UNION COUNTYWIDE CLASSIFIED PAGE B16-— THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1996 AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE r " 1968 BUICK ELECTRA WAGON. WMie. fully 1G95 MAZDA MIATA, block, 5 speed, CD Second opinion 4re you wired? Port support AUTOMOTIVE loaded, runs but noods somo work. $2,100/ playor, mint condition, 9,000. miles. SI6 000 best oiler. Call 201-992-2022. Call Ann 212-388-7741 or 212 969.2224. Council would like to hire its If not, it's time to get Rep. Bob Franks hopes to stir up 1987 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD Elogonza 1993 OLDSMOBILE ACHIEVAS. V-6. auto- c Bronze, rag-top, now Jiros, leather interior. matic, airconditioning, all powor. Only 18,000 on-line and start living some funds in Congress to dredge own attorney. Should they have powor everything. Clean throughout. Grtrngo miles, mint condition. $8,500- A rool buyl Call AUTO DEALERS kept. $3700/ negotiable Coll 201-325-0154. 908-382-50R6. the option? See editorial, Page 6. the future. See Page B5. Port Elizabeth, Page B1. SMYTHE VOLVO 1987 CAMARO IROC Z28. T-lops. 8 cylindor. 1988 PLYMOUTH RELIANT-LE. 4-door, oray, fully loaded, roar defoggor, lilt, alarm. 73,000 power steoring, brakes, nirconditionlng Excel- EXCLUSIVE m:l05. Asking S3,000. Call 851-2610. lent condition. Must bo seen. $2,650. 763-1901 VOLVO DEALER alter 5pm. 1987 CHEVROLET CELEBRITY. White stat'on 326 Morris Avenue Summit wagon. Roof rack, V6, automatic, cruiso. now 1985 SAAB 900S. 4 door, white. Excollont (908) 273-4200 tiros, am/fm, cloan upholstery. $'500. condition. All powor. 116K miles Sunroof AUTHORIZED 687-1606 allor 5pm. S'^'l^"'0 Wollmain:ainod: FACTORY SERVICE 1993 CHEVY BLAZER Tohoo LT. Loaded" S LONG TERM LEASING spood, air condilioning, with trailer hitch 48,000 SEIZED CARS from $175 Porsches Cadil- miles. $10,500 or best oiler. 201-325-0190. lacs, Chevys, BMW's, Corveilos, also Joops 4 wheol drives. Your area. Toll Ireo AUTO FOR SALE 1906 CHEVY MONTE Carlo V6. power steer 1-800-898-9778 Ext. A-5139 for cu'rom mg, powor brokoG, air conditioning, two door, 1983 FORD COUNTRY Squiro, loolhor interior, listings. automatic, cruiKO. gray, good condition $1650. ail options. 74.500 milos. Runs nnd looks Qront. 0OB-480-.1S38. $4500. 201-763-3384. alter 6pm. 190G SPORTS CAR For Sale. Great Condition 1986 DODGE ARIES STATION WAGON Ex- Mazda RX7. Red. $3,700. Call ?01-763-5814. 1935 DODGE MINIVAN. Whilo. oxcoMonl con- RAHWAY cellent condition, aircondHioning. 1 owr.or, 1985 SUBARU GL 10 Wagon. 90 000 miles dition, automatic, air. oloctnc windows nnd 72,000 milos. Asking S3.000. Call altor 7PM. one owner. Full power, Air condilioning AM/FM locks, soats.sovon. low miloaqo, Call 201-762-7726. "Your Best Source For Community Information" 201-912-9217. __^_ cassette, runs well. $2.500. Call 201-762-6352 1995 SATURN SLI. 5 spood manual, powor DREAM MACHINES - got a picture ol your car'' 1993 TOYOTA CAMRY LF:. Excellent Condi- -.•onrmp air, alarm. 11.700 milns S11.000. Call Run it for •> weeks, only S35. Call Classified at ton and looks groatl <7.00Q miles W These new Chrysler minivans were developed over a 32-month period at a cost of $2.6 908-353-3053 alter 3pm. Moving, pneo negotiable. A WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER RAHWAY, N.J., VOL6 NO.23—THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1996 TWO SECTIONS - 25 CENTS billion and will be manufactured in three countries on two continents, with a total annual 1986 FORD BRONCO II, 4X4. White and blue, 199.-. AUDI 100S. Poarl. 38.000 highway miles. powor windows and locks. Good condition. 1985 TOYOTA CAMARY. 4 cylinder auloma- volume potential of over 700,000 units. Intended to "leapfrog" the competition and continue Loaded. Mint condition. $23,000. 100% War- Asking S2500 or best offer. 908-245-5237. tic. air. power steorino and brnkes AM/FM ranty in ellecl until 50,000 milos. Call cassette. 75,000 original milos $2 500 or best their global image and sales leadership, these new Chrysler vehicles benefit from the com- 19B8 FORD ESCORT. 2 door automatic trans- oiler. 908-925-6548. -"'W-SH pany's pioneering efforts in-developing the'segment, leading to innovations in the areas of 201-762-6472. ;_ mission, am/fm storoo cassette, boigo, body Budget crunch AUTO SPECIAL • $22.00 (or 10 weeks prepaid excellent, runs groat mechanically. 85.000 safety, features, comfort, performance and value. milos. $1,650.00. 201-763-1641. -<ioor. red CaM Classiliod lor details. 800-564-8911. stereo cassette, aircondu-onmn Iron! wheel drive. 45K miles, 56.500. Great condi- FORDS t'on. Call 763-8903 1993 ESCORT LX WAGON Highlights Board of Ed tries to cut $1M 4 cylinder engine, automatic, power steering. Dodge, Chrysler and Plymouth minivans set standards power brakes, air tilt, pewor windows, powor AUTO WANTED By Scan Dally textbooks. Staff for grades 9-12 would see the most cuts, locks, cruise, rear defrosi. tint, cassette. V;n applied to accomplish this task, as ABLE PAYS TOP $$$ IN CASH Free wood Staff Writer SI36,400 in all. An all-new family of Cho's'cr. new Chrysler car, truck, sport utility remain a best-seller lor 1 1 years run- »PW262969, 34,806 miles. S7495. ning," said Chrysler Executive Vice well ;is lo define a new, pure minivan How can $1 million be cut from a budget? • A total of $71,050 in administration cuts, with $29,000 Dodge and Plymouth minivans for and minivan products," said Chrysler For All 4 Whool Drlvos The Department of Public shape lhal celebrates the genre rather 1989 TAURUS WAGON That's the question the Board of Education will try to being cut from administrators' salaries and $9,000 from worldwide markets was introduced President and Chief Operating Officer President of Sales and Marketing, and Works has invited all residents General Manager of Minivan Opera- than trying to mask it or make it 6 cylinder, automatic. transmission, powor CARS, TRUCKS and VANS answer, as it tries to bring its proposed $29,573,000 budget secretarial salaries. today at the North American Interna- Robert A. Lutz. "Now, we are starting steering, powor brakos, a^, tilt, powor windows, who have a need for firewood/ the cycle all over again, while others tions Theodor R. Cunningham. "In appear as something else. The result is powoF locks, tear dehoo:, !m[, cassoMf.'. V;n under a state imposed spending cap. • A total of $88,000 being cut from special education tiona! Auto Show in Detroit. They FREE PICK UP 7 DAYS wood chips to stop by the a standard whcclbase version that is «KA252713. 7-:,352 mi'GS. $Snns, The school board and school administrators met Mon- will he sold in North America as the are just beginning to adopt some of the case of Chrysler's mininvans, this DI>W. 999 Hart St., between 9 programs. Staff in the perceptually impaired program 3.6 inches shorter on the outside than day to hammer out a package of cuts to the proposed Dodge Caravan and Grand Caravan. the innovations we've established in has been possible by intensely listen- 1-800-953-9328 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday would have $21,600 cut from their salaries, while the a Mercury Villager, but provides 13 1988 MUSTANG LX 1996-97 budget. Plymouth Voyager and Grand Voya- the market. These all-new . Chrysler ing and responding to the needs and 4 cylinder engine, automatic transmission, llirough Friday. resource room program would be cut by $55,600. minivans are representative of our desires of this massive customer base, percent more cargo space. In fact, the power steering, power brakes, air, lilt, power 908-688-2044 Residents must sign up at the Two packages of cuts were brought to the table, one by • Co-curricular and athletics programs would be cut by ger, and Chrysler Town and Country. windows, power locks, rear defrost, cassel'e. philosophy in developing products for combine with an uncanny vision of new Chrysler standard wheclbasc ver- DPVV office, then they are wel- the school board and one by the board's Finance $5,277. In key international markets they will Vin SJR215354. 64.781 miles. S4095. Taxes ALL AUTOS 1960- 1970's Junks $20- $100 sions arc nearly 15 inches shorter than and MW extra Committee. he named Chrysler Voyager and worldwide markets in the latter part of the right time to introduce new inno- cash. Not running 1985- 1990 autos $100- come to all the free firewood/ • The Child Study Team program and salaries for gui- vations that take a leap ahead." the long whcclbase Ford Windstar, $1000 cash paid. 7am-7pm. 201-256-2893 No decision has been made on which package would be Grand Voyager. the decade. Quite simply, our goal is HONDA wood chips that they can. carry, dance staff would be cut by a total of $21,000. yet arc within one percent of Winds- Just as with the current lineup, to continue to push !he barriers and The primary requirement for a 1991 ACCORD EX $$$WE PAY TOP D0LLAR$$$ while supplies last. chosen, though some members suggested one be adopted This number was too high for Finance Committee mem- tar's . cargo space. The extended •'. cylinder engine, automatic transmission, these new vehicles will combine to innovate, going beyond just replacing minivan, however, is space utili/tion Due to insurance require- and the other held in reserve if the budget is not passed by ber Vincent Addona. His committee countered the school whcclbase version is 1.6 inches shor- power steering, power hrakes, DT, lilt, pov:er the voters.
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