Fast Driving Slows War CheckYourTiresToday? "The critical tire shortage is "Tire conservation is our final interfering1 with operations of THE STJgi TRIPES and most vital resource, it is the 12th Army Group.'' Cable up to the individual 'driver." folly Newspaper Of U.$..Armed Forces from.Lt. Ccn. Bfadley. in the European theater of Operations Lt. Gen. Lee, Com Z Chief. Vol/1—No. 137 lFr. JfeYork ^PARIS — L o n don lFr. Monday, Dec. 11, 1944 Flood or No Flood — The Supplies Go Forward 3d Army Crushes Savage Assaults Along Saar Front American armies plowed slowly eastward through the German snows yesterday against the River Roer's stubborn defenses and beat off savage counter-attacks in the Saar Basin. In the south, the U.S. Seventh Army troops, driving along the western mountain slopes of the Vosges, entered Enchenberg, seven miles south of the Alsatian-Saar frontier. Attacking in misty dawn, Lt. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges' OS. Army Signal Corps Photo. Flood conditions which have plagued Allied armies in tlie Low Countries, France and Germany U.S. First Army men pushed one kilometer at points along hamper but fail to stop supplies for the. armies. U.S. Engineers are here shown loading rations an eight-mile frbnt to the western edge of three villages onto a truck near the Moselle River, which reached its highest level in 30 years. about a mile and one-half from the Roer. They waded through fields muddy with snow which melted under the dim De- cember sun. Nazis Fleeing Budapest Doughfeet Find Way 'No Gas' Halted Northward on virtually the same To Offset Ammo Lack front, U.S. Ninth Army's XTX ; Driveto Berlin, Corps stamped out the last enemy j As Soviet Arc Closes In WITH THE 104th DIV. IN pocket on the Roer's west bank in i GERMANY.—Gompany G of the the Julich sector by clearing the 415th Inf. Regt., l«?d by 1/Lt. Jim Industry Told fanatically - defended Sportspalast, Russian troops, driving a 37-mile wedge into the Ger- Millinor, of Madison, Fla., killed municipal center of the Nazi Youth 35 Nazis, captured 54 more and movement. man defenses north of Budapest, yesterday smashed to Stars and Stripes U.S. Bureau gained their objective—a factory NEW YORK, Dec. 10.—Gen. Pat- Counter-attack Beaten within three and five miles of the Hungarian capital near Lamersclorf—without a ton's Third Army might be in Ber- Ninth Army men saw one enemy single bullet in their guns. on the east and south, forging a steel arc two-thirds around lin today if his swiftly advancing counter-attack get under way in the Because the night was so dark tanks before Metz had been sup- vicinity of a railway underpass at the city. and accuracy impossible, it was plied with vital gasoline from Miillerdorf, at 1615'yesterday. Amer-. derided it wouldjse wiser to use Enemy troops werefc in retreat French beaches 600 miles away, ican planes arid artillery went into only grenades'and bayonets.' Increase Draft all along trie 200-mile Hungarian Frederick Crawford, Cleveland in- action. At 1637, the attack folded front, as the Soviet steamroller, Under the last rounds of an dustrialist, told the National Asso- and died. highlighted by a new crossing of artillery barrage, G Company ciation of Manufacturers yesterday. South of the First and Ninth jumped off. Ten minutes later Of 26-37 Class the Danube River south of Buda- "Only the impossibility of sup- Armies' Roer River positions, U.S. pest, blasted open the road to they hit their objective. Forty- Third Army men fought determined five -minutes later the factory plying fuel over vast distances gave Vienna, now 100 miles from Gen. the enemy time to reform," said enemy thrusts to stop Lt. Gen. WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 (ANS). Malinovsky's spearheads. was theirs, an! only then did George S. Patton Jr's advance in they load thei • guns, in time to Crawford, who recently returned —Drafting of men from 26 to 37 Pravda asserted that the mauled from a five-week tour of the West- the Saar. German and Hungarian forces repulse seven German counter- An attack by 200 Wehrmacht in- was ordered increased today to pro- attacks. ern Front. vide replacements for soldiers and were using up their last tactical "It finally became humanly im- fantry, supported by six tanks, reserves and forecast an imminent forced 90th Division men out of sailors released to manpower-short possible to keep this great army collapse of the entire Hungarian of mechanized equipment supplied. Siegfried pillboxes near Dillingen, war plants. front. TireSpotCheck Patton ordered gas from trucks put but the doughfeet slugge- their way War Mobilization Director James Poised on Danube into his tanks and told his men back after bitter fighting, said Stars F. Byrnes asked for the step as the to 'go until the tanks stop—and and Stripes Correspondent Jimmy government sought 300,000 workers Units of Malinovsky's army are Cannon. poised for a new smash across the Is Set for ETO then get out and walk'—-and they for war industries to bring lagging did; they walked right through Patton's 35th Division, hammering production of critical materials up Danube onto the main Vienna into Saarguemines, met counter- highway to cut the Budapest forces' Gen. Eisenhower's headquarters Metz, but had to pull out later." to schedule. He said that Patton remarked of blows by from 13 to 15 tanks and last link with their rear. revealed yesterday that to put teeth German infantry and By another In another move, the Army ob- Malinovsky's new Danube cross- into the tire conservation program, a supply truck which arrived at tained an agreement for a seven- the front with food: - force of five tanks and infantry. ing, most powerful yet launched, Tire Inspection teams are being These were blasted by combined day work week for four months in formed to make "frequent and "What's the matter with the sup- was made under cover of an artil- (Continued on Page 8) plants manufacturing truck tires lery barrage. Accompanied by So- unannounced inspections" of units ply man? Doesn't he know we can and tubes, which the Army lists viet dive bombers it increased the in the ETO and 'report all delin- get on without eating, but we can't among its most important short- panic of the German and Hunga- quencies. advance without gas?" ages rian elements in their rout from The teams, consisting of one offi- Crawford said VI buzz bombs Warships Silence Byrnes said that the Army and the city. cer and two EMs, and sent out on were creating "havoc in supply sys- Navy had released "several thous- Prisoners said that the German the basis of one team for every tems" with V2 rockets appearing Bonin Defenses and" men to war plants and de- defense line is cracking and re- 10,000 vehicles, are also directed In greater number. "Our generals," mands for such releases are in- ported that the defenders began to instruct the units in proper tire he said, "expect new and more NEW YORK, Dec. 10 (ANS).— creasing. maintenance. their panicky retreat before orders frightful inventions." Warships of the U.S. Fifth Fleet had been issued. shelled Japanese bases on the Bonin Germans Improve From bridgeheads won in the Islands for seventy minutes over past few days, Malinovsky is pour- Ike Renews Call for Ammo, the weekend in what military ob- ing still more troops and equip- servers called "a possible softening U-Boat, Allies Say ment across the Danube to join up blow" for new U.S: landings on Gen. Tolbukhin's army in an en- the enemy's last island outposts circling sweep from the south. Urges Combat Payfor Med ics WASHINGTON, Dec. 10 (ANS).— guarding the Jap mainland, 750 The Soviet breakthrough across miles away. German submarines are now equip- the Danube was made in the face The 17 ETO-junketing Congress- Gen. Eisenhower informed the ped with new devices which enable The naval raid followed up Thurs- of extremely strong defenses, - in- men, visiting the> advance SHAEF Congressmen, in answer to a ques- day's B29-B24 raid on the Bonins, them to remain submerged for Command Post yesterday, were tion on France's military position, longer periods and to penetrate (Continued on Page 8) when nearly 1,000 tons of explosives told by Gen. Eisenhower that fluc- that the French will share with the were dropped. into areas formerly denied them, a tuating conditions of warfare and other Allied nations in the eventual joint British-American announce- 8th Patrols Score Gains weather had upset estimates of occupation of the Reich. In the closing minutes of the ment revealed tonight. ammunition needs, and that no Congresswoman-playwright Claire bombardment, cruisers closed to The announcement said that Southwest of Faenza blame for the current shortage of Boothe Luce, the only woman pre- within 7,000 yards of the beaches losses from U-boat action last artillery shells could be placed in sent, was asked how she found the drilling shells onto airfields and month were again "very small" ALLIED HQ, Italy, Dec. 10.— any one quarter. He declared that war fronts. "Oh, I knew where they shore installations. Enemy shore and that the proportionate number Heavy fighting under adverse the main point now was that more were," she replied serenely. guns quit firing ten minutes after of subs sunk was "very satisfac- weather conditions continued today shells were needed and should The Congressmen came laden the American fleet had opened up.
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