Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/83277 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Berlo, P. van Title: Human rights elephants in an era of globalisation : commodification, crimmigration, and human rights in confinement Issue Date: 2020-01-21 References ABC News. (2014, May 14). Nauru Parliament erupts into chaos after opposition MPs suspended for speaking to ABC, foreign media. ABC News. Retrieved from http:// www.abc.net.au/news/2014-05-14/an-nauru-mps-suspended-for-speaking-to-abc/ 5451366 ABC News. (2015, June 18). Nauru opposition MPs Squire Jeremiah and Sprent Dabwido “arrested”, supporter says. ABC News. Retrieved from http://www.abc. net.au/news/2015-06-19/nauru-opposition-mp-says-people-living-in-fear-as-arrests- loom/6557980 ABC News. (2016, July 11). Suspended Nauruan politician Roland Kun granted New Zealand citizenship, flees country amid election. ABC News. 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