Paper 1 Approved OSP minutes for meeting held on 12/03/15 Oxford Strategic Partnership Steering Group Approved minutes of the meeting held on 12th March 2015, 10am The Oxford Academy, Littlemore, Oxford Attendees: Phil Clare, University of Oxford David Edwards, Oxford City Council Anne Gwinnett, Oxford Brookes University (Chair) Bev Hindle, Oxfordshire County Council Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Oxfordshire County Council Sebastian Johnson, Oxford City Council Val Johnson, Oxford City Council (for items 1-4) Roy Leach, Oxfordshire County Council Kathrin Luddecke, Oxford City Council Niall McWilliams, Oxford Academy Margaret Ounsley, University of Oxford Sadie Paige, Oxford City Council Matt Peachey, Oxford City Council Cllr Bob Price, Oxford City Council Tim Sadler, Oxford City Council Michael Sibly, University of Oxford Katie Screaton, Oxford Academy Amber Sparrowhawk, Oxfordshire County Council Graham Speke, Oxford Academy Cllr John Tanner, Oxford City Council Peter Thompson, Oxford Civic Society Terry Watts, City of Oxford College (for Ian Francis) Jackie Wilderspin, Oxfordshire County Council (Vice Chair) Catriona Woolhouse, University of Oxford Apologies: Christian Bunt, Thames Valley Police Debbie Dance, Oxford Preservation Trust Shamus Donald, Town Team Cllr Jean Fooks, Oxford City Council Ian Francis, City of Oxford College Giles Ingram, Experience Oxfordshire Joanne Jones, Oxford Brookes University Robert Kirtland, Critchleys and ProOxford Frank Nigriello, Unipart Group Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group Maggie Scott, Oxfordshire County Council Kathy Shaw, Oxfordshire Community and Voluntary Action (OCVA) Peter Sloman, Oxford City Council 1. Welcome, apologies and announcements Anne Gwinnett opened the meeting with introductions and apologies. Matthew Andrews, Academic Registrar and Director of Academic and Student Affairs, will be representing Oxford Brookes University in future, as Joanne Jones is leaving. Giles Ingram was thanked for his contribution to the Partnership, as he is leaving Experience Oxfordshire. Page 1 of 6 Paper 1 Approved OSP minutes for meeting held on 12/03/15 Terry Watts, Interim Principal, was welcomed standing in for Ian Francis; he was asked to pass on the group’s best wishes to Ian. Niall McWilliams, Principal, welcomed attendees to The Oxford Academy. He acknowledged good work being done by partners to make Littlemore, Rose Hill and the Leys better places to be. However, this often was not joined up and from the school’s perspective much is getting worse – he mentioned the need for free student meals and food banks, students going into care, increasing levels of domestic abuse. The impact of recent losses in funding had been felt at the school itself with 30 staff gone over the last academic year. He thought the following would make a real difference: Get and keep the best teachers teaching – these are high pressure jobs so need additional resources to attract the right people Ensure key worker housing is available in these areas Fund more nurseries to give children a better start in life. 2. Minutes of the last meeting held on 22nd January 2015 The minutes were agreed as a correct record (Paper 1). 3. Matters arising / short updates a. OSP Open Event 2015 Anne Gwinnett gave a brief verbal update; a full report will be presented for discussion at the May meeting. Highlights included: 162 registered from 112 organisations, with 113 attending on the day With apologies 203 people had been in touch, so have raised awareness 60 responses to online delegate survey received to date, on target for average feedback of 4 or above (on a scale of 5) A good range of free text responses have been received, including learning points for future events and suggestions for wider OSP work. John Tanner noted that Luke Marion from the Oxford Bus Company has joined the Low Carbon Oxford challenge group; there is room for others. Bob Price suggested developing a leaflet (using information from the OSP Annual Report) that could be used to communicate the OSP achievements and programmes. Jackie Wilderspin felt that while the OSP has got better at informing the voluntary and community sector, it could still do more to involve them. b. Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) - update Councillor Bob Price provided an update on LEP activities since the last OSP meeting (see also Paper 2 from the LEP), including: Allocations agreed by the Oxfordshire Skills Board of capital and revenue received through the Local Growth Fund 1 and 2, including for the City of Oxford College’s new Blackbird Leys Campus and Care Suite in the city centre Allocations of Local Growth Fund 2 funding for the Northern Gateway and Oxpens infrastructure works now officially announced Page 2 of 6 Paper 1 Approved OSP minutes for meeting held on 12/03/15 The LEP is to be incorporated as a company. c. Oxford Futures Event Peter Thompson outlined proposals for this event (Paper 3), noting that: It aims to promote awareness that continuing as is could spell disaster for Oxford Growth on the scale being discussed now presents challenges but also opportunities to make Oxford a much better place if we get it right It is about helping people understand the reasons behind the proposed growth and get them on board for implementing solutions, within the context of the wider region. The meeting endorsed the direction for the event as set out in the paper; members will be kept updated as proposals develop further. The Oxford Civic Society will contribute £1,000 to the costs of the event, to be matched by the Partnership. It was agreed that the audience (expected about 100) should include surrounding districts and also those not already involved in these discussions. Action: PT, SJ 4. Educational Attainment: Updates This item was taken first. Roy Leach, School Organisation and Planning Manager, Oxfordshire County Council, gave a brief update (Papers 4, 4a, 4b), including: The County Council has no powers of intervention in relation to academies; it can offer support and challenge and liaises with the Regional Schools Commissioner Virtually all secondaries in and around Oxford are now academies; more primaries remain under the control of the Council as Local Education Authority Performance in primaries has improved slightly, but it is a mixed picture across the city with some above the county average but also 5 out of the 10 worst performers Secondary performance was good or outstanding but the average has gone down due to one school The perennial issue is sustainability of improvements, noting reduced Council resources and academies not being a panacea The many initiatives to support improvement would benefit from better co-ordination Rebecca Matthews, Interim Deputy Director for Education and Early Intervention, is developing a new model (a school improvement partnership) which could also include partners around the table, academy sponsors and others. Tim Sadler, Executive Director Community Services, Oxford City Council, briefly spoke to Paper 5, noting: The OSP had set out the ambition for improving educational attainment as part of its Stronger Communities priority; the City Council with others had set up programmes with target schools Clearly something has caused improvement that exceeds that of other schools but it is a complex picture, so hard to analyse exactly what has made difference Need to check the wider determinants underpinning educational attainment in the city - issues faced include teacher retention, in particular with the KRM programme which requires dedication and continuity from teaching staff; where schools have been able to follow this programme, results have been outstanding Sustainability and how we link up are key. Page 3 of 6 Paper 1 Approved OSP minutes for meeting held on 12/03/15 In discussion, it was raised that mental health is an issue affecting schools in the south east of the city, with a perceived lack of educational health support. Jackie Wilderspin noted that the County Council’s Thriving Families programme is to be extended to a target of 3,000 families over the next five years, including those with mental health issues. Suggestions that could form part of a co-ordinated programme of action included: School governance and governors have an important part to play, in particular with academies, and need to be engaged to help challenge (also involving sponsors) The County Council has drafted a working protocol for how it relates to academies, which may be taken up / adapted by other partners; Action: RL to share. Staff from different schools could be encouraged to share their experiences and solutions on common issues, e.g. through ‘boards’ for a few key challenges Anne Gwinnett floated the idea of exploring working with TeachFirst who recruit graduates to move into teaching straight from university; about half stay in the profession The City Council’s shared equity housing scheme has been targeted at senior teaching staff coming to Oxford; it should be readjusted to support retention The extension of this scheme to cover all teachers is being explored Medium-term, developments such as the one planned for the Leys may help address lack of facilities such as a local nursery and housing for school staff A key worker housing subsidy programme may offer funding opportunities. It was agreed that a small sub-group will get together before next OSP meeting, to start developing proposals. Action: AG to convene 2 hour meeting to include DE, TW, BP, RM/RL, VJ, JW, Deborah McGregor, and report back to May OSP meeting. 5. Oxford Transport Strategy: Update Bev Hindle, Deputy Director Strategy and Infrastructure Planning, Oxfordshire County Council, presented an update on the development of the County’s Local Transport Plan 4 (LPT4). This is a statutory document, with a number of different elements, such as route- based strategies, place-based ones like the Oxford Transport Strategy and the Science Transit Strategy; see www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/connectingoxfordshire for details.
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