866-241-2762 USA toll-free Summer 2012 CATALOG 159 The Saint for Our Times, Therese of Lisieux Dear Friends of PCP, In 2011 we reprinted In Heaven We Know Our Own by Father Blot, who wrote the book a little over a decade before the birth of Therese of Lisieux – the saint who declared before her death that she would spend her eternity doing good upon earth, showing the intimate bond between earth and heaven. St. Therese said that she would come back to earth, through the graces she would obtain for souls still in this world. An American priest, Carmelite Father Albert H. Dolan, did more than any other individual to spread devotion to St. Therese in the United States. In 1929 he published Collected Little Flower Works, much of which was sermons that he gave at the National Shrine of the Little Flower in Chicago. In 2006 PCP financed the reprinting of this book, making it available again through another publisher who changed the title by calling it The Intimate Life of St. Therese. Father Dolan’s book on St. Therese of Lisieux is an ideal companion volume to In Heaven We Know Our Own, for both books show in different ways the relationship between heaven and earth. For Father Blot, heaven is a continuation of the life of Continued on Page 5 FABULOUS SUMMER SALE Summer 20 % OFF OUR MOST POPULAR BOOKS! Sale plus a FREE ebook on St. Gemma with each order!* Now 20% OFF ! Admirable Heart of Mary, Autobiography of a Hunted Priest, Biblical Symbolism and the Third Secret of Fatima, Blessed Be God, Callista, Catena Aurea – Commentary on the Four Gospels, Celebration of Mass, Commentary on The Book of Psalms, Communion in the Hand, Dictionary of the Psalter, Douay-Rheims Haydock Bible, In Heaven We Know Our Own, Intimate Life of Saint Therese, Learning the New Breviary, Lexicon of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Liber Brevior, Low Key Accompaniment to the Vatican Kyriale, Manual of Episcopal Ceremonies, Mass Server’s Card, The Mass, Meditation on the Passion, Proprium de Tempore: The Proper of the Time, Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and Missal ,The Roman Ritual, The Theory of Evolution Judged by Reason and Faith. Until August 20th Only. * Ebook delivered by email only. Pick Any of these books and get 20% off our regular price! 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(exact reprint of 1944 ed.) v, [Msgr] Edmund J. 2010 129p IL [exact #89030 1912) reprint of 1930 ed / hb with ∆ Autobiography of a Hunted Priest, The: interactive PDF version 579p, 16p cloth/red edges/2 ribbons reprint of 1937 ed.] $14 #89029 +20% OFF dj $32 #55662 20% OFF A Personal Account of the # 89060 $15 +20% OFF + $75 #55664 20% OFF Persecution of Catholics in + ∆ Mass Server’s Card [Includes all the Elizabethan England [a Jesuit’s ∆ Communion in the Hand:Communion in the Hand Documents ∆ Intimate Life of Saint ∆ St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir responses of the server with ∆ Ritus Servandus: Rite to Be Observed in and History [Shows the real Communion Therese, The: Portrayed by Those Book, The: Complete Edition [including 1st hand heroic story of in the Hand phonetic pronunciation under the Documents and History the Celebration of Mass administering the sacraments mind of the Church on this Who Knew Her [original title: supplement & organ accompaniment, & subject] - Laise, Most Rev. Latin] - 2010 [reprint of 1947 (according to the 1962 ediiton) - 4-part chorus, S.A.T.B.] - Montani, Nicola under disguise during the “Collected Little Flower Works”: Benziger Bros ed] folded-4 sides Juan Rodolfo [bishop emeritus Life of the Little Flower, Living Biretta Books, publ / Fr Dennis A. 2000 621p [reprint of 1941 ed] $42 persecutions: 1564-1637] - Laise Rodolfo Juan Rev. Most of San Luis, Argentina]
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