St. Jude Maronite Catholic Church FATHER ELIE ABI CHEDID, PASTOR DEACON JACK MANHIRE, PH.D. Parish Council President - Amine Harb Women’s League President - Paula Harb Music Director - Sharon Luhrs Offi ce Manager/Secretary - Barbara Fidler Bulletin Editor - Diane Manhire MASS TIMES Saturday Vigil - 5:30 pm Parish Council & Finance Committee Members Sunday: 9:15 am & 11:15 am Khalil Abou-Jaoude • Gail Bell • Stanley Chlastawa Daily Mass Telma Domingues • Barbara Fidler • Ann Geagea • Amine Harb Tuesday - 6 pm Bill Hinshaw • Sheila Love • Elias Maroun • John Smith • Dr. Sam Wakim Friday - 12:15 pm HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION as noted ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT & VENERATION OF ST. CHARBEL’S RELIC Every 22nd of the month 9:00 am - 3:00 pm PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Tuesdays 9:00 am - noon Thursdays & Weekends - Closed BAPTISM Call the Parish Offi ce for information. MATRIMONY Arrangements with the Pastor must be made at least six months in advance. One of the parties must be registered in the Parish & attending mass for at least 3 months. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY MARONITE CHRISTIAN FORMATION July 4-5, 2020 (Religious Education) Begins in September 5555 Dr. Phillips Blvd. • Orlando, FL 32819 RECONCILIATION 407-363-7405 phone • 407-363-7793 fax Saturdays before the 5:30 pm mass [email protected] www.SaintJudeChurch.org COMMUNION FOR THE SICK facebook.com/stjudemaronitecatholicchurch Please call the Parish Offi ce at 407-363-7405. FROM THE DEACON’S DESK Q. With all the problems we fi nd in today’s society and throughout the world, can I Mass Intentions really make a difference as a Catholic? Sat 7/4 HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA A. Before I directly answer this week’s 5:30 p.m. + Special Intentions by St. Jude Parishioners question, since this weekend we celebrated Sun 7/5 th HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA Independence Day (4 of July), let me give you an example of 9:15 a.m. + Hadassa Itiel Pena Calva Happy 9th Birthday how 5 men made a difference. The highest honor that a person in by Clara Lopez + uniform can receive is the Medal of Honor. Most times it is given post-humously. It is for bravery above Sun 7/5 HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA 11:15 a.m. and beyond the call of duty. Since the American Civil War, the + Intention of the donor Medal of Honor has been award to 5 military chaplains. ALL are Tues 7/7 + Intention of the donor Catholic chaplains. The chaplains include Father Emil Kapaun, 6 p.m. an Army chaplain from Kansas, who died as a prisoner of war in Fri 7/10 + Special Intentions of the Smith Family Korea; Father Vincent Capodanno, a Maryknoll priest from Staten 12:15 p.m. by John & Gloria Smith + Island, New York, who died when, despite his own war injuries, Sat 7/11 + Janet Chlastawa RIP by the Chlastawa Family + he tended injured Marines during battle in Vietnam; and Father 5:30 p.m. Joseph O’Callahan, a Jesuit priest and Navy chaplain in World War II, who ministered to injured sailors on a ship hit by two Sun 7/12 + Good Health for the Kahl Family by Bill Hinshaw + bombs. Father Charles J. Watters, from New Jersey, who served 9:15 a.m. in Vietnam. He rescued wounded men at the Battle of Dak To and Sun 7/12 + Joseph G. Hanna RIP by Joseph M. Hanna + ran through intense gunfi re to help wounded soldiers. He died in 11:15 a.m. the worst “friendly fi re” incident in Vietnam. The fi fth chaplain is Father Angelo Liteky, who won his medal for carrying 20 wounded soldiers to safety during intense fi ghting on a search-and- destroy mission in Vietnam. Father Kapaun and Father Capodanno WEEKLY COLLECTION also are being considered for sainthood. These Catholic men truly made a difference. for the weekend of June 27-28, 2020 But for most of us, we lead very plain and yes often mundane Sunday Collection $1,527. lives. So how can we as Catholics make a difference. I found the Candles/Gifts 334. following suggestions in a past issue of Shalom Tidings. Memorials 150. 1. Knowing what is necessary for spiritual growth – we will not Donations 1,518. grow in our faith without daily prayer. We have to make prayer Total Collection $3,529. time a priority and stop making excuses. 2. Remember we are called to lead lives of holiness – As 22 Envelopes used • 117 attendees unpopular and out of step with our modern culture as this may be, The parish received $200. in donations through PayPal we are all called to become saints Accounts not included in the above recap. 3. Live as a Catholic, speak as a Catholic – we cannot be cafeteria or cultural Catholics. We are called to live authentic Catholic lives and be true to our faith. ST. JUDE PRAYER CHAIN 4. We cannot serve God and the world – we cannot have it both Please send your request to ways. There is no way to pursue a life of holiness and worry about [email protected] chasing illusory pleasures and the things of this world that don’t Please let us know your prayer intention and matter. We cannot serve God and the world at the same time. we will send it out to the prayer chain. 5. Be a light for Christ to others – one of the most profound Pray for the sick of our parish. ways to affect others is to radiate joy and let people see Christ at Many parishioners need our prayers. work in us. Our personal example can be the catalyst that helps Whenever two or three of you come together in My lead someone into the Church. Unlike the fi ve chaplains mentioned above and even more unlike name, I am there with you. Matt 18:20 the martyrs, we are not called to shed our blood for our faith; but Christ does ask of everyone a steadfastness in proclaiming the THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE truth through His life and words in environments that may be diffi cult and hostile to the teachings of the Catholic Church. I pledge allegiance to the Flag, If we all truly live our lives as Catholics the world would be Of the United States of America transformed. So how do Catholics make a difference? And to the Republic for which it stands, By practicing their faith! One Nation, under God God Bless You, Deacon Jack Indivisible, with Liberty & Justice for All. [email protected] MEMORIALS To sponsor a religious gift in memory/honor of your loved one for a special intention, please call the parish offi ce Memorials & Special Intentions - $50 each/month) CURRENT SPONSORS Altar Candle Sponsors ✞ July - Harold Betts RIP by John & Gloria Smith Sanctuary Lamp Sponsors ✞ July - Jim Bell - 5th Anniversary RIP by Gail Bell ✞ August - Ed Beaton - Happy Anniversary RIP by Dorothy Beaton Altar Bread & Wine Sponsors Our July Heroes ✞ July through December - Dr. Ziad & Eddy Mattar & and their Feast Days Family, Good Health & Special Intentions 10 - Three Massabki Maronite Martyrs 11 - St. Benedict Charcoal & Incense Sponsors 16 - Scapular, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel ✞ July - Anthony Smith RIP by John & Gloria Smith 17 - St. Marina, Nun of Qannubine 20 - St. Elias the Prophet Special Intentions 22 - St. Nouhra ✞ July - Ronnie Smith RIP by John & Gloria Smith 23 - St. Charbel 24 - St. Christina of Tyre 27 - St. Pantaleon (Asia) 31 - Disciples/St. Maron FYI: The bulletin is posted on the St. Jude website - both the current week and the last week. The Blessed Massabki Brothers The bulletin will continue to be sent to registered Abdel Moati Massabki, Francis Massabki, Raphael parishioners on Friday but now you know Massabki) are three maronites saints from Damascus. The three were brothers and children of Nehme Massabki. there is another way to view it. They were killed by Muslims inside Franciscan church www.SaintJudeChurch.org in Damascus while they were praying.Pope Pius XI proclaimed the beatifi cation of the three brothers in 1926. Feast Day - July 10 Did you lose ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ health Prayer & Novena to the Blessed Massabki Brothers insurance from Oh Lord Jesus, Son of God, You who have promised to glorify those who glorify You, and to acknowledge those your job? who acknowledge You, look at us with Your merciful eyes, and answer the prayers we raise to You through For more information, please call your your martyrs the Franciscan priests and the three brothers Francis, Abdel Mooti, and Raphael, who acknowledged Certifi ed Healthcare Navigator, Analise Alva- You before everyone, glorifi ed rez at 813-557-1149 or the state wide line for You before nations, and died Covering Florida at courageously for You. 877-813-9115. Accept this prayer that we raise www.CoveringFlorida.org to Your greatness, for rapidly confi rming their sanctity if You mercifully allow it, and bestow upon us the necessary BISHOP'S APPEAL UPDATE blessings, especially To date, 25 families have (name of requested blessing). donated $4,407 towards our goal of $10,000 for this years appeal. Thank you for your support. May glory be upon You. Amen. SIXTH WEEK OF PENTECOST 1 Corinthians 12:12-13, 27-30 As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit. Now you are Christ's body, and individually parts of it.
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