEP’s de- suring its broad impact on QUALITY ress and learn about writing plan will help students tails, make changes, de- undergraduate students. ENHANCEMENT in their majors,” said Huff- make intentional progres- termine personnel and The QEP is designed to be CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ines, and the goal of the sions toward proficiency in budget, and work on mea- measurable so that the col- QEP she helped come up reading and writing within suring its success when lege can ensure that it is tru- as the college’s next QEP: with is to fix that. a given major. the plan begins. They will ly improving student learn- “Improving Undergradu- Initially, the plan The plan will be write an official report on ing. Accordingly, the QEP’s ate Reading and Writing Huffines, Davis, and more of a curriculum-based the QEP to be submitted implementation will take Skills.” This topic was sub- Haddad had in mind was means of teaching reading to SACSCOC in Decem- place over five years, with mitted by Professors Sarah focused solely on writ- and writing skills. The pro- ber 2016. SACSCOC will regular assessments. Huffines, Bill Davis, and ing, but in the end they cess will take place over the evaluate the suitability of Be sure to talk to Daphne Haddad. decided to expand it and next five to six years, and this new QEP in February Professor Huffines, Dr. They were in corre- combine it with a focus on steps will be taken to assess 2017 through a peer re- Davis, or Dr. Haddad to spondence over the sum- reading skills. The plan is and leverage the work that view process that is con- find out more about the mer as they collaborated now dedicated to improv- is being done. Professor ducted on campus. Quality Enhancement on their idea, submitting ing overall literacy among Huffines expects that expert After senior ad- Plan. Though it is possi- the “final” proposal in Sep- undergraduate students. speakers will be brought in ministration accepted the ble that the implications of tember.
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