Long Wavc ~- ShortWa,'c C::en's Nen-s Spots .he C::opy A Pictllrcs 81.50 Y('ur ;Volume III, No. 47 OVEMBER 30, 1934 " Published W'eekly This and That = 'Trust-Buster' Wheeler Radio Overlo d Byltforri3 Ha3ting3 THE OPINIO S of BRl:CE Erskine Opposes Air Education He Succeeds BUVEr\, editor of The New ,. Republic. concerning "the failure" of American radio that recently "Boxy· Cf!It!brE.tes His To Place Of were reprinted in The MICRO­ Radio Too PHOl'E have attracted the indig­ nant attention of FRANK 1. RAND, 12th AnniversE,ry As Senator Dill d ire C tor of Hurried for publicity for A SI"ow.nEU' 01 BEulio By The ,\llCROPllOf\TS Special the Yankee 117mbingloJ1 COtTtSpOl1dtl1l Network. Full Success Senator Be RTON K. WHEELER, In a letter His Radio Career addressed t 0 When JOHN ERSKINE, noted au· Passes By In Democrat, of Montana, is slated to me, Mr. RAND thor, teacher and president of the Ibe chairman of the Senate lntustate lakes BRUCE ]UJLLARD Music Foundation, ap­ Review Commerce Committee which has peared before the Fede[al Com­ BLIVEN to task jurisdiction over radio lesislatioo. for his state­ munications Commission in \Xfash­ Senator CLARH';LE C. DILL, ment t hat ington, he opposed the proposal what radio that at least 25 per cent of radio IDemocrat, of \'i'ashmgron, will end does in the broadcasting time should be given his career in Ihe Sena e January 3. field of educa­ to educational programs. He \, as not candidate for re­ tion is pitiful "I cold [he boa-rd [hac if clection. 25 pec cen[ of [he radio's U and what it \X'Hl£LER is the "tn..s-blJ5tlng . Mr. HASTINGS time ,\ere devoted to educa­ clot's in the t}'pe of Senator. He goineJ na­ realm of serious mU!!I1C is a dis- tional fearures, 1i s ten e r s lional .attention durin,g dre H.-..RJ>. grace. would turn of( their sets for I~G administr.1.tlon by a t\Joa·fisted "If ~Ir. Blhen will discuss 2S per cent of the time," said .1.ttalk on fo:mer .~t ornt, General ~Ir. Erskine in an exclusive rot ~ubj(;c( of education via H:\RRY DAt'GHERTY D'\lGHFRTY ~Jicro­ radio wi[h any pedagogue inteniew with The \\ ac; forced to resign. who has autmptcd to teach phone. .Me. ER.sKll'O [' tlaborateJ on the Iu \X·HE< Ll " 5 left heed in the o\t:r the radio, be will Jearn ,,-ommittcc room ,\ill be Sc:n.ltor i~ re.1.sons for his oppoc;ition: that thert nothing 'Hong jA.tlS COt'ZL '''. Rcpubl .In. of with che :.>"<;tcm of 5uc.:h teach­ "Radio, as il is today, is .Michigan, ·he rKllt rran In the tOO rushed to be eycn a fair­ ing, nor \\ ith the vehic1e," , nate, ,\orth perhapi ')0 ITlllron ly good educational medium. .Mr. Rand writes. Joll.us at rurrent pru.. cs. "The face is that the great In learning an}ching, [he pu­ L ROHUf[ COl LL'" i~.1 .KOO~I \ r T R<.pub­ tpajorit} of <he liscening pub­ pil muse learn through cepe· ROXY lic.}n. He is a Rtp Iblil an n name lic would rather be enter­ tition_ only. He l~ a inJeptndtnr ..s the tained than instructed. "Radio, becolUse it appeals Wind. "Mr. B 1i " en's assertion to only our scn)e of hearing, xnator \\'Hl:ElfR \\as Qnt of the th.lt radio's acth-ides in the must avoid repetition to re­ onginal. R()O~nTLT supporters for realm of serious music are main entertaining. T h i n g S Presidco[ lon before [he Demo­ disgraceful is such a sweep­ which appeal to only one of b cratic.: N.ltionJ.1 (onn:ntion nomi~ ing statement that one is at a our senses must move much nat<:d F. D" in I9p. \X!Hf' I LER, loss to grac;p his meaning. more rapidly <han those [hac hov.ner, refustd to YlelJ hiS inde­ "\Xfhat is his opinion of the appeal CO more. pendence .md frequently has heen broadcas[s of the New York "Take, for example, our On the outs with the """:Odin rrus~ Philharmon'ic and Philadel­ motion pictures. In (he days of the old silen[ films, [hings ters." phia Orchestras, the perform­ He was born at Hudson Mass., ances of the Metropolitan ran very much faster on the (Colltilllled 011 Page I) (Colltill/led 011 Page 15) (Colltin1led 011 Page 7) Pictures Contents A.M. The short wave station. \X'IXA.L. BOONE FrOllt Cover 7.1S WXBX Do"",. ope[ated by the Wodd \X1ide Broad- ' 8.00 WOR H. L ROTHAHL (Roxy) Page I 10.00 WEAF N~Otk casting Corporation, will begin on "'.,ABC Ne~'ork EDDIE DUCHIN Page 2 9.4S WEEI Sunday, December 2, to broadcast 10.40 WLW GER1Rl:DE NIESEN Page 3 10.4S WJZ ~et1IoOlk educational programs exdusi"ely. 12 ="'loon \'II:OR ~l4.R" SMALL Page 4 WIXAL, which is non·comme[­ P.M_ OzzIE NLLSON Page 5 Icial in program presentation. has 12.)0 WBT trED Ht:S1"G Page 5 scheduled foe its December pro­ 1.15 ,,"'MCA "'etl\ork (Mc:;n .• Tu~.• ~ILLIAM Fri.) S. PAl.LY, PrtJidcl1t g[ams such speakers as Dc. HAIl- _ S.OS WOR CBS P.lge 6 S.lO WBT LOW SHAPLEY, Dr. KIRTU',Y F.' 6.30 WJZ Net..... orlt CHIQl:ITO Page 7 WEAF Net... ork MATHER, H. H. PO"·ERS, PCOf.1 6.3S WPU HENRIETTA ScHUMANN Page 7 6.S5 WABC SM,,"ork F ge 3 ROBERT E. ROGERS, H. B. BETTIN­ 10.00 \"('LN JOHN BARUAY Page 8 1l.OO \'(.'LW (DOl on BILLY and BoBBY Page 9 GER, Prof. JOHN DEWEY. Musical (S3.nuday at 10.30) \\ OR MAIlTHA MEARS Page 10 pcograms will be pco\ided by <he JEANIE LANG Page 13 New England Conservatocy of Mu­ SUNDAYS IRLNE RICH Page I.I sic and the ERA Community Crou') A.M. P~ge 5 RITA BELL Page 15 and orchestras. P.•ge 7 '10.00 \"('LW WJLFRtO PELLETIER Back COl-'cr Program direction for the station 10.30 \'\:AtK: Network p.tge 9 11.00 ,,"'F..AF Nrtwork II is in the hands of WilliAM M. • \"( JZ Necwot~ Page Morgenthau Talks On Repeal BARBER, vice chairm,an of the Radio 11.15 \'\:OR Pa~e 13 Hrl\'RY MORGENTIIAU, Jr., Sec- Council of Greater Boston. P_M. r<la[y of the Treasury, will speak WrXAL 6040 kilocycles with a 3.00 \'( OR 10.55 WPG over the NBC-WJZ netwo[k on power of 5000 watts. Studios are 11.00 WOR WlW IW"ednesday, December 5, in con~ located in the University Club in 11.10 WJZ Network 11.30 WEA,F Ncrw()fk nection with the first anniversary Boston. U,SS w'OT of the repeal of prohibition. He WALTER S. LEMMON is president 12 M. WEAF Nt(Work :will speak at 10 P. M. of the company. Page T,,,'o TilE MICROPHONE Saturday, Novembet 24, 1934 Saturday, November 24 - Gibson Family, NBC-WEAF, 9.30 P.M. Guce and Eddie, WJZ W8Z KDKA WSM 5.45 P.M. EST; 4.45 CT Dighli~hts WGAR Football Scores, KDKA FootbaD Organ, WHAM J.ck Armstrong. WLW P.M. Sounthc:rncu. \'{'FLA, 30 m. "Robioson CrusoC'. Jr.... WABe WCAU Garnes <.ieor~c: Juhnson's Orche~tra. WADe WCAU WPG • j\VI'G WHAS W88M. 30 m. P.M. Jimmie Allen's Air Adventures, WOR 1.15-Army vs. Notre Dame, Ludlow Pro(::um. WNBX. 30 m. Musicale, WGN. 30 m. CBS . WAIlC, NBC - WEAF 11.15 A.M. EST, 10,15 CT Satllrda)', Noumber 24 (ADS-WMCA, 1.45) 6 P. M. EST; 5 CT rh.'. VlIU F.m01y. ~V[AF WEEJ WGY An~c1o Ferdinando's Orchestra, WEAF, IS-Army \'S. Notre Dame, NBC· 6.0o-Evcning Tattler, WEm WSM WTAM 30 m. \\.'1'11.1" CBS-WABC Tony Won~, \VJZ WBZ ~GAR The EveninR Tanler, WEEI. 30 m. 1.4S-Ar~y ~s.· NOIre Dame. ADS­ 7.0o-Play. .. Schooh and Vanety, WI lAM Muskal program, WGY 4~ WMCA Schools," CDS·W ADC <Iddles Kluh, KDKA. m. DuJdy DillC'r. KDKA Hanard \'5. Yale. NBC·WJZ , IBailey Axton, sonl;.s. \"'I.\'Q 8.0o-Roxy and his Gang, cns­ Concert Ensemble, WGAR 2.4S-lIIinois \'5. Chicago, W'GN :; 11.30 A.M. EST, 10..30 CT Frederick William Wile. "The Political 4.4S-Califocnia \s. Stanford, NBC­ i WABC Situ.tion in \'(fashington Tonight," WABC , Down Loven' Lane; Gloria T.a Vc:y and W)Z Sigmund Rombcr~, William WHAS \"'alrC'r Pre~ton, WEAP WSM WTAM. Dance Orchestra. WOR. 30 m, ThankJgitil1g Day (No<. 29) Lroo Phelps, NDC·WEAF ;0 m. (WHI, n m.) (WI.W WFLA at Dick Mansfield's Or~heSlra. WMeA l1A~) , 9.00-Grete Stueckgold, cns­ ChilJren'~ Thc:atre, WGY. 27 m. 8.15 P.M. EST; 5.15 CT A.M. , WADC GeorFe I tes~ber~er's Ilu.:hestn, WJZ Col. Jim Healey. WCY WHAM, 30 Ill, (WGAlt, 1 ~ m.) IO.4S--ColE:ate Drown, YN. c Songs You love, NBC· News of the Week. WGAR , Pederation of Women's Club!. WDZ, '0 m, Leon Navara's Orchestra, WADC WHAS WNAC , WEAF Amerk!!.n fc:deration of Music Clubs, W'L\'Q Kr>IOX 10.,o--Detroit V5, Chicago (Pro) NBC- , Radio City Party, Lanny Deer River. WPLA Gypsy music. \'VMCA WJZ Carnell:ie Hall Children's prOllfllm.
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