. NPS Form 10-800 United States Department of the Interior ---- r--.- -,-- A- . .--->... "-+---'- I National Park Sewice For NPS use only National Register of Historic Places--- E~IV~C~----- Inventory-Momination Form date entered See instructions in How to Complete National Register Forms Type all entries-complete applicable sections I. Name historic Auwta Militarv Acadm andlor common Same 2. Location street & number U. S. Route 11 &!A not for publication citv. town Fort Defiance XZL vicinity of state Virginia code 51 county Augusta code 015 Category Ownership Status Present Use -district -public X occupied -agriculture -museum -x- building(s) private -unoccupied -commercial -park -structure -both -work in progress X educational -private residence -site Public Acquisition Accessible -entertainment -religious -object -in process -.x- yes: restricted -government -scientific -being considered yes:unrestricted -industrial -transportation N/A -no military -other: 4. Owner of Property . name a ueJohn shczr man street & number 'Dede\opn\e.& &@ib-ibr~? tbwrdq, ~a citv. town uvicinitv of state Vir~inia 2-4437 -- 5. Location of Lenal Description courthouse, registry of deeds, etc. A-st-- Comm Cm-&ouse street & number N/A city, town Staunton state Virginia 24401 6. Representation in Existing Surveys Virginia Historic Landmarks Carmission title survey has this property been determined eligible? -yes X no date 1982 -federal X state -county -local -- -- depository for survey records Virginia Historic Landmarks Cdssion, 221 Governor Street city, town iiicbnd state Virginia 23219 7. Description Condition Check one Check one -excellent -deteriorated 2unaltered 3 original site -x -x good -ruins -altered -moved date NIA -fair -unexposed Describe the present and original (it known) physical appearance SUYWARY DESCRLPTION Augusta Military Acadany is situated on 19 acres of rolling land north of Staunton in Augusta County. The Augusta Military Academy canplex is distinguished by the Main Barracks designed by architect T.J. Collins in 1915. The large, battlenented Gothic design and the materials of the building follow the example of the Main Barracks at the Virginia Military Institute designed by Alexander Jackson Davis. The Acaddc HalllGymnasim unit, in the neo-Gothic style, further canplenents the property. The Academy's buildings are grouped in three units, the Main Barracks, Mess Hall/Library/ Deanes Castle Dormitory, and the Academic Hall/Gynmasim, around a wide circular drive forming a cohesive academic and residential canplex. ARCHITECTURAL ANALYSIS Main Barracks The iqosing Main Barracks is the focal point of the Auggta Military Academy camplex. The building which serves as the cadets's residence stands at the north end of the entrance drive facing the parade field. Constructed in 1915 by Staunton architect T.J. Collins, the building is inspired in its design and choice of materials by the Main Barracks at! the Virginia Military Institute. The three-story structure is c~nposedof rough stuccoed walls above a limestone-faced first story in the tower. The rectangular building with an interior quadrangle is daninated by an off-center, four-story entrance tower. Bal- ancing the tower are the project* east and west ends of the facade. A battlemented parapet roof crowns the building. Fenestration throughout consists of 616 double-hung sash. Entrance to the quadrangle is provided through a broad recessed elliptical arch containing wide double doors with the words "AD ASTRA PER ASPERA" cast in concrete over- head. Centered above the arch is a large curved eagle support- a semi-hexagonal bay window. Balconies with iron railings and octagonal shaped colu~~~scircle the courtyard and provide access to the cadets's roans. The interior roans are treated with concrete floors and terrazo, stucco walls. Mess HalllLibrarylDeanes Castle Dormitory Directly east of the Barracks is the Mess Hall/Library/Deanes Castle Dormitory grouping. Originally two structures, the Mess Hall and Library have been joined by a two-story hyphen. This wing is undistirguished with the exception of a cupola at the center of its gable roof. The Mess Hall is a simple one-story frame building with its primary entrance in the gable end. The Library is the earliest of the Acadeny's build- s.Constructed in 1879 as a residence for Charles Smmrville Roller, the fder of the Augasta Military Acadany, the two-story, double-pile build% is sheathed in Gemsiding and covered by a hipped, slate shingle roof decorated with a paired bracket cornice. Intersecting the roof along the facade is a center peak gable. A paneled door flanked by sidelights in the center bay serves as the main entrance. Directly above in the second story is a Palladian-type windm. A single story porch which has been enclosed &I its east and west bays stretches across the facade sheltering the entrance. Fenestration on all elevations consists of 111 double-- sash. (See Continuation Sheet ill) 8. Significance Period Areas of Significance-Check and justify below -prehistoric -archeology-prehistoric -community planning -landscape architecture- religion -140&1499 -archeology-historic -conservation -law -science -1500-1599 -agriculture -economics -literature -sculpture -1600-1699 2architecture 2 education X military -social1 -1700-1 799 -art -engineering -music humanitarian -1800-1 899 -commerce -explorationlsettlement -philosophy -theater X 1900- -c~mmunication~ -industry -poiiticslgovernment transportation -invention -other (specify) l.071, L7IU, Specific dates 91 q3q BuilderIArchitect Main Barracks by T. J . Collins Statement of Significance (In one paragraph) STATEMENT OF SIGNlFIWJCE Founded by Confederate veteran and state delegate Charles Sumnerville Roller in 1879, Augusta Military Academy is the oldest military preparatory school in the Comnon- wealth. The dominant architectural feature of its interesting ccmplex of early- to-mid 20th-century institutional buildings is the iniposing Main Barracks, designed by T.J. Collins and Sons of Staunton in a battlanented Gothic style and completed in 1915. Collins's design closely follows in both its materials and proportions its prototype, Alexander Jackson Davis's Main Barracks at Virginia Military Institute. In the wake of World War I and General John J. Pershing's report to Congress in 1920 reconmending the early military training of American youth, the Academy formed the first Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps in the nation and subsequently achieved an international reputation for excellence in the field of secondary military education. HISTORICAL BACIZGROUND Charles Sumnerville Roller, born in the Shenandoah Valley village of Mt. Sidney on May 8, 1839, secured his early education at Parkins Classical School and Mossy Creek Academy before entering the University of Virginia in 1859. At the outbreak of the Civil War he left his undergrabte studies and joined the Canfederate forces, serving for mhof the duration of the war with Company E, 1st Virginia Reginent under the cmnd of General J.E.B. Stuart's Cavalry. When the War was over, a most pressing need in the Fort Defiance camunity was for the resuption of sane form of schooling. Far years or more had passed since most of the area's yauth lad seen a school book or blackboard. Mr. Roller, aware of the situation, promptly went to work teaching boys, myof them veterans of the war, in a simple, red brick structure (now demlished) which formerly stood on the property of Old Stone Church (NRtIPAugust 18, 1971). Roller's services to the comnunity did not go unrewarded; he was elected to serve in the Virginia Legislature from 1871-1873. In his absence, education in the Fort Defiance area came to a standstill and he returned to Augusta County with renewed deter- mination to establish a proper school for boys, soon to be denominated the "Augusta Male Academy. " In 1878 Roller chose a site three hundred yards above the west side of the toll road adjoining the Old Stone Church (now U. S. Route 11) as the place upon which to build his residence and Acadarry. In selecting this site for his residence, which was ccmpleted in 1879 as the Acadgny's first building, he broke with the prevailing custan of buildiq as close to the toll road as possible. He made no apologies for his choice, stating qhatically that it was inpractical to build a school for boys so close to the road. (See Continuation Sheet #2) 9. Major Bibliographical References (See Contimation Sheet j15) Augusta Military Acadwy, Catalo (1888 -.8Y, - 1911 . Cq,Charles. "'Ihe Founh-$ er o A-ta Military Akderny. " The Bayonet, Fort Defiance, Va. : Augusta Military Academy, May 8, 1930. The El-tary R. 0.T. C . Mamal. Harrisburg: Military Service Publishing Carrpany , 1946. 10. Geographical Data Acreage of nominated property 14 acres Quadrangle name Fort Defiance, VA Quadrangle scale 1: 24000 UMT References 8 0 14 12 13 13I8 14101 Zone Eaating Northing ' Zone Eastlng Northing cLJw141711171h151nl EWu 11111111 GIu11111(11 Verbal bounda description and justification Justification: The nominated acrqe of: the ~ugusta%litary Acadwy camplex co%?ot 14 acres. 'Il~ismoperty includes the Main Barracks, Mess Hall/Library/Deanes Castle Dormitory unit, and the Acadmic Hall/ Gymnasium. The property which is nominated also includes the entrance drive and parade r. , / J ~iA~kkstatesand counties for properties overlapping state or countyL;- state N/A code county N/A code state N/A code county N/A code 1 1 Form Prepared BY nameltitie Vir~iniaHistoric Landmarks Carmission Staff oraanizationVirginia Historic Landmarks Cdssion date 1982 street (L number 221 Governor Street telephone (804) 786-3144 city or town Richmond state Virginia 23219 12. State Historic Preservation Officer Certification The evaluated significance of this property within the state is: -national state -local As the designated State Historic Preservation Officer for the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89- 665), 1 hereby nominate this property for inclusion in the according to the criteria and procedures set forth by the auri $&fiance, Pirgiitia 24431 August 26, 1982 Mrs. Corrine P. Hudgins Registrar for H. Bryan Mitchell State Historic Preservation Office 221 Governor Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 Dear Mrs.
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