Published for members of the Wyoming State Historical Society August 2017 Volume 64, Number 7 Heard on the Cody, Wyoming—Small Town, Big Appeal This spring Cody was featured This is your opportunity, as a Historical in an article by Chris Wollston in member, to provide input into the Trail the VIA, the official magazine for Society’s activities. We hope Triple AAA. He notes that when each chapter will have a repre- Buffalo Bill Cody decided to in- sentative present. New board Congratulations to WSHS past vest his name and part of his for- members will be announced, and president, Bill Dubois, on being tune in the new community, he bylaws reviewed. One of the named “Official Historian Laure- expected big things, and “Cody most anticipated events of the an- ate” for Cheyenne’s 150th Anni- has done Buffalo Bill’s appealing nual meeting is the Awards lunch- versary! Bill taught American and vision proud.” eon where nominees from all over Frontier history in Cheyenne We hope you’ll all join us in the region will be recognized for schools for 37 years. He is well Cody the weekend of September their extraordinary achievements known for his volunteer work and 8th when the Park County Histor- in keeping Wyoming’s history has served on numerous board in- ical Society hosts the Society’s alive. cluding Cheyenne Historic Preser- 64th annual meeting. The registration form was in vation, the foundation of the There is so much to take in, last month’s newsletter — if you Cheyenne Regional Medical Cen- whether it’s the tours the chapter can’t find it call 307-322-3014 or ter the Historic Governors’ Man- has lined up for us, or a side trip email [email protected] for a new sion, the Cheyenne Concert Asso- to Heart Mountain. If you decide copy. Accommodations are listed ciation, the American Heritage to stay longer you can always go on page 4 in this issue. Center, and was founding chair of to Yellowstone, or explore the Once you register you’ll re- the Cheyenne Frontier Days Old Buffalo Bill State Park, or the ceive a detailed itinerary with West Museum. Cheyenne’s ses- Buffalo Bill Dam, just to name a specific locations to pick up pack- quicentennial celebration will take few. ets, etc. See you in Cody! place the week of August 6-12. Throughout the weekend you We hope to see a representative Visit www.cheyenne150.org for will enjoy a scavenger hunt in attend from each of the Society’s more details. historic downtown, a Wild Horse chapters. WSHS member and author Tour, a reception at Old Trail Bud Alley, from Signal Mountain, Town, rides in the historic Yel- TN will be touring Wyoming in lowstone Bus, a reception and September. He is a sought-after dinner at the Buffalo Bill Center speaker and would love to have an of the West and much more. opportunity to share stories about Highlighting the weekend will his military background and the be the general membership meet- ing on Saturday, September 9th. (Continued page 3) (Courtesy Image) Wyoming History News August 2017 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Office staff (and WSHS mem- Tamsen Hert, President, SE Rep. From the bers) Mary Hopkins and Judy [email protected] Wolf on these collaborative pro- Doug Cubbison, 1st VP, NW Rep. President. grams. [email protected] Last week I attended an event at Jessica Clark, 2nd VP, At Large Eclipse Greet- the Territorial Prison and enjoyed [email protected] Carl Hallberg, Secretary, At Large ings! I cannot meeting Robert Fuller, star of the [email protected] believe I am western television show, Lisa Thalken, Treasurer, At Large already writing Laramie. I was astounded at the [email protected] my column for turn out – over 400 entered the Leslie Waggener, At Large [email protected] the August gates that day! Beyond that, the Jonita Sommers, SW Rep newsletter! Robert Fuller fans came from [email protected] Seems like we across the globe to attend It was Sylvia Bruner, NE Rep. were just in just fun! I even got to get my pho- [email protected] Casper enjoy- to with him. Guess this is my Rick Robbins, At Large [email protected] ing the Trek! Following a quick summer for being part of Wy- family trip to Arkansas, I was oming’s popular culture…. from Executive Secretary and Editor back in time to enjoy the festivi- Starship Troopers to Laramie! Linda Fabian, 322-3014 ties of the dedication of the Finally, I hope you are all excit- Ames Monument as our 26th Na- ed to be returning to Cody for our All correspondence, membership issues and questions tional Historic Landmark. annual meeting. Please get your should be addressed to: We had a great turnout for both rooms reserved and your registra- the symposium, where we en- tion sent in. We will have a great Wyoming State Historical Society joyed presentations on the history time, as always, in September. Linda Fabian, Executive Secretary of the Union Pacific Railroad, the As we approach the meeting P. O. Box 247 Wheatland, WY 82201 Ames Brothers, architect Henry some business matters will be of Hobson Richardson and the con- interest to you. Elections are un- Preferably via e-mail to text for this monument being derway – your ballot is enclosed [email protected] placed at this point along the in this issue. Remember that this tracks. Thanks to the endeavors is the first year that we are elect- of Anna Lee Frohlich and the ing an out-of-state, The Wyoming State Histor- Ames Family for having the vi- at-large, board member. There are ical Society, a non-profit, sion to see this through. And, also two other positions up for membership driven organ- recognition as well to the late election, please be sure to read ization, encourages the Larry Ostresh and Jerry Han- about study of Wyoming history. sen for all the work they contrib- the candidates and make your se- We believe to study the uted to this project. If you would lections. The other business in- past is to understand the like to view photographs from the cludes Bylaw changes. Familiar- present and prepare for event, follow this link: http:// ize yourself with these changes wyoshpo.state.wy.us/ -- there is a (page 3) and come to the annual the future. Our vision is to link for the photo page there. meeting prepared to discuss and/ insure that Wyoming’s There are so many landmark or vote on this change. One final past remains accessible to events occurring across Wyoming plea as your president. Please present and future genera- this summer, I only wish I had consider putting yourself forward tions. more days to attend all of them. I as one of our volunteers. We need will be attending the dedication of members on several committees. the Hell Gap Paleo-Indian site as Your next president will be look- Wyoming’s 27th National Histor- ing for new representation and we ic Landmark, near Guernsey on need your help to continue grow- July 22. During my tenure as ing our engagement, our pro- Visit www.wyshs.org and “like” president it has been a privilege to grams, our membership. us on Facebook work so closely with the Wyo- ming State Historic Preservation See you in Cody, in September. 2 Wyoming History News August 2017 (Heard on the Trail continued from page 1) Curator of Western History at the • Washakie Museum men he’s had the privilege to Buffalo Bill Center of the West. • Wyoming Archaeological serve with and lead. You can The Wyoming cultural Trust Foundation reach Bud at 615-587-2073 or Fund recently awarded several • Atlantic City Historical Socie- [email protected]. His pro- thousands of dollars to institutions ty gram would be very appealing to and organizations around the state • Museum of the American your members! who are working to save our cul- West Congratulations to WSHS past tural and historical heritage. For • Wind River Native Advocacy president Jeremy Johnston on example: Center receiving his PhD in History from • Nicolaysen Art Museum • Cheyenne Historic Preserva- the University of Strathclyde, • Sheridan College tion Board Glasgow, Scotland. Jeremy is the • Sublette County Historical Society Revision to current Bylaws to be voted on at General Membership Meeting, September 9, 2017 As required proposed revisions must be published in Wyoming History News prior to the Annual Meeting. This proposed revision has been prepared by the Bylaws Committee, and approved by the Executive Committee. It cleans up the current language and includes encouraging chapters and others to be aware of and encourage local preserva- tion efforts as it relates to the state’s cultural and physical heritage. Current: Section 5: Historic Preservation: This Committee shall be composed of from five (5) to seven (7) people appointed by the President of the Society as follows: 1. At least one of the Wyoming advisors to the National Trust for Historic Preservation. 2. At least one member of the staff of the State Historic Preservation Office. 3. The representative of the WSHS serving on the Consulting Committee of the SHPO. 4. The other 2 to 4 members shall be appointed for three year terms on a rotating basis. The president of the WSHS shall serve as an ex-officio member. 5. The Committee shall focus on activities for the promotion and preservation of any histori- cal heritage of our state; encourage documentation of historic sites buildings, and archaeo- logical features that might be threatened by destruction or construction; and they shall keep the Executive Committee of the Society informed of sites which might be endan- gered.
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