- THE h e r a l d , Fri„ Aug. 21. 1961 ErtApf the Italian Clubs... page 6 CELEBRATION I Mostly sunny Manchester, Conn. all weekend Saturday, Aug. 22, 1981 — See page 2 25 Cents s a v inOPENING g IN PORT s CHESTER,! N^Y. BAr.K-T(K^^**QO*- CHECKH§I Cheney Mills □ u M h e i SV4X11 spiral N o ttb p o k OurRofl. 1-88 ■••• . □ Vi” Prass Board 3-Rlnfl BIndor to be housing Our Rog. 1.47 ................................................. SAVE80%I ---- 0 1 ” P«..B<»nl3-BI"SBInd«r By Nancy Thompson renovations in Boston. Lowell, including wood floors, exposed wood Herald Reporter Mass., New Haven and Central beam ceilings, exposed bri<;k walls, Man’a Engravabla Jaaralry ......................................................................................... Falls, R.I, and high ceilings. The buildings will SAVE 40% I Two former Cheney Brothers Silk Plans call for the mill buildings to also include features for all tenants, by PIERRE UURENT Mills buildings will be renovated be renovated entirely into such as swimming pools and racquet into 350 apartments through a joint Urr Ultra-Thin LCD Quarti ^ eTI6TA6S,TKBAm. I 3.46 apartments, which will rent for ball courts. COLLAR R N S I Our Nag. SAT effort of the buildings’ owners, the market-level prices. The units will George Ritter, the attorney for WatchM for Man and Woman' OP.p«ii»leW'«»®™t.'’*"’ 94. town, and the Cheney National range from efficiency to two- the Cheney Associates, estimated •NKHtEYCLM. I is A A (10 -Pack), O ur Rog. .............................. Historic District Commission. bedroom units. that the rehabilitation will cost $17 M 7 t o » 3 4 CUfTUNK8,Ve8T 0 .4 4 Plans to rehabilitate the In making the mills into million. The project will be financed ChooM Mnn*, 6-funetlon digittls and moral CHAINB, KEY CHAINS I OsrRag.iaAr with laaMio coorainittod t tf«^ or bracawt*. Clocktower Mill and the Weaving apartments, the developers said entirely through private funds, he 3 initials engraved free of ctiargel □ BIC Roller Ball Pon gy« Mill, both located on Elm Street on they will pay particular attention to Yours in a handsome gift box. I&II^S ii|lM IfiSr^SSS^^Knyt n0HnLchMfca4 the south and north corners of the in­ the preservation of historic details. I’li-Uhr turn to piigc. H O u r R o g . 8 7 * ............................. tersection of Forest Street, were un­ veiled at a press conference in front •PnhSdNwl PuzzlM □ Bulldog Pencil Sharpener ^ of the Clocktower Mill Friday after­ by PUYSKOOL ^ noon. Units in question OurRas-SAS................. 2 .6 3 O u r R e g . 2 . 7 8 ..................... Mayor Stephen T. Penny called Bright wooittMard puztiss laaeh the planned renovation “probably ooioraand obfacts. D SxSV.” lO M hw t spiral Nrenraolr the most significant and exciting built during boom •Modal Road Raeara development for Manchester in SAVE OVER $35 OFF Mff. List! Our Reg. 1 .2 8 ........................................... several years.” William E. FitzGerald, chairman The Clocktower Mill and the tion and development plan for the OurRag.1.».......................... 98* of the (Tieney Historic District Com­ Weaving Mill, now proposed as Cheney Brothers Historic CUISINART Food Procasaor Raalistic scale models m District, the Clocktower Mill was hHmpact p iellc with meteilie mission, said the joint renovation of the first of the Cheney Brothers Includes stainless steel shred­ colon. i25t20 given highest priority for ding. sUdng and chopping the two buildings could lead to the Silk Mills to be renovated into revitalization of the entire area housing, were both built in the se­ redevelopment. blades plus plaslie dough •RIdga Ridar Bikaa The Weaving Mills, located'on blender. Now h e expanded 94.76 around the old silk mills, which once cond half of the 19lh Century, food lube with pusher on Mfr’s List employed 25 percent of the town’s during the company’s boom the northeast corner of Elm and large work bowl wllh handle Pi1c*$130 POLAROID -Button’ Camara OurReg.1.M................... 98* population. period. Forest streets, is the largest of and cover. aDLCtOE Popular acale modelt In dia e e l the mill buildings. It was con­ metal. S2S230 “ We feel, if this project is The Clocktower Spinning Mill, OurRag-EMT located on the southeast corner structed in three phases in 1886, (SEE OUR LOW PRICES ON OTHER MODELS) 19.96 successful, it will lead in the Just aim and shootl Beautiful Tima Zero color •Your FavorHo Colorfomia redevelopment of the whole Cheney of Elm and Forest streets, was 1897 and 1898. Three long, prints, automatically. Never buy batteries I batteries. RELB27 ------------------ parallel red brick building extend OurRag.1.r».......Ca1.47 | district,” FitzGerald said. begun in 1870, but not completed •PolaroM Time Zara Supercolor Create your own outfita and .■ 'vN According to Penny, the renova­ until 1900. Located along the east from a connector on the Instant Rim (to E x p .K ^ Rag. 7JM R6.66 scene. Asaorted sub|ectt. i tion will be performed by a develop­ track of the South Manchester west side. SAVE 30% S ’^v ment group called the Cheney Railroad, the building's unique The north and central sections Associates, which is a joint venture features include the four-story -are three stories high and the of A. Abner Rosen of New York Ci­ .clock tower, which faces Elm south section is two stories. A ty, owner of the Clocktower Mill; Street. total of 215,000 sqaure feet of Kerns Co. of Manchester, owner of The Clocktower Mill is com­ space is contained in the W the Weaving Mill; G/B/C/Develop- posed of four east-west wings building. ment Corporation of Cambridge, that are two stories tall, above a The preservation plan said the Mass., and Dwelling Development raised basement. The wings are mill has enough land around it to 6 Herald photo by Pinto Corporation, a residential affiliate connected by a three-story wing provide parking for new users. of Simon Konover and Associates, a on the building's west side. The plan also said the mills' floor .PiomQ-RolH’fcaVP*’"*"^” ^ Mayor Stephen T. Penny, right, discusses plans for the renovation of the Cheney plan “ is one of the most readily SAVE OVER $15 MMn ! shopping mall development firm. The building, which is red Brothers Clocktower Mill Into apartments at a press conference held In front of the mill ’The architect for the project is brick, contains 208,100 square adaptable to housing conversion Wastley’s ‘Blue Poly’ Products | of all the mills in the area. " NORELCO Protect Your Car’s Finish » Friday. Attending the conference were town officials, building owners and architects Gelardin/Brunner/Cott fnc. of Cam­ feet of space. In a 1980 preserva­ Family-Size Toastar-Oven-Broiler and developers working on the project. bridge, which has done similar CsMorCaMor Reg.Rag. Price ............................... S4.B9S4.B9 •Blue Poly Car Wsah, STS, Rag.2.rs... .1 .9 7 CeMor Sale Price . 44.70 KEYSTO N E Evarfiaah 35mm SAVINQS 6W BESTSELLBtS / Mtr. Mail-in Rebate ■ 8.00* CaiMra Outfit wHh BuilMn Flash •BIw Poly Ptimor I3S, Rtg.S4B........ i 7 7 YOUR FINAL COST ... 33 9 9 . 7 0 •Blue Poly On# Stop Seotant _ _ . ityStspiisn Klwe ReaQon mulls 'grace period' for controllers TskAASra 11.. tr\ C £\ 36.40 OurReg.49A4 6.k|uldorFMte|KSA0,Ree.10M.... .E a.7.70 C ^ , tlw BO£w . Bomaitf Toasts up to 6 slices ot bread at once! Bakes, broils Easy operation with foolproof lllm-load system, 3 to perlecllon. Easy one-dlsl control. #104400 DM fmoeantly purauaa a iMMI Into a oava, a m could be rehired only if they have a -S w dttk Ux (Mall*. _ includes protective lens cover. S3S70K •Camp a Boat Spoflso, Reg. 1J9 .. 1 .^ 7 9habiiadbyaomatm(y8tokbata.l^ .........tf*70 spokesman David Trick said he was to now, and I consider this a within 48 hours and have the full most difficult le^^pRuation as it mellowing of an irretractable good excuse or could prove harass­ By Patricia Koza affects gove^Knent-union cheered by Donovan’s comments. United Press International system going again in three days.” position.” ment kept them away from the job. relations," he sald ^ “We also have been looking for pTHE OARDINAIk 8INB by Aiidmw M. QiMln Donovan told a news conference in ways to get back to bargaining Nearly 12,000 controllers who Donovan said while his depart­ hw triumprn amt trapiiPaa ^ tiite Labor Secretary Ray Donovan Biloxi, Miss., that President Reagan Donovan said he recognized the went on strike Aug. 3 have been ment was not directly involved in said Friday the White House is legal problems some'controllers and table,” said said Trick. “That has bonwtwriaa.tojmddiiofMaNitfw 0 fttt and his staff have been working on a been been our position since this fired by the Federal Aviation Ad­ the talks between the controllers CMholW cRurelLAib. UN tM I v.... .. ^j. r - ...... •.OD working on a new proposal — proposal that might include another their families will have in getting ministration. They were dismissed and the FAA, the layoffs being possibly with a new “grace period” unemployment benefits. He also thing started. If they reopen “grace period” that would allow channels of communication, we feel after Reagan gave them 48 hours to ordered by companies related to the for fired air traffic controllers — to said laws governing unemployment controllers to return to work. confident we could end this dispute return to work of lose their jobs, and airline business are being reviewed vgpOORYEs JANETTl end the controllers’ dispute. benefits for striking workers vary “I’m sure there would be more to in 48 hours and have the full system many are appealing their dismissals by his office.
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