Liturgical References to Zion Zion, Eretz Yisrael (The Land of Israel) and Jerusalem are mentioned frequently in ancient Jewish texts: the Bible, the Prophetic Books, the Talmud, and the Siddur (Jewish prayerbook). The archeological evidence for Jewish presence in The Land of Israel is abundant. An examination of liturgy reveals the connection of the people to The Land of Israel. Jews are directed to engage in formal worship services three times a day: in the evening (Ma'ariv), in the morning (Shacharit), and in the afternoon (Minchah). Additional blessings are recited prior to and following meals and on special occasions and holidays. Prayers are collected in the siddur, the compendium of liturgy that reflect the core beliefs of Judaism. The liturgy is a window into the unfolding history of the Jewish people, their faith, their relationship with G-d, with other people, with time and place, and to Eretz Yisrael. One of the most progressive 19th century thinkers, Franz Rosenzweig, maintained that the prayer book is the enduring “sum and substance of the whole of historical Judaism, its handbook and memorial tablet.” The liturgy contains biblical passages and rabbinic reflections that praise, thank, and declare the wonder of the G-d’s creation. In studying the liturgy and prayers for special occasions at home or in the synagogue, one can see both the physical place and the spiritual aspiration of Zion continually identified. While it has evolved over two millennia, the basic structure and core content of the Siddur and the special prayers for home and synagogue th were codified and have been set for worship since the early rabbinic period, about the 6 century of the common era. The following are a sampling of prayers and blessings that make reference to Zion. Liturgical Reference Translation When it is recited Context and Origins For Adonai has chosen Zion; Weekday morning during Throughout the morning ִכּ ָי־בַחר יְהֹוָה ְבִּציּוֹן אִ֝וָּהּ G-d has desired it for G-d’s the introductory prayers prayers, numerous biblical ְל ָמוֹשׁב ֽלוֹ dwelling place called P’sukei D’zimra references are made, this (Ps. 132:13) (verses of Psalms) one referring to Zion and Jerusalem as G-d’s dwelling place (500 CE) Adonai shall reign forever Weekday and Sabbath The closing line refers to ְיִמלְֹך יְהֹוָה ְל ָעוֹלם ֱאלַֹה ְיִך Your G-d, O Zion, for all morning P’sukei D’zimra G-d’s enduring relationship (generations to Zion (500 CE צִ֭יּוֹן ְלדֹ֥ר וָדֹ֗ר ַֽהְללוּיָהּ (Ps. 146:10) Praise Adonai, Jerusalem. Weekday morning The city of Jerusalem is ַשְׁבִּחי ָיְרוּשַֽׁליִם ֶאת יְיָ, Zion, sing praises to your G-d P’sukei D’zimra synonymous with Zion as ֹ who has fortified your gates the place to praise G-d for ַהְלִלי ֶאלַֽה ְיִך ִציּוֹן. ִכּי ִחזַּק and blessed your children security and prosperity ְבִּר ֵיחי ְשָׁעָֽר ְיִך, ֵבַּרְך ָבּנַֽ ְיִך therein, bringing peace to (500 CE) your borders and satisfying ְבִּקְרֵבְּך. ַה ָשּׂם גְּ ֵבוּלְך .you with choice wheat ָשׁלוֹם, ֵֽחֶלב ִחִטּים ְיַשִׂבּ ֵיעְך. (Ps. 147:12) © CIE 2015 www.israeled.org Let a new light shine upon Weekday and Sabbath Hoping for a swift renewal אוֹר ָחָדשׁ ַעל ִציּוֹן ָתִּאיר, Zion; may we all speedily morning after introductory in Zion (500 CE) merit its brightness prayers וְנִזְֶכּה ֻכָֽלּנוּ ְמֵהָרה ְלאוֹרוֹ Blessed is Adonai from Zion; Weekday and Sabbath G-d is referred to as ָבּ ְרוּך יְיָ ִמִצּיּוֹן, שֵֹׁכן who dwells in Jerusalem, morning P’sukei D’zimra dwelling in Zion (500 CE) Halleluyah יְ ָרוּשָֽׁליִם, ַהְללוּיָהּ. Walk about Zion, circle her, Weekday morning Monday’s designated סֹבּוּ ִציּוֹן, וְַהִקּ ָיפוּה; ִסְפרוּ, count her towers, pay near the conclusion of the Psalm refers to hopes for attention to her ramparts, her service Zion to be the enduring ִמגְָדֶּל ָיה. ִשׁיתוּ ִלְבֶּכם, apex and her citadel. Then tell stronghold of G-d and the ְלֵח ָיל ַה--פְּסּגוּ ְאַרְמ ֶנוֹת ָיה: her story to later generations. people (600 CE) ְלַמַען ְתַּסְפּרוּ, ְלדוֹר ֲאַחרוֹן. May we witness Your merciful Weekdays and Sabbath A longing for G-d’s וְֶתֱחזֶֽינָה ֵעינֵֽינוּ ְבּ ְשׁוּבָך return to Zion (Psalm 146:10). during the Amidah (the presence to return to Zion (Praised are You, Adonai who central prayer recited 3 (500 CE ְלִציּוֹן ְבַּרֲחִמים. ָבּ ְרוּך ָאַתּה (restores G-d’s presence to times daily יְיָ, ַהַמֲּחזִיר ְשִׁכינָתוֹ ְלִציּוֹן. Zion Oh Compassionate parent, Torah Service weekdays The hope that Zion will be אַב ָהַרֲחִמים, ֵה ִֽיט ָיבה may it be your will to favor and Sabbath as the ark is restored once again as the Zion; build the walls of opened, worshippers rise central place of G-d and ִבְרצוֹנְָך ֶאת ִציּוֹן ִתְּבנֶה Jerusalem (Ps. 51:20) .and chant Torah חוֹמוֹת יְ ָרוּשָֽׁליִם (recited 4 times each week) (in place by 8th Century) For out of Zion shall go forth Torah Service weekdays Zion is referred to as G-d’s ִכּי ִמִצּיּוֹן ֵתֵּצא ָתוֹרה, ְוּדַבר the Torah and the word of and Sabbath as scroll is central dwelling place Adonai from Jerusalem. removed from the Ark along with the sacred text יְיָ ִמ ָירוּשָֽׁליִם. ָבּ ְרוּך ֶשׁנַָּתן Isaiah 2:3) Praised be the (recited 4 times each week). considered as G-d’s word) ָתּוֹרה ְלַעמּוֹ יְִשָׂרֵאל One who gives Torah to Your (8th Century) .people ִבְּקֻד ָשּׁתוֹ. Have compassion on Zion for Sabbath morning - after This additional paragraph ַרֵחם ַעל ִציּוֹן ִכּי ִהיא ֵבּית she is the home of our life, and the Prophetic reading which after the Sabbath Torah the one whose soul is follows the reading of reading refers to the people ַחיֵּֽינוּ, וְַלֲעֽל ַוּבת נֶֶֽפשׁ ִֽתּוֹשׁ ַיע humbled, deliver us speedily Torah of Israel being humbled in ִבְּמֵהָרה ְביֵָֽמינוּ. ָבּ ְרוּך ָאַתּה in our days. Blessed are you exile and longing for the יְיָ, מ ַשֵׂמַּח ִציּוֹן בָּבניה. Adonai, Who causes Zion to restoration of Zion as their ְ ֽ ְ ֶ ָ rejoice with her children. homeland. (8th Century) Lead us with song to Zion Yom Kippur and the The central prayer during וֲַהִב ֵֽיאנוּ ְלִציּוֹן ִע ְירָך ְבִּרנָּה, Your city, with everlasting joy Three Pilgrimage festivals, Zion is mentioned וְִל ָירוּשַׁליִם ֵבּית ִמקָדּ ְשׁך to Jerusalem, Your sanctuary. Festivals several times as the ֽ ְ ָ worshippers yearn to return ְבּ ִשְׂמַחת ָעוֹלם. for a joyous reunification with G-d (500 CE) © CIE 2015 www.israeled.org Have mercy, G-d, on Israel ֹ After weekday meals During the week, meals ַרֵחם, יְיָ ֱאלֵֽהינוּ, ַעל Your people, and on conclude with blessings Jerusalem, Your city, and on asking for G-d’s mercy יְִשָׂרֵאל ַעֶֽמָּך, וְַעל יְ ָרוּשַֽׁליִם (Zion the abode of your glory (in place by 137 CE ִע ֶֽירָך, וְַעל ִציּוֹן ִמ ְשַׁכּן ְכּ ֶֽבוֹדָך By the rivers of Babylon, there After weekday meals An introductory paragraph ַעל נֲַהרוֹת ָבֶּבל ָשׁם יַָֽשְׁבנוּ we sat down, and we also mentions Zion prior to the recited up to 18 times each) גַּם ָבִּכינוּ, ְבּזְָכֵרנוּ ֶאת ִציּוֹן. wept, remembering Zion. We week) responsive blessings ֽ ֽ hung our lyres on the willows (in place by 137 CE) ַעל ֲעָרִבים ְבּ ָתוֹכהּ, ָתִּֽלינוּ in its midst. For there those who carried us away captive ִכּנֹּ ֵֽרוֹתינוּ. ִכּי ָשׁם ְשֵׁאֽלוּנוּ required of us a song; and ֵֽשׁוֹבינוּ ִדְּבֵרי ִשׁיר וְ ָתוֹלֵֽלינוּ those who tormented us ִשְׂמָחה, ִשׁירוּ ָלנוּ ִמ ִשּׁיר ,required of us mirth, saying ֽ ֽ Sing us one of the songs of“ ִציּוֹן. ֵא ְיך נִָשׁיר ֶאת ִשׁיר יְיָ, Zion.” How shall we sing ַעל ְאַדַמת נֵָכר ? G-d’s song in a foreign land? A song of Ascent: When After Sabbath meals After the Sabbath meals ִשׁיר ַהַמֲּעלוֹת, ְבּשׁוּב יְיָ ֶאת Adonai returned us as (recited 3 times a week) blessings are introduced dwellers in Zion, we were like with reference to a return to ִשׁ ַיבת ִציּוֹן, ָהיִֽינוּ ְכּחְֹלִמים. dreamers. Zion (in place by 137 CE) May You enable us to see ֹ After Sabbath meals G-d is seen as the rebuilder וְַהְרֵֽאנוּ יְיָ ֱאלֵֽהינוּ ְבּנֶָחַמת Your city Zion comforted and of Zion/Jerusalem, a hope Jerusalem, Your holy city that is intensified during the ִציּוֹן ִע ֶֽירָך, ְוּבִבנְיַן יְ ָרוּשַֽׁליִם .rebuilt, for You are the Sabbath each week ִעיר ָקְד ֶֽשָׁך, ִכּי ָאַתּה הוּא provider of salvation and (in place by 137 CE) .comfort ַֽבַּעל ַהיְשׁוּעוֹת ַֽוּבַעל ַהנֶָּחמוֹת. ,We pray to You, have pity ֹ Passover Seder At the fourth and final cup ַרֶחם נָא יְיָ ֱאלֵֽהינוּ ַעל Adonai our G-d, on Israel of wine, participants in the Your people, on Jerusalem seder call upon G-d to יְִשָׂרֵאל ַעֶמָּך וְַעל יְ ָרוּשַׁליִם Your city, on Zion Your restore Zion just before ִע ֶירָך וְַעל ִציּוֹן ִמ ְשַׁכּן glorious dwelling place, and ending the seder with the כּבוֹדך וַעל ִמזבּחך וַעל :on Your Temple. Restore words ְ ֶָ ְ ְְ ֶ ָ ְ !Jerusalem, the city of the Holy Next Year in Jerusalem ֵה ָיכֶלָך ְוּבנֵה יְ ָרוּשַׁליִם ִעיר (One, speedily in our days and (Possibly 2nd C BCE ַהקֶֹדשׁ ִבְּמֵהָרה ְביֵָמינוּ bring us to it. © CIE 2015 www.israeled.org Bring immense joy and Wedding Recited as one of the seven שׂוֹשׂ ָתּ ִשׂישׂ וְָתגֵל ָהֲעָקָרה, jubilation to the barren one blessings at the wedding Jerusalem) by gathering her service and during seven) ְבִּקבּוּץ ָבּנֶֽ ָיה ְל ָתוֹכהּ children amidst her in days following the wedding ְבּ ִשְׂמָחה. ָבּ ְרוּך ָאַתּה יְיָ, gladness. Blessed are You, when it is added to the מ ַשֵׂמַּח ִציּוֹן בָּבניה .Adonai, Who gladdens Zion blessing after meals ְ ֽ ְ ֶֽ ָ through her children. (in place by 7th C) May our eyes see, and may Bedtime recitation of the To be recited each night at יְִראוּ ֵעינֵֽינוּ, וְיְִשַׂמח ִלֵֽבּנוּ, our heart be gladdened, and Shema bedtime, this is part of a list may our soul rejoice in Your of Psalms and prayers that וְָתגֵל נְַפ ֵֽשׁנוּ ִבּ ָישׁוּעְתָך salvation in truth, when it is are meant to inspire hope as ֶבֱּאֶמת, ֶבֱּאמוֹר ְלִציּוֹן told to Zion well as encourage calm and serenity as worshippers ask and and for G-d’s protection through the night.
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