lull Local Coverage Complete News, Pictures \ Newspaper Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly die Community Interest Snbepenbent - leaber And Impartially Each Week f ()I XI.III—NO. 34 Knti»rfi1 n* Knroml Cla»» Matter WOODBRIDGE, N J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, limt Kvorv V «>>e r'o»t Offl,:8, ffooill>r|<|B<), N. , strfft, WfiodlirllKC PRICE FIVE CENTS '\0nis Club Cabin in Park for Underprivileged Plant Dust Housewife, Held for Killing Spouse Dodges Lens Wife Saniti Unship Kids to be Built Soon from Show Proceeds y K Mii;|illll><» —SUrtlnir construction ot a cabin lor many years. It IN the former twnator's most Elimination lvV,|i 1'nrk, reatrlcted to the use of Wood c!ierlHh<sd chnritj project. Plans are to be forrnu- In Slaying i,unships underprivileged children, will aU 'I a! thh jnwlan on mrins to finance ! 'ie balance M ,,.,. very near future, through the financial of tl^e ronitrurtion costs. ln ,,f this project by the YVoodbridge Is Promised Homer, the committee is composed of Is Checked 1:111) nnw on hand in the form of- receipt* B s Adams, John Rchwam, Stephen K. Werlock, Philadelphia Quartz in Fords Woman Who S))e ,,,,. ,,i Rnnination-ipot^wrrd wrestl nt show Wlllliinw, John Molriar. Robtrt Drumttiond , ,IKI the one held the previous year, the Windsor .1. I.akls. Avcnel Plans Device Hufthanri With SliotgH :,„,• hrncled by Lou Horner Jr. will go'ahead To , Remove Nuisance i plui, to Imlld another cabin in the cump, This Tear's outdoor show was far superior, not Still Silent on Cnu , ,,s wrrstllnr show broujht in $1,871.55 oi .y financially, to Ihnt of the previous year, and WOODBRIDGE—Appi ox imatel y WOODBRIDOE^-Thp' prosec I, ,.vpon»e« were deducted. Thin WM shout HorneT credll d the fine program to the new pro- $25,000 Is to be spent for machin- tor's office today is nvraUlns a ; ,,, Him the previous year. LMI year, how- moter, Louis Colllchlo of Bclvidere. ery by the Philadelphia Quartz port from Dr. Ralph Branrale , i,,!. |!«i>rrsed $400 to thi*e local rhurittcM )( ( Credit mat et*m by the chairman to Chief of Company In Avenel for the con- the Nt'W Jersey State DiHgnos M , :„• imUnre towards the construction of Center In Menlo PfVk on the m« in which Sfl. .lowph Farka* and, hii squad handled pioblero which has caused resi- tal status Of Mrs. Dorothea Kh ,,,1,1 dub members that although the the crowd and lUe park'nc situation, The Independ- dents in the vicinity of the factory kiewicis, the frail Fords housow - , lull rcalir.fd from the two shows win ent-Leader, throufh John Boyle of the Sports De- considerable annoyance. wlio blasted her husbntid, L01 ,, {„ i (instruct a cabin on the pattern of partment, and Tom Smith of l-'ie Perth Amboy This measure was brought to 31, to death with a 12-guime sh ...ill' , ,i die ramp, a meeting It scheduled for Evening NSWH, were publicly thnnked by fiorner for the attention of the local Board gun in their homo Monday mo i. ,,,iii John FiUpatrlck, of South River, (heir line cooperation In carrying publicity on the of Health at Its Tuesday night Ing. The couple lived at 22 Hylt Terrace. llllH , ,,i the camp, and John E. Toolan, who show. All '.he merchants and patrons who were meeting by Health Inspector Har- ih, H tlve Rgurc In the growth of the site 1 Continued on Page 8) old J, Bailey. Prosecutor Alex Ebrr. read nt his home last night, said t i Mr. Bailey • said that he had hecked with the company nfter the worrnVn, who has talked in Committeemnn George Mroz called herently since the shooUnR ; ohi!< Blood Unit Pastor Confident helin Church o his attention again the com- has lately become morose and plaints of the residents that the fuses to talk at all. was rxnml dust fell on their cars and was by Dr. Brancale and a .staff ausing much Inconvenience. psychiatrists yesterday and Woodbridge BuildingGoalof$100,000Certain dny before in nn eMort to de "TrTe Teliffl" IHSJlHUHJr W Lflffr f*"ir!"-fnTBokiron "TSELTN-*F-flrT61fffiireihfce " TSBIfflffig* flifW goaf of Tn'fii'p" Yier 'TnfntaTTBn'dnWiT." iir !oi:al chapter of $100,000 will be subscribed by the paris-- h and•- friend- - s of --St. abatement of the smoke nuisance said that there arc no other would take some tlm: and he did U'VTiopin«nU In the case. :,; meet tonight at Cecelia's Church, was expressed today by Rev. John Wilus, not believe that it will be rectified i c.idquarters, Main pastor. before the first of the year. He Beyond admitting that she : muc the plan out- "The people of our parish," the pastor said, "will meet said that company officials were Her husband, Mrs. Ki?,ukle' stubbornly rofu.ird to tell nuth •i,in«l headquarters this challenge. They will see and meet the need for provid- working with dust control experts at Rutgers University and the New ties why she killed him. She ,n of blood for Uw ing education with God." say. upon repeated qucatioi The campaign was started this Jersey Health Department. Mr. Quits School Faculty hat she and her husbnnd ci is expected to be week and will be brief, Father Bailey said that similar steps are quarreled prior to tho slioo .thin the Plalnfleld- Wllus stated. A corps of volunteer being taken with the Heyden which .the originally describe) .•hi Chapter Jurtsdlc- workers will visit pariah members, Chemical Company ln Keasbey. "accidental." ucii will cover ap- business firms and will auto solicit Mr. Mroz said that after his con- Mrs. Klzuklcwicz was nrralf :!iw and one-half former members of the church. ference several weeks ago with late Monday nfternooti on ii c Plans for the building and fund company officials he had every plaint of murder before Mnalst drive have been approved by :1 a [Hers, ln northern reason to believe they are most Andrew D. Desmond tuul Most Rev. George W. Ahr, Bishop sincere in their efforts to check ,'ommitted to the County Ju . Jersey, Including of Trenton. mil participate and his dust nuisance. Mr. Bailey said New Brunswick to await the u< ,,! tiiat 85.000 pints Of The building, according to pro- that the company could not very of the grand Jury. , .^cured this year. posed plans by Plerson and Mac- well deny they were at fault since Tuesday morning, upon Ins) William, will be two stories high he found four cars at the plant : the Mobile Unit to tions of Police Chief Keating and will be equipped with all mod- covered with canvas to protect :s anticipated %t an gineers made a scale map ol ern educational facilities. It will them from the dust. Following her arraignment before Magistrate the county proserutoi s staff, next to her, and Kizukiewlcz home to be use Registrations are now be erected at Oak Tree Road and Andrew I). Desmond for the f;it;il shnntinc of hi'r (apt. Hen Parsons of tlu> Woodbridee police. The n at the Red Cross of- Nurse Named evidence when Mrs. Kmtkii Middlesex Avenue and will con- husband, Monday morning, Mrs. Dorothea Kizu- frail and highly nervous woman shielded her face comes to trial. will be accepted be tain ten rooms, a kindergarten, The board appointed Inez Per- kiewicz is pictured ahnvr le-iivinc the loral polite when the photographer attempted to take her r, t,f 18 to 59. Parents' dtnandson of Fords as a nurse to court escorted by Detective Stephen Drosdiok of picture. Mr. Kizukiewlcz, ,w!Lli his administrative and auxiliary side shattered by the shotgun 1 :,! be In written form rooms. replace Betty Jane Smith. :»iv.ccn 18 and 21. died three hours later m the I Eventual plans include a church Bailey reported that there were On m hSvm (;radmte8 Amboy General Hospital wil :..!!. has been approved section to accommodate 750 per- six cases of tuberculosis and one Students to Paint Shop Windows \ * > regaining consciousness, :.•', Medical Association sons. Father Wllus stated. of polio during the past month. shooting occurred shortly t -i Heulth, both of j T]ie area Mrve<j by St. Cecelia's There were 105 dog licenses'issued 9 o'cloqk after the couple's s have guidance and j church has urown phenomenally and receipts for permits amounted For Halloween; Rotary Sponsor year-qld daughter, Dorothea ii maintaining tech-1 |n feCer,t years and the church and to M54.26. been sent off to school. ,MM!S and procedure. | parish, under FMher WUus. hav*| WOODBRIDGE—William Peterson, Jr., president of the Runs Into Woods chapter will set up a grown apart. CotutraeUon of the Woodbridge Rotary Club, announced today that the group W. HOWARD FUIXERTON After the shooting, Mrs. iiieinent committee new school tuts Icrnj b*en hoped, Devanny Jr. Made will sponsor a Halloween window painting contest in co- klewlcz called a relative- who •:' ;in over-til chalr- and its completion will mark an- 1 earby. Informed her of the ' .•iiiiunlttee In amedl- other great achievement by the operation with Main Street merchants. Two sets of prizes will be awarded, one for grade school artists and one for dent" and then ran off int . .iiwdty and a donor Iselin parLshioners. Fullerton Resigns nearby woods. The relative ii unmittcc. The unit Air Base Provost high school painters. First prizes are ten dollars each; second prizes, live dollars each, called a next-door neighboi ;;i in provide all tech- he went into the liousr, calk ;:-!it ;md supplies and Tot Strolls into Path High School Post DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, and third prizes are three dollars DOVER, Del.—Lt.
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