OUT March 25, 2011 | Volume IX Issue 22 Marriage Alan Mingo, Jr. Equality Bill Dead in 2011 More Than Shrek’s Lovable Donkey Controversial gender- identity bill still up in the air By DeBorah J. Draisin some confusion in that a lan Mingo, Jr. Television maven Alan Mingo, Jr. debuted on department or if he was credit: DreamWorks a nnapolis – The Civil Marriage the small screen as in an episode of Fraser, just trying to appear Theatricals (Joan Marcus) Protection Act was recommitted to but may be best known for his turn as Reggie mysterious “You know,” committee by a voice vote in the House on Law and Order. A Broadway veteran with he chuckles “They sort of Delegates on March 11. Proponents impressive turns in key roles in such high- of pull whatever they were not able to muster sufficient sup- profile plays asRent! Hairspray and The Lion can off the Internet port to pass the measure in a floor King, Alan Mingo, Jr. is currently touring the (they didn’t pull much!) vote. The bill had passed the Senate country as Donkey in Shrek: The Musical. but at least they got that 25-21 in a vote taken February 24. The Maryland Distinguished Scholar has right.” Seventy-one votes were need- been in the biz since ’96 and is no strang- With a ten year ed to pass in the House, which had er to complex costuming (he also played gap in between stints been viewed by many political observ- Sebastian in The Little Mermaid.) as Tom Collins and ers as the easier of the two chambers He was nice enough to spare Baltimore Seaweed, has Alan no- to pass the measure. If that had been OUTloud a few moments of his time in be- ticed a change between done, the measure would have gone tween shows, and we were extremely grate- then and now as to how to the Governor for signature, making ful that he chose to answer his phone on his key LGBT roles are be- Maryland the sixth state besides DC to only day off. He pointed out that we were ing received as we allow same sex marriage. lucky his phone worked at all, because some push toward more pro- While the Republican caucus cities had all the reception of an empty mine gressive thinking in our held firm in the opposition, several shaft. society? Democratic lawmakers, such as Del. I alerted him to the fact that his New York “I don’t know if Tiffany Alston (D-Prince George’s) Times bio currently reads, simply, “Male.” they’re changing, but I dropped her support, claiming her “That’s seriously all it says?” he cracks up feel like in some ways constituents were opposed. Though “I’m gonna have to get someone get on that!” we’re stepping back- an up-and-down vote was not taken, I inquired as to whether there had been —continued on page 19 Alston could have been the difference maker. “While we are disappointed the House did not vote to pass marriage equality today, we are confident we will h ate Beating Leads to new Tolerance Website win in the future,” Morgan Meneses- r ichard ByT s eve Charing As he returned from the room to the ele- Sheets, executive director of Equality Tso Richard Tso, vice president of market- vator Tso noticed the elevator door remained Maryland said in a statement. “With ing for the technology company Spigit, had open and he heard a man shouting into the so much at stake today for thousands just finished addressing the annual eTail callbox. Not suspecting it was the same man of Maryland families, we are thankful Conference—an Internet marketing and re- who called him “fag” earlier, he entered. Then that our legislative allies have taken tail summit—at the Baltimore Hilton on he recognized the man who had followed him such care with this vote. It is best to de- August 10, 2010. Tso, 30, was heading to up to his floor. By holding the door open, no lay this historic vote until we are abso- the 14th floor of the West Pratt Street hotel other elevators would stop on the 14th floor. lutely sure we have the votes to win. We to drop off his laptop and return downstairs Tso immediately left the elevator, but the look forward to working strategically with to confer with clients. man followed him and once again called him our amazing allies in the legislature, and As he past the elevators, he heard a man a “faggot.” He started punching Tso in the our supporters across the state, to con- mutter “fag.” Tso, a resident of Seattle, pro- face repeatedly. “I asked him why he was tinue to build support for, and win, mar- ceeded to enter the elevator trying to ignore doing this, that he didn’t know me” Tso told riage equality in the Free State.” the comment. Since the other man had a Baltimore OUTloud. “I pleaded with him to —continued on page 3 clear indication of alcohol on his breath, Tso stop, but he kept on punching. I continued believed that was the best course of action. —continued on page 3 MD Marriage Mess: Looking Back to Move Forward Every football coach in America towards acceptance of same- organizations and House leadership for os- scrutinizes the video of the pre- OUT sex marriage. tensibly advocating sending the bill back to vious game to identify errors in • We have a supportive committee without a vote; the lack of activ- Co-Publishers strategy and execution. They Spoken governor, if not aggressively ism on the part of the larger gay and lesbi- Jim Becker • Jim Williams [email protected] learn from these mistakes so so, who pledged to sign mar- an community; and the influence of religious that they can implement the riage equality legislation. organizations and pastors that had an im- Executive Editor Jim Becker necessary changes and go out • We had eight LGBT pact on some freshman and even veteran [email protected] and win the next game. members in the legislature – delegates. Managing Editor In the case of the failed one of, if not the highest total Equality Maryland, in particular, became Steve Charing Civil Marriage Protection Act in the U.S. an easy target, mainly because their visibil- [email protected] during the 2011 Maryland • The construction of ity during these struggles. Community mem- Production Director General Assembly, it was not the critical Senate Judicial bers demanded an explanation of the recom- Bill Andriette a game. But it merited a re- Proceedings Committee had mitment to committee tactic, and such an Sales Director view of the action nonetheless. for the first time a number of elucidation had not yet been made public. Mary Taylor Thousands of gay and lesbian Steve Charing supporters that would likely Suspicion mounted that the decision [email protected] couples throughout the state move the bill to the floor for was made to prevent a clear defeat, which Leather Columnist were denied the rights, benefits debate and vote. would impact the marriage efforts in Rhode Rodney Burger and responsibilities that opposite sex cou- • Even Senate President Mike Miller, an Island in New York and that the national Contributing Writers ples receive because there were insufficient opponent of same-sex marriage, announced groups – Gill Foundation, HRC and Freedom Josh Aterovis • Shawn Bradley • Terrence Brower • Jeffrey votes in the House of Delegates to push the he would vote against a potential filibuster. to Marry—dictated the strategy. Moreover, Clagett • Jeffrey Clouser • Chuck Duncan • Deborah Draisin • Gerry Fisher • Eva Hersh MD • Marty Hoegg • Sam Kunz • Dana legislation to the Governor’s desk. • The committee sent the bill to the there was a good bit of controversy sur- LaRocca • Jessica Lemmo • Jay Loane • Meredith Moise • Vann Instead, a voice vote to recommit the Senate, and it sailed through with- rounding Equality Maryland’s re- Mills • Bill Palmer • David Placher • Sandy Rawls • Colin Riley • bill to committee without an actual floor vote out much fuss. A one-time oppo- moval of Facebook posts that Gregg Shapiro • Larry Walker took place. This was the decision by the bill’s nent to marriage equality, Sen. were critical to the organization’s Graphics proponents and House leadership. It pre- James Brochin, switched sides af- strategy and decision. Carol Baker vented a certain defeat on the floor but left ter hearing disgusting testimony But before the wolves cir- Cartoonist the community in the dark as to who support- from the opposition. cle and devour their prey, keep in Bruce Garrett (www.brucegarrett.com) ed us and who were against us. The hopes • Then Republican Minority mind that marriage equality nev- Photographers of these couples ended abruptly with a thud. Leader, Sen. Allan H. Kittleman, er advanced this far before in Bruce Garrett • Skip Koritzer • Justin Nixon Accordingly, there was not just heart- courageously sacrificed his posi- Maryland. There was a deficit of Web Editor break, but also bitter disappointment and tion to support marriage equality. only a few votes that prevented it Anja Saine palpable anger. Fingers were pointed at all • Several “celebrations” were from becoming a reality. Equality [email protected] parties involved. While the targets of the held by Equality Maryland after Maryland cannot be responsible Managed Web Services The Fusio Group blame game are understandably upset over the Senate passage that led many for that shortfall; they, like every- 866-322-7498, www.thefusiogroup.com the recriminations, many in the community in the community to believe a House victory one else, were blindsided by the backtracking National Advertising Rep who were stunned by this legislative maneu- was attainable, if not expected.
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