V24, N38 Thursday, July 11, 2019 Myers enters; Holcomb has $7.2M Gubernatorial race begins to form this week; Holcomb job approval at 61% By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS – Four days before Gov. Eric Holcomb kicks off his reelection campaign in Knight- stown, he now has a challenger, had “one party rule” for after Dr. the past 15 years. “I’m Woody Myers running for governor announced because Indiana has he will seek the Democratic nomi- too many preexisting nation. It is the latest launch of a conditions that typi- major party gubernatorial campaign cal politicians just can’t in modern Indiana history and it treat. And treating tough problems is what I do,” comes as Holcomb is exhibiting Dr. Woody Myers with wife Stacy and former congressman Myers said in front of the historic strength. Baron Hill Wednesday outside Wishard Hospital. He becomes Myers staked his candidacy the first Democrat to enter the 2020 gubernatorial race. (HPI Continued on page 3 on the notion that the state has Photo by Brian A. Howey) Recalling the moon shot By CRAIG DUNN KOKOMO – The poet Robert Browning once wrote, “Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?” The same could be said about a na- tion’s reach. “He’s a bad man and he needs to The 50th anniversary of mankind’s first steps on the moon on July 20, 1969 is fast be put away.’’ approaching. Let’s hope that our - U.S. Labor Sec. Alex Acosta nation will not use the occasion to focus on how great an achieve- at a Wednesday presser where ment it was, but rather to reflect on the many great things that we he defended a plea deal he might be able to achieve in the made with convicted future. The year 1969 was a time pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who not terribly unlike that of today. now faces similar charges in There was massive domestic tur- moil, bordering on open revolt and New York. Page 2 numerous conflicts around the world. for Teflon, communication satellites, There seemed to be nothing which breathing apparatuses for firefighters, could stop all Americans in their tracks heart pumps, software, circuitry and and provide us a moment of inspira- alloys, NASA has pioneered a wealth tion, pride and absolute awe. Since of significant technologies that has the first humanoid could tilt their made life better and increased our head upwards, we have marveled at productivity. the existence of the faraway moon. Just about any person in Poets, composers and philosophers any part of the world can put a round have pondered eloquently about the peg in a round hole. Every place in Howey Politics Indiana moon for centuries. But then on that the world can do that cheaper than WWWHowey Media, LLC amazing early morning in 1969, the we can in the United States. Our 405 Massachusetts Ave., moon ceased to be the distant myste- continued superiority as an economic Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN rious celestial rock and came tantaliz- powerhouse relies on our techno- ingly into our grasp. What seemed an logical edge over the competition. 46204 impossibility at one time, was now a We won’t keep that edge by following www.howeypolitics.com reality. the Kardashians or by pumping out a Some memories of events plethora of liberal art majors/baristas Brian A. Howey, Publisher in your life are burned into your mind in training. We will find our competi- Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington forever. My parents and I sat glued tive edge maintained by engineering to the television Cam Carter, copy editor screen throughout Joel Weyrauch, copy editor the evening of Mary Lou Howey, Editor July 19 and into Jack Howey, editor emeritus the wee hours of July 20 to soak in one of the great- Subscriptions est accomplish- HPI, HPI Daily Wire $599 ments of man in HPI Weekly, $350 recorded history. The drama of the Ray Volpe, Account Manager lunar descent, the 317.602.3620 touchdown and email: [email protected] Neil Armstrong’s first small steps on the surface of the moon are impos- and technology. The space program Contact HPI sible to convey to those who did not offered us this edge in the sixties and [email protected] experience it. Not many things can seventies and it could do it again. Howey’s cell: 317.506.0883 reduce a boy of 14 to tears, but the There are cynics who believe Washington: 202.256.5822 tears welled up in me from the pride that everything worth discovering has that America put the first man on the been discovered. There are fiscal con- Business Office: 317.602.3620 moon. We cheered and celebrated as servatives who challenge any expen- if we had each had a hand in man- ditures on space exploration. There © 2019, Howey Politics kind’s and America’s success. There are liberals who want money given to Indiana. All rights reserved. were no talks of riots, no talk of Viet- the poor instead of blasted into outer Photocopying, Internet forward- nam and no discussion of tax rates or space. Add to the financial challenges, the economy. In the wee hours of July the significant social upheavals and ing, faxing or reproducing in 20, there was only pride. political discord of today and uniting any form, whole or part, is a The United States space as a nation to accomplish some great violation of federal law without program fostered more technological feat seems quaintly impossible. Why permission from the publisher. innovations than could ever have been even try? conceived at the time President John The greatest minds in the F. Kennedy challenged our nation to United States used to aspire to careers put a man on the moon. NASA-devel- in science, medicine and engineering. oped technologies provided advances Today, our best minds struggle to find in science, medicine, engineering and algorithms that will fatten the wallets other disciplines. From unique uses of Goldman Sachs, Facebook, Google Page 3 and Amazon. Making money and Just as Rev. Martin Luther King becoming market dominant are knew, any goal worth achieving wonderful goals, but what do they starts with a dream, a shared do for the long march of society? dream. The United States Why can’t Don, Nancy, needs a dream that achieves Chuck and Mitch sit down over a some great dream, unites us as good pizza and brainstorm a few a people and benefits mankind. ideas for challenges that just might My personal dream is that unite us as a nation and achieve sometime during my lifetime great things. Leave the K Street the United States put humans lobbyists out of the room. Keep on the planet Mars. I would be the political handlers away. And, willing to pay more in taxes to for God’s sake, keep the media as achieve that dream. Everyone far from the meeting as possible. would benefit from the techno- What might we achieve from such logical advances of a renewed a meeting as this? Can we make space program and a united it to Mars? Can we cure cancer, Al- dream just might result in a zheimer’s or heart disease? Can we more united United States. achieve the lowest infant mortality, As July 20 rolls around the highest levels of education or and we remember the dar- the lowest poverty rates? ing deeds of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, let’s not Who knows what we might achieve if we would just commemorate, but let’s dedicate ourselves to a new make our reach exceed our grasp as a nation? American dream. History tells us not only how great we When I think of the unique American experience, were, but rather how great we can be. I think of two words, freedom and dreams. This great na- tion of ours has been so successful because of the dreams Dunn is the former Howard County Republican of its people and the freedom to pursue those dreams. chairman. v where he was chief health officer, and then as an invest- Governor, from page 1 ment manager with Myers Ventures LLC. He has been CEO old Wishard Hospital Emergency Room where he treated of Corizon Health and was chief health care strategist for patients and taught. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona. He was also chairman of The former Indiana and New York quality assurance at San Francisco Gen- City health commissioner vowed to focus eral Hospital. on education, health care and job creation. Knowing that residency issues “I learned very early in my career that have risen in an array of campaigns, My- the people with the best health were the ers was asked about his connections to people who got the best health care. The the state. “I never disconnected with Hoo- people with the best insurance are the siers,” he said. “Home base is here. My people with the best jobs. And the people family is still here. I was born and raised with the best jobs are the people with the here.” best education. All Hoosiers deserve the Indiana Republican spokes- best schools, the best health care and a man Pete Seat reacted, saying,“I know state that is creating jobs and opportuni- Woody has spent a limited amount of ties for workers and their families faster time in Indiana over most of the last than wages are rising. two decades, and it showed in remarks “I think it’s time for a change. It’s today. Coming off of back-to-back years been 15 years of one-party rule,” he said of record job commitments, $1 billion in told the Journal Gazette.
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