"'V S ii'v ; . ■ ■ ' I;. V.( L l ''\ ■ 1 ’ l-V "' ■ ./“ - _V -4- PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING ftBRALD. MANCBESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, Avaraga Daily Net Prasa Run dent's trip west, then on to New flies to Rapid City, S. D., for an role he has been taking in .the For the Week Ended Tha Weather Herald Wants to Return England and New York. afternoon address at the convention Eisenhower administration. due* f , 19SS ForeeMt of D. 8. Weather Oareea School Group Pictures of Individuals Eisenhower But the White House was not of the National Federation of President Eisenhower won the an excilinf event foreclosing the possibility that de­ Young Republicans. Republican nomination last year velopments could bring Eisenhower » ' .........._____ _ ^ i(fter a tense struggle with Taft A large number of photo-, 10,955 Clear, mol tonight. Friday Picks Leader graphs of individuals in Man­ hustling back to Washington before and his supporters. his scheduled return Sunday night. Member of the Audit M r, little ciuuige In temperature. chester has collected in the Starts First Taft Hip Ailment Only a few weeks ago Taft and . After his Rureen e( drculatioue files or This Herald during- the • Minneapolis speech, the .Eisenhower, played golf . aevecal Manehe*ter——A City o f V Hinge Charrn Miss Manon ~ ' 1« President planned to fly on to times. ■ ~— past several years. These are Minot, N. D., to.spend the night at Called ‘Serious’ The' 63-year old Taft had reg­ Elected President of the property of the persons Leg of Trip the Clarence Parker Hotel. istered at New York hospital Sun­ (Cloiiiiflad Advertietag ee P ag e IB) who brought them in and The day as "Howard Roberts" to avoid VOL. LXXII, NO. 214 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1953 (TWENTY PAGES) Local Education U h i t Herald would be glad to have Tomorrow morning he will travel (Continued from Page One) PRICE FIVE CKNt® (Continued From Page One) by motor to .Garrison Dam in North public attention. He had been them returned to the rightful Dakota, where he will apeak at the a minor sensation among Senators treated earlier in Washington and MiM Marion Caaey, teacher of owners. James C. Hagerty told newsmen j dedication ceremonies. Then he and* colleagues bierause of the key Cincinnati hospitals. ' ' English In Manchester High Due to the lack of filing achool, was elected president' of space it has been decided to Eisenhower's flrsl speech of the ——--------------------------------------------- China Reds the Manchester Educational As­ throw away all photographs series, at the convention of the which have been in the files tor National Junior Chamber of Com­ ROKBalkHits sociation. Monday eveping in the more than two years, begin­ merce in the Minneapolis auditor­ Verplanck school. A native of Mo­ ning July!. ium would be on the international Crack Main hawk, N. Y.. and a graduate of situation- Arrangements were Probe Planned Anyone who h as a phot<ic_ dreams come true Syracuse Uhlvewity with a mas­ make graph at The Herald which he made for live radio broadcasts ter's degree, Miss Casey taught in over the ABC and CBS radio net­ New York State before coming to would like to keep is urged to Alfied Line pick it up before that date. If works. and NBC planned a record­ the local high school In January ed broadcast later.' 1931. and has a host of friends in doubt as to whether or not a Munsan, June 1.1—(/P)—Al-^ spoken and vitriolic of government •photograph i ts in the files a The traveling President will b^ with this Seoul, June 11—(/P)—Chi­ throughout the town. in almost constant touch, through leaders. Her associate officers and com­ phone call to the editorial de­ lied and Red staff officers President Syngman Rhee, in a nese troops in almost regi­ mittee chairmen, presented by partment will ascertain whe'.h- Whit* House communications Now yott PAR btAT ii just liLf yard good*— lof gwnhty raced today to complete an facilities, with truce developments message to the South Korean peo­ mental strength cracked Mrs. Julie Quinn, chairman of the er or not the picture is there in foniM PMbb^f lfc»t*9 tHod in iKe new«oi ftirWiiorp, iKp liiioM ^ ple, said a' truce under current at Panmiinjom. armistice draft as South through the main line Allied the files. naAllrcMM nftd pillow*, . tW **me foAwi n i l ^ r tbit faabf* rtioM Korea boiled with new demon­ terma mean.a "death to South position in central Korea to­ Hagerty said yesterday there Korea." He said he had been ex- . ..The. Herald tele.phone numr. was- then no prospect that-the del­ •• weiiderfell)^ eomfoTl*bl«I Now yog cab |H Foabio* in lb« strations and a threat to dis­ day and fought off bitter^ her is Mitchell 3-5121. plaining.thia point to the other Al­ icacy of the Korean negotiations lAiAn— yon wnnt, iH f gnAiMity you want, wlwn yon It, regard any truce. ............... lied .nations and, "we Intend to do couriter-attacks by two South Air ' o f Tbrriailo-Wrecked Wbrcesteir would interfere with the Presi- lo « e it Af yon wooK to! And it coat* oniy <pnr« mf«-> - "niree of the five UN Command so continually." Korean forces. negotiators le(t„ , thi8 baae camp However, Rhee warned hla peo­ To the west, troops of 1-he 15th greeting, expressing hope for a temporarily aa lower-level ataff of-. ple against "unruly conduct" Regiment. U. S. Third Division Fo a m i x ficera worked on detaila of the' Loss continued prosperity and good toward UN personnel during “this smashed back six Cpihmunlst at­ feeling among all members af the truce document in aecret aeaaiona time of national crisis'' and said tacks as an estimated 8,000 to group. at Panmunjom. " any such unfriendly acta would be 10,000 Reds hit.' American and and bow eo*y it W to wpbelwf With the full-dreaa meetinga in After the busine.ss se.sslon, Mrs. subject to stern punishment. South Korean ..positions along the with Foamot. Co«»f And *or bow yon nno receaa aubject to call by either Before Rhee spoke. 30,000 front. Hendler divided the guests into aide, Lt. Gen. William K. Harriaon ' learns.. Jndicated..b,v jm all_ )aper. PoAnMi, in dosem of diRforont wayi to mobe chanting Koreans par.vded through MO C aaualties Up in Millions 4 Senior Allied delegate, vialted the markers in variou.s colors, and a yoof hofog •O'lmipb more fomfofl#Wn, Pusan, the temporary capital, The third Division reported kil­ I ■ ' U. S. Third Diviaion at the battle- carrying placards urging: "Give pleasant hour was spent in to mAke tiring *o miirii more Y* front and Rear Adm.,John C. Dan­ ling and wounded about 600 Chi­ charades. Credit for the success of iel and Brig. Gen. Egbert Glenn us unification or give ua death" nese;' ■Ill PAR eoen o*e FoAinei lo mike elotbey'ltt and "Drive away the Chinese ’ WorceBter, Mass., June ll-*-(/FV-U. S. Rep. Edith Nourse the evening goes chiefly to Mrs. went to Tokyo. The Eighth Army Identified the i Rogers (R., Mass.), said today she will file resolutions in Hendler and to Mi.sa Catherine. And feel betler. Any major armiatice action re- Reds." Third Division as fighting on tha quirea their preaence. They could ‘Th Seoul, other thousands sector northeast of Chorwon to Congress asking for an inve.stigation Into the cause of tpi^ Shea, principal of the Verplanck tramped the streets In orderly School. speed back within a few houra. give it credit for hurling back the nadoesVhich have hit several sections'of the country causing Meanwhile. South Korea balked groups, waving banners, shouting Communists in a savage outpost hundreds of deaths and milliona of j- , and singing- About 1.200 students doHara damage. — Cicadas do no haim in feeding more and more in Ita* "no unifica­ battle. tion-no armiatice” atand. demonstrated in front of the Allied .She told a m eeting of federal, on plant Juices, but when the fe­ A briefing ofricer said two Chin­ As thousands of demonatratora correspondents billets, but there ese. battalions bipke through the sUte and municipal officials she males gaah twigs in laying eggs, tramped the atreeta of Seoul and wyi no violence. would do everything in her power km e rg e n cy the twigs often die. In Washington, worries ea.scd main line positioh defending by Pusan, acting Premier Pyun Yung South Koreans, th ^ quickly re­ to speed relief to prostrated areas BOLTAFLEX PLASTIC that some of the five nations Tai hinted that South Korean inforced to almostX regimental of central Massachusetts where 83 troops would refuse to withdraw might withdraw as members of a persons died Tuesday. Marion Caaey By the yard also—.16 in. and .v4 in. widths. All popular strength — perhaps 3,dq0 men Aid Sought from the 2tj-m ile-wide buffer zone- repatriation^Coniml.ssion to conlrol The breakthrough o c . Massachusetts Governo'r Herter patterns and colors. sonle 46,000 Red war prisoners nominating cbmmlttee. for the , to be set up between Allies and southeast of Outpost Texi: Ostimated damage of 75 inillidn y ear 1953-54 in-clude th e follow­ * Reds in a truce. After a special who refuse to go home. 'ITie com­ Army spokesman said the dollars was caused by the tornado mission would take custody of the ing: w if ir OPEN A BANK CHARGE ACCOUNT cabinet meeting, Pyun said South through is serious, but that which cut through the central sec- I B y H e r t e r Miss Martha White, vico' presi­ s g n M tio n o l Korea "can not and will not ac­ POWs for 90 days while Red area of the battle front tion of the state.
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