© COMUNICAR, 63, XXVIII MEDIA EDUCATION RESEARCH JOURNAL REVISTA CIENTÍFICA DE COMUNICACIÓN Y EDUCACIÓN ISSN: 1134-3478 / DL: H-189-93 / e-ISSN: 1988-3293 n. 63, vol. XXVIII (2020-2), 1th Quarter, April, 1st, 2020 INDEXED INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL https://www.revistacomunicar.com/index.php?contenido=ranking-indexaciones&idioma=en JOURNAL CITATION REPORTS (JCR) JCR 2018 (2019-20): Q1. Impact Factor: 3.338. 5 Year Impact Factor 3.785. Inmediacy Index: 1.750; Eigenfactor Score: 0.00076; Communication: Q1 (10th position from 243, top Iberoamerican journal;; Education: Q1 (9th position from 88), the first Spanish and Iberoamerican journal SOCIAL SCIENCES CITATION INDEX: The top journal in Spanish in Communication since 2007 SCOPUS CITESCORE 2018 (2019-20): (2.79): Q1 en Cultural Studies (5th position from 890) (percentile 99). Q1 in Communication: 26th from 312 (percentile 91). Q1 in Education (79th position from 1040) (percentile 91). SCIMAGO JOURNAL RANK: SJR 2018 (2019-20): 0.851: Q1 in Cultural Studies: The top 10% journal. Q1 in Communication: The 10% top journal. Q1 in Education: The 10% top journal RECYT (FECYT-MEC) FECYT Ranking 2020: Education: 1st of 56 journals (99.82 points out of 100) (top 1%); Communication, Information and Scientific Documentation: 1st of 16 journals (99.82 points out of 100) (top 1%). FECYT 2016-2019 Seal of Quality Excellence (12 indicators) (Official Bulletin of State). Renewal until 2020. GOOGLE SCHOLAR 2019/20: Top 100 de Google: 1st position (from 100) in the Spanish ranking of all research journals areas. H5: 38. Mean H5: 50. In 2019-09-23: H: 69; H5: 62 (30.912 accumulated citations) H5 Index (2013-2017), acording EC3 Reports, 2018 (UGR): 1st position in Education (out of 165; H5: 38); 1st position in Communication (out of 51; H5: 38) DIALNET METRICS Q1: COMMUNICATION 2018 (2019): 1st position (from 223); IF: 3.275 (655 cites) Q1: EDUCATION 2018 (2019): 1st position (from 55); IF: 3.275 (655 cites) CIRC (INTEGRATED CLASSIFICATION OF SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS) (EC3 Metrics) 2019, Level A+ (highest rated) REDIB (CSIC) (Ibero-American Innovation and Scientific Knowledge Network) 2019: 1th position among 1,039 select journals from all areas. Rating: 54.188 ERIH+ Level INT2 (2019) PUBLISHED BY: GRUPO COMUNICAR EDICIONES INTERNATIONAL CO-EDITIONS • www.comunicarjournal.com • www.grupocomunicar.com • ENGLISH EDITION: University of Chester, MMU (Manchester) (United Kingdom). Tecnologico de Monterrey (Mexico) • Administration: [email protected] • Staff: [email protected] • PORTUGUESE EDITION: University of Brasilia (Brazil) • Mail box 527. 21080 Huelva (Spain) • CHINESE EDITION: University of Southern California (USA) • COMUNICAR is a member of CEDRO (Spanish Centre for Hong Kong Baptist University (China) Reprographic Rights). • LATIN-AMERICAN EDITION: Technical University of Loja • COMUNICAR is a quarterly scientific publication, published in (UTPL) )Ecuador) January, April, July and October. • COMUNICAR journal accepts and promotes online institutional PRINTED BY: Estugraf. Madrid (Spain) exchanges with other scientific journals. © Reproduction of any text in COMUNICAR requires authorization © COMUNICAR is a patented trademark registered at the Spanish from CEDRO or the publisher. Patents and Trademarks Office, n. 1806709, E-SHOP: www.revistacomunicar.com/index.php?contenido=tienda 3 C O N T E N T S 020 Comunicar, 63, XXVIII (2020-2) , 63, XXVIII, 2 Gender equality, media and education: r A necessary global alliance unica Igualdad de género, medios y educación: Com Una alianza global necesaria DOSSIER THEMATIC EDITORS Dr. Francisco-José García-Ramos, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) Dr. María-Soledad Vargas-Carrillo, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (Chile) Dr. Alexandra Wake, RMIT University (Australia) 01. Gender equality and ICT in the context of formal education: A systematic review . 09-19 Igualdad de género y TIC en contextos educativos formales: Una revisión sistemática María-Paz Prendes-Espinosa, Pedro-Antonio García-Tudela & Isabel-María Solano-Fernández (Spain) 02. Gender studies in Communication Degrees . 21-30 Los estudios de género en los Grados de Comunicación Francisco-José García-Ramos, Francisco-A. Zurian & Patricia Núñez-Gómez (Spain) 03. Women on YouTube: Representation and participation through the Web Scraping technique . 31-40 La mujer en YouTube: Representación y participación a través de la técnica Web Scraping Uxía Regueira, Almudena Alonso-Ferreiro & Sergio Da-Vila (Spain) 04. Influence of Instagram stories in attention and emotion depending on gender . 41-50 Influencia de las historias de Instagram en la atención y emoción según el género Joan-F. Fondevila-Gascón, Óscar Gutiérrez-Aragón, Meritxell Copeiro, Vicente Villalba-Palacín & Marc Polo-López (Spain) 05. Victims and perpetrators of feminicide in the language of the Mexican written press . 51-60 Víctimas y victimarios de feminicidio en el lenguaje de la prensa escrita mexicana Elizabeth Tiscareño-García & Óscar-Mario Miranda-Villanueva (Mexico) KALEIDOSCOPE 06. SEO and the digital news media: From the workplace to the classroom . 63-72 SEO y cibermedios: De la empresa a las aulas Carlos Lopezosa, Lluís Codina, Javier Díaz-Noci & José-Antonio Ontalba-Ruipérez (Spain) 07. Influence of family and pedagogical communication on school violence . 73-82 Influencia de la comunicación familiar y pedagógica en la violencia escolar Miguel Garcés-Prettel, Yanin Santoya-Montes & Javier Jiménez-Osorio (Colombia) 08. To-friend or not-to-friend with teachers on SNSs: University students' perspectives . 83-92 Ser o no ser amigos de los profesores en redes sociales: Las perspectivas de los estudiantes universitarios Zeynep Turan, Levent Durdu & Yuksel Goktas (Turkey) 09. Domesticated voices and false participation: Anatomy of interaction on transmedia podcasting . 93-102 Voces domesticadas y falsa participación: Anatomía de la interacción en el podcasting transmedia David García-Marín & Roberto Aparici (Spain) 10. Problematic Internet uses and depression in adolescents: A meta-analysis . 103-113 Usos problemáticos de Internet y depresión en adolescentes: Meta-análisis Raquel Lozano-Blasco & Alejandra Cortés-Pascual (Spain) © ISSN: 1134-3478 • e-ISSN: 1988-3293 4 020 SUBMISSION GUIDELINES GENERAL INFORMATION “Comunicar”, Media Education Research Journal is publi shed by Grupo Comunicar Ediciones (VAT: G2111 6603). , 63, XXVIII, 2 r This established non-profit pro fessional group, foun ded in 1988 in Spain, specialises in the field of media education. The journal has been in print continuously since 1994, published every three months. unica Contents are peer reviewed, in accordance with publication standards established in the APA 7 (American Com Psycho -logical Association) manual. Com pliance with these re quirements facilitates indexation in the main databases of inter na -tional journals in this field, which increases the dissemination of pu blished papers and therefore raises the profile of the authors and their centres. “Comunicar” is indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Journal Citation Reports (JCR), Scisearch, Scopus and over 788 databases, catalogues, search engines and international repertoires worldwide. Each issue of the journal comes in a print (ISSN:134-3478) and electronic for mat (www.comunicarjournal.com) (e-ISSN: 1988-3293), identifying each submission with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier System). SCOPE AND POLICY Subject Matter: Fundamentally, research papers related to communication and education, and espe cially the in tersec - tion between the two fields: media edu cation, educational media and resources, educational technology, IT and electronic resources, audio vi sual, tech nolo gies... Reports, studies and experiments relating to these subjects are also accepted. Contributions: “Comunicar” publishes research results, studies, state-of-the-art articles and bibliographic re views es pecially in relation to Latin America and Europe and re garding the conver gence between edu ca tion and commu-nication, preferably written in Spanish although sub missions are also accepted in English. The contri butions to this journal may be: Research papers, Reports, Studies and Proposals (5,000-6,500 words of text, refe rences in clu ded), State-of-the-art articles: (6,000-7,000 words of text, including references). Unsolicited manuscripts sent in by authors are initially placed in the Miscellaneous section of the journal. The Topics section is organized by an editor through a system of call for papers and specific commissions to experts in the field. If we receive manuscripts within the deadline for a particular topic, the journal editor can refer the manuscript to the Topics editor for assessment and possible publication in this monographic section. The deadline for each Topic section is at least nine months before publication. EDITORIAL PROCESS “Comunicar” confirms receipt of all articles submitted by authors and keeps the au thors informed of the accep -tance/rejection process, as well as the editing process, in the event of acceptance. The webpage www.comunicar -journal.com also provides in for mation about manuscript editing procedures, full guidelines for publication, as well as the Annexes: review protocol prior to submission, manuscript structure protocol, ex ternal review protocol… In general, once the external reports have been reviewed, the criteria that justify the editors’ decision to accept or reject submissions are as follows: a) Topical and new. b)
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