TBJE THM THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION SOVTHfRPT . 13 ceata weekly. XLVL—NO. 121. ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 15, 1913^—SIXTEEN PAGES. It DUANE RELEASED Baptist Preachers of Atlanta Convene at College Park Church UNCLE SAM TURNS BY JURY BACK OF HIS M TO Mystery Deepens' in Death Huerta Is Told the United of Young Girl Found Slain States Views His Assump- in Bedroom of Boarding tion of Dictatorship With House. Abhorrence. PRIVATE DETECTIVES CALLED INTO CASE NO ACTS BY DICTATOR WILL BE RECOGNIZED Boarder, Arrested on Suspi- cion, WH1 Be Held in City U. S. Will Not Accept Com- Pending Further Investiga- ing Elections as Legal. tion of Crime. Foreign Governments Noti- Thomasville, Ga,, October 14.—(Spe- fied of American Attitude. cial.)—Incomprehensible mystery still surrounds the death of Miss Dorothy Washington, October 14 —The United Haug at the Southern Home here early Monday morning and at the end of to- > States government today informed day's dillgrent work, both by local po- Provisional President Huerta that It lice officials and the coroner's Jury, looked with abhorrence aud amazement there is still no evidence to indicate upon his assumption of both executive person or persons connected with the - and legislative powers in .Mexico and murder that in view of his couifae could not W. T Dunne, arrested last night on regard as confctitutional the elections su&pieion, was icleased'this afternoon. Mi. Duane is a man about 50 years of , v~ - planned for October ^6 age, and came here from Tampa, the ,- VV>'^. ^..:^^ V-H^S- . Two Note* Strongly Phraned. first of September, working since then Two notes, one strongly phrased and for a meat market. He it was who was written by Secretary Bryan, Inquiring awakened by Mrs. Haug when she first about the safety of imprisoned mem- entered, the room and who stayed with First vsession of fifth annual convention of 'Atlanta 'Association of Baptist Churches began Monday Morning. Convention will last through Thursday. bers of the Mexican congress, and the the body while she went to search for the telephone to call a physician. other drawn in forceful language by Mr. Duane told the same story as on President Wilson lum&elf and <*aid to the original examination. He stated constitute practically the last efforts that he was awakened by a noise about of the Washington government to deal 4 o'clock. He usually gets up at 4.30 LAST NIGHT IN COTTON CASE APED •with the Huerta authorities by diplo- o'clock to go to work, and seeing that S'JLZER VERDICT DOCTOR ENDS TEST matic means unless theie is a decided It was not jet time, although he had change of spirit on the part of the of- put on his shoes and trousers, he lay back down on tile bed and dozed off FOR JULIAN HAWTHORNE IN U.S. APPEALS COURT ficials in Mexico City, were sent to this •waiting for the alarm clock. He was MAYJOELAYED Mexican president. disturbed by Mrs. Haugr. who asked for TO TRACE POISON The negotiations through John Land a match and he gave her his lamp, the Today He and Dr. Morton After Eight Years Suit Is Still had progressed to the point where the chimney of which he broke in the ex- Will Be Discharged and Will Being Fought to Recover state department accepted the indorse- citement. He says he then slipped on Unofficially Reported That "I'm the Victim of an Infam- ment of Federico Gamboa for the a shirt and went into the room. Action of Impeachment Man- Leave for New York $10,145 and Interest. La to jesterday afternoon a bloody Deadly Drug Has Been ous Scoundrel," Declares presidency, as meaning the elimination towel was found in his room, stains on agers in Asking for New of Huerta, and where it was confident^ ly hoped that a fair and fr«e election his soap and the track of a bare heel Sleeping soundly on their prison cots Discovered in Organs of Argument before the United States Dr. M. W. Lewis Physician on the floor leading from the door to Article of Impeachment in the federal penitentiary near At- court of appeals was concluded yes- would be held October 26. Now, how- thd washstand.m negro maid testified lanta •were Julian Hawthorne ancV Dr Mrs. Sallie Barren. ever. President Wilson has made it at the inquest today that she went into terdav in the case of Haven & Clem- of Carrollton, Ga. the room at the request of the doctor Complicates Matters. W. J. Morton at midnight last night ens, New York cotton brokers, brought clear that the "Washington government when the official clock rang out the some eight years ago • against D. W. had with the events of the last few and got a towel and that later, she end of their sentences, pronounced by Examination of the internal organs thought, returned it to the room. Mr. Albany, N. Y, October 14.—The pos- of Mrs Sallie Lou Barron was com- Gaines in the United States district "I am simply the victim of an in- days—the imprisonment of the depu- sibility of an indefinitely long delay a federal Judge of the United States court at Columbus. The New York Duane was not in the room from the court in New Tork, March 21. pleted yesterday by Dr. Edgar Ever- brokers seek $10,145, which they claim famous scoundrel, a physician, who is ties and the establishment ot a dicta- time he left in the early morning until in reaching a verdict as to the guilt or hardt and a report sent relatives of torship by Huerta, lost all hope of innocence of Governor William Sulzer As the prison doors were closed for represents their commission losses on seeking to injure me," declared Dr. after the search. the night at 6 o'clock, Hawthorne and the dead "woman, whose husband, Dr. dealings for Gaines and the Interest M. W. Lewis, aged 38, of Carrollton, seeing a constitutional election held Woman Sleuth Finds Status. loomed up at his impeachment trial to- Cary Barron, is held on a warrant day. This was suggested when coun- Morton, though knowing their time they ask during the past eight years Ga., yesterday, who was arrested anc by the Huerta regime. A woman detective who happened to charging murder on account of the sus- amounts to over $4,000. sel for the impeachment managers was up at midnight, made themselves picious circumstances surrounding the charged with immoral conduct with Foreign Goverame»t* Notified. tie in the house testified that she had asked that the court recommend to easy during the evening, following the The New York, firm. Of which, the The steps taken by the United States u,s.ed a magnifying glass and found rputine both have observed because . woman's death. Dr. Everhardt would senior member is now dead. the 26-year-old daughter of Mr. and the assembly the bringing of a new ( had found any were formally communicated to all for- what she thought to be stains of blood article of impeachment in the event the they had, during: the early days of their 1 Mrs. M. J. McCaJmon, ot Waco, Ga. eign governments. No further negotia- leading across the hall to the room that it would on July 21. •where he stayed.. She was not positive testimony of Duncan W. Peck, super- i tions were planned through diplomatic mtendent of public works, and Henry I doors were never Dr. Lewis was bound over by Re- channels and it would not be surprising about the stains belp/g blood. their commissions and L. Morgenthau, ambassador to Turkey, night unless they were opened to ad- so desired or corder Nash B,. Broyles to the crim- if John Lind, who has been waiting at Mr. Duane was this afternoon at 5:30 mit a recruit to Warden Moyer's force. ' for amounts paid out by them for him o'clock released from custody by the should be found not to be relevant to In spite of Dr Everhardt's refusal to inal division of the city court under a Vera Cruz to observe the manner in any charge contained In the present As both have done since they be- and representing his losses on the ex- which the Huecta officials carried out coroner's jur>, but will be held in the discuss the tests he has made, it Is change. The dealings in some 5,000 11,000 bond. It was charged that he city pending developments. articles. I came guests of Warden Moyer, Haw- understood that he has found poison in . their promises, should return to the Whether this testimony was relevant ) thorne and Morton were at the break- bales of cotton were lnvolved brought the girl to Atlanta and hac United States at once. Mr. Hang, father of the murdered to article 4, Which charges the gover- fast table Tuesday morning with the the dead woman's stomach. j The case is one which attracted in- occupied a room with her at a West girl, arrived in the city this mornins /terest throughout the country among Huerta's decrees proclaiming himself nor with suppression of evidence be- other prisoners, and, just as they did I Say Poison Was Found. Mitchell street hotel. According to the as In charge of the departments of in- with two friends accompanying him. fore the Frawley investigating com- police, the girl declared to them thai He is employed by the Southern rail- a month ago, they came from the I MeDonough, Ga , October 14—fSpe- terior, administration, finance and war mittee, was the subject of debate to- breakfast table to take up the same cial )—That Dr.
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