KAMIESBERG MUNICIPALITY 4th GENERATION IDP INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2017 – 2021 ( 2020 / 2021 ) BETELS KLIP 1 KAMIESBERG MUNICIPALITY 4th GENERATION IDP TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Kamiesberg Local Municipality Contact Details……………………………….07 2. List of Abbreviations…………………………………………………………..…08 3. Forward of the Mayor…………………………………………………………....10 4. Executive Summary……………………………………………………………...11 5. Vision…………………………………………………………………………….15 6. Mission…………………………………………………………………………...15 7. Value Statement……………………………………………………………….…15 8. Demographic Profile of the Municipality……………………………………..…16 9. Powers and Function of the Municipality……………………………………..…17 10. Introduction and Purpose………………………………………………………...17 11. Process Followed to Develop Integrated Development Plan……………………18 12. Summary of the Process Plan……………………………………………………18 CHAPTER 1: SERVICE DELIVERY AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT 1.1 Strategic Objective 24 1.2 Intended outcome 24 1.3 Water 24 1.3.1 Status of the Water Service Development Plan 24 1.3.2 National Target 24 1.4 Sanitation 26 1.4.1 Status within the Municipality 27 1.5 Waste Management 28 1.5.1 Status of the Integrated Waste Management Plan 28 1.5.2 Percentage of the People Accessing the Service 28 1.5.3 Strategies Employed to Reduce, Re – use and Recycle 28 1.6 Waste Removal 28 1.7 Waste Disposal 29 1.8 Electricity and energy 30 1.9 Provision of Energy 30 2 KAMIESBERG MUNICIPALITY 4th GENERATION IDP 1.10 Roads 31 1.11 Housing 32 1.12 Health Services 32 1.13 Education 34 1.14 Safety and Security 35 CHAPTER 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE 36 2.1 Strategic Objectives of Kamiesberg Municipality 36 2.2 Intended Outcome 36 2.3 Audit Committee 36 2.4 MPAC Committee 37 2.5 Municipal Ward Committee 37 2.6 Municipal Committees 40 2.7 Supply Chain Committee 42 2.8 Management and Operational Systems 43 2.9 Municipal Risk Management 43 2.10 Fraud Prevention Plan 44 2.11 Communication Strategy 44 2.12 Public Participation and Stakeholder Mobilization Strategy 45 CHAPTER 3. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFORMATION 47 3.1 Strategic Objective 47 3.2 Intended Outcome 47 3.3 Information Technology ( IT ) 47 3.4 Organizational Structure 48 3.5 Vacancy Rate 52 3.6 Skills Development Plan 53 3.7 Human Resource Development Plan / Strategy 53 3.8 Individual Performance and Organisational Management System 57 CHAPTER 4. FINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT 58 4.1 Strategic Objective 58 4.2 Intended Outcome 58 4.3 Policies 58 3 KAMIESBERG MUNICIPALITY 4th GENERATION IDP 4.3.1 Tariff Policy 58 4.3.2 Rates Policy 59 4.3.3 Banking and Investment Policy 60 4.3.4 Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy 60 4.3.5 Indigence Management Policy 61 4.3.6 SCM Policy 61 4.3.7 Payment of Creditors 62 4.3.8 Auditor – General Findings 63 4.3.9 Financial Management Systems 66 CHAPTER 5. LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 67 5.1 Strategic Objective 67 5.2 Intended Outcome 67 5.3 LED SWOT Analysis 67 5.4 Tourism 69 5.4.1 Kamiesberg Tourism Infrastructure Development 69 5.4.2 Tourism in Kamiesberg 69 5.4.3 The Natural Resources 69 Namaqua National Park 69 Natural Wonders 70 Landscapes 70 The Highest Peaks in the Northern Cape 70 Kamiesberg Flower Trail Run 71 5.4.4 The Cultural Resources 71 The People 71 The Culture 71 The Arts 71 The History of Hondeklipbaai 71 Tourism Attraction 71 5.4.5 Commemoration of Leliefontein Massacre 73 A Short Background 73 5.5 Agriculture 74 4 KAMIESBERG MUNICIPALITY 4th GENERATION IDP 5.5.1 Opportunities 74 5.5.2 Constrains 75 5.6 Mining 75 5.6.1 Mining and Quarrying 75 5.6.2 Opportunities 76 5.6.3 Constrains to the Development of Mining Sector 77 5.7 Land Availability 77 5.7.1 TRANCRAA 77 Leliefontein 77 Lepelsfontein 77 Land Reform 77 5.8 Environmental Management 78 5.8.1 Environmental Tools 78 5.8.2 Environmental Management Plan 78 5.8.3 Integrated Waste Management Plan 78 Education and Training 78 Eco Schools Programme 78 5.8.4 EPIP Programmes 78 5.8.5 Impact of Climate Change 80 Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture 80 Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity and Environment 81 Manage the Loss of High Priority Biomes 81 Impact of Climate Change on Coastal and Marine Environment 81 Impact of Climate Change on Marine and Benthic Ecosystems 81 Manage Loss of Land due to Sea Level Rise 81 Manage Increased Damage to Property from Sea Level Rise 82 5.8.6 Working for Ecosystems 82 5.8.7 Working for the Coast 82 5.8.8 Working for Wetlands 82 5.8.9 Government Structure 82 5 KAMIESBERG MUNICIPALITY 4th GENERATION IDP CHAPTER 6. SECTOR PLANS 83 6.1 Strategic Objectives 83 6.2 Intended Outcome 83 6.3 Status of Sector Plans 83 CHAPTER 7. DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES, PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS 7.1 Strategic Objectives 87 7.2 Intended Outcomes 87 7.3 A Brief summary of Community Needs from 2017 / 2018 onwards 88 CHAPTER 8. ALINGHMENT WITH NATIONAL AND PROVINCIAL OBJECTIVES AND PROGRAMMES 99 8.1 Strategic Objectives 99 8.2 Intended Outcomes 100 CHAPTER 9. PROGRAMMES FROM OTHER SPHERES 102 9.1 Strategic Objective 102 9.2 Intended Outcome 102 9.3 State of the Nation Address 102 9.4 Budget Speech 124 9.5 State of the Province Address 127 6 KAMIESBERG MUNICIPALITY 4th GENERATION IDP 1. KAMIESBERT LOCAL MUNICIPALITY CONTACT DETAILS. POSTAL: PRIVATE BAG X200 GARIES 8220 PHYSICAL: 22 MAIN STREET GARIES 8220 TEL: 027 – 6528000 FAX: 027 – 6528001 MUNICIPAL MANAGER: MR RUFUS BEUKES TEL: 027 – 652 8022 / FAX: 027 6528001 / CELL: 078 198 4237 E – MAIL: [email protected] or [email protected] / Web: www.kamiesbergmun.co.za MAYOR: COUNCILLOR: SUSARAH NERO E – MAIL: [email protected] TEL: 027 6528031 / FAX: 027 6528001 / CELL: 063 514 8101 7 KAMIESBERG MUNICIPALITY 4th GENERATION IDP 2. LIST IF ABBREVIATIONS. AG AUDITOR – GENERAL BESP BUILT ENVIRONMENT SUPPORT PROGRAMME CAPEX CAPITAL EXPENDITURE CBD CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT CBP COMMUNITY BASED PLANNING CFO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER DeCoG DEPARTMENT OF CO – OPPERATIVE GOVERNANCE DEA DEPARTMRNT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEADP DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DM DISTRICT MUNICIPSLITY DoRA DIVISION OF REVENUE ACT DWA DEPARTMENT OF WATER AFFAIRS EE EMPLOYMENT EQUITY EPWP EXPANDED PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAMME GAMAP GENERALLY ACCEPTED MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTING PRACTICE GRAP GENERALLY RECOGNISED ACCOUNTING PRACTICE HR HUMAN RESOURCES HSP HUMAN SETTLEMENT PLAN IDP INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN IFRS INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS IMFO INSTITUTE FOR MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL OFFICERS INEP INTEGRATED NATIONAL ELECTRIFICATION PROGRAMME ISDF INTEGRATED STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK KL KILOLITRE (1 000 LITERS) KPA KEY PERFORMANCE AREA KPI KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR KWh KILOWATT – HOUR LED LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT LM LOCAL MUNICIPALITY LLF LOCAL LABOUR FORUM MBRR MUNICIPAL BUDGET AND REPORTING REGULATIONS MFMA MUNICIPAL FINANCE MANAGEMENT ACT (ACT NO. 56 OF 2003) MIG MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT 8 KAMIESBERG MUNICIPALITY 4th GENERATION IDP MEC MEMBER OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MI MEGA LITRE (1 000 000 LITRES) MM MUNICIPAL MANAGER MSA MUNICIPAL SYSTEMS ACT (ACT NO. 32 OF 2000) MTREF MEDIUM TERM REVENUE & EXPENDITURE FRAMEWORK NERSA NATIONAL ENERGY REGULATOR OF SOUTH AFRICA NGO NON – GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION NT NATIONAL TREASURY OPEX OPERATING EXPENDITURE PDI PREVIOUS DISADVANTAGE INDIVIDUAL PGNC PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT NORTHERN CAPE PI PERFORMANCE INDICATOR PMS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PSDF PROVINCIAL SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN PSP PROVONCIAL STRATEGIC PLAN PPP PUBLIC – PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP PT PROVINCIAL TREASURY R RAND (CURRENCY) SALGA SOUTH AFRICAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOSIATION SAMDI SOUTH AFRICAN MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE SCM SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SDBIP SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLAN SDF SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK SEA STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STATSSA STATISTIC SOUTH AFRICA VIP VENTILATED IMPROVED PIT (TOILET) WTW WATER TREATMENT WORKS WWTW WASTE WATER TREATMENT WORKS 9 KAMIESBERG MUNICIPALITY 4th GENERATION IDP FORWARD OF THE MAYOR. KAMIESBERG MUNICIPALITY GENERATION IDP 2020/21 Foreword Mayor. This 2020/21 Integrated Development Plan(IDP) provides the 2nd review of our 5- year strategic framework(2017-2022)for the Kamiesberg municipality. We remain committed to serve our communities in the best possible way, to create an environment in which they can forster their own development at best, to intensify community participation processes and ensure the best community involvement, to address our challenges to our best ability and to develop budgets that would fund our mandate to serve our people to our best effort. This commitment Cleary reflects the vision of council to,instead of being one of the best municipalities, become the very best municipality. Since logal government is in the hands of our people it serves, Council’s commintment to accelerate implementation of this reviewed IDP will be achieved at the best when it is met with equally committed communities to actively participate in the programmes and affairs of the Municipality. The need for sustainable service delivery and economic growth is strongly rooted in communities enquires about job creation and to earn an income. Sufficient housing funding is required from the Northern Cape Provincial Government to address the increasing need for low cost and affordable housing in the Municipality. At the inauguration of the Northern Cape last year Premier Dr Zamani Saul promise a “people centred provincial government”. Therefore this IDP shall work for the people of the Kamiesberg.
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