NORWALK, CONN. TUESDAY, OCTOBER s4. 1826 VOL IX \Q 35 WTFOLK 443, VALUABLE R$Ai. ESTATE 111 <XX^<XX X XXXXXXXS<XXX>< XX® BLANK IISTS Academy at Wilton. FOR SALE. .1-. PUBLISHED BY ' . NEW ESTABLISHMENT. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. HE subscriber respectfully informs the \ VALUABLE Real Estate , W. BENEDICT, HARVEY E. HOYT T Public that it is his intention to resume : -CJL situated near the village of" f: Tkplis^Two Dollars per annum, payable HARDWARE. the business of Aeademical Instruction, in T> ESPECTFULLY acquaints his friends llltlW Stamford, state of Connecticut, •Quarterly. Mail subscribers in advance. addition to the branches usually taught in. and the public generally, that he has JACOB SMITH, ~«IE9SER> thirty-six miles from.New Fork. ^ ADVERTISEMENTS, less than a square, 75 Academies, the training of young gentlemen opened a shop in the east-room of LockwoodSf It Consists of two large Flour Mills, one of >;• cents ; a~souare, S.IOO, for threeinsertions. ; (Successor to N. Beers.) to become *Instructors of Common Schools, St.John's Store, a few rods east of the Bridge, sixteen and the other eight run orf stones, ca­ RYING-PANS, English Shovels,a gen­ will be an object of special attention. Tb Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx# where he keeps, and is manufacturing, a pable of grinding one thousand, bushels per eral assortment ofScotch Hollow Ware, Winter Term of the School willcommenc variety of SADDLES, BRIDLES, HAR F week. They are located on Long Island ACCOMMODATION PACKETS, English Blister Steel, Trace Chains, a gene­ on the first Monday of November next. Boaro NESS, TRUNKS, CAPS, PORTMAN­ Sound, with thesole use ofthe harbor, (which ral assortment of FILES and RASPS, Cast may be obtained in good familieson moderatd is never impeded by ice when the Sound is TEAUS, HOLSTERS, and VALICES; and German Steel, Saws, Butts and Screws, terms. Tuition will vary from to $6 pee together with various less commodities apper. navigable) admitting vessels from seventy to Clout Nails, Brads, Wrought and cut Tacks, Quarter. tenant to his business, made expressly lor eighty tons burthen; together with houses in Thumb Latches, Scissors and Shears, Jack For the information of those who may be the immediate vicinity, calculated for the res­ customers. To Sail from HOYTSSf CO.'S Landing at and Pen knives, shoe knives, bread & butch­ too remote for personal inquiry, the following idences of millers and other labourers, with He has also for sale, Whips, Spurs, er do, Plain Irons, Assortment of Locks, testimonial is subjoined. work shops fbr blacksmiths and mill wrights, . Nor walk, for Peck-Slip, New- Y.ork. Sleigh Bells, and an eligible selection of Bolts for doors and shutters, centre bits, Can­ HAWLEY OLMSTEAD. and all the modfern improvements for carry- J THE Norwalk Line of Packets have com­ Brass and silver plated, potted, and Japaned dlesticks, Bed,screws . nd keys, Iron squares, Wilton, Septemberl4, 1826. 10wS0 ing on the business so as to render it lucra* menced their weekly trips, and will sail Hard Ware, Buffalo Robes, he. &c. all of Curry Combs'fSnuffers te Trays, Coffee mills tive to the purchaser. fegularly through the season in the following which may be obtained on as moderate terms THIS may certify (hat Mr. HAWLET OLM- order: Sloop CITIZEN, Brown. to leave Nor Slates, sand paper, Chisseljs, Biass Knobs,) as at any similar establishment. Brass Curtain Pins, Shot, Paint brushes, &c. STEAD has received a regular education at walk for New York on Tuesdays, and return *„* Old articles proipptly repaired. this College, and that he was among the most Also, an elegant modern biiilt the Saturday following: Sloop MECHANIC, Norwalk, September 25; Wanted, CATTLE'S HAIR. distinguished in his class in literary and scien­ Dwelling-House, Hoyt, on Thursdays, and return the Tues*day Norwalk, Jan 2d, 1826. 3m45 tific attainments. It is believed that he is a following; and Sloop SABINA, Duskam, on . NOTICE. Large and commodious, well adapted for the very able and faithful Instructor, and deserv­ residence of the proprietor or any other gen­ Snturdays.and return the Thursday following. Dr. HuWs Patent Truss. JOJBV BVBUALL ing of the confidence and patronage of the For Freight or Passage apply to the Cap­ teel family, and commanding a beautiful aind RICE & M'LEAJN, agents for the Pat­ AS received during the past week a new public. JEREMIAH DAY, tains on board, or at the Store of supply of Groceries, which he will dis­ extensive view of Longlsland and the Sound. entee, have just received a supply of Dr. H President of Yale College. Fishing, Fowling, &c. in all their varieites.—- HOYTSFCCO. P pose of W-HOLESALE and RETAIL, on A. G. Hull's improved hinge and pivot Truss Yale College, May 25, 1826. Attached to the House is an extensive Garden Norwalk, April 1, 1826. ' 6 theyraost reasonable, terms for cash. Tavern which for convenience and utility are surpus of several acres, beautifully located, and.con­ keepers wishing to be supplied, will do well SLOOP ORANGE'— Regular Packet. scd by none. Numerous certificates fr. cele Fulling, Dyeing fy taining a great variety of choice fruits, flow­ to call. SYLVANUS S. RAYMOND, Master, brated Physicians and persons who have used CLOTH-DRESSING. ers, and shrubbery,with an ice house, summer .Leaves Norwalk every Tuesday and returns them, of their extraordinary effect, can be Cogniac Brandy by the barrel or less quantify house, and handsomely laid out with gravel, from New York evtrij Salurdaij. examined by calling at the Norwalk Dispen­ St. Croix Rum do do Bishop Leeds walks, together with about forty acres ofjand ~ OCKWOODSTSTJOHN sary, south of the Bridge. May 1. New England do*" do divided into tillage, meadow, and wood,— would inform their friends Old Jamaica Rum suitable fir medicine ESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the public in general, that they con­ Barns, stables, granary, and other out houses. and the public, that they have Pearl Tooth-Powder. Vairious kinds of Wine, fro||j|j£t. to £8s. per R tinue the above business at the old stand of The whole embracing an Island immediately entered into the marketing bu- Gallon Gentlemen 8f Ladies' Pearl TOOTH POW­ Byington & Bishop, where all orders in that connected with the main land. sii!..s', and request a share of their patronage, Loaf and Lump Sugars t DER—Prepared by Dr. CLAY. line will be thankfully received and punctu­ The above extensive and valuable Re*] which they hope to merit, by their attentions Nutmegs as usual September 23. For sale at the Gazette Office—Price 25 Cts ally attended to. They return thanks to the Estate will be sold separate or together. Vot to please, and exprliotss to accommodate. For sale also by Benj. Isaacs and Stephen St. public for past favours and solicit a continu­ desirableness of situation, beauty of prospect) For freight or passage, apply to the Packet Aug. 21,1826. John, Norwalk, and S. Jarvis, Stamford ance of their patronage. Cloth with direc­ or place of business,it is no probably exceed­ Office in the rear of Eli B. Bennett's Store, East End of Mam-Street tions on it,may be left at the store of Captain ed in the siate,and therefor possesses import­ (from which place the Orange will hereafter FALL GOODS JUST REC'D BY RON POTS, large and small * Harvey E. Hoyt, in Norwalk, opposite Lewis ant advantages either to the man of business run) or to the Captain on board. ELI B. BECKETT, Dish Kettles do do or leisure. N. B. Lockwood & St. John will continue I Mallory & Son, from whence it will be taken A feio Rods East of the Bridge. Common and covered'Spiders done in the neatest style, and returned on For further particulars inquire of JOHN W. their Dry Good business at their old stand Skellets High Pails short notice. HOLLY, on the premises, or Messrs. BTRNES, Norwalk, September 18 LUE, black, olive, mixed & drab Cloths B and Cassicteres Diabet Iron Dogs, various sizes N. B. All fancy colors dyed on carpet yarn TRIMBLE & Co. South-st. New York. NEW ARRANGEMENT. Blue and black mixed Satinetts Spades and Shovels (English) that may be desired. • Also for sale, the Sloop Express, burthen For Sawpit, Norwalk, and Bridgeport. Bang up cord Devonshire Ketsey Trace Chains Wool Cards Norwalk, September 18, 1826. SO sixty tons, built in 1821, is well calculated for THE Steam Boats Lyonskin Rose and Point Blankets Slates and Pencils ; a mill boat or coaster, being in good order & JOHN MAR­ Red, white, yellow, ^green, and Salisbury Wisk Brooms and Brushes' SEASONABLE GOODS. well found—sails,and one cable new. Inquired Writing and.Letter Paper, and Quills as above. 13tf May, 1H20. SHALL, fe LAFAY- Flannel, various qualities MAY BE FOUND AT ETTE, have commen­ Tartan Plaids various patterns, some at 2s 9d Also, Glass Ware and Crockery, an assort­ ced running to and from New York& Biidg- Caroline plaids and stripe ' Green baizes ment , % ' JACOB SMITHS NEW GOODS, " The above articles together with an assort­ port every day, (Sundays excepted) as follows: Black, blue, brown and crimson plain and GENERAL Assortment of Fancy and By the Latest Arrivals. figured Bombazetts ment of DRY, GQp.DSj The John Marshall will leave New York on Staple DRY GOODS, andofasgood AMES MALLORY is now opening an Blk bombazine, Circassian, lustring & satteen For sale cheap by A Tuesdays, Thursdays, ard Saturdays, at nine quality as can be found :— assortment of DRY GOODS, which will Fig'd and black Ratinett Furniture chintz J o'clock. A. M. stopping at Sawpit Norwalk; L.OCK.MVOOD"&- ST. JOHN. Superfine Blue and black C^oth be sold as cheap as any ever offered to tho Calicoes, various qualities [hams and returning, leave Bridgeport on Mondays, do blue and black Ca^simeres public.
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