I CAMBRIDGE, MASS. NO ISSUE FRIDAY 1 TUESDAY, OCT. 10, 1950 THE PRICE FIVE CENTS Intramural Results - - X Page 3 VOL. LXX NO. 36 Lounger - °a - Page 2 THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 1 OF THE M.I.T. UNDERGRADUATES Letters To The Editor - . Page 2 g,~,.,,,,,,~R _ ___ , -- ,,,- I I- Marvest Hop suzmI y Eastsate Features Frresmen ounteers Features .Novel Ba Ieones Pictuae Vindows To Tak. o uop Test secret The'me In P ycho pwerent Ken Reeves' Orchesfra ' Will Play For Dorm -At last Wednesday and Friday's freshman Convocations, Dr. Committee Fall Dance Herbert I. Harris, psychiatrist in the Medical Department, asked for volunteers from the class to take part in an experi- "Harvest Hop" is the title of an ment in Group Psychodynamics. informal Fall dance to be presented I These men will meet in by the Dormitory Committee Satur- , groups of from ten to twelve day night, October 14, in Morss Hall , Memorandun Tells once a week with a leader who of Walker Memorial. Ken Reeves' How To Transfer will channel the activity of the Orchestra will be present to provide I body into significant emotional music for 'the couples. Service Physicals areas. This affair will be the first open - More information 'for those stu- To establish a base line from informal couple dance of the Fall p dents at the Institute who receive I which to measure results, a series season at Technology. An added ' orders to report for physical exam- of psychological tests are to be feature is the surprise theme of the inations under the Selective Serv- given to members of both control dance which is being kept secret, ice System is contained in the latest and experimental groups. The tests memorandum from the office of not to be revealed until Saturday show general personality character- the Advisory Committee on Military istics and the degree of inner emo- night. Dancing will commence at Service. Thne following notice is to ......~~~'I4-, Photo by Hall tional tension and maturity in the 8:00 p.m. and continue to miadngnt. amend the folder on Military and person tested. The uniquue architecture as shown abovei enables most Eastgate apartments to Tickets for the event at $1.80 per Selective Service issued September have through ventilation. Good Old Days couple can be obtained in the lobby 18, according to Professor L. F. Bby DANZBERGER sounds of entering and leaving to chairman of the commit- Dr. Harris pointed out that the of Building 10 or at the offices of ALEX Hamilton, a minimum. tee. small size of the average American the various dormitories. Based on the idea of providing The suites have been designed "If you receive an order to report family today does not provide too Among those who have been ac- modern living for modern Boston- for modern and efficient living. for a physical examination from many emotional checks and bal- tive on the committee under the ians, the newest addition to the The trend of this simplified living your local board in your home city ances such as were present in the Charles River skyline at 100 Memo- large families of an earlier day. chairmanship of Ralph Romano '51, has shown itself in smaller bed- or town, you may have the exami- rial Drive, formerly known as East- rooms, more and larger closets, Thus, in a sense the experiment are Stanley Buchin '51, David Weber nation transferred to the Cambridge gate, is the most unique and futur- no separate dining rooms, and more or Boston area by presenting the can be considered an attempt to '52, Stanley '52, Kenneth Kreuger istic structure of its kind. Not only spacious living rooms,. so as to orders in person to the nearest local place present-day students in such Sydney '52, and Stanley Marcewicz is the exterior of the building with reduce housework to a minimum. board and still remain under the an environment and to see how they '51. its 'gracious picture windows and In addition to the refrigerators and jurisdiction of your home city or respond to it. balconies something to marvel gas ranges all the kitchens are town board. For information as to The idea of experimental groups over, but the finishing of the in- equipped with G.E. Disposalls, steel Selective Service headquarters, Bos- with essentially normal people has terior, including California stucco cabinets, and stainless steel sinks. ton or Cambridge, please call at Inot been widely tested. Much of the Tau Beta Pi Chooses walls and cork stone floors, is not All wall electric switches are of Room 7-108. Those who are subject knowledge of group dynamics-has unlike one of the more fanciful the mercury type. A laundry is to Selective Service and receive been obtained from group sessions 38 Senior Members creations from Esquire. located on the top floor, and it questionnaires should call at Room with patients whose emotional ill- Juniors, 5 Facultyl The building itself is placed so i offers the use of G. E. washers, 7-108 to file a statement of their nesses incapacitated them. As a 8 that all the suites have cooling dryers, and ironers; while down status prior to classification 1-A." consequence, the experiment is truly that, and may produce some j Selections Based On "through ventilation" in the sum- the teakwood stairs 'that lead to To those who may be planning mer and .protection 'from the chill a lower lobby light refreshments to enter the Armed Forces, Profes- very interesting results such as im- winds of winter. The position of provisions are avail- provemient in study habits, increase 8 Marks and Activities and general sor Hamilton says that "enlistment it the three sections of the building in poise, and over-all emotional Tau Beta Pi has elected five mem- able. in the Armed Forces is difficult allows more sun in winter, and pro- Designed by Institute Faculty maturation. bers of the faculty and forty-six after the receipt of an order to re- vides more shade in summer. All designed by students to membership in the hon- This building was port for a physical examination." ai suites have river front exposure. orary engineering fraternity. five of the faculty of Technology's (The folder containing complete Department in con- WGmd PollEAnnounces Professors James Murdock Austin, Corridors Every Third Floor- Architecture information on Military and Selec- Stark junction with the Dean of Archi- tive Service is available in Room r John Chipman, Charles The most unique feature of this Winners As Conrtest Draper, Arthur Thomas Ippen, and (Co ntinued on Page 4) 7-108.) twelve story dwelling is that there I t Samuel Cornette Collins were - ---- -- e are corridors on every third floor. i&,nter$ Second Week chosen last Tuesday. four All suites above and below the I The first week of the Intramural F Eight Juniors were among the corridor floors are reached by Technotogy Sailors Finish First newly elected group. They are Stan- Football Pool showed marked private stairways which lead into enthusiasm, and this week an even ley Ira Buchin, William Paulson the alcoves adjoining the living ii Chandler, John Townsend- Fitch, I Fie. Ten, Regain Trophy better showing is anticipated. The rooms. top four of last week's pool came Gerald Frank Laufs, Waldo New- Crim- 'Special care has been taken to Sailing against the stiffest compe- totaled 161, with Harvard's through by losing only 3 or 4 selec- comer, III, John RandoLph Pauling, sons and Coast Guard's Cadets B reduce sound transmission through tition of the year, the Technology Jr., Herbert Martin Teager and tions, and they will be awarded P the walls. Not only are there extra skippers quashed the hopes of the third and fourth with 151 and 150 Robert Eugene Woods. choices of the prizes listed on page thick concrete walls at frequent King's Point Merchant Mariners for points respectively. 4 of this issue. The fifth prize has After the top four teams came New Seniors intervals, but also the suites are a repeat victory in the ninth ended in an 8-way tie and the top Boston College, the Dartmouth seniors elected were L. Mar- separated by double partitioning annual Danmark Trophy regatta entrant of next week's pool (among The Green and the Big Red of Cornell, vin Baker, Chiranjiv Batra, George to deaden sound. Generous carpet- last Saturday and Sunday. Topping the eight) will be eligible for this Brown, Trinity, and Williams. Yale, Cann, Ste- ing in the halls reduces the normal the second place Mariners by fifteen prize. Arthur Brown, Ronald an expected entry, arrived late and phen J. Chamberlin, Jr., Thomas N. points at the end of the two day Winners Named -- I -' I was disqualified. McGill and Conley, Dale affair, the Beavers regained posses- week's winners are: Clark, John Whitford Toronto, previous entries, were First :i Otis Cooper, John W. Craig, Jr., sion of the coveted trophy for the 1. John B. Ayerigg (3) - New ii unable to make the trip for the Donald King Crockett, Rane L. Curl, R. M.z Oliver8 Elected first time since 1945. Dorms i;:: first time. Benjamin M. Eisenstadt, Allan El- Facing a field of ten schools, two 2. Ed Stringham (4)--S.AE. The Danmark Trophy, one of the ston, Albert C. Erickson, Freddie less than scheduled, the Skippers 3. Robert Brown (4) - Grad ir To Head Beaver COY major cups of the fall season, was David Ezekiel, William Hervey led by six points at the end of the House donated in 1942 to the New Eng- Fincke, Henry Parsons Hall, Charles Five officers elected by the Beaver first day's racing.
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