FAERIES™ a Complete Handbook of the Seelle

FAERIES™ a Complete Handbook of the Seelle

FAERIES™ A Complete Handbook of the Seelle Sampleby Sarah Link and John Snead file WWW.ATLAS-GAMES.COM Credits WrlUenbf Sarah Llnl!and Jahn Snead Storie.ltJ' Marl< Reln•Haven. LlsuStevens and Jonathan ,...., Addtlloa.Imaterlal, J.M. capenila, car1 Schnurrand Marl!Reln•Haven Dnelopmenl: J.M. Caparula, Marl!Reln•Ha�n and John Brnndt EdltlnfiLisa Stevens OrltllUllCoaceptl: Mari? 12eln•Haqen Production:Nicole Llndroos Cower Art: CherylMll ndus Tiiie LoQo• Rlchard Thomas InteriorArt: Charles Dou11heny, Erle Hotz, JeffMenfi6, RichardThomas, Marl!Reln•Hawen A r.U.U••ce peno11: StewanWlecR Anu._, .-..Creeled .,-, JonathanTweet and Marl! Re!n•Hagen Special, Special Thanbs Milfk "Sony about all thosesentence fra gments!' Reln•Hagen, for tl'arlng himself away from his cum>1lt project to dosome valuable development on this toog awaited supplement. Lisa"Keep thatmall man away from me!" Stevens, forgiving up onthe 24 hour-a-day \VC!rk ethic 111 favor of a healthierlifestyle (includinggroce ry shopping and otherfree time pursuits) . Jonathan"So Jong, Peoria."TwHt, for his original faerieco ntributi ons, and hlsappreciarion of the magical and the fanWtic. May your name always bein print. John "Yet another obnoxiouschart ." Brmdt, for spending the time to gently integrate all the separate influences which eventually� up this fine supplement. Nicole "Sony,Bllnky, gottago!" Lln droos,for limiting her indentured scn.'itude to Ot\esmall companyal 11time and delvingink! this p1ojeclwith lnzlhhand s. Cheryl "Those little peopleare hard todo!" Mandua, for her wonderfully evocative fame rover. Klchud "Well, If you'd saidso In the first place . " Thomu,for makingthing-s a little more curvy, the middle skinnier and the ends hang down a little farther. StfWut"Alpha Male" Wleck, for lceeping pace with t� restof lhepack. We're getting better! SampleDigital Edition Version 1.0 file Copyright 2016 Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this work by any means without written permission from the publisher, except short excerpts for the purpose of reviews, is expressly prohibited. prcpc1 ly Ars Magica, Mythic Europe, and Charting New Realms of Imagination are trademarks of Trident, Inc. Order of Hermes, Tremere, and Doissetep are trademarks or registered trademarks of CCP hf in the United States and other jurisdictions. and are used with permission. ChapterOne: lntrodudion 4 Rt-ligiun 52 Keepin Mind 4 MortalCreations 53 TheFaerie Entgma,The Fa y 5 Chapter Six: Bestiary 54 FaerieMagic, Faerie Realms 7 Seelie and Unseelie Courts,Wild erness Faeries 55 Arcadia 8 Forest Faeries,Leshiye, Satyr! 56 ChaplerTwo: Nature of the Fay 9 Fauni, Wind Faeries, The Alven, Dames Vertcs 58 TheLeguKfs 9 Dominae Albae,Water Faerics 59 True Nature: HermeticTheories 10 SeaFaeries, Skin-changer 60 FaerieEthics 13 Merfolk, Mcrrow5 61 Faerie Laws 14 Pond Faeries,Asrai, Dark WaterFaeries, Kelpies 62 ChapterThree: The Faerie Realm 18 Water Bogies,Ri ver and Lake Faeries,Rver God 64 Reglo,Regio in Play,Creating Regio 19 Earth Faeri�.Trolls 65 Noticing Regio, Enierlng Reglo 20 Spriggans 66 Leaving Reglo 21 Dwarfs,Gnomes 67 Modifiersfor Entering or laving Regto 22 Nymphae 68 Magic inReg:io, Time in Regio 23 High Faeril"'S,See llc Court 69 Festivals,Faeries andRcgio, Overview 23 Tuaiha de Danann 70 Faerie Woods,Faerie Fon'St 24 TheDaoine Sidhe, 1'he Tylwyth Teg 71 Faerie Po11ds,Faerie Mounds 25 Sprites n. Faerie v.. JJeys 26 The Unseel ie Court, Kla-Sidhc,Ogres, The Host 73 Faerieca.stl(.>9, Megaliths Z7 Hags. Imps, Low Faeries 74 Chapter Pour. Arcadia 28 Watcher Faeries,Bans�s 75 fsS<'ntial Nature 2R Morac, Brollachan, Fatae 76 InhabitanlS, Faerie Cities 29 Black Dogs, Redcaps,Padfoots, Oackcrs 77 TheFaerie Courts 30 HouseholdFaeries, Brownie5 78 TheSee lie and lillse<'lieCourts, The Six Lands 31 HouseBaslliscs, Cobalts 79 Somniare 32 Workplace Faeries,Goblins BO Atlantium,Antrum, Caelum 33 Weaver Faeries, Field Faeries 81 Barathrum.Ta rtarus, Entering Arcadia 34 City Faeries, Roustabouts,Church Faeries 82 Guardians 36 Un�1poople 82 Tnivcl m Arcadia 37 Wild Faerie Animahi,Whi� Hart, ChilliT'lghams 83 Cw1cspondcnces,Universal Sites 39 Domestic Faerie Animals, Les Chevaux d'Ys 84 Faerie Trods 40 Faerie Plants,Tmffles 84 Storiesin Arcadia 41 DestroyingATigel. Earthstar, Faerie Rings 85 ChapterFive; Faerie Attributes "4 Stinkhoms 85 Cyp , Mistletoe,Mandrake Borrowing 44 re55eS 86 Trade, FaerieKidnappings, Changlings 45 SeaFoam, fT'lkyCaps, Tuad Stools, Dodder 87 fa('riesAmong Mortals 46 &got 88 Faerie Gifts, FaerieAbilities 47 Chapter Seven: Faerie Characters 89 Brew Faerie Potions, Change Size, Chann 47 Rol"playing Faeries, TheF aerie C.ompantonPC 89 Communicare withAnirnals/Planls 48 Creatinga Fal'riePC. lnnate Abilities,Limitations 90 91 Control Animals, Control Ft>Ji!lity,Concrol Person 4!1 Virtues and FlaYrrs, Unavailable Virtues andFlaws Create Invisible Barrier, Cul'SI!,Elfshot 49 FaeriePowl'r.> \11 Elementa:I Control, EnchantingMusic-/Voice 49 CharactersWith FaerieBlood 92 Enchant Objects,Faerie Sight, Flight..Glamour 49 Weaponsand Armor,Faerie Virtues and Aaws 93 musion.Infatuation, Jnvlsibtlicy, Prophesy so Chapter Eight: The Pool of Nyla•aira 97 SampleInsubstantial Form,Shapechange to Animal SO ChaprerNine: Night fileofthe Faeries 105 Shapcchange to Object,Shap<.>ehange Others 50 Chapter Ten: The Shortest Day 118 Faerie Weakne--es 50 Chapter Eleven: The Golden Ship 135 lron 51 Appendix: How Magi See Arcadia 142 TAB.LE" OP CoNT£NTS 3 p - -� ,/ � Ji! Chapter One: Introduction Faeries are one of the most intriguing aspects of the A.rs MagicaT" s.ctting in Mythic Europe'™, for they reflect much of the sou! and spirit of the age. They are the dark, repres:;ed, highly supcrstitious side of the ml'Clicval folk - a pag11n past which has never been fully put a.side. The faerie folk are the mysterious, somewhat bizarre, and intensely magical beings that live beyond the reach of mort<Jl civilization. To play their bizarre games, as one must to interact with them, is no trifling affair; !t is a most danger­ ous game. To lhink of them in modem tenns, faeries werethe pcrson1iica­ tion of i.'Verything mysterious to tlie medieval pcr.;on. They are the embodiment of nature's power, of unseen forces, of the paganism that once ro\ed theland and has no\v bcc-npushed b.:ick into the hidden comers of the world. But they aremore than fan,iful sym­ bols�they are quite re.iland 'an wield lremenduu�power OV('Tthe 1\l"orld of the mortal�. Thisbook is a guide toincor porating the world of faeries into an ArsMagica �aga. In tact, ll isu�lul lor any mea1eva1or tantasy setting that acknowleclgesthe existence of faeries. This supplement is intended to provide you with more insight into who and what the faeries are, allowing you toinclude them fully in your Saga. The bulk of the book isbackground on the nature of faeries, where they ca11 b<! found, the lands they inhabit, and the diverse types of creatures th.atmaltc up their world. There is also a section on developing faeries ai; player characters, featuring ney,· virtues,flaws, a11d abilities suited to the faerie world. Several stories involving faeries are included to help the storyteller explore, discover and more completely understand the faerie world. We have found faeries to be one of the most interesting aspectsof the Ars Magic a world and are confident that you will soon find them just clS fascinating and compelling. SampleKeep In Mind••. file It is important1o dispel manyof themodem notions about faeries, They are much more than thefantasy notion of �high elves," which is simply a rnod"m interpre­ tation of the �lie Court. They are a loo more than the simple ''fairyta!,•'' folk - gossa- • fAERIES: A Complete Handbooliof the Seelle Illl'r-wingedlittle people thatfllttcr about in� mortal rea11ntmd tongerISO recreate themselvesanWJ l!l.>ery woodlands. ArsMagi ca fileries arc basedreal on faerie moment lhst !heylive. Q,1/y when faeriesare a productof tales, not modem fantasy novels or Victorian children's II/story, fl!ld wot"�to theworld if this wcrrto occur, will wr stories.faeries The in An �lea descendthe from tflnhave lhe fainle>l grasp of who 1111dwhat lheytruly arr, medieval,not theTolkien, tradition, so they are very andevm thm,when wefinally do have:this tionapp••'Cia and different fromfaeries inother roleplayingga mes. It is undmtmzding,we shaU be wrong.'' very important for the Storyguide (and the players) to � Quenda1on, Primus of HouseMerin!ta keep in mind theseconcepls: • This is not typical fantasy roleplayingmaterial. Dwarfs areno t littleScand inavians with long beards Thefaerie Ent11ma and skdgehammcrswho like to drink,get rich, and kill bad guys. Dwarfs are earth faeries. Thlnk of There are many dangers in the world, many creatures and beasts of the wildernes , lhemas s pirits of everythingin the ground and eve­ s and (l( course are rythingthat comeso ut of theground. Anything there always the 03norn. Generally thesedanger� nl('lrtalsdo with the productsof E.arth, Ibeycan do are predictable, and thewi Sll'rmguscan fol"<'ll«' their better. actions and attempt to prote<t th�lvesfrom such • threats. What nsettl es everithe most knowledgeable High Faeries are not Elves.Elves are a ncientGreeks u mag! is the worl d lies beyond the limits of civiliza­ with pointy ears who to dance and drink wine that like tion and rationality, the realm the Fay. coolers..High Faeriesare the living memories of of gods, heroes, and whateverStranger.; were here Faeriesare all the beingsthat are intimalely before us. Thesame f ascination modempeople have connectedto nature, which configuresitself as the Faerlr with archeology, mythology, and UFOstories, aura.Indeed, they may be tl'le spiritual manifestation of medievaJpeoplt> had for faeries. natureitself, Their true potence lies in their inherent • magical nature, not in their muscle.. Somehave Low Faeriesare not Halflings. H.illlingsare glorified super­ natura1 strength, but mostrely upon illusion.

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