Chronology: 16 May-15 August 1991 Source: Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 21, No. 1 (Autumn, 1991), pp. 187-201 Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the Institute for Palestine Studies Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2537382 Accessed: 03-03-2015 18:10 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. University of California Press and Institute for Palestine Studies are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Palestine Studies. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Tue, 03 Mar 2015 18:10:50 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 16 MAY-15 AUGUST 1991 This sectionis partthirty-one of a chronologybegun in Journal XIII, no. 3 (Spring1984). Chronologydates reflect Eastern Standard Time. 16 MAY tacksin Nabatiya,S. Lebanon,which kill four,including member of Israeli-backed U.S. Secy. of StateJames Baker departs SouthLebanon Army. (NYT 5/18,5/19) Israel forWashington after talks with Israeli leadership,which still rejectsU.N. role in proposed Middle East peace talks. Two 18 MAY sides reportedlyagreed to include Palestinian participantsin negotiationsthrough joint Pal- KingHussein meets with Syrian Pres. Ha- estinian-Jordaniandelegation comprisedof fiz al-Asadin Damascusto discussrecent Palestiniansliving in Jordan. Trip is Baker's U.S., Sovietpeace initiatives.Both countries fourthto regionwithin two months. (NYT, agreethat goal should be settlementbased on WP 5/17) landfor peace. (WP 5/19) PLO Pol. Dept. Head Faruq al-Qaddumi Israeliwarplanes attack Amal base in meetswith Lebanese For. Min. Faris Buwayz Shabriha,S. Lebanon, killing four and in Cairo over PLO disarmamentin S. Leba- wounding15. Attackis responseto 5/17 non as directedby Lebanesegovernment. Al- bombingin Nabatiyacarried out by Islamic Qaddumi, while statingPLO will cooperate ResistanceMovement, which operatesin withgovernment in establishingstate's sover- newly-establishedalliance with Amal after eignty,noted that PLO will not disarm,offer- yearsof rivalry. (NYT 5/19) ing instead formationof Palestinianbrigade Fouralleged members of Fatehdeported which could coordinatewith Lebanese army fromGaza, takento Israel's"security zone" command. Buwayzrejected proposal. (MEM in S. Lebanonby helicopterand released, 5/17; NYT 5/18) bringingtotal to 69 Palestiniansdeported Al-Qaddumialso meets with SyrianFor. since intifadabegan in 1987. Deportees Min. Faruq al-Shar' in Cairo to discuss U.S., were: Jalal Yasin Abu Habbal, Mu'in Sovietpeace initiatives. (MEM 5/17) MuhammadMusallim, Hasan Muhammad 'Ali Dahlan, Jamal 'Abd Rabbuh Abu'l- Jidyan.(NYT 5/19;MEM 5/20) 17 MAY Israelitroops kill Jenin youth after con- frontationin al-Masahiliyyavillage. (Radio Israeliauthorities deport Ahmad Muham- Israel5/18) mad 'Ajaj from Jabal al-Mukabar refugee camp in Jerusalemto Jordanfor five years for alleged securityviolations (FJ 5/20) 19 MAY Hizballah-led Islamic Resistance Move- ment claims responsibilityfor two bomb at- EgyptianPres. Mubarak arrives in Damas- Journalof Palestine Studies XXI, no. 1 (Autumn1991), pp. 187-201. This content downloaded from on Tue, 03 Mar 2015 18:10:50 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 188 JOURNALOF PALESTINESTUDIES cus fortalks with Pres. al-Asad on recentre- NasrAllah Sufayr opposes accord, stating that gionalpeace efforts. (WP, LAT,CMS 5/20) it wouldlead to Syriandomination of Leba- non. Israelvoiced opposition to the accord as well. (NYT,WP, LAT 5/23) 20 MAY Israelidef. ministry confirms that Polish Pres. Walesa promisedDef. Min. Moshe Whilevisiting Israel, Polish Pres. Lech Arensthat Poland will not sell tanksto Syria Walesa apologizes forPolish anti-Semitism outof deference to Israel.(LAT 5/22) in speechto Knesset.Walesa is firstPolish Knesseterupts into shouting match when presidentto visit Israel. (NYT 5/21) KnessetSpeaker Dov Shilansky(Likud) calls PLO Pol. Dept.Head Faruqal-Qaddumi on Israeli peace activistAbie Nathan to halt meetswith King Hussein in Ammanto dis- his 25-dayfast. Nathanbegan fast 3/25 to cussrecent U.S., Sovietpeace efforts,Pales- protestIsraeli law forbiddingIsraelis to meet tinianissues. (MEM5/21) withmembers of PLO. Shilansky'sstatement Israeligovernment approves new settle- camein wakeof failed motion to abolish law. mentto be builton occupiedGolan Heights. Nathanhas publiclymet Yasir Arafat sev- (WP 5/23) eraltimes since law was passed,serving 122 daysin prisonin 1990as result.(NYT 5/23; MEM7/15) 21 MAY Los AngelesTimes reports that Coca-Cola Companywas removedlast month from list Israeli governmentinaugurates Kanaf, of companiesboycotted by Arab League for new settlementon occupied Golan Heights theirdealings with Israel. Japanese car man- andfourth Israeli settlement established since ufacturerToyota also reported last month that end of Gulfwar and beginningof Secy.of it willbegin selling cars in Israel in 1992,a StateBaker's peace initiativein region[U.S. departurefrom its policyof dealingsolely opposessettlements]. 12,400 Jewish settlers withArab countries. (LAT 5/22) nowlive on GolanHeights. (NYT 5/22;WP 5/23) 23 MAY 22 MAY Lebanese securityofficials claim that heavy equipmentof ChristianLebanese Sec. of StateBaker, in testimonybefore Forcesmilitia has beenmoved by shipfrom U.S. Houseof Representatives Foreign Affairs Juniyato Nagura,in Israeli"security zone." subcommittee,calls continued building of Is- Movecomes after Lebanese government or- raeli settlements"largest obstacle" to con- dersmilitia to disarmin Beirut,surrounding veningproposed Middle East peace confer- areas,as partof nation-wide plan to reassert ence. Remarkscome in wake of fournew authorityofcentral government. (NYT 5/24) settlementsestablished in occupiedterritories sinceBaker began his recentpeace initiative. (SeeJPS80, doc. D2) 24 MAY More than 200,000 Israelis now live in occupiedterritories (NYT, WP, LAT 5/23) Secy.of StateBaker modifies 5/22 state- Pres.al-Asad and Lebanese Pres. Ilyas al- mentconcerning Israeli settlement-building Hirawisign a "Treatyof Brotherhood,Coop- as an obstacleto peace, notes that "other ob- eration and Coordination" in Damascus. stacles"present equal difficulties. Baker was (SeeJPS80, doc. B9). Treatyestablishes joint criticizedby AmericanJewish organizations, Syrian-Lebaneseinstitutions for coordinating some U.S. senators,for singling out Israel in defense,security, foreign and economy policy, his remarks. underauthority ofhigher council comprising Pres. Bush backs Baker's criticismof Is- thetwo country's presidents, prime ministers raelisettlement building. (NYT, WP 5/24) and parliamentaryspeakers. Treaty trans- Israel begins airliftingremaining 16,000 formsSyrian influence in Lebanoninto for- EthiopianJews in Ethiopiato Israelin "Op- malrole. erationSolomon" following secret talks with Treatycalls for Syria to redeployits collapsinggovernment ofEthiopia. 5/22 let- 40,000 troopsin Lebanonin Biqa' valley. ter fromPres. Bush to actingEthiopian Pres. Syriantroops currently effectively control Lt.-Gen.Tesfaye Gebre-Kidan promising U.S. two-thirdsofLebanon. mediationefforts in Ethiopiancivil war in re- Lebanese Maronite Catholic Patriarch turnfor unrestricted Jewish emigration paved This content downloaded from on Tue, 03 Mar 2015 18:10:50 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions CHRONOLOGY 189 wayfor airlift. Bush had earlier written Ethi- (WP, LAT 5/25;seeJPS 80, doc. A5) opianPres. Mengistu Haile Mariam in April urgingrelease of the Jews. UnnamedU.S. officialstates Bush asked 25 MAY IsraeliPrime Min. Yitzhak Shamir not to set- tle the Ethiopiansin the occupiedterrito- Israeliofficials confirm that 14,500 Ethio- ries. Aide to Shamirconfirmed Israel told pianJews arrived in Israelas "OperationSol- U.S. it had "no intention"of settlingimmi- omon" airliftis completedas civilwar in grantson whathe termed"occupied land." Ethiopiarages and rebelforces close in on SimhaDinitz, Israel's senior immigration offi- capitalAddis Ababa. 2,000-3,000Jews re- cial,confirmed that none would be placedin mainin Ethiopia.(NYT, WP 5/26) occupiedterritories. Westernrelief workers complained that valuableresources expended on operation 27 MAY couldhave been used to aid Ethiopianfamine victimsremaining in Ethiopia. Lebanese parliamentapproves 5/22 Syr- Airliftcomes as Israelis strugglingto ab- ian-Lebanese treatyby vote of 46 in favor, sorb nearly250,000 Soviet Jewish immi- one against,20 abstentions.(NYT 5/28) grantswho arrived in past20 months. IsraeliDef. Min. MosheArens calls for 12,000Ethiopian Jews were airlifted to internationalconference involving Middle Israelin "OperationMoses" in 1984 before Easternnations and countries supplying them Arabcriticism prompted Ethiopian govern- with arms to restrictsales of conventional mentto haltexodus. 8,000 otherscame to weaponsto region.Proposal would benefit Israelafter emigration resumed on smallscale Israel,which manufactures many of its own in 1989. Bybeginning of 1991,more than conventionalweapons, while limiting ability 20,000Ethiopian Jews were living in Israel. toArab nations to augment
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