' January 15, 1999 Vol. 27 No. 1 Repairing the Glebe Community Centre step by step The Glebe Community Centre at tarp and heaters provided the 690 Lyon St., sorely in need of necessary winter protection) and renovation, is being repaired step the same kind of concrete pre-fab by step. steps will be installed. Work started Jan. 4 to replace Cost of the new steps is $7,400, the disintegrating concrete steps according to Gilles Renard, at the Lyon St. entrance. Patti facility co-ordinator for the city. McKay, centre director, says the Wooden steps were considered, repairs have been needed for but the precast concrete steps quite some time and cannot wait cost $1,000 less. Jonas for the building renovation which Restoration is the contractor. has been put off until some time "We hope the job will be fin- in the future. ished in time for the Bruce and The city's property managers in the Burgers dance Jan. 16," says the asset management division are Patti. overseeing the construction In the meantime, the ramp project. meant for strollers and The old concrete was broken up wheelchairs is being used by the with jacichammers, new metal ris- hundreds of Glebites who attend ers were installed and primed (a centre activities. Photo: Susan Jermyn Photo: Susan Jermyn Keep level: New steps are by Jonas Crumbling concrete steps removed from Glebe Community Centre it installed Restoration Taste of the Glebe Jan. 28 Public meeting INSIDE BY CARL MARTIN on More than 20 neighbourhood Lansdowne Letters 5 will eateries participate in the Feb. 4 GNAG 6 Taste of the Glebe event on Thursday, January 28, at the City council will have received Facelift for the its first briefing on the Lans- Glebe Community Centre (690 Grimacing Nun Youth Café Lyon Street). The unique food downe Park redevelopment pro- fair, which runs from 5:30 p.m. to posal negotiated with Canderel GCA 7 Developments at an in camera 7:30 p.m. will showcase a virtual City I Councillor 8 smorgasbord of food styles and 77 meeting of the conununity and c ;c1 social services conunittee (CSOC) tastes. I Reg'l Councillor's January 13. It was first thought All proceeds go to the GNAG column 9 Glebe Community Centre Renova- ' that this meeting would b e tion fund. Tickets cost $25. Rosa's, Morala Specialty Coffee, public. Feature 10 The first public will "It will be an opportunity for McDonald's, the Pantry, the New briefing be at the next CSOC meeting on Winter is no joke/ Glebe residents to come together Delhi, the Canal Ritz, Second Cup, Jan. 27. Inez Berg, Capital Ward for a good cause and for people Starbuck's Coffee, Subway, Three Sports 12 from across the region to see how Von's, councillor, advises: " Th e Tarts, Vittoria Trattoria, be up Features .... 14, 15 good the food is in this commu- community must and ready Wringer's and Zak's Diner. to react really quickly. There are nity," said Mayor Jim Watson, one Brewing Co. and Kit- Promoting-peace through The Hart only two weeks for the public to of the organizers of the event. also pro- ding Ridge Winery will respond between Jan. 27 and the music; a Big Sister is "I think the Taste of the Glebe vide refresh- complimentary next CSOC meeting will be a lot of fun," said Capital ments. Feb. 10." also a friend Ward Councillor Inez Berg. "I There are plenty of door prizes Arts 16 want to thank the participating to be won, including two plane CAPITAL WARD BRIEFING: businesses for their support. I'm GET THE FACTS ON THE SugarBeat releases CD tickets to anywhere Air Canada LANSDOWNE PROPOSAL sure all the people who care as flies within the country. Parents Councillor Berg has invited city Business 18 much the Glebe about Conununity take note that free child care will CAO John Burke, technical staff Centre as I do will come out OCDSB trustee 19 and be available at the centre during and Canderel a enjoy representatives to this event" the event public briefing in Capital Ward Schools 20-22 Here are some of the eateries To buy tickets or to volunteer, to make presentations and answer Church ...... .25 that will offer free food samples: visit the main desk of the Glebe questions about the Lansdowne The Arrow & Loon Pub, the Community Centre, call the office, plan, now that the financial Clocktower Pub, Feleena's, Flip- of Mayor Watson at 244-5300, agreement has been u ego tiated. per's, Fratelli, Grabba Jabba Fine ext. 3030, or that of Councillor The public Feb. 4 at DATES TO REMEMBER Coffee, Irene's Pub/Restaurant, Berg at 244-5367. 7:30 p. cP ebe Community Kettleman's Bagel Co., Jan. 25: Glebe Report Lightning Space is limited so get your Centre. Bakery, Loeb Glebe, Mexicali tickets fast! Deadline N EWS Glebe Report January 15, 1999 2 Vigorous new year at Abbotsford mysteries. You don't have to buy a computer to become computer Marque Laflamme literate use ours! REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPIST ACTIVITIES GUIDE AVAILABLE Therapeutic massage for treatment of: On Jan. 18 our class series start again. Pick up our guide to headaches neck/shoulder stiffness back pain what is available when you come whiplash stress management sports injuries in to see who we are. Or phone. BY GORDON HAUSER Stay in Shape is a group activity Free Parking , GLEBE Call 237-9000 At that lovely old house oppo- designed for each individual's ChiropTaclic site Lansdowne Park on Bank special needs because we care Fifth Avenue Court CLINIC 99 Fifth Ave.. Suite 7 Street we have just the programs about your continued good health. that lively people 55 years or Try Yoga. That is offered each older really enjoy. The bridge week, and you will be guided in players will start early because meditation techniques and they love the game so much. If breathing exercises. Or go for you play or want to learn to play, more active fitness with Aerobics phone 230-5730 to ask for de- or Muscle Training with Weights PERSONAL INCOME TAX PREPARATION tails. I know you will be wel- both classes run twice each Twelve Years Experience comed with open arms. week. Do it with a friend! You Bridge players enjoy teaching will soon notice the difference. their sldlls to others but this is Change your lifestyle. MARION CAMERON also true of the snooker players. From Pottery to Discussion Phone: 730-8491 Fax: 730-2448 The same phone number will give Groups there is so much to choose all necessary info about how to from. Give us a call. And re- email: [email protected] join and use the cues and table. member, when you start to wOrry It is great recreation and fun. about taxes you don't have to pay The introduction of computer for expert advice, we have that training has gone well with lots of here for members at our Tax members using the computer to Clinic on March 27. But please send E-mails after a brief call in and look us over before introduction to its supposed then. Dr. Robert Crook, Dr. Joan Craig No more parking & Dr. Pierre Isabelle at Patterson Creek FAMILY DENTISTRY The National Capital Commis- shrubs and re-sodding. The NCC sion would like to inform Rideau has also added to the park furni- Fiffh Avenue Court Suite 21-99 Fifth Ave ture (benches and lamp stan- Canal skateway users as well as Saturday Evening residents of the National Capital dards) and re-surfaced the path- and Appointments Available Region that the area north of Pat- way which runs through the park. Service Bilingue terson Creek and adjacent to Lin- The use of this site as a parking For Appointment, Phone 234-6405 den Terrace will no longer be area is contrary to NCC environ- cleared for parking. This area mental practices and does not fit was originally maintained to in this important Capital setting, service Winterlude events and is so close to the Queen Elizabeth no longer needed for this pur- Drive and the Canal skateway. Retirement Savings pose. Plan Seminar Since 1995, the NCC has in- The alternative parking areas vested considerable resources to nearby are: street parking on improve this important core park. Linden Terrace or parking at The NCC has repaired the Patter- Lansdowne Park. If you have any A timely invitation son Creek pavilion (public toilets questions you may call Sandra and skate change area) and em- Pecek, Public Consultation and from Royal Bank. bellished the landscaping b y Community Relations at 239- planting additional trees and 5155. Meet the experts at the Museum of Nature Making the right retirement planning decision can There is no better way to share The ABCs Of Mineral Identifica- be a difficult and confusing experience. the excitement of the scientific tion Michel Picard; Gem Identi- process than to talk to a scien- fication Willow Wright. That's why Royal Bank is holding a complimentary tist. Sat, Jan. 23: What's New In Retirement Savings Planning Seminar to assist you Dinosaur Science Michael Cald- At the Meet the Experts pro- with this important financial decision-making. gram this month at the Canadian well; Fish Of The Rideau River Museum of Nature (CMN), visitors Noel Alfonso; Mineral Research will be able to meet and talk with At The CMN Bob Gault. Topic: RSPs MUTUAL FUNDS MARKET UPDATE 22 museum scientists and collec- Sun., Jan. 24: Fossil Forest tions experts about their work. In The Arctic Richard Day; Life Date: January 20, 1999 "Being able to chat one-to-one At The Bottom Of The Sea Jean- with a scientist makes his or her Marc Gagnon; The Canadian Time: 7:30 p.m.
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