\ ^ * ■. • ' ■ ■ ' ^ ’ .■ " i '■ ' ' 1 a ’t ^ / AtoBffp Dal|f N8t F ih m R ob Fsv «to litorth at MaMb. 1868 ow rtport^s wlM h$A liMk M f ;€iim 0000^ T r a io p 9,740 Fbr yean we have wcRdered' Heard Along Main Street ItaabaP at «M A mIU taiitttngjlO rom B, why people laugh at things said / Im f on Sonta o f Monehostor^i Sidt S irB B fd * T o o on the radio. One time we made a Hqrato a t qraMalliaa __ 1 Da 4 ai w wt m«>t- lirt of the words and sound effects Mondiddiorr ^A Cky o f Vtliogo Cfuarm that brought galae of giggles every ta f1.|t Vahto IM taM TW M U' time they were mentioned or Local Dd<q(Rl«a to Tar* aduoatlbaal la tlip RotMa'a Itooin. Almoat every phase o f Manobea-^Manolieater's police force la nrt . JsAag CfOMR IB m * SOe < FOURTEEN PAQB8) PRICE ro u icn m ■t 7 sounded, and we tried to analyse Icy G ive the HUghHgiits to VOL LXVHL M a 180 ^iiAM cniim B^ m a y % 19 49 « t in *Tti* 0*a- ter civic and private life large enough. Although this margartoa vrtthout special Iteeass b" to tiM affMit that a pot4uck awakening may be a rude one, at them and gave up in despair. Such S1A* Vntato shown ' the results of the rapid words an Jwk, egg, cheese, Brook­ O f M c c d i i g s toe,. to IM bald ihoukl ba growth of the town in the paat 10 least it will be an awakening. Gov. and M n. Chaster Bowtoa _____ , The ntw alata o< of- It’s too bad abandoned wells are lyn. Such sound effects as an auto O i M D i ^ l o r years. Hunderds of new homes horn or as if a building had col- wen' guasta at tontiMtoi tottewlag .'wiU ba voted on and yeariy have greatly- Increased the r ^ - not covered until some innocent Two ropreoantattvea from Man- the governor’s talk on Tuesday flreu iea JleseiM IVapped D river Split Shown CaUara dwuld In- rhiM has pointed out the danger. la p s ^ U m HsB T teM U r D^ ' dantial area of the "City of Vil­ Now along comes television. obsator, M n . Robert El MelatqMi, owkwrntog his attttudea towoid Bowles Hits Ford North Atlantic Pact thalr bata hnnadUtely. lage Charm.'* New stores and res­ prertdent of tbs Manejierter <3oun- "Ha.” we reasoned, “now we may pandtog edueatldnal Isgtatottoo. In 7 taurants have sprung up and Our friend, the Blssell street In May Day squirrel skipped down to Main be able to solve the problem. These cil of Parent-TkAbher Assooto- parUoular Mr,^ Bowtos, a. P.TJL James' Be«ttly Salon I Mr. and Mnu t^lUam Steckels, many of t*** old ones have been member himself, favored, larger at 77 Boulder Road, bad for their street this morning to have a a lle g ^ comics wear funny hats, tlons, and Mrs. Alton 8. Taylor, 74 IfiaM C m tn Bt. modernized. Main street has a de- they fall down or a scene drops on and a more equltablo ■dtotributhm fnaat tbto paat week, Mra. 8 t«k - cidely different appearance than look around before the pavemsnU president of the KtoliliMrir w it. For His Criticism Rallies Held aTa'paianta and brother and stater. became loaded with people. We them. That’s what gets the attended the 4Mh annual oonven- o f state funds fo r school construe- was the case 10 years ago. At laugh.” tlon, and totpanaioa o f the faclli- Created by Reaction tkm of the Parent-Teacher Asso- H r. and H n . J. B. Rbnensen, John present, the town is in the midst are not telling where he lives, but ties of state teachers’ o o ^ ts as ana Sbnensen, and Miss of a mlUlon-and-a-half dollar he has the habit of going on earty Wrong again. The so-called piatlen of Ckmnectieut, held at the MXie% Staart. all of Camden, New morning walka often peeking into funny men do nothing of the sort. Danbury High school Tuesday and on enOouragemeot to praspecuve Com m unist'” Dom inated school building program made They Just speak ordinary words teachers. Of One Appointee Iwmy and Georre KeUey of Rlvr- necessary by the Increase in popu­ Main street store windows, in­ Wsdilwfaiy. Lauda Flex Musdeg; Naw Jeraey. LaUr in the we and the same laughter rocks the Attended by soore than -i JdOQ f e lation—tesUmony to Manchester’s vestigates the parked ears, and in Ih e ooaventloa ended on Wed­ anteitaleed Mr. Steckel’s pa>> steady growth. Plans ars being other ways keeps abreast of the atudla - delegates from units throughout Syatema of Two Pa- To Aid Given Europe anta, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Steck> For example. Arthur Godfrey Connecticut, the convention was nesday evenlmt vritk an maoiiing made for another addition to the times. talk by Or. (Mdenaoh, professor Gbarget StateBseat Re> ala of Baaton, Penn. What we saw this mdming this v ^ k on television gave a list presided over by Mrs. R. Otto How- Last Railway riideu in Many Citiea Manchester Memorial hospital. of the plays on Broadway, titles of Psychology at Hunter 0 >Uh c . Trolleys have gone out, buses have though has us wo>rried. gate o f Greenwich, president of gurding Father Don* Mr. and Mrs. Byron Boyd, of 47 like "South Pacific" "Edward, my BOsa Emily Sodto the state oigantoatlon. Among wboae suoje^ aras ” Pannts and come in. streeto and highways Coming back from Main street. Son.” and every title brought a 'Tsachsm are Psopte, F in t,” He neUy at Chairman of By The Aaaoeiateri Preaa L o v e t t C orn ea . B e f o r e LancMter Road arc spending the have been improved. Even the lo­ Instead of keeping right up BlsseU highlights of the two-day affair Escape From WillSupporl I Persistence Pays O ff braak-end as guests of Mr. and laugh. He showed an ordinary bill This summer a group o f young were reports 'flroni various local ptooed emphaato on the Importance K ay Dsy, 1848—80th annlver Senate Foreign Rela­ cal government was afforded a street to the shelter of the trees o f fare and they laughed. He made of a atabto aarmonioua homo re- State Board of Medi­ Mrs. Walter Dooley of Black Point, “now look” with the adoption two and lawns of the residences, he girls will travel across , the set P . Xi A.’e, describiog outstand­ ssry at « d ^ ptoclalmad to dsm Conn. ordinary announcements and they ing programs sponsored by them latlonaalp^ among husband and ation and Arbitration tions Committee to yonrs ago of the new charter and took the “Bums’ Shortcut” toward _______i t in If.... w j the resist of long hours of hard wife as well as batween parenu Shanghai Out onstrato unity among ths world’s Five Changes general manager system. Birch street This shortcut, which work and the sacrificing o f many in the GkISs o f money ratotng, worksts—showed instead the split Tell Reasons Behiml The Children of Mary u-in bold his expression, seemed to be the arorld understanding, communl^ and children. Parmto a n in a p v 18M Pw d F t Ntob dMk Moo ' R e e b l e a a * A t t a c k But in the midst of it all, there extends along the rear of the most surprised person there and personal pleasoraai sttion, be said, to use “preventive between , ths Oommuntot snd noO' a brief meeting tomorrow, tmme- is a sour note—namely, the police State theater, has long been the two years, the Senior Girt Scouts relations, study groups, and child Door Sodoa. heator and da- Security AlUance; Aa- was wondering what they were therapy" to the devekpment of froetere You can’t go wrong Chaotie' Money Market Oommuntot world. In Labor Bill diatoly followtng the crowning re- staUon, built in the ISBO’a the sort of area decent young squir­ of iToop One lutve been earning health promotion. 'State Capitol, Hartfonl. Ths Bovist union, which hai bemeal. Non-members as well as structure was not designed to be a laughing about. -W erklsg Retottons their'children, by ««aki»«g the child at our prico for this serts Treaty Grew rels should shun. There is only one explanation— funds (or a. three-month visit to fert wanted in the h<Hne, by tee­ May 2*—</p)—G o v a r n o r C n u h e a A l t e r G a r * adopted the Internstional, observ- memben wtehlng to attend the police station but was "re-model­ six foreign lands in the further­ A panel dieeusslon on the de- lata model car $995 snee os Its great nsttonsl holiday, Mother and Daughter Social must mass hysteria. One .often sees two tering his independence, freedom Bowlas'chairaad an sxeeutiva r i a o n Headquartero layburn BcUeies Pro­ Out of 'Savage Reac­ ed" several years ago and has We scarcely could bring our­ youngsters giggling about nothing ance of international friendship. vriopment of .' working relatlona from tear confldenoe to others aind yestordsy put on a spectacular attend. Tickets may be obtained served as such. The building also selves to mention this one. It is Only tlfrough teamwork could between parents and eduoators of tha Connaeticut Manufac- tion' to Recovery Plan at tola meeting.
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