KENYA DADAAB REFUGEE CAMPS SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC MAPS AND DATABASE UNBCR-IRD OCTOBER 1999 .. Hagadera O:.-~~l00:::..._,;;;;200 km 645 646 647 648 649 IFO 10014 10014 10013 10013 10012 10012 - D Black of refugees D Green belt o 0,2 0,4 km Source:! UNHCR census,July 1998 • Infrastructures 1 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 648 649 IFO 10014 Total ofpopulation 10014 10013 10013 10012 10012 Number of inhabitants D fram 6 ta 280 o fram 280 ta 365 from 365 ta 490 • fram 490 ta 700 • fram 700 ta 3069 D na inhabitant D Green belt o 0,2 Source: UNHCR œnsus,July 1998 • Infrastructures 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 648 649 IFO 10014 Square meters by refugee 10014 10013 10013 10012 Number of m2 10012 D trom 96 to 3674 ~ trom 75 to 96 trom 63 to 75 trom 53 to 63 • trom 34 to 53 •0 no inhabitant D Green belt 0 0,2 0,4 km Source: UNHCR œnsus,JuIy 1998 • Infrastructures 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 648 649 IFO 10014 Percentage ofwomen 10014 10013 10013 Number of women 10012 (in %) 10012 [] fram 15 to 47,5 D fram 47,5 to 49 fram 49 to 51 fram 51 to 53 • fram 53 to 59 D no inhabitant D Green belt Source: UNHCR census,July 1998 Infrastructures 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 648 649 IFO 10014 Percentage ofmen 10014 10013 10013 .. Number of men 10012 (in %) 10012 D fram 41 to 47 0 fram 47 to 49 fram 49 to 51 from 51 to 52,S • from 52,5 to 85 •0 no inhabitant D Green belt 0 0,2 0,4 km Source: UNHCR census,July 1998 Infrastructures 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 648 649 IFO 10014 Sexe ratio 10014 10013 10013 Sexe ratio 10012 • (in %) 10012 D tram 69 ta 91 0 fram 91 ta 97 tram 97 ta 104 fram 104 ta 111 • fram 111 ta 558 D• na inhabitant 0 Green belt 0 0,2 0,4 km SOUral: UNHCA oenllIJs,July 1998 • Infrastructures 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 648 649 IFO 10014 Children under five 10014 10013 10013 Percentage of children 10012 under 5 (by block) 10012 D from 0 to 12,5 from 12,5to 14 from 14 to 15,5 • from 15,5 ta 18 1 • from 18 to 27,5 •[JQ] no inhabitant D Green belt 0 0,2 0,4 km Source: UNHCR census,July 1998 Infrastructures 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 648 649 IFO 10014 Number offamilies by block 10014 10013 10013 10012 10012 Number of families D tram 3 ta 68 LJ fram 68 to 95 tram 95 to 129 tram 129 ta 233 • trom 233 ta 640 D no lnhabitant o Green belt Source: UNHCA œnsus.July 1998 Infrastructures 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 648 649 IFO 10014 Family size: 1 person 10014 10013 10013 10012 10012 • Number of families D from 1 to 3 D from 3 to 8 from 8 to 24 from 24 to 69 from 69 to 201 D no inhabitant D Green belt 0 0,2 0,4 km Source: UNHCR œnsus,JuIy 1998 Infrastructures 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 648 649 IFO 10014 Family size: from 2 to 4 persons 10014 10013 10013 Il 10012 10012 Number of families D from 2 ta 37 D fram 37 ta 87 from 87 ta 137 fram 137 ta 188 • from 188 ta 234 •0 no inhabitant 0 Green belt 0 0,2 0,4 km Source: UNHCA census,July 1998 • Infrastructures 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 648 649 IFO 10014 Family size: from 5 to 7 persons 10014 10013 10013 10012 Number of families 10012 D tram Ot023 E::J trom 23 to 35 • trom 35 ta 48 • trom 48 to 100 tram 100 to 321 [QII no Inhabitant D Green belt 0.2""'==0~,4 Sooroe: UNHCR œnsus,July 1998 o""= ....... km Infrastructures 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 648 649 IFO 10014 Family size: from 8 to 11 persons 10014 10013 10013 1 10012 10012 Number of families D fram 0 to 2 0 fram 2 to 5 fram 5 to 12 fram 12 to 27 • tram 27 ta 65 •[illJ no inhabitant 0 Green belt 0 0,2 0,4 km Source: UNHCR œnsus,July 1998 • Infrastructures 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 648 649 IFO 10014 Principal district of origin 10014 10013 10013 1 0 Districts of origin .. • D Afmadow 10012 0 10012 "0 Badade D o Baidoa D Bardera Bu'ale D Kismayo Mogadisho 1 !Jill no inhabitant D Green belt 0 0,2 0,4 km Infrastructures Sourœ: UNHCR œnsus,July '998 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 648 649 IFO Seeondary ethnie group in somalian refugees 10014 10014 10013 10013 Ethnie group (in %) Garjante Harti F"-J O,3t014 o 0,3to6 14 to 43 D 6t020 mean: 14 mean: 6 10012 Mirifle Absame 10012 o 1 t010 o 9t020 o 10to28 o 20t040 mean: 10 mean: 20 Reer Bar Harti-Garjante 012 00,4 IT!D no inhabitant D Green belt o 0,2 Source: UNHCR oensus,July 1998 Infrastructures 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 646 649 IFO Principal ethnic group in somalian refugees 10014 10014 10013 10013 Ethnie group (in %) Garjante [51J 14 to 37 37 to 50 mean: 37 Mirif1e Absame 10012 o 33t047 o 18t064 1001 o 47t064 064t098 mean: 47 mean: 64 Reer Bar Harti 059 011 to 15 mean: 13 [ITI] no inhabitant D Green belt o 0.2 Source: UNHCR œnsusJuly 1998 • Infrastructures 645 646 647 648 649 645 646 647 648 649 IFO 10014 Secondary district of origin 10014 10013 10013 Il Districts of origin 10012 D Afmadow 10012 [] Badade o Baidoa o Bardera Bu'a1e o Klsmayo Mogadisho 1 o [ill] no inhabitant ID Green belt 0~ ;;;;i;0.2~"""",,0.;,.,4 Source: UNHCR census,July 1998 ........ km Infrastructures 645 646 647 648 649 64S 646 647 648 649 IFO Ethnie group in somalian refugees: Baantuu 10014 10014 10013 10013 • • • tDD~ • 10012 10012 Number of refugees 500 250 • 50 • [ill] no inhabitant D Green belt 0 0,2 0,4 km Source: UNHCR census,July 1998 • Infrastructures 64S 646 647 648 649 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY 10022 10022 . ' .'.. 10021 .... 10021 V"... • O...···· o .. .. D·.······ . .. 10020 ". 10020 <0,. '0".". D Block of refugees D Green belt 0===0;..,2==~0,4 km • Infrastructures Source: UNHCR census,July 1998 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY Total ofpopulation 10022 10022 - 10021 10021 - o Number of inhabitants • [] fram 101 to 255 [] fram 255 to 335 o /J. (\ fram 335 to 430 10020 10020 uO\) • fram 430 to 555 - • fram 555 to 1088 [] Green belt o 0.2 0,4 km • Infrastructures Source: UNHCR œnsus,JuJyl998 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY o~qUaremeters by refugee o 10022 10022 10021 10021 0 Number of m2 • D from 11 0 ta 200 rn fram 86 ta 110 0 fram 59 ta 86 10020 <lOD • fram 48 ta 59 10020 fram 24 ta 48 •D Green belt 0 0,2 0,4 km Infrastructures Source: UNHCA census,July 1998 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY A.. Percentage ofwomen vO 10022 10022 10021 10021 Number of women 0 (in%) • D tram 28 ta 47,S D tram 47,S ta 49 0 tram 49 ta 50,5 10020 <lOD tram 50,5 ta 52 10020 fram 52 ta 58,5 D Green belt 0 0,2 0,4 km Infrastructures Source: UNHCR census,July 1998 • 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY Purcentage ofmen 10022 10022 10021 10021 Nurnber of men o (in %) • D tram 41,5 to 48,5 Q D trom 48,5 to 50 trom 50 to 51 10020 <loD • trom 51 to 52,5 10020 • tram 52,S to 72,5 D Green belt o 0,2 0,4 km • Infrastructures Source: UNHCR census,July 1998 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY Sexe ratio 10022 10022 - 10021 10021 Sexe ratio 0 (in %) • D fram 71 ta 94 D fram 94 to 100 0 fram 100 ta 105 10020 <yOD from 105 ta 112 10020 from 112 ta 260 •D Green belt 0 0,2 4km °r Infrastructures Source: UNHCR census.July 1998 • 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY Children under five 10022 10022 - 10021 10021 Purcentage of children 0 under 5 (by block) • D fram 12,5 ta 15,5 fram 15,5 ta 17 0 fram 17 to 18,5 10020 <lOD trom 18,5 to 21 10020 • fram 21 ta 31 •D Green belt 0 0,2 4km °r Infrastructures Sauce: UNHCR census.July 1998 • 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY A Number offamilles by block ~O 10022 10022 10021 10021 o Number of families • D fram 24 to 64 ..·· Ul trom 64 to 82 O .: tram 82 ta 110 10020 ô!OÛ tram 110to 141 10020 • from 141 ta 342 D Green belt o 0,2 0,4 km Infrastructures Sou/ce: UNHCR œnsus,July 1998 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY Family size:1 person 10022 10022 10021 10021 o Number of families • D tram 2 to 5 ~ tram 5to 14 o • tram 14 to 38 10020 tOD tram 38 to 104 10020 tram 104 to 279 D Green belt 0~=0;;,;;.2~~0,4 km Infrastructures Source: UNHCR census,July 1998 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY Family size: from 2 to 4 persons 10022 10022 10021 10021 o Number of families • D from 9t029 Gd from 29 to 49 o from 49 to 69 10020 D from 69 to 89 10020 <VO • from 89to 109 o Green ben o 0.2 0,4 km • Infrastructures Scurœ: UNHCA census.JuIy 1998 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 ,--------,----------------,--1---------------,--1---------------.-1------------,-------- DAGAHALEY Family size: from 5 to 7 persons 10022 10022 - 10021 10021 0 l\Iumber of families • D fram 11 ta 17 C3 tram 17 ta 27 0 fram 27 ta 42 10020 fram 42 ta 67 10020 <loG fram 67 ta 104 •D Green belt 0 0,2 0,4 km Infrastructures Source: UNHCR census,July 1998 1 • 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY Family size: from 8 to 11 persons 10022 10022 10021 10021 0 Number of families • D tram 0 ta 2 tram 2 ta 3 0 tram 3 ta 5 10020 é00 • tram 5 ta 9 10020 de tram ta 16 D Green belt 0 0,2 0,4 km Infrastructures Sourœ: UNHCR census.July 1998 • 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY Principal district of origin 10022 10022 10021 10021 Districts of origin ID Afmadow o o Bardera • Bu'ale o Jamame o D Jilib 10020 D Kismayo 10020 QOB Mogadisho o Green belt Infrastructures Source: UNHCR cenlU••July 111118 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY A Secondary district of origin vO 10022 10022 - 10021 10021 Districts of origin D Afmadow 0 l ! Bardera • Bu'ale D Jamame 0 D JlIib 10020 Kismayo 10020 <10° D Mogadlsho ID Green belt 0 0,2 0,4 km Infrastructures Source: UNHCR œnsu8,July 1998 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY Principal ethnie group in somalian refugees 10022 10022 Ethnie group 10021 (in %) 10021 V Reer Bar D 47to 64 D 64 to 78 mean: 64 Mirifle Absame 0 o 2to25 o 32to67 • o 25 to40 D 67to94 0 mean: 25 mean: 67 10020 Harti-Absame Harti 10020 0 &loD 09 067,5 D Green belt 0 0,2 4km °r • Infrastructures Source: UNHCR cenlUl,July 1998 642 643 644 645 646 642 643 644 645 646 DAGAHALEY Seeondary ethnie group in somalian refugees 10022 10022 - Ethnie group (in %) 10021 10021 Harti D 2taS,5 EJ 8,5 ta 44 mean: 8,5 Mirifle Garjante O..···· D 0,5 ta 12 ~.
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