Lessons Learned from the Greek University Consortia and Synergies: The Impact on the Research and Science Alexandra Trianti1, Iro Tzormbatzaki2, Ageliki Oikonomou3, Anthi Katsirikou3 1Library & Information Center of the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE), Athens, Greece 2University of Macedonia Library & Information Center, Thessaloniki, Greece 3University of Piraeus Library, Athens, Greece QQML2019 28-31 May European University Institute, Florence, Italy Library Cooperation … to the 200 library consortia worldwide - From Document members of the Delivery International among the great Coalition of Library libraries of Consortia (ICOLC). antiquity …. Consortia: “partner to coordinate activities, share resources and combine expertise” (Rosa & Storey, 2016) ……. To Joint Activities: Library • Components of Discovery to Delivery Consortia • Group Purchasing Activities • Library Empowerment From Interlibrary Activities (Horton & Loans…. Pronevitz, 2015) Such as: Electronic Resource Licensing Union Catalogs Sharing Resources Shared Print Management Programs Courier Services Digital Repository Services Professional Development Opportunities Library Marketing Heal-Link – Members HELLENIC ACADEMIC LIBRARIES LINK 31 - Greek Academic Institutions funded by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs 18 - Research Institutions and more… The Consortium of Greek Academic Libraries founded at 1998 with the main task to ensure access for the Research and Academic Community of Greece to as many journals as possible with the lowest possible cost. Heal-Link –TimelineHistory Style Insert the title of your subtitle Here First agreement with 20 Years History Elsevier 23 Publishers & Open Access Providers 1994-5 1998 1999 2019 Elsevier, Kluwer, Academic Press, MCB, and Springer First steps Legislative Entity Heal-Link – Portal ALL MEMBERS EQUAL ACCESS TO: Electronic material (e-journals and e-books) Bibliographic/full text databases Reference material HEAL-Link achieved direct contacts, negotiations and final agreements with recognized scientific journals and electronic resources publishers and provide on-line access via a Portal to electronic content in subject areas related to the research and educational needs of HEAL-Link members. Heal-Link – Aims Collaboration Creation ON journals joint subscriptions OF the Catalogue of (print-initially and electronic-now bibliographic records (Union only), Catalogue) of Hellenic Academic Libraries ON providing available material through interlibrary loan OF standards for any kind of librarians work WITH similar institutions/organizations OF processes for continuing home/abroad for ensuring the training of its members' participation of HEAL-Link on library staff international developments in OF joint activities and library cooperation/copyright initiatives management OF co-operations inside of the Consortium Heal-Link www.heal-link.gr PORTAL CONTENT P Electronic resources O . Unified search engine . Alphabetic/subject Journal R index T . Publishers index . Bibliographic databases A . Reference material . Organizations - Publishers L that provide Open Access Heal-Link www.heal-link.gr S PORTAL SERVICES E . Consortium History/Aims . Electronic Document Delivery R Service . IP Address Recognition V . Authentication and Authorization I Infrastructure (AAI) . DIADOSIS - Inter Library Loan C Service for Medical Documents . Co-operations of the Consortium E . MyHEAL-Link S . HEAL-Legal HEAL-Legal S LEGAL COUNSELING SERVICE E . Copyright . Privacy R . Public Data V . Cultural heritage I . Software and Internet C E S Heal-Link - Journal titles 2.711 2009 17.100 1999-2001 2018 15.195 20 Years Heal-Link - In numbers In numbers 84.888.630 TOTAL JOURNALS DOWNLOADS 8585 3,15 8,6 17.100 E-JOURNALS 2323 E-Journals Titles 3,15 Million Visits / Last 5 years 23 E-BOOKS Publishers 8,6 Million downloads Journal Usage Statistics 2017 E-Journals 4.000.000 3.656.813 3.500.000 3.000.000 2.500.000 2.000.000 1.500.000 1.000.000 562.284 500.000 538.077 362.849 0 24o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο See: Ολλανδέζου κ.α. (2018) Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών, 1-2 Νοεμβρίου 2018 E-Books Usage Statistics 2017 E-Books 1.600.000 1.522.088 1.400.000 1.200.000 1.000.000 800.000 600.000 400.000 200.000 105.432 37.911 8.096 59.535 0 Elsevier Emerald IEEE Springer Wiley 24o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Ακαδημαϊκών Βιβλιοθηκών, See: Ολλανδέζου κ.α. (2018) 1-2 Νοεμβρίου 2018 Portal Usage Statistics 2017 HEAL-Link Portal Unified Search Engine 01 69.000 04 9.400 VISITS VISITS HEAL-Link Portal Unified Search Engine 02 9.200 05 1.600 ACTIVE ACTIVE USERS/MONTH USERS/MONTH HEAL-Link Portal Unified Search Engine 03 139.000 06 13.000 SESSIONS SESSIONS Heal-Link – Impact 1. 20% unique titles Before1998 Heal-Link …. large duplication2017 of subscriptions inefficient management of the resources of the libraries at national level Journal expenses - After Heal-Link …. 1998 2003 2008 2017 7.318.571 € 5.158.773 € 4.657.580 € 421.984 € Source: Total Quality Management Unit of Greek Academic Libraries Heal-Link – Impact 2. Open Access Heal-Link Initiatives HEAL-Link, in the framework of its activity to strengthen Open Access in Greece, explores systematically the ways Declaration on Open Access in and means for the transition to a new scientific Greece – June 2018 publication landscape, which will be sustainable and beneficial to the public academic and research institutions. In this process, HEAL-Link participates in Endorses the participation in Open international initiatives, evaluates the developments and Access international initiatives such weighs them, taking into account the benefit for the Greek scientific community. HEAL-Link's Declaration on Open as the Max Planck OA2020 Access in Greece expresses its concerns about the inadequacy of the current scientific publication model and Participation in European University explicitly states the direct initiatives that it undertakes. Association (EUA) The Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, through Minister Kostas Gavroglou, supports the Contracts with publishers - Open "Declaration on Open Access in Greece". The Minister's Access support with relevant assent to the text of the Declaration was expressed after a meeting with the Chairperson of HEAL-Link, Professor initiatives (SCOAP3, OLH) & Gold & Theodora Ioannidou, on the 31st of May 2018, at the Green OA mandates Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. Declaration on Open Access in Greece See: Heal-Link Portal – Main Page Visioning Bibliography - Selection Hormia-Poutanen, K., Xenidou-Dervou, C., Kupryte, R., Stange, K., Kuznetsov, A. V., & Woodward, H. M. (2006). Consortia in Europe: describing the various solutions through four country examples. Library trends, 54(3), 359-381. Horton, V., & Pronevitz, G. (Eds.). (2015). Library consortia: Models for collaboration and sustainability. American Library Association. Katsirikou, A. (1997). The challenge of cooperation: the attempt of Greek Academic Libraries to create their union catalog. 1998 IATUL Proceedings (June 1st – June 5th, 1998 at the University of Pretoria in South Africa). https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/iatul/1998/ Last visit, 2.1.2019 Kohl, D., & Dervou, C. (1999). Getting acquainted: HEAL-Link, the Greek National Academic Library Consortium. Library Consortium Management: An International Journal, 1(3/4). https://doi.org/10.1108/lcmij.1999.24701cab.002 Liu, G., & Fu, P. (2018). Shared Next Generation ILSs and Academic Library Consortia: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges. International Journal of Librarianship, 3(2), 53-71. Machovec, G. (2015). Calculating the return on investment (ROI) for library consortia. Journal of Library Administration, 55(5), 414-424. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01930826.2015.1047282 Nesta, F. (2019). Consortia from past to future. Library Management, 40(1/2), 12-22. https://doi.org/10.1108/LM-02-2018-0006 Rosa, K. and Storey, T. (2016). American libraries in 2016: creating their future by connecting, collaborating and building community. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 42(2), 85-101. https://doi.org/10.1177/0340035216646061 Zachos, G. K., & Polychronopoulos, V. A. (2015). Ο ρόλος του Heal-link στη βιβλιογραφική στήριξη της έρευνας στα Ανώτατα Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα. HealJournal, 1(1), 7-12. http://healjournal.seab.gr/ojs/index.php/hli/article/view/54 Ολλανδέζου, Λ., Φλώρου Π., Σημαιοφορίδης, Ζ., Πισπιρίγγας, Λ., Αρακά, Η. (2018). HEAL-Link 2019-2021: Εξελίξεις, προκλήσεις, προοπτικές http://palc24.cs.teilar.gr/conference/el/programma.jsp?id=22#a22 Acknowledgments Presentation template by PresentationGo Thank you!!! Σας ευχαριστούμε!!! Acknowledgments Presentation template by PresentationGo.
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