Updated May 2014 Taylor & Francis Style No. 3 (double column, ranged left) Body: justified, 11pt Journal title and acronym Hydrological Sciences Journal THSJ Trim size 215 mm x 280 mm Catchline Hydrological Sciences Journal – Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 00 (00) 2014 (Arial or other sans serif http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.yyyy.nnnnnn font) top of page 1, ranged centre Special issue title Special issue: Issue Title (when needed; Arial) Below Catchline, ranged centre; same font, issue title in italics Footline © yyyy IAHS Press bottom of page 1, ranged left Logo None Running heads (same (verso) J.B. Smith and P. Jones or J.B. Smith et al. if 3 or more authors. smaller, sans serif font) Author names given in full should be printed in full as James Smith and Paul Jones or James Smith et al. (recto) Article title Position centre of pages Article type (when included) bold caps, ranged left, e.g. TECHNICAL NOTE Title (larger font) Bold, first word and proper nouns only initial cap Ranged left Authors (larger font) An Author and Another Author (no space between initials if J.B. Smith) Ranged left; superscript numerals if more than one affiliation address; “and” between last two authors Affiliation 1Department, University, City, Country (smaller font, italic; email email 2Department, University, City, Country Roman) Ranged left; email generally only for corresponding author [if no department is given, there may not be one] For UK / USA authors: County [in full] postcode, UK / State [in full] zip code, USA For extra address information given by the authors [insert below affiliation address, rather than as footnote to page]: Present address [Roman]: additional address in italics Received dates Received 20 July 2012; accepted 17 August 2013; open for discussion until 1 (Arial; smaller font) September 2014 Below affiliation, ranged left. Open for discussion date is 6 months after “publication date”, i.e. cover date (French received dates if Reçu le 20 juillet 2012; accepté le 17 août 2013; la discussion concernant cet language of paper is French) article est ouverte jusqu’au 1er septembre 2014 As English; French months have lower case initial Editor information, and Below received/accepted dates: Associate /Guest editor where applicable) Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz / D. Koutsoyiannis / M.C. Acreman; Associate editor (Arial; smaller font) A.N. Other Editor only where no associate editor assigned (Editor information if Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz / D. Koutsoyiannis / M.C. Acreman; Editeur associé language of paper is French) A.N. Autre Editor only where no associate editor assigned Abstract Abstract Run on after heading, indented both sides, fully justified (smaller font) THSJ_own_style_May-2014 Key words Key words word; another word; l.c. initials, except names; order as (smaller than abstract) specified [no full point at end] Aligned with abstract, words/phrases separated by semicolon Second title (in French, if Bold, first word and proper nouns only initial caps paper in English, or English Ranged left; larger font than abstract if paper in French) Second abstract (same Résumé (in French; as Abstract) language as second title) Second key words (same Mots clefs French ; same as Key words language as second title) Words/phrases separated by semicolon (allow default space before) Headings, ranged left A 1 BOLD ALL CAPS (except l.c. symbols/abbrevs supplied) B 1.1 Bold, first word and proper nouns cap only Ranged left; numbered only if author supplied, no indent below. (indented) C 1.1.1 Bold, initial cap only, indented, text run on. Leave at least a single line space above; numbered only if author supplied. D Other headings italic, initial cap only [may be 1pt smaller than body; ranged left; body NOT run on] Paragraphs Indented, except first para after heading A or B. Leave no spaces between paragraphs, but insert space before next section heading. Tables In text: Table 1, or (Table 1). (smaller font) Caption: Table 1 [bold, no full point after] Table caption initial cap only (ranged left, or fully justified above table); full point at end. Legend can be at end of caption [“Legend” not required}: Symb.: symbol; Nxt symb.: next symbol. OR in footnote to table [“Note” not required for superscripts *, (a), (b), etc., unless supplied] Initial cap only (ranged left under table; layout as Legend). Column headings: Initial caps only, (units) in parentheses, after heading where space allows, or one row below heading row [but not separated by horizontal line]; for (-) [meaning “dimensionless”], use hyphen not en rule. Decimally align columns of same unit (or unless specified). Replace vertical text in heading columns by horizontal (sub-) heading rows [i.e. insert rows to contain the same information and delete the vertical column]. Narrow tables: same width as single column (not less); wide tables: double-column width or less, as appropriate; avoid text in rows running over more than one line—if text runs over, indent next line(s), except in table headings. Landscape tables: avoid printing in a single column on the same page as a single column of text. Insert single horizontal rule above table, below column headings and below table; notes and footnotes below bottom line, ranged left; avoid vertical rules (unless specified) THSJ_own_style_May-2014 Figures In text: (Fig. 1), or (Figs 1 and 2). (avoid making figures too Figure 1 (Figures 1 and 2) at start of a sentence. small) Caption: Fig. 1 [no full point after] Caption initial cap only (ranged left/fully justified under figure); full point at end. (Note/Legend/Key: as for tables – run on from figure caption.) Figure parts: label (a), (b), (c), etc. in regular Arial (or other sans serif font). If supplied— text boxes may need to be inserted to overlay labelling on original graphic. Displayed quotations Indented left and right (more than 40 words, or when appropriate), no quotation marks or italics; otherwise, “in italics and double quotation marks” (as specified) Lists (run on if author 1. for numbered lists, if specified; otherwise (1) [letters preferred to supplied) avoid confusion with equation numbering]. Bullets if wanted – (en dash), or • (small bullet point); otherwise (a); (b); and (c) keep together with text on next line where possible; start at left margin and indent text below. (i); (ii); and (iii) indented, below (a), (b) headings. Equations In text: equation (1) [or Equation (1) at start of sentence] Full list of mathematical notation available Indented (unless too wide), ranged left; equation number ranged right and centred vertically with equation. Do not reduce equation size to fit. Keep mathematical expressions together; break lines at a suitable place, e.g. at function =, +, – or ×, and align rest of equation with = Avoid line break between “–“ and number. Italics unless specified, except for “exp”, “var”, “min”, “cos” etc. [Roman] and variables of more than one letter, e.g. “NS”, “RMSE”. Sub/super scripts same smaller size whether Roman or italic Full page-width equations – ideally at bottom of page: separate from the text by short horizontal rule above (in the column in which equ does not follow) OR position in column with short horizontal rules above and below in the column that does not feature the equation Acknowledgements etc. Before References in this order (paragraph preceded by at least a [Remerciements in French] line space); text same size as body (11pt): Funding Acknowledgements (not indented) Text run on. [Financement in French] Funding As Acknowledgements (lists funding /grants) SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Table S1 (Excel) for this article can be accessed at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.yyyy.nnnnnn Use UK spelling, not “SUPPLEMENTAL” and give URL rather than doi format Notes Not included normally. If included, footnotes (not endnotes) may occasionally be used. Archive Sources ARCHIVE SOURCES (bold all u.c as with the References) Before the References. Layout usually the same as references but may have a different format such as numbering sources, e.g. S1, S2, etc. Date Accessed” is not needed. THSJ_own_style_May-2014 Appendix APPENDIX A [level A heading] Heading [level B] Insert after References (on same page if possible, but start on new page if table or equation would be broken by page break) Text same size as body [Table A1; Fig. A1; equation (A1)] Spelling preferences UK English (modelled; modelling; analyse; etc., except references), Full list of preferred but prefer -iza; -ize; -izi (unless -s- in Ms). spellings available US authors: US English allowed (including “fall” for “autumn”) if consistent throughout. Initial caps used for proper names, e.g. River Amazon; Black Sea; the Earth; for adjectives derived from proper names, e.g. Arctic ice; Markov series; for geological eras and formations, e.g. Cambrian; Mesozoic; Upper Greensand; and for references to figures and tables, e.g. “…it is seen from Fig. 2 and Table 4 that…” [but not refs to equations] Punctuation No full points between initials (e.g. FAO, ENSO, IPCC, PO Box, UNESCO, US, USA). “b.g.l.” [below ground level] and “a.s.l.” [above sea level] have full points, but no spaces. No full point after abbreviations such as Dr, Mr, Jr, St [i.e. that end in the last letter of the word they stand for] Use double quotes [preferred to single quotes] In French, use « guillemets » instead of “quotation marks” [keep hard spaces between quote marks and words contained by them] Use italics in the text for et al. and vs [except versus in full between two italic expressions] Hyphens and en/em rules Generally, use en rule where specified, e.g. input–output; rainfall– runoff ; soil–vegetation–atmosphere; space–time; and Em rule [no spaces]—for parenthetical dash, including in references, e.g. book titles. En rule [no spaces] between spans of numbers, e.g.
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