"m u m Jkxmct DKUy N ft PnM Ron •n m W w t k i r Ver tk« IM i toM M k lM t 13,715 OhMrtr w iiieM twiN ^^lewh > a t Ckyfrmag»Chmm m 9 » f U ) PRICE SEVEN C E ^ X 0 | i.L 3 ♦ .♦ .1 11[ , N 0 . 8 M (TWENW PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN,, M0!O>AY, SEPTEMBER M, 1964 Warren Report Stirs Congress, New Presidential Safety Sought WASHINGTON (AP)— have been threateninG Johnsom The Warren Commission's not Nixon, the commission salo. It was Johnson, then vice presi­ retioil .on President John dent, who was in Dallas at F. Kennedy’s assassinalSon the time. His visit, April 3$, has sparked a demand that leea, was just is days aftM ConGress act at once to im­ Oswald fired a niGhttime rifl# shot that. Just m issed fenrmer prove presidential secur­ MaJ. Oen. Edwin A. Walker. ' ity. The 888-paGe report by Ctdef While the commission’s Justice Earl Warren and S&t findinGs—and criticisms of distinGuished colleaGues urGed creation of a cabinet committea the FBI and Secret Service to assume top responsibility td t —were beinG relayed to presidential safety. the world, President John' This new body miGht consid­ son. swiftly appointed a er, the report urGed, "suGGes­ tions'’ made to the commissioa four-man committee to ad­ — but not specifically endordBd vise him “on the execa by it — that the duty of protect­ tion’’ of the commission’s inG Preidents be removed from reconunendations. the Secret Service. The execu­ The main conclusion by the tive and ConGress should make the decision, it-said. s«v«n>man pr«ridanUal commis­ sion is that Lee Harvey Oswaid, The report praised the swot action of individual aGents ia a cetlnc alone^ and not as part of the November traGedy, TTie ny foreiGn or domestic conspi any response of some "was in u ie racy, murdered President Ken­ hiGhest tradition of Government nedy. It said Jack Ruby acted service," it said. as a loner in GunninG down Os­ But the report called for more wald two days later. funds and personnel immedlaCe- The main recommendation of ly, better lines of coordination the, commission in its 8M-paGe MtWeen aGencies, and a "com ­ report, made public Sunday plete overhaul” of advance niGht, is leGislation — to tiGhten detection practices. protection of presidents and to It noted Kennedy’s own com­ make the killinG of a president ment to an aide, on the day he or a vice president a federal died —that: '• crim e. "If anybody really wanted*'te Senate Democratic Leader shoot the President of die Unit­ President Johnson Arrives in East Hartford Mike Mansfield of Montana said ed States, it was not a very President Johnson, sittinG in a limousine completely hidden by welcominG ConGress should stay on the Job difficult Job — all one had to-do was Get a hiGh buildinG some­ NutmeGGers, arrives in East Hartford, part of a 15-hour tour of New EnG­ to act cn such recommendations even thouGh it is adjoumment- day with a telescopic rUle, and land. Even factory workers paused to look out windows for a Glimpse of the bent. there was nothinG snybofto chief executive, scheduled to speak in Hartford this afternoon. (Herald photo But whether President John could do to defend aGainst surti an attempt.” by (jfiara.) . ' son plans to submit any leGisla­ ♦ tive proposals alonG these lines The Warren Report -r- to JFK and a Nation But the report critically recit­ -. -G I apparently will await the advice ed a chGin of what It called K a w slr H GA lGlllT h of the four-man committee he official failures, omissions and D U Iilk A A V A U U p ^pointed Secretary of ttie ninG for the U.B. Senate in New Warren (Jommission’s conclu­ down Oswald’s Guilt, to the errors. IncludinG: 'Treasury DouGlas DUkm, actinG York, said the commission’s sions. commission’s own unQualified 1. The Secret Service •‘as, a 60,000 on Hand Atty. Gen. Iwholas deB. Kat inQuiry was thorouGh and con­ The General feelinG in Dallas certainty, under a wrtGht of matter of practice did not inves­ In Hartford senbach. Director John A. Me scientious, and that he was was that the cornmipston’s re­ eyewitness testimony, and other tiGate, or cause to be checkfdi satisfied it had "investiGated port amounted to a verdict of evidence far more massive than any buildinG alonG the m c4^ Cone of the Central IntelliGence cade route” to be used by Ken­ AGency, and McGeorGe Bundy, every lead and examined every Innocent for the city where Ken­ was believed to exist. piece of evidence"’ He said he nedy met death. It revealed muddled testimo­ nedy, Johnson -and Oonnafiy. ^ To Greet Johnson Nets $600 special assistant to the Presl' 3. The Federal Bureau .of dent for national security af- did not intend to read the re­ Overseas, th« British press ny from Oswald’s pretty Rus- sU^-spebklnG widow, Marina, InvetiGation failed to alert IJie HARTIfORD (AP)— A ban­ fh ite, port. Generally aGreed that the com- T exas Qov. John B . CoimaU; missiop came up with in hanast that tier unstable husband jMven Secret Service to the presenca AmtaG the first tb comm«it in Dallas of Oswald, dia lonely HARTFORD (AP)—-President Lyndon B, Johnson dit held up the Northiwest on. the cQmmlaslonls, findinGs who was ridinG with and competent report. But the months earUer had threatened paid a visit to Connecticut today—the second stop on Branohief Tbe fioelstar for |tov-1 was Robert^F^ R m na^, Mother adien the' Pfesldeat was report Was dsnaunce|l by the V km .fo lito ' vied '..presldoht bMOdinG onetime dbfeeter Com m unist.press. a tour of five New EnGland states loGs today slhout the time fpesL p t the late- PtW denf^.. The fotn,- a ^ ^ tost Nov-. 22 la^Dallas, MW ran- said h# sGreM fully The Warren report pinned (Bee PaGe Twelve) Braaldiat’s plane fouched^ t o t Jclmson was eclii^aled to St Rentschler FMd in dent to the larGe crowd. Others airive hers. hbbrtnG SlMt Hartford at on hand were Sen. Ahraham I pja-ZandSa toft by motor­ Hie bandit made' off wtth •-^1 Ribicoff and National and State about $600, It Is reported. Anguished CrUi cade for an s{Q;>earance and Democratic Chairman John M. He entered the bank and Scientific Methods SDMcfa from ths p ortico o f the B ailey. Dallas > Hails Report Hii^ord Times. , thrust a note at the teHer de­ W ASH IN O’rO N (A F ) — The city’s schools were closed ‘These anGuished criea , Thousands of persons at noon for the occasion. Work­ mandinG the money. He was Jammed downtown Hartford for last seen runninG north on Blue the mbmehts after Preel- ers in the state office buildinGrs dent John F. Kennedy and Used by Commission a Glim pse o t Johnson and to and downtown Hartford busi­ Hills AVe. from the bank at As lunocent V erdict hoar his talk — delivered f i^ 1300 Albany Ave. Texas Gov. John B. Comtol- ness firms were Given time off ly were shot last Nov. 22 In the same rostium that John F. to see the President. ’The hddup apparently was, Kennedy used when be cam­ planned to coincide with the DALLAS, Tsx. (AP)—^Dallas leaders hailed the Dallas are reported in the WASHINGTON ,(AP)—Warren Commission tevestl>. Dodd and Bailey were on the paiGned for the presidency in Warren report: Gatiurs used everythinG from atomic science to plaM jilane with Johnson when it presidential visit when most of Warren Commission report today as a verdict of inno- i960. Harttord’s police would be busy — un exonerpition of charGes that the city was to fMmetry in dsvolopi^ the report on President John Fa Police Caiief John J. KerriGan landed In. E ast H artford. President Kennedy :o "My Qov. John N. Dempsey and' handlinG heavy Kennedy’s assassination, f ■ »‘ •ctimated that a crowd of 60,- downtown 1 for Fresident John Kennedy’s assassination. dipd, I am hit." innedy his wife Greeted Johruwn and crow ds. The report issued Sunday ia 000 peraems was assembled in "I hope we have dispelled the^ sack in which the rtfle was the First Lady at the airport. It was ths IMh boUhip of a myth that there’s an unfavora­ it has a "hate atmosphere.” Mrs. Kennedy: “ Oh, my studded with references to toe cealed when tt was carried lato the area before the Times Build­ bank or savinGs and loan asso­ sciphtiRe techniQues in crimi­ inG. He estimated that anoUier Dodd’s wife Orace also was ble climate in Dallas that en- The Rev. William A. Holmes, Odd, they have shot foy toe bilUdinG. ‘ ciation in Omnectiout this year. noloGy, IncludinG such bid 30,000 persons were assembled amonG the airport welcomers. Gendm an assawdnation,” the Methodist minister who had husband. I love you, Jack." Fiber and _mectroGrapllla Mrs. Dempsey presented a ‘The last baiA holdup was cn stsndbys as fihGeriktat analyses alonG me route of the Presi- Mayor Erik Jonsson said after reported that some school chil­ analysis by toe FBI ehowM $ie M laiKc bouQuet of i^ellow roses Sept. 17 when the Wolcott readinG a summary of the re­ dren cheered upon learninG of Gov. Cdnnally: "M , and tl^ relatively recent meth­ liaG was made of paper and dimA route into the city. Branch of the Waterbury Sav' od ot spectroGraiMe analysis. Numerous placards were held to Mrs.
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