LAURA II. THIELEN CHAIRPERSON LINDA LINGLE BOARD OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES GOVERNOR OF HAWAII COMMiSSiON ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT RUSSELL V. TSUJI FIRST DEPt/TV KEN C. KAWAHARA DEI'UfV DIRECTOR· WATER AQUATIC RESOURCES BOATING AND <KEAN RECREATION BUREAU OF CONVEYANCES COMMISSION ON WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CONSERVATiON ANI) COASTAt LANDS CONSERVATION AND RESOURCES ENFORCEMENT ENGINEERING STATE OF HAWAII FORESTRY AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATlJRAL RESOURCES HISTORIC PRESERVATiON KAH(X)LAWE ISLAND RESERVE COMMISSION LAND POST OFFICE BOX 62l STATIO PARKS HONOLULU, HAWAil 96809 Testimony of LAURA H. THIELEN Chairperson Before the House Committees on ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION, BUSINESS, & MILITARY AFFAIRS and TOURISM, CULTURE, & INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Tuesday, March 9,2010 11:00 AM State Capitol, Conference Room 312 In consideration of SENATE BILL 2646, SENATE DRAFT 1 RELATING TO HAWAII SURFING RESERVES Senate Bill 2646, Senate Draft I designates Waikiki and certain areas ofthe North Shore of Oahu as Hawaii surfing reserves. The bill requires the Department ofLand and Natural Resources (Department) to assist the surfing community or other private organizations in placing appropriate signs or markers to identify the respective surfing reserves and provide for federal, state, and county collaboration in nourishing and protecting Hawaii surfing reserves. The Department has no opposition to the concept ofsurfing reserves and understands the value. However, the Department wants to make it clear that there are no funds or ability for the Department to provide administrative support for the community groups and organizations seeking to provide signage and interpretive information regarding these places. HISTORI{: HAWAII FOUNDATION VIA WEB: 'www.capitol.hawaii.gov/ emailtestimony TO: Rep. Angus L.K. McKelvey, Chair Rep. Isaac W. Choy, Vice Chair Committee on Economic Revitalization, Business & Military Affairs Rep. Joey Manahan, Chair Rep. James Kunane Tokioka, Vice Chair Committee on Tourism, Culture & International Affairs FROM: Kiersten Faulkner, Executive Director Historic Hawaii Foundation Committee: Tuesday, March 9, 2010 11 a.m. Conference Room 312 RE: SB2646, SDl Relating to Hawaii Surfing Reserves On behalf of Historic Hawaii Foundation (HHF), I am writing in support of SB2646, SD1, which designates Waikiki and certain areas of the north shore of Oahu as Hawaii surfIng reserves. The bill recognizes that surfIng specifIcally, and water-based recreation generally, are signifIcant elements of Hawaii's culture, history, recreation and economy, and, as such, certain areas should be identifIed, promoted and protected as surfIng reserves by the department ofland and natural resources, working in partnership with federal, state and county departments and other organizations. The bill refers to examples from Australia as precedent, along with consideration given to the concept in New Zealand. In the United States, it is notable that in January 2010, the Keeper of the National Register ofHistoric Places found that the Nantucket Sound is eligible for the National Register as a traditional cultural property based on its role as part of a larger, culturally signifIcant landscape treasured by the local tribes and inseparably associated with their history and traditional cultural practices and beliefs. In Hawaii, surfIng has occurred in Waikiki every day for centuries and it is certainly integral to the recreational, economic and cultural values of Hawaii. Taking steps to ensure that such areas are recognized and that steps are taken to nourish and protect these areas is laudable. HHF recommends that the bill also include provisions for rule-making or otherwise adding more specifIcity and predictability in how such promotion and protection will occur, rather than leaving the department without guidance or parameters. Therefore, HHF recommends approval ofSB2646, SD1, with the suggested amendment. P.O. Box 1658 • Honolulu, HI 96806 • Tel: 808·523·2900 • FAX: 808·523·0800 • www.historichawaii.org Historic Hawai'i Foundation was established in 1974 to encourage the preservation of historic buildings, sites and communities on all the islands of Hawai'i. As the statewide leader for historic preservation, HHF works to preserve Hawai'i's unique architectural and cultural heritage and believes that historic preservation is an important element in the present and future quality of life, environmental sustainability and economic viability of the state. NAnONAL SURFING RESERVES THE HAWAII SURFING RESERVE BILL I SB 2646, SOl SSCR2360) MARCH 9, 2010 TESTIMONY I NATIONAL SURFING RESERVES AUSTRALIA On behalf of National Surfing Reserves, deputy chair Prof. Andrew Short (OAM), NSR Patron Wayne 'Rabbit' Bartholomew (AM) and the surfing nation of Australia, we am very pleased to support REF:SB 2646 before the House. Like Hawaii, the island nation of Australia has a strong surfing community who share a long connection with the waves, oceans and beaches - for recreation, lifestyle and income. Hawaii is, in the eyes of the world, the birthplace of surfing and has inspired many millions of people worldwide to not only take up the sport, but deeply appreciate the coastal environment. It was Hawaii's Duke Kahanamoku, who after demonstrating surfing here in 1915, inspired this now great surfing nation. National Surfing Reserves in Australia and similarly a Hawaii Surfing Reserve (HSR) serve to meet the needs of the public to acknowledge through a symbolic enshrinement, the integral value of the rich cultural, environmental, sporting and historical importance surfing embodies. I am pleased to advise that in Australia the NSR program is supported by the federal and New South Wales governments. NSR form part of 'special purpose zones' and are acknowledged as such under the NSW Crown Lands Act (1989) with the Minister for Lands and the Minister for Tourism endorsing and promoting the NSR initiative. They join the wider community officiating at each ceremony with other parliamentary and civic colleagues. Next month, Australia enshrines its 10th National Surfing Reserve after a highly successful five year community program. Like Hawaii, Australia has also been nominated for the prestigious status of a 'World Surfing Reserve'. We Australians join with Hawaii - extending our full support to Senator Hemming's Bill before the House today. We look forward to attending your Inaugural HSR Dedication Ceremony. Signed, Mr Brad Farmer Hon. Chair, National Surfing Reserves Founder: Surfrider Foundation Australia, National Surfing Reserves & National Ocean Care Day Vision Council, World Surfing Reserves Perth, WA 17 February, 2010 I [email protected] http://staging.juiceboxcreative.com.au/nsr/ From March 12: www.surfingreserves.org INTERNATIONAl SURFING ASSOCIATION Surfing's World Governing Authority Recognized by the International Olympic Committee 8 March, 2010 Re: In Support of SB 2646 Dear House of Representatives, We are contacting you to officially provide our support for SB 2646 Relating to Hawaii Surfing Reserves. The International Surfing Association in conjunction with Save the Waves, is deeply involved in a groundbreaking program to defend our most cherished and beloved waves and coastlines around the world for the World Surfing Reserves Program (WSR). Hawaii, and more specifically, the beaches of Waikiki and the North Shore of Oahu, is recognized around the world as the birthplace of surfing. We strongly encourage the Hawaii Senate to take this into consideration when deciding on the future integrity of these cultural landmarks. It is our hope that the passage of this momentous bill will serve as a model for preserving wave breaks and their surrounding areas throughout the world by recognizing the positive environmental, social, cultural and economic benefits of waves. The future protection, management, authenticity and integrity of waves and their respective surf zones is of vital importance not only to the surfing community, but to the millions of surfing fans worldwide in addition to those who enjoy nature in its most pristine state. We work with the knowledge that we do not inherit the Earth from our parents; we only borrow it from our future children. Therefore, we support any initiative towards a better surfing future. Thank you in advance for your part in helping to proactively protect the world's premier surf zones. Warm Regards, Fernando Aguerre ISA President About the IlItemutionul Sw:fing Association: Jile InlemaliollalSIII/illgAssociatlOn (iSAi IS recogni:edhv Ihe infernaliol/alOlvll1ple COIIIJIII/tce (IOe) as rhe IYorld Governing A IIlhor!l} .I<w Sm:ting i' 1-Fa,\' originoffrfiumded os rhe foternaliona! Sm/ing Fcdero{im; fll 1964 tJ/'Id has been rumnllg H'orld cham{lionsll1fJ;" sino.' J96J and Ihe .Junior World C'hallJplolls/lipS since 1980. IS.'! memhership includes fhe sW/lng National Governing Budies rVCr'lssj f?lovcr 50 aJUl1fries 011 si.\' {xmtinen{s, lIs headquLll'!ers an.' located in La .Jolla, ('ailji)l'/1w, Ir Is presrdcd by Femando Aguerre, first elected [J1 /994 in liio, alld re·c/e,·ted six lillles sillce, lite ISA's,limr Vice l'resulents are Alan .ltkms (AlistFallil), f/obill de Kock (Sollih A/i'ICaj, Hike Gerard ({'SA) and Karin Siel'ralla (Pel'll). ISA WORLD HEADQUARTERS 5580 La Jolla Blvd, Suite 145 La Jolla, CA 92037 Website: www.isasurf,org Phone: (858) 551-8580 Fax: (858) 551-8563 Email: surf@isasurf,org WORLD spoJ~dc;c1it~ ANTI-OOPING j''';;'H&Ht'f{>~t IIAGENCY Dear EBM/TCI Committees ofthe Hawaiian House ofRepresentatives,
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