E1948 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks October 7, 1997 Once again I would like to congratulate and CELEBRATION OF AUSTRIAN- birthday and congratulate him on reaching this commend the Somerset AMVETS Louis A. AMERICAN DAY milestone. I wish him many more joy-filled Colon Post #72 on their 50th anniversary. I birthdays. with them continued success in all their future HON. MICHAEL BILIRAKIS f endeavors. OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f FAST TRACK IS THE WRONG Tuesday, October 7, 1997 TRACK TRIBUTE TO MARILYN LLOYD Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commemorate Austrian-American Day. Presi- dent Clinton and Governors across the Nation HON. WILLIAM O. LIPINSKI HON. BART GORDON proclaimed September 26, 1997, as Austrian- OF ILLINOIS American Day. Three of my constituents, OF TENNESSEE Christian Robin, Maria Groh, and Anna Good- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES man, came to Washington, DC, to celebrate Tuesday, October 7, 1997 this important occasion. Tuesday, October 7, 1997 Why is September 26 important to Austrian- Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, it is no secret Mr. GORDON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Americans? On September 26, 1945, at the that I have been a consistent and vocal critic recognize the outstanding achievements of meeting of all Federal Provincial Governors, of NAFTA. When Congress voted to expand one of our former colleagues, Marilyn Lloyd, the United States insisted that Austria remain the treaty to Mexico in 1994, I opposed it, and who served in the House from 1975 to 1995. a united nation. Had it not been for the United subsequent events have demonstrated all too On October 10, Ms. Lloyd's 20 years of serv- States, Austria would have been divided be- clearly why NAFTA was a bad deal for the ice to her district will be commemorated at the tween the East and West. American working man and woman. The Unit- This year also marks an important anniver- dedication of the Marilyn Lloyd Environmental ed States has lost more than 400,000 jobs, sary for Austrian-Americans. Fifty years ago, and Life Sciences Complex in Oak Ridge, TN. while the situation of Mexican workers has the United States initiated the Marshall plan. continued to deteriorate. The Marilyn Lloyd Environmental and Life Through this plan, many war-torn European Sciences Complex will comprise most of the nations were able to rebuild after World War Perhaps NAFTA could have been salvaged Environmental Sciences Division's labs and of- II. The Marshall plan enabled these nations to when Congress received it for deliberation 4 fices on the west end of Oak Ridge National fend off the looming Communist threat. years ago. Unfortunately, we had no choice Laboratory [ORNL]. Ms. Lloyd's successor, Austrian-Americans work hard to make their but to vote for it as it was presented to us, Congressman ZACH WAMP, along with various communities a better place to live in by shar- with no opportunity to add amendments or in- officials and dignitaries, will be on hand to ex- ing what they have and helping others in sert clarifications of any kind, because in press their appreciation for her efforts on be- need. In a sense, we can say that our aid in 1992, Congress handed President Bush fast half of ORNL. postwar reconstruction has come full circle. track negotiating authority. There could not be a more fitting tribute to We are now receiving the benefits of the gen- Now President Clinton would like to expand her hard work and dedication to the Oak erosity that our Nation showed to another NAFTA to other nations in the Western Hemi- Ridge community. As a senior member of the country in their time of need. sphere, such as Chile. And, of course, he House Science Committee and chairwoman of Mr. Speaker, many great Austrian-Ameri- again wants fast track authority in dealing with the Subcommittee on Energy, former Rep- cans have contributed to our way of life. I our neighbors. resentative Lloyd was in a unique position to want to take a moment and reflect on some The problem with fast track is not so much assume a watchdog position and ensure that famous Austrian-Americans: Joseph Pulitzer, that the President is using it to negotiate bad Oak Ridge was treated fairly. At a time when Supreme Court Justices Felix Frankfurter and trade deals, although he did, and I believe he many DOE sites are struggling, Oak Ridge Earl Warren, Estee Lauder, Fred Astair, and will again. The overriding concern is that fast has maintained its status as a national leader Arnold Schwarzenegger. These individuals track is yet another voluntary abrogation of in neutron science, cutting-edge technology, have made many contributions to our society. congressional authority to the President. and environmental cleanup. None of this Of course, there are countless other Austrian- Americans who have contributed greatly in the It should be of great concern to my col- would have been possible without Marilyn leagues and all Americans that the people's Lloyd's diligence and commitment to the third areas of literature, science, economics, medi- cine, and entertainment. legislatureÐCongressÐcould again surrender District of Tennessee. Austria and America have an inextricable much of its constitutional prerogatives in shap- In her previous position as a U.S. Congress- bond which has been created not only through ing trade policy. There is no denying that we woman, Ms. Lloyd brought attention to the the Marshall plan but also through those Aus- exist in a global economy, where we should need for fusion energy research and the Iso- trians who have chosen to make the United always strive for free and fair trade. However, tope Production and Distribution Program. Her States their home. Though they may have at a time when world commerce is becoming dedication to her district and the science com- been born and raised in another country, they increasingly complex and the future well-being munity was so deep-rooted, she chose to re- have joined the melting pot that is our country, of American workers is pegged to the way we main the chairwoman of the Energy Sub- making our Nation even stronger by the addi- do business with other countries, Congress is committee even after she had obtained the se- tion of their experiences and hopes and voluntarily handing over its responsibility when niority to chair a subcommittee on the House dreams for America. We must take the time to it comes to shaping the rules by which we Armed Services Committee. learn and appreciate other heritages and cul- have to play. Ms. Lloyd still remains active in the science tures. I would like to commend Austrian-Amer- Over the last 30 years, Congress has given community and in Oak Ridge. She is an ap- icans for making their culture accessible to all up many of its traditional powers to the Presi- pointee to the Secretary of Energy's advisory of us through their many different activities dent, such as sending American troops into board and a member of Lockheed Martin En- throughout the United States. war zones. It is time for Congress to put a ergy Research Corp. board of directors. Her f stop to this trend, and the upcoming fast track vote is the perfect place to turn the tide. community service, church activities, and fam- CONGRATULATIONS TO J. EDWIN ily keep her busy as well. KYLE Even the ardent free traders at the Wall As the first and only woman to be elected Street Journal recently published a poll that to a full term in the U.S. House of Representa- HON. W. J. (BILLY) TAUZIN showed an overwhelming majority of Ameri- tives from Tennessee, Marilyn always was a cans believe that Congress should play a role OF LOUISIANA in the crafting of our Nation's trade agree- trailblazer. I cannot think of anyone more de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES serving of this tribute than my former col- ments. league and friend, Marilyn Lloyd. Her past and Tuesday, October 7, 1997 It is time for Congress to put a halt to both continued work for the Oak Ridge National Mr. TAUZIN. Mr. Speaker, J. Edwin Kyle is self-destructive trade agreements and the Lab and the Third District should never be for- celebrating his 80th birthday on October 12, meek surrender of its prerogatives and re- gotten. 1997. I would like to wish him a very happy sponsibilities. October 7, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1949 HONORING SANDOR BRATTSTROM This will be a very well-deserved tribute to McKenzie's son, Boyd M. McKenzie Jr., was a very patriotic woman. at the presentation and also lauded his moth- HON. JERRY WELLER Adele McKenzie is a native of Blount Coun- er's contributions to the county. ty and the daughter of the late India and OF ILLINOIS She has been a leader in many community Thomas Brady. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES clubs, including the Sam Houston Memorial She is the great, great, great, great, great Association and Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. Tuesday, October 7, 1997 granddaughter of the first county judge who McKenzie is the daughter of the late India Mr. WELLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to served when Blount was still a territorial coun- Patton Brady and Thomas F. Brady. She is honor the hard work and dedication of a val- ty. the widow of Lt. Cmdr. Boyd M. McKenzie. Mrs. McKenzie is the widow of Lt. Comdr. ued employee, Mr. Sandor Brattstrom, who The couple's daughter, Melinda Bryan, is a Boyd McKenzie, a 30-year veteran of the U.S.
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