0 e0 * ADMIRAL SMITH VISITS GITMO NAVY NURSE CORPS THE NEW ATLANTIC COMMANDER BIRTHDAY lk ' R %J45I5TH %.Of ~ I II i i I l I rII TOURS LOCAL FACILITIES A WEEKLY PUBLICATION May 12, 1963 A hospital can be the loneliest place in the Admiral H. P. Smith, new Comander in Chief, world, especially for the serviceman whose fam- and U. S. Atlantic Fleet, made a famil- ilies and loved ones can be thousands of miles Atlantic away. iarization visit to Guantanamo Bay May 6 and 7 a defense posture briefing, and ground and A situation like this isn't easily remedied, for aerial tour of facilities here. but there are many things that brighten a dark Admiral was greeted upon his arrival day, things that perhaps aren't readily apparent Smith at NAS by RADM J. W. Davis, ComNavBase, and the to us. local commands. Fol- These might be the rustle of a starched Commanding Officers of all Smith visited snowy uniform, a bright smile, and a word or two lowing the briefing, Admiral facilities and talked with personnel at like "how are you this morning?" ground on the tour. He also appeared The experts at this magical morale building various positions are our ten representatives of the Navy Nurse for a personal interview on WGBT-TV. Corps stationed at the Base Hospital here at A veteran Naval officer with nearly 40 years Gitmo. service, Admiral Smith relieved Admiral Robert But today calls for a little well-wishing in L. Dennison, USN, on April 30, to become the the other direction; a note of congratulations senior military officer in the Atlantic Ocean to our ladies-in-white on this 55th anniversary area. He is also the Supreme Allied Commander of the Navy Nurse Corps. of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. No one can deny the tremendous work that As Commander in Chief of the unified Atlan - these women have done for our commaity. Through tic Command, he is directly responsible tothe small in number, they are high in ability and Joint Chiefs of Staff for all U.S. military op- morale.a smoothly operating naval hospital be- erations in the Atlantic Ocean area and part of ing one example of their constant effort. the Indian Ocean area, In this capacity he com- Attention to our nurses was forcibly and mands all Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine dramatically drawn during the October 22nd Corps forces in the Atlantic area as assigned by crisis. After the evacuation, there were only the Joint Chiefs of Staff. As Commander in Chief of the United States 13 or 14 American women remaining here at Gitmo. Ten of these were Navy Nurses. Atlantic Fleet, he commands the Atlantic Fleet's The duties during the crisis didn't lessen, 490 ships, 2,500 aircraft, and more than 290,000 they increased. The vacuum created by the de- officers and men. parted women and children was quickly filled by Admiral Smith came to Norfolk from the dip- the tremendous influx of additional military THAT CERTAIN TOUCH-TENDER, LOVING CARE-employ- lomatic-military position of Commander in Chief personnel. If the crisis had exploded, there ed by LCDR Carol Weaver, NC, results in an af- U.S. Naval Forces Europe, with headquarters in would have had to been many additional facilit- fectionate expression of gratitude by little London. (Continued on Page Two) Mike McIntosh. (V. D. Garrison, PH2) o- CDR R. J. Walsh, new Commanding Officer of the THIS COMMUNITY NEEDS ADM H. P. SMITH, Commander and Chief of the At- Naval Supply Depot receives vars wishes and a WHAT lantic Fleet, discusses defensive positions with hearty handshake from CDR M.V. Cornetta, Execut- Captain Kane of the USMC. (R. E. Mason, P) ive Officer, Naval Station, and many others who attended his change of command ceremonies at NSD on May 3. (R. B. Perrymore, PH2) HAMMERBERG HOSTS FAMILIES The shrill sound of the Boast pipe and the CUSTOMS WARNING ISSUED call "Set the Special Sea and Anchor Detail." For the past several months the Commissioner is familiar to Navymen the world over, but fev of Customs has been considering whether to re- dependents have had the opportunity to go to sea duce from $10.00 to $1.00 the aggregate value of or to observe a Navy ship in action. The Guan- articles which may be admitted free of duty and tanamo-based USS Hamerberg (DE-1015) changed internal revenue tax when mailed as bona fide this situation Saturday, May 4. gifts from outside the United States to someone The Hammerberg got underway shortly after within the United States. noon with sixty-aix dependents and guests aboard The Commissioner of Customs has announced and began the first phase of the cruise. While that decision regarding reduction of the gift ex- in the Bay area, the Officer of the Deck announ- emption has been deferred for a period of six ced various points of interest on shore and upon months. He states the wide publicity given to entering the open sea, the ladies were given an the contemplated corrective action has apprec- opportunity to steer the ship. iably reduced the abuses of the privilege and The ship's comanding officer, CDR R. P. that a discontinuance of such abuses should el- Schniedwind, said, "The tempo of this imediate iminate the necessity for the proposed reduction area of the world is far from serene and divers- to $1.00. ion is a necessary requirement for normal liv- Some abuses which make parcels subject to ing. The Hammerberg, therefore, took this wn- seizure and forfeiture have been: derful opportunity to alleviate this condition 1. Falsely labeling the parcels as "gifts". by embarking a number of fine "shipmates" and 2. Claiming that the gifts do not exceed their families. This also allowed us to demon- $10.00 in value when it is known that they do in atrate the proud ship we sail." fact exceed that value. Various displays were exhibited, many which such as the sound- 3. Including prohibited merchandise in the included guest participation, shipments. IS MORE TOASTMASTERS (Page 4) (Continued on Page Two) 0 M Page Two THE GITMO REVIEW May, 12, 1963 JUST WONDERIN'. CHAPLAIN'S CORNER LIBERTY AND COMMUNISM THE CIVIC COUNCIL-- "THE EVERLASTING ARMS" VOICE Sargent The sen who founded our Republic assumed OF THE PEOPLE by Chaplain G. H. that liberty we a natural right of the people, by D. Koze, JOC William Ewart Gladstone, the great Prime Min- and one of the basic purposes of government was ister of the Victorian Era, was one of the to ensure and preserve this right. However, greatest statesmen Englaad ever had. The load governments have easy functions other than de- I've been "just woaderia', ow many people he carried and the tasks he accomplished have lining and protecting the rights of citizens. here at GITND know what the Civic Counbil in astounded his biographers. In his diary, he has The varied purposes of government in a mod- and what it does? So, I made some inquiries and given us his secret: "In practice, the great *rn democracy are well explained in the Preamble found some interesting information to pass along thing is that the life of God may be the supreme of the Constitution of the United States, adopt- to you. habit of my soul". Over his bed, Gladstone hung ed in 1789, which reads: From its title "Civic Concil", one can sur- his favorite verse of scripture: "Underneath are We the People of the United States in Or- mise what the general functions of such a group the everlasting arms." The last thing at night der to form a more perfect Union, establish would be. .but how does it work on board a Naval' and. the first thing in the morning, he read that Justice and measure domestic Tranquility, installation such as this? From all indications powerful truth. He went about his task of ral- provide for the comon defense, promote the it performs a vital function for the military ing a great empire assured that the everlasting general Welfare, and secure the blessings of commands as well as for the base "public". In arms of God would hold him steady and safe," Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do reality it is comparable to the civic council to would not forsake his, or let hin go. It iS ordain and establish this Constitution for be found in any Hometown, U. S. A. It is the quite evident that most of the troubles of our the United States of America. spokesman for the people.and, ,as JA any deam - lives are due in large part to our failure to The clauses of the Constitution, following ocratic form of government, it is the servant of see God beneath and over and in the hard places. the Preamble, give the Federal Government power the people. Like Gladstone, we can do something about it. We to carry on these functions of government as Heading the group is a Mayr. He is assis- can start today-this very minute-to make God well as power totax citizens for these purposes. ted by eighteen councilmen, two from each of the the supreme habit of our lives. Many of these powers, particularly the powers enlisted housing areasanthe base. The councilmen relating to the promotion of the general welfare gain office by your popular vote. The Mayor is permit restrictions upon the liberty of individ- then selected by the councilmen. Should any HAMMERBERG (Cont'd) ual citizens. individual want to fill a councilman vacancy, he powered telephone.
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