bindex.qxd 6/29/06 5:57 PM Page 243 Index Page numbers in italics indicate photographs. ABC News, 91–92, 100, 158, 159 reputation as, 89–90, 97, 99, 103 Abrams, Elliott, 153 retirement as, 5, 7, 11 Abu Ghraib prison report, 177–178 role of, 75, 174–175, 217 Achille Lauro incident, 102–103 successor to Cronkite, 75–76, Adams, Jerry, 51 77–79, 81, 82–83, 87 Afghanistan, 67–73, 114 Arledge, Roone, 79–80, 91–92, 116 Ailes, Roger, 143, 144, 145, 147 Armstrong, John, 58 Ajami, Fouad, 173 Alda, Alan, 1, 200 Backe, John, 83–85 Allman, Paul Limbert, 138 Barker, Eddie, 40, 41, 43–44, 45 Amanpour, Christiane, 196 Barnes, Ben, 180 anchor Barthelme, Donald, 138 of CBS Evening News, 3, 4–6, 85, baseball team, 23–24 120, 168–169 Beckwith, Byron De La, 37 Chung, as coanchor, 161–163, Beddoe, Reed, 72 164–168 Bedell Smith, Sally Couric as, 208–209, 212 on Katrina coverage, 199 early days as, 87–88 on legacy, 218 Emmy AwardCOPYRIGHTED tribute to, 200–201 on network MATERIAL news, 216–217 final broadcast as, 12–13, 212–213 Paley biography and, 44, 155–156 at KHOU-TV, 32 on Rather, 4 legacy of, 215–216 Belgrade, incident in, 136 in 1970s, 4 Benjamin, Bud, 78–79 protection of, 191 Benton, Nelson, 53 replacement as, 16 Bernstein, Carl, 16, 189–190 243 bindex.qxd 6/29/06 5:57 PM Page 244 244 INDEX Bettag, Tom retirement of, 211 G. H. W. Bush interview and, 143 on Rumsfeld, 56–57 Miami incident and, 133–134, Brothers, Joyce, 139 135 Brown, Jim, 211 as producer, 66–67, 132 Bucksbaum, David, 116 replacement of, 159 Burkett, Bill, 179–180, 185–186 Big Brother, 205 Bush, George H. W. bin Laden, Osama, 173 interview with, 143–147 Birnbaum, Bernie, 113 Iran-Contra scandal and, 143, on Bush-Air National Guard story, 151, 153 189 as presidential candidate, 142 on Collingwood, 48–49 Rather and, 156 King interview and, 36 reaction to interview with, KRLD and, 43–44, 45 147–150 in Pecos, Texas, 34–35 Bush, George W., 114, 173. See also on Vietnam, 50 Bush-Air National Guard story Watergate and, 58 Bush-Air National Guard story Bishop, Jim, 164 apology for, 3, 186–187 bloggers, 209 causes of, 16 Bloom, Artie, 219, 220–221 editorial cartoon, 124 Boccardi, Louis, 187 Heyward and, 183, 185–187, 190 boxing, 20–21 Mapes and, 178–182, 184, The Boys on the Bus (Crouse), 185–186, 187–188, 189 57–58 overview of, 11–13 Bradlee, Ben, 58 panel investigating, 187 Bradley, Bill, 170 Rather and, 182–183, 192–193 Bradley, Ed, 170 reaction to, 7, 184, 185, 188–192 A Bridge Too Far (Ryan), 71–72 Brinkley, David, 4 The Camera Never Blinks (Rather), broadcast journalism, state of, 6, 40, 42, 47, 48 198–200, 203, 204–206, The Camera Never Blinks Twice 207–208, 216–217 (Rather) Brokaw, Tom, 126 on Afghanistan story, 68, 70, 71 Emmy Award tribute to, 200–201 on Chung, 162 Friedman and, 157 on interview with G. H. W. Bush, Gay on, 218 143–144, 147 Rather and, 99, 136–137 on Miami incident, 132 bindex.qxd 6/29/06 5:57 PM Page 245 INDEX 245 Carson, Johnny, 134, 211 elimination of jobs at, 108, Casey, William, 102 128–129 Castro, Fidel, 64, 122 first day on job at, 34 CBS Gulf War and, 156, 157, 158 blog of, 207 Moonves and, 200–201, 205–206 dead air on, 132 negotiations with, 79–80 earnings of, 160 in 1980s, 1–2 management of, 104 offers from, 33 New York Stock Exchange and, 125 power over, 95–98, 103 ratings and, 129–130, 168 ratings of, 170 sale of, to Westinghouse, 168 role in, 171 See also CBS Evening News; CBS salary issue, 106 News Division Washington bureau of, 53, 58, 59 CBS Evening News Who Speaks for Birmingham?, 36 as anchor, 3, 4–5, 85, 120, CBS Reports, 63–65 168–169 Challenger explosion, 172 Bush-Air National Guard story Chandler, Bob, 187 and, 186 Chen, Julie, 205 command center, 116 Chung, Connie, 58, 121, 161–163, Cronkite and, 99, 101 164–168 format for, 100–101 civil rights, reporting on, 35–36 meeting with editorial staff of, Clarridge, Duane, 153 85–87 Clinton, Hillary, 209 Moonves and, 208 Clooney, George, 204 ratings and, 11, 91, 100, 129, CNBC, 170 158–159 CNN, 158–159, 170, 205–206 Sauter, “moment” pieces, and, coanchoring, 162 99–101 Cohen, Richard transition plan for, 15–16 on Bush-Air National Guard story, CBS News Division 192 argument between Sports and, G. H. W. Bush interview and, 144 133–134 column written by, 128 Couric and, 208–209, 212 criticism by, 150–151 creation of, 44 departure of, 151–152 credibility of, 13–14 on legacy, 216 critics of, 160–161, 166–167, political coverage and, 142–143 208–209 on Rather, 142 bindex.qxd 6/29/06 5:57 PM Page 246 246 INDEX Cohen, Richard (continued) Dallas, Texas, 43, 45 on staff meeting with Rather, 86 Dean, Morton, 7, 82, 98, 217–218 Collingwood, Charles, 48–49 Decesare, Don, 130–131, 132, 165, Colson, Chuck, 58 217 Connor, Bull, 36 Dees, Donna, 148 correspondents, embedding of, Defense Department, 175, 176, 178 175 Detroit, 168 Couric, Katie, 6, 208–209, 212 Dietz, Park, 137–138 Crawford, Bill, 148, 159 Doyle, Larry, 125 critics field trips and, 157–158 of CBS News Division, 160–161, on Miami incident, 134 166–167, 208–209 on Oklahoma City, 165, 166 of Rather, 3–4, 13–15, 134, on Rather, 55 218–219 Dreifus, Claudia, 167 Cronkite, Walter, 118 as anchor, 65 Edwards, Douglas, 118, 219 on CBS Evening News, 99 Edwards, Mike, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 convention of 1984 and, 102 election coverage, 101–102, 167, Gorbachev and, 103 172 on Iraq war, 210 embedding of correspondents, 175 Kennedy assassination and, 42 Emmy Awards, tribute to anchor- as managing editor, 83 men by, 200–201 midterm elections of 1982 and, Enberg, Dick, 30 101–102 Estes, Billy Sol, 34, 35 power of, 96 Evers, Charles, 36–37 radio career of, 30 Evers, Medgar, 36, 37 on Rather, 14–15, 134, 173–174 Eye to Eye, 166 retirement of, 76–77 Eyewitness, 34 successor to, 75–76, 77–79, 81, 82–83, 87 Fager, Jeff, 171, 195 Tisch and, 128–129 Fenton, Tom, 173 Townsend on, 88–89 Fiers, Alan, 153 traits of, 33 Flynn, Rita, 97–98 Crouse, Timothy, The Boys on the Foote, Horton, 24–25 Bus, 57–58 Ford building, 2 crying, and masculinity, 26 48 Hours, 171, 205 Cunningham, Hugh, 28–29 Fouhy, Ed, 58, 104 bindex.qxd 6/29/06 5:57 PM Page 247 INDEX 247 France, incident in, 135–136 Harris, John, 130–131, 133–134 Frank, Justin, 139 Heatter, Gabriel, 23 Freston, Tom, 125 Heights Annex, 19–20 Friedman, Steve, 156–157 Helms, Jesse, 107 Friendly, Fred, 47, 48, 49, 56, 210 Hewitt, Don Bloom and, 220 Gay, Verne on Bush-Air National Guard story, on field trips, 81 8, 191 on legacy, 218 on CBS News Division, 2 on Rather, 90, 169, 171, 211 Cronkite and, 83 Gelber, David, 184, 185, 188 on Friendly, 210 Geller, Alfred, 164–165, 167–168 on-air apology by, 197–198 George, Clair, 153 plan to buy CBS News and, 108 George Foster Peabody Award, on Rather, 128, 198 178 Sauter on, 98–99 Gielgud, John, 211 sexual harassment and, 191 Gleason, Jackie, 164 60 Minutes II and, 170 Goldberg, Bernard, 14, 131, 132, on Tisch, 109 150 Heyward, Andrew, 122 Goldberg, Jonah, 14 Bush-Air National Guard story Goldenson, Leonard, 164 and, 183, 185–187, 190 Goldwater, Barry, 47, 58–59 Chung and, 165 Goodman, Tim, 15, 208 criticism of, 188 Good Night and Good Luck hires of, 170 (movie), 204 Niger documents and, 185 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 103 promotion of, 168 Gore, Al, 178 retirement of, 188 Gregory, David, 203 Hoover, J. Edgar, 57 Ground Zero, 173 Houston, Sam, 25 Gulf War, 156, 157, 158, 159 Houtrides, Jim, 80 Gumbel, Bryant, 170 Howard, Josh, 180, 182, 188, 195 “Gunga Dan” nickname, 72 Hurricane Katrina coverage, Gunther, Marc, 168–169 198–200 Hussein, Saddam, 156–157, 175, Halberstam, David, 46, 51 184 Haldeman, H. R., 59 Harrington, Mark, 116 Imus, Don, 4, 174 bindex.qxd 6/29/06 5:57 PM Page 248 248 INDEX In All His Glory (S. Bedell Smith), firing of, 109 44, 155–156 management style of, 92–93 instant analysis, 54–55 on Moonves, 206 In the Storm of the Eye (Leonard), promotion of, 105 78 Rather and, 93–94, 105–106, Iran-Contra scandal, 142, 143, 151, 107–108, 137 153 on ratings, 159 Iraq salaries and, 106 Abu Ghraib prison report, Sauter and, 94 177–178 Socolow and, 104–105 Cronkite on, 210 debate over, 203–204 Kalb, Bernard, 53, 92 Gulf War and, 156 Kalb, Marvin, 53, 92 invasion of, 175–176 Kaplan, Rick, 92, 202 I Remember (Rather), 20, 25, 26, 28 Katz, Jon, 162 Irvin, Nat, 6 Kennedy, John F., 39–42, 43, 64–65, 147 Jankowski, Gene, 83–84, 93, 104, “Kenneth, what is the frequency?”, 107 136–138 Jennings, Peter, 1, 92, 200–201 Kerry, John, 178, 179–180 Johnson, L. B., 45, 46–47, 52, 62 Khalis, Younas, 71 Jones, Phil KHOU-TV, 32 on Bettag, 135 King, Larry, 16, 198 on Bush-Air National Guard story, King, Martin Luther, Jr., 36 183, 184, 190 Kitman, Marvin, 163 career of, 30 Klein, Jonathan, 207 on CBS News, 209 Koppel, Ted, 159, 201, 211 in Vietnam, 49–50 KRLD, 43–44, 45 Watergate and, 60 Kroft, Steve, 170 journalists, 181, 206–207 KSAM, 30 Joyce, Edward KTRH, 31 Achille Lauro incident and, Kuralt, Charles, 78, 219 102–103 on Brokaw, 7 Lack, Andy, 68, 69, 71–72 on Bush-Air National Guard story, Lamoreaux, Bud, 95, 181–182 186, 191 Lane, John, 98, 104 Cronkite and, 102 The Late Show, 173–174 bindex.qxd 6/29/06 5:57 PM Page 249 INDEX 249 Laurence, Jack, 51 McFarland, Robert, 153 Leahy, Tom, 93 McLaughlin, Maraya, 53 legacy, 215–216, 217–218 Memogate.
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