~;":"'~_""<O;:.~ Vol . XXV, No . 123 Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (Inc.) April-May 1980 NATIONAL EXECUTIVE 26th YEAR OF PUBLICATION Presid ent : L. J. D. Priest (Hawkes Bay) Club Captain: A . D. Storer (Ban ks Peninsula) Club Vice-Captain: M. H . Ferner (Wgtn) IN THIS ISSUE H all. Secretar y: Cl ynt Inn s (Ba nks Peninsula) Club R egistrar: S. A. England, P.O. Box 4154, President's Message 2 Christchurch. Executive: Messrs B. 1. Barnes (Southland), W. M . Birch 21st Internationa!-a Viewpoint 3 (Wellington, N. A. Dewhurst (Auckland), 1. W. A. 21st International-Awards 4 Newell (Banks Peninsula). 21st International-Side Effect 6 21 st International-Confessions 7 CORRESPONDENCE Some pages from the past 10 Club correspondence, including members' CHANGES OF ADDRESS, mu st be sent to Crossword No. 7 12 Th e Vintage Car Club of N. Z. (lIIC.) The Club's Old Vehicles 13 r.o. Box 2546, Christchurch, Deans Bush Rally 17 Intending members should write to this address. The Main Event 18 All Beaded Wheels correspondence and subscribers Invermay 26 change o f address to p.a. Box 13140. Why fit Shock Absorbers 28 Branch Notes 29 BEADED WHEELS EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Book Review 33 Chairman : Spencer Barnard. Letters to Editor 34 Committee: Gavin Bain, Geoff Hockley, Bruc e Pidgeon. Bob Sco tt, Paul Giesler. Classified Ads 35 Material for publication is the responsibility of this committee and should be forwarded to P.0. Box 13140. CLOSING DATE Christchurch, typed or neatly printed, double spaced on Clos ing dat e f or Jun e/July issu e M ay 13 th. one side of paper only. Reports of restorations. events, road tests, historical and technical articles welcome. No pa yment made to COVER PHOTO con tributors. 21 st Intern at ion al Rall y Direct or, N or m Skevingt on The opinions expressed in letters or articles in Beaded presen t ing the Sou t hwa rd Tr oph y f or Con co urs de Wheels are the au thors' own views and do not necessarily Condi t ion to en try Gr een 0 9 1 192 6 Aus ti n 12/4 be long ing to J. W. Bla ke y, A uc k land . Col our fi lm express the policy of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (Inc.) suppl ied by Fui ichrom e, Phot o by Spenc e Barna rd . PRODUCTION " Beaded Wheels is the voice of the Vintage Car movement Beaded Wheels is published bi-monthly by Purse Willis "l • in New Zealand and of the .Clubs whose efforts are "fostering and ever widening the lnterestof:this movement & Aiken Ltd, Christchurch for the Vintage Car Club and form rallying points for th at ever increasing band of of N.Z. Inc .. at its editorial office . P.O. Box 13140. enthusiasts. The fascination of age itself or revulsion from Christchurch. the flashy mediocrity of the present day is drawing an increasing number of motorists back to the individuality . Mailed free to all members. Annual subscription $5.40 . solid worth, and fu nctional elegance that was demanded by a mor e discriminating generation and it is to these tha t Individual copies and back numbers 90c. th is magazine is ded icated. ADVERTISING Regi stered at Pes! Off ice He e d o uerrer s Wellington Rate schedule available on request to Ad vertising as b Maqe aine . Manager, p.a. Box 13140. Christchurch. Phone 67-346 . From the President Well, the 21st Int ernational such an exerc ise over the pa st our Club a nd future meetin gs Rally of F. LV.A. has come and six years. It is agreed that the overseas. gone, and it wou ld be fair to say who le event was a great team With the winter coming on, it it will be rem embered fo r man y effort, bu t every team requires a woul d appe ar that activity on the a year by those who were for­ tru e leader. rally scene is getting ready to tun ate eno ugh to be able to The Club's Execut ive meeting slow down , but I must remind attend . T he number of overseas held a t Rotoru a during the Inter­ members that we still have a visitors, bot h en tra nts and sup ­ nat ional Rall y, placed on record , Club to run, and several areas por ters alike, that have compli­ the desire to look at planning are being looked a t, in the a d­ mented the Ra lly Co mmittee in ano ther In ternat ion al in the min istrat ion, to see where we can the manner which every aspec t future. I feel sure that once we perh aps strea mline our opera­ of the event was proceeded with have all settled do wn, we will tion s. If you have any suggestions would make a file all of its own. assess the prob abil ity and report to offer, or a ny matt er which T he lett ers being received from back to the members. Whil e on you would like to have discussed , ind ividu als and business premises the matter of the Executive please contact myself or write to in the Rotorua district, have meeting, it was pleasing to see the Secr etar y, so that the poi nt nothing but pra ise for the be­ that almos t every Bran ch was ca n be raised at a future meetin g. haviour of our entra nts. their represented, togeth er with severa l LI ONEL PRIEST courtes y and con sideration ex­ interested members acting as ob­ tended to anyo ne, and most of servers. T hose who did not at­ 1908 ADAMS all, they are as king us ba ck. tend , missed a very enlightening To N orm Skeving ton and his meeting and part icul arl y a bri ef good wife Marie, on beha lf of talk by severa l repre sent ati ves of the Vintage Ca r Club of N .Z. the F.I.V.A. Co uncil, and how it Inc.. ma y I extend the warmest affec ts our organisation. Mr Jo hn of congratulations for the dis­ Ha stilow, our delegat e to the se cipline and work which must meetings, was also prese nt to have gone int o the planning of bri ef us on matters relating to VINTAGE TYRES "Special" - Save $9.00 670 x 15 Tubeless Seconds - Normal Price $53.00 Spec ial price $4 4.00. Straight Side Tyres 500 x 19 Firestone 500 x 20 Fi restone 550 x 20 Dunlop 500 x 19 Firestone W.S.W. 600 x 20 Firestone 550 x 19 Olympic 475 x 21 Firestone W .S.W. Apex Tyres Limited P.o. Box 25026 Christchurch PAGE T WO 21st International - a Viewpoint Everyone will have their own having to back-track at all. Our everyone else in our group, but memories of the 1980 in Rotorua, friends in other group s played judging by the slightly heated so I hope they will forgive me if the game and didn 't pass on any conversations heard now and my thoughts on the 21st Inter­ information about the routes again, the directi ons given by nati onal Veteran and Vint age they had alre ad y taken. Judging Ray Fleet to co ntestants as they Car Rall y do not coincide with by several cars just sitting by entered the gro unds to the tea, theirs. the wayside when we passed, a bun s and marriage guid ance , could have come in useful! All over New Zealand vintage by Helena MacDonald The day of the Swap Meet enthusiasts have been working, was a shocker. We had nothing planning and sa ving for this rally number had been briefed by their to swap but plenty of people to for months, even years . With the friends as to the positions of the meet. In spite of the rotten usual mid-February ferry trouble check-posts, but I don 't think weather the crowds milled the 300-odd vehicles from the they fared any better than we around all the goodies offered. South Island were not sure if did relying on our own rallying Skip disappeared into one group they would make it, but they did , know-how. We weren't out for and I lost sight of him com­ in time for the grand openin g on any "gongs" but still got a kick pletely, finally deciding that in February 24th. The weather from the low scores we made on that mincing-machine crowd, he clear ed and Rotoru a turned on the odd day or so. The regul arity was most likely to come out as a really magnificent day. Surely test and gymkhana were a test an engine block or a tilt-len s! never before , and probabl y never of co-ordination and timin g. Th e The ent ert ainment in the even­ again, will there be so man y sur feit of wasps at Marnaku was ings was practic ally non- stop . It antique, vetera n, vintage, post not co nducive to stay ing too was quit e imposs ible to attend vintage and post war cars, trucks, long to assess the fortunes of everything. We went to the buses and motor-bikes co ngre­ gated in one place at one time. It was qu ite impossi ble to look at ever y vehicle.
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