,A W,A~ sson In life, as in chess, forethought wins - Buxton If was Brya \Tol. XXXI, No. 20 BRYANT COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, RHOnE ISLAND Frida~~ February 26, 1971 as they sh. ,·d 53 point ,buted as Bl hode Island Drug Laws MBA Program May Move To Days . h Conferen Bryant's MBA program re- tracted to the program upon may contact the Graduate Of. ll el'ence hom Suspended Sentence cently experienced its most suc- recommendation of students al­ fice. The minimum entry re­ first placC' S' cessful enrollment since the in- ready enrolled in the program. quirements consist of having a \\' night. On ception of the program in The first three graduates will bachelor's degree, three letters of we will nee September, 1969. This semester meet the graduation require- reference, and the taking of the .) leaders in is the first time that all courses ments this June. These three admission test for graduat lS i win 01' f<l c For First Offense in the program are being offer- students will have completed study in business. Applican ts arc .,1 of all, \\ ( ed an dthe first time that there the program in the minimum evaluated in terms of cumulative by JEFFREY HUNT years or more than twenty years. is more than one sectio n of time of two years. average, ATB scores, letteTS of Although federal penalties for If you actually give away, sell, . I h . a When Bryant moves to Smith- possession of marijuana have furnish, or deliver a narcotic given course. It IS a so t e hrst f' Id .. .. d h h n~ commendation , and work ex­ c . • Ie , It IS antICIpate t at t e time that courses are bell1g of- '11 I b ff d' perience. All applicants are giv­ been sharply reduced, the state drug to another person, a prison program WI a so e 0 ere III of Rhode Island continues to term of not less than thirty years fered on ~aturday morning.. the daytime. en an in terview'. ~me maintain a stringent policy of up to and including life impris­ Accordmg to Dr. LebOVItz, Bryant Students, particularly Dr. Lebovitz states that in­ punishment for drug users. onment would be imposed. This Dean of the Graduate School, seniors, who are interested in quiries about the program ar Under the federal law, penalties section of the law would be most new applicants were at- enrolling in the MBA program both encouraged and welcome. against professional pushers ridiculously unreasonable for a -- ._-----­ • have been increased; however, teenager sharing his dope with a ~laC at the same time it provides a friend. In addition to these more lenient punishment that penalties, if the drug user has in may be suspended for a user's his possession a hyperdermic World Affairs Forum Will • fi rst offense. Rhode Islanders needle or syringe, he is faced .nCIS Represent Cuban Delegation The student club on campus you are interested in joining the Moriarity by dropping a note in most concerned with World Af­ Forum or would like to come to the Student Activities b \lildin~ fairs and Domestic Affairs is a meeting to see how the or look for notices posted in­ the World Affairs Forum. The Forum does things, contact Jim dicating our next meetjngs. club, which was formally called dancC', class the Current Events Club, is routing. specifically concerned with mak­ ing International and U.S. af­ Phi Delta Theta Presents \ feding Wed­ fairs relevant and meaningful to 2A 3:15 p.m. the Bryant College student /cOlnC inst rllc­ through personal participation New Twists To Weekend 'e n if needed . are nevertheless subjected to with another finc of up to five and personal involvement of its their own remote state laws. hundred dollars and a prison EADS No kid­ members. In addition to the usual judg­ Another highlight of Ph i Del­ All that is needed to have a term of one year. ing and coronation ball held by ta Theta's Miss Bryant week­ )1' bust. person arrested for suspected The most irrelevant section of The club, which is cooed this each fraternity during their end will be All Star Wrestling year, will be representing Bryant UPRISING: drug use is a statement under the law, however, states that any weekend, Phi Delta Theta has to be held in the gym on Satur­ College at the National Model floor nanlner oath from a complainant. At vehicle, be it car, boat, or what come up with two additional day, Febl'Uary 27. The quarter United Nati.ons at New York 'I 'ehruary 26 8 this time, a warrant is issued and ever, is automatically forefeited events of interest to all mem­ City. Because of its record of finals will be held at 11 :00 a.m. an alternative the offender is sought and plac­ if it is used to transport narco­ bers of the Bryant community. r accomplishment in past Model with the finals at 3: 00 p.m. and ( pledging. ;!d under arrest. If, after exam­ tics. The proceeds from the sale Saturday fTOm 11: 00 p.m. to inations and tests, he is found are applied to the payment of Assemblies, this year Bryant was 2: 00 a.m. the pledge class of the final at 7: 00 p.m. Contest­ 1 to have at sometime experiment­ court and incidental costs, with given one of the best assign­ Phi Delta Theta wilI feature an ants include Sam Abdo of TKE, Frank ed with durgs, he is immediately the remainder being deposited ments, that of representing old time movie festival including Bob Gardiner of TEP, Rick iii with the general treasurer. In .Cuba. In other wOTds, the mem­ committed to a state hospital for W. C. Fields, Keystone Cops, Leto of PKT, Mark Hyde of mental disease. In addition to any case it is advisable to make bers of the Bryant College dele­ Little Rascals, Three Stooges, BEX, Gary Jacome of D SP. being financially burdened in it known to the investigating ga tion will play the role of the Laurel and Hardy, Road Run­ that he is required to pay the officer that they do not have Cuban delegation to the United ner, and Daffy Duck. The event Gerry Hondo of Theta Chi, costs of apprehension examina­ your permission to search your Nations and will have to think is taking place in the Bryant ,Harry Hoopis of Phi Ep, and tion and doctor costs, cou'rt and vehide, sinc.e any illegally ob­ and act as Cubans rather than Gym. Jim Lcff of TE. e lawyer fees, and hospital ex­ DRlJG LAWS Page 5 as Americans in the meetings of penses, the offender must also the Model United Nations. pay the price of the offense by Over the past year the Forum ~. having his record permanently has conducted a student poll on marred, and being grouped to­ the c,!mpus during the election .:I gether in the state hospital with campaign, and co-sponsored a other more hardened drug of­ University meeting on the Brown s renders. If he refuses or neglects campus with the World Affairs 1 o pay for the above mentioned Council of Rhode Island and 11 'osts, suit will be declared had members speak to a business gainst him by the state of g'l'Oup on the United Nations. Rhode Island. Time -io time, members of the I' his examina­ Forum have served as represent­ tions by proper officials, the atives of the World Affairs l5er is then subject to the state Council on tours for high school .•m alty of fines, imprisonment, students to New York. The .r both. For unlawful possession members of the Forum also par­ narcotics, a person may be ticipated in a panel on the Mid­ mprisoned for a period of two ea~t at BI)'ant College. , fifteen years, in addition to a XC\\ ll1 l'mbers are welcome 13 ximum fine of ten thousand ( ·on t N.I\'f'r&S I.. on('f' again o.l' l sin~ over thl' ('Onll)l('tion dates 01' <I nc! there is e\'t-n a possibilit \ It , Jl aI·s. If you are accused of the new Br;\"ant ('tlJlI11US in Smithfield. To insUt'e spu('e tor hlmseU tending to sell the narcotics that f>o me new memb ('l'~ ma\ in tht· dorm in whieb he wishes to Ih'e and to prf'ltare for whatevf' r \. ~pM t»2P. 'll would be subject to impris­ even be abl e to participate in dlltf' thl' of!i(,!~ll _c:'ven!ng' "DlllY be. thbl student has decided to move 2 1% /L¥J6,.II/J. ment for not less than ten the"110d~f United Nations. If in DOW and 8\'oid the rush later. 2 THE A RCHWAY Frid Let'8 Get What? Do Y( HAROLD C. MONROE New York (NAP' Rdit.or-in-Chiff a terrific head or STEWART E. COHEN The V.D. Story ; he'll go places!' Managing Editor with such :' WII.!.IAM S. HOLDEN On the front page of the In addition, the prostatic gland. open, and oozing ulcer, A Hi.ltant RditoT February 5 ARCHWAY was an and vaginal membrances can be chancre may develop in S !l'''~ Di:llnnnd ................... ......................... ...... .. ... ......... .. Sports Editor article on Gow'rnor Licht's in fected and the same yellow­ genital regions. This sore is gl C harles McMahon .. ... ...... .... .. ........................................... Layout Editor he is!" campaign to stomp out V. D. ish "pus" produced. The "bug" erally single, painless and son Jeff Coldberg ...........
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