Research Proposal A Task Computing Framework for Taskable Places Chuong Cong Vo Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering LA TROBE UNIVERSITY January 22, 2010 Contents 1 Introduction 9 1.1 Thebasicidea.............................. 10 1.2 Future of computing environments . 10 1.3 ProblemsandApproaches . 11 1.4 Problems of Pervasive Interactive Systems . ... 11 1.4.1 ComplexityofUse ....................... 13 1.4.2 Invisibility of Features . 14 1.4.3 Inconsistency of User Interfaces . 15 1.5 ProposalofaTask-DrivenFramework. 16 1.5.1 UseCase1............................ 16 1.5.2 UseCase2............................ 17 1.5.3 RequirementsoftheScenarios . 18 1.5.4 Expected Research Contribution . 18 1.6 OutlineoftheResearchProposal . 19 2 Background 20 2.1 Whatistaskcomputing?. .. .. 20 2.2 WhyTasks,NotServices? . 20 2.3 GoalsofTask-DrivenComputing . 21 2.4 WhatisaTask?............................. 21 2.4.1 DefinitionsofTasks. 21 2.4.2 CharacteristicsofTasks . 21 2.4.3 WhatisaTaskModel?. .. .. 22 2.4.4 TaskModelling ......................... 23 2.4.5 TaskComputingFramework . 23 2.4.6 TaskableSpaces......................... 24 2.4.7 TaskOntologies......................... 24 1 3 A Survey on Task Computing 26 3.1 Task-Driven Software Development . 26 3.1.1 TERESA[1] ........................... 26 3.2 UniversalRemoteControls. 26 3.2.1 LogitechHarmonyRemote. 26 3.2.2 Huddle[2] ............................ 26 3.2.3 Meta-UI[3,4] .......................... 27 3.2.4 Universal Remote Console Framework . 27 3.2.5 UniversalControlHub[5]. 29 3.2.6 I2HOME............................. 29 3.2.7 OSCAR[6] ........................... 29 3.3 TaskPrediction ............................. 30 3.3.1 AutomaticTaskPrediction[7] . 30 3.3.2 Task Prediction Using Commonsense Reasoning[8] . .. 30 3.3.3 Discovery of high-level tasks in the Operating Room [9]... 31 3.4 Task-Based/Oriented User Interfaces . .. 31 3.4.1 A task-oriented interface to a digital library [10] . ..... 32 3.4.2 Goal-OrientedInterface[8] . 32 3.4.3 PervasiveMenu[11] . 32 3.4.4 Homebird[12] .......................... 32 3.4.5 Fujitsu’s Task Computing . 33 3.4.6 HP’s User-Centric Appliance Aggregation [13] . .. 33 3.4.7 InterPlay ............................ 34 3.4.8 TaskManagementSystem . 35 3.4.9 Situation-Aware Task Recommendation . 35 3.4.10 TaskExecutionFramework . 35 3.4.11 SupportingTasksinaSmartHome . 36 3.4.12 Task-Oriented Service Navigation System . .. 39 3.4.13 Situation-Aware Task Recommendation . 39 3.4.14 TheREACHeSSystem. 40 3.4.15 UPnP .............................. 41 3.4.16 TheCARUSOSystem . 41 3.4.17 TheUsewareMarkupLanguage . 42 3.4.18 SODA .............................. 42 2 3.4.19 DLNA.............................. 43 3.4.20 NoTA .............................. 43 3.4.21 Multi Access Service Platform (MASP) . 43 3.4.22 DynaMo-AID Development Process . 43 3.4.23 Extended DynaMo-AID Development Process . 43 3.5 Task-FocusedInterfaces . 44 3.5.1 Introduction........................... 44 3.5.2 Technology ........................... 44 3.6 Common User Interface Resource Server for Intelligent Environments 45 3.7 DeviceIntegration ........................... 45 3.7.1 ATLAS[14] ........................... 45 3.7.2 SODA[15] ............................ 45 3.7.3 Ad-hoc Device Ensembles . 45 3.8 DeviceDescriptionLanguages . 46 3.8.1 ECHONET ........................... 46 3.8.2 IEEE1451Standard ...................... 46 3.8.3 SensorML ............................ 46 3.8.4 DeviceKit ............................ 47 3.8.5 DeviceDescriptionLanguage[16] . 47 3.9 ApproachesonTaskModelling. 47 3.9.1 Usingnaturallanguages . 47 3.9.2 Low-level task models using ConcurTaskTrees by [17] . ... 48 3.9.3 Executable Task Models by [18] . 49 3.9.4 Task Graph based modelling and execution in MANETs by [19] 49 3.9.5 Contextual ConcurTaskTrees by [20] . 50 3.9.6 Using explicit program-like languages . 51 3.9.7 Context-Dependent Task Model [21] . 51 3.9.8 Business Process Execution Language . 52 3.9.9 CEA-2018: TaskModelDescription . 52 3.10 Adaptive and Intelligent User Interfaces . .... 56 3.11 Consistency of User Interfaces/User Interaction . ....... 56 3.12TaskExecution ............................. 56 3.12.1 TaskExecutionFramework[22] . 56 3.12.2 An Algorithm for Task-based Application Composition[23]. 56 3 3.12.3 A Task Execution Framework for Autonomic Ubiquitous Computing [24] 57 4 A Survey on Context-Aware Recommendation Systems 58 4.1 MediaRecommendation . .. .. 59 4.1.1 xPod[25] ............................ 59 4.1.2 CoMeR[26] ........................... 59 4.1.3 SCAMREF[27]......................... 60 4.2 Context-Aware Information/Content Provisioning . ...... 61 4.2.1 Contextually Aware Information Delivery[28] . ... 61 4.2.2 Context-Aware Content Provisioning [29] . 61 4.3 Service/Application Recommendation . .. 63 4.3.1 Domain-, place-, and generic task-based methods [30, 31] .. 63 4.3.2 Context-aware service discovery[32] . 64 4.3.3 Task-Oriented Navigation of Services [33] . .. 64 4.3.4 Gain-based Selection of Media Services [34] . .. 64 4.3.5 Location-Aware Service Selection Mechanism [35] . ... 65 4.3.6 MoBe[36] ............................ 66 4.3.7 Spontaneous Service Provision [37] . 66 4.3.8 CASUP[38]........................... 67 4.3.9 Personalised Service Discovery [39] . 67 4.3.10 Situation-Aware Applications Recommendation on Mobile Devices[40] 68 4.4 TaskRecommendation . .. .. 70 4.4.1 Why do we need task recommendation systems? . 70 4.4.2 Context-dependent task discovery [41] . 70 4.4.3 Homebird[12].......................... 71 4.4.4 Situation-Based Task Recommendation [42, 43] . 71 4.5 ActivityRecommendation . 72 4.5.1 Personalised Daily-Life Activity Recommendation [44].... 72 4.6 Recommending Mobile Applications . 75 4.7 Others.................................. 75 4.8 Best Recommendation for the whole group . 76 4.8.1 Let’sBrowse[45] ........................ 76 4.8.2 MusicFX[46] .......................... 76 4.8.3 Intrigue[47]........................... 76 4.8.4 Travel Group Recommendation [48] . 76 4 5 Proposal: Task Computing Framework 77 5.1 Theproposedarchitecture . 77 5.1.1 Overview ............................ 77 5.1.2 Context-awaretaskselection . 77 5.2 ObjectivesoftheFramework. 77 5.3 HowtoDescribeTaskModels? . 79 5.4 How to Get User’s Situational Context? . 79 5.5 TheDesignoftheFramework . 79 5.6 TaskRepository............................. 80 5.7 ResourceManagement ......................... 80 5.7.1 EnvironmentModel. 80 5.7.2 FunctionalRequirements . 81 5.7.3 IntegrateandConfigureResources . 82 5.7.4 CaseStudy ........................... 82 5.8 Design Considerations for Task Recommendations . .... 83 5.8.1 User Interface Considerations . 83 5.8.2 Recommender System Considerations . 83 5.9 TaskRecommendationSystem. 83 5.9.1 TargetApplication . 84 5.9.2 TaskRepository/TaskDatabase . 84 5.9.3 The“Ratings” ......................... 84 5.9.4 User-Based Collaborative Filtering . 84 5.9.5 Item-Based Collaborative Filtering . 86 5.9.6 Domain-SpecificRules . 87 5.10 SimulationandEvaluation . 88 5.10.1 Off-lineAlgorithmEvaluation . 88 5.10.2 On-lineAlgorithmEvaluation . 89 5.11Implementation ............................. 89 5.11.1 System architectural decomposition . 92 5.11.2 Definitionofcontext . 95 5.11.3 Definitionoftasks . .. .. 96 5.11.4 Pluralityoftaskexecution . 98 5.11.5 Graphical representation of task execution . ... 99 5.11.6 Taskhierarchy ......................... 99 5 5.11.7 Mappingtaskstoservices . 99 5.11.8 TaskExecution . 100 5.11.9 Contextual application or context-aware system . .... 100 5.11.10Automatictaskcreation . 103 5.11.11 Automatic or user initiated task execution . ... 104 5.11.12A proposal of a task-driven operation . 106 5.11.13Commandacceptance. 106 6 Research Plan 108 6.1 StateoftheWork............................ 108 6.1.1 Implementation . 108 6.1.2 ACaseStudyApplication . 108 6.2 FutureWork............................... 109 6.3 Milestones................................ 109 6.4 Notes................................... 110 6 List of Figures 1.1 Task computing in pervasive computing environments . ..... 10 3.1 Conceptual structure and components of the URC framework ... 28 3.2 UCHarchitecture............................ 30 3.3 Homebird high-level architecture. .. 32 3.4 Overall architecture of Olympus framework . ... 38 3.5 Architecture of Situation-Aware Task Recommendation System . 40 3.6 Architecture of the CARUSO system . 42 3.7 An Example of a Task model using ConcurTaskTrees notations... 48 3.8 TaskstatesandtransitionsinCTT . 49 3.9 An Example of a Task-contract extracted from [41] . ... 52 3.10 Conformance totheCEA-2018Standard. 53 3.11 Expected architecture for using CEA-2018. ECMAScript is JavaScript. 54 3.12 GenericTaskEngineforCEA-2018. 55 4.1 ComputerScienceDomainOntology . 62 4.2 Thedifferentcontextparameters . 65 4.3 Apartialcontextontology . 66 4.4 Situationontologyfragment . 72 4.5 Taskontologyfragment. 73 4.6 Time ConceptHierarchy ........................ 74 5.1 A proposed architecture of context-aware task selection....... 78 5.2 Diagram of the algorithm for context-aware task selection...... 78 5.3 Architecture of Task Recommendation System . .. 93 5.4 Diagram of the algorithm for context-aware task selection...... 96 5.5 Thestatuscircleofatask . .. .. 97 5.6 Two possible execution paths for the same task . 100 7 5.7 An example of task decomposition tree (TDT) . 101 5.8 The algorithm of the contextual task creation . ... 103 5.9 The algorithm of the contextual task execution . ... 105 5.10 A proposal of
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