** • ••- REVEL CE + • >, • + Chief luniherin, ^railway, -¥. 4- Publishe twlc reekly — 4- mining, ugricu "p and + IiHryod flie reeog- ••• navigation ccntr, ^'tween 41 |/liP* nizeil udverti^N^ne'diud m (or -^ Calgary and the I _, ocean • The Mail-Herald f, -r the city wifl .d\amct. If - 5 > as + + + • 4-4- 4-4-4- 4-4-4-^| V mi i. 4>4- 4-4-4- 4-4-- Vol. 20—No 1-6 REVELSTOKE. B.C. WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1914 $2.50 Per Year TRAIN TIMES ~~ The Hotel Palliser, Calgary r WINNIPEGGERS TWO MORE WILL CHANGE The Palace of the Prairies SEE CITY MILES STAKED Train from Toronto Will Arrive ill-: PALLISER, the magnificent Canadian Pacific Railway Hotel Met at Station by Fleet of Samples of Gas to be Analysed at Calgary, which will bu opened Juno 1. It is a $2,000,000 Automobiles—Delighted Four o'clock at Night Tmonument to the faith of tlie Canadian Pacific Railroad's by British Expert Pre­ Other Alterations management iu the future of Western Canada, and is one of the With City pare to Drill Rnosl establishments of Its kind In all I ana.In. II comprises ten storeys, base­ Stunting at midnight on May 31 The station presented a busj and ment, ground, mezzanine and .-even (In behalf of the Revelstoke syndi­ the times of arrival nnd departure service lloors, with roof gardon and sun metropolitan appearance on Sunday cate winch last week through H. at Revelstoke of many of the trains nurlur mi I he roof, It is constructed of afternoon. Before the arrival of the Smith and Vi. Poup ire staked 12 will he changed. square miles ..( oil leases In the stool and reinforced concrete, (Irey south train which brought the visit The Imperial Limited from the east neighborhood of Arrowhead, Mr. Tennessee marble walls, columns ni ing Winnipeg businessmen's exclusion which now arrives at I p.m. will af­ [tottieiuo marble, with Sylvan gveon Poupore at the beginning of tins '1 111! platform was tht nged With week staked tWO more square miles. ter May arrive 65 minutes curlier, marble for the bases, with titling- of at 2:55 p.m. No. 2, the Imperial lim­ fumed oak, comprise the scheme ..i thc members Of the hoard of trade and The syndicate consisting ol T. Kil­ patrick, .1. M McKay, D, W, li. ited from the west, which at present llnisti ni the principal rooms on tho first other citizens who were there for the arrives at 12:15 p.m. Will lie twenty Sutherland, O, 3, McCarter, W. A. door, aiiel the plan of the decoration Is purpose of greeting the visitors. lu : Anstie. ll. R, Laurence-, Dr. .1. II. minutes iter arriving at 1-2:35. simple but exquisitely beautiful. No. :: ''in Toronto now arriving addition to the usual contingent of Hamilton, R. Smith and w. Poupore The plan of ventilation is worthy of at 7:05 a.m. will In future arrive at vehicles meeting the trains there now have the ml rights over l-l mention. Large fans draw the air from 4:0.ri a.m., three hours earlier. Krom vera thirteen automobiles drawn up square miles at the mouth of the Co­ the roof, II, is forced through elieoso Vancouver No. I for Toronto, will ut the rear ol the platform re lumbia river een both Bides across the cloth Bcrccns, warmed, filtered through a to arrive at midnight Instead of 12:-13 take the visitors for a toni­ lake at Galena bay. -111• i• i of falling wuier, warmed again, d the a.m. .i - J i he present time. At both places indications of oil and then forced through registers Into city. The train from St. Paul to Seattle The south train with the special are abundant and gas bubbles brisk- i in- various rooms. No. 13 now arriving 6:1" p.m. will cars belonging to the Winnipeg ex- ly through the BOll, Samples of the (lu the firsl Hour Is a beautiful ball arrive at I "" p.m. one hour and 55 cursion pulled in u few minutes be- gas are to betaken by the syndicate room, finished iu green und white: and minutes tarlier. No. II from Scut­ tore I o'clock followed _ Immediately snd sent to the leading English oil at either eiiel are pergolas, extending to tle for St Paul will arrive at 7:55 afterwards by the train Horn the i Xpert, now in Canada, foi analysis, lhe **ide wings, nml which will be a.m. Inst id eef 6 15 a.m. as at pres­ cast und an unusual scene of bustle if bis report confirms other reports spcclall} delightful in the summer time with rustic ent, ai ..• ir and in minutes later. and animation presented itself. en the constitution of the gas, ..f furniture and flowers und creeping vines. There are I I The Re stoke tn Arrowhead train The Wlnnlpegers had been met at which there is little doubt, the syn Ills guests' rooms and _7s bath rooms, hi every particular will lea- it ?:20 a.m. instead of "Sill Arrowhead by J. M. McKay, super- dicate will Immedlatelj proceed with ii is l lie latest word in hostelry, and it will constitute a.m., 5< p..mutes later. The train tnti'iideut of Division No. 1, and preparations for sinking a well, i lie show place of i 'algary, ' . from A • : 'head mm arriving at 3:40 were under the guidance of F. E. | In other parts ol British Columbia p.m. wi: trrlve at 1:10 p.m, The hotel has I n christened "The Palliser," In honor of Captain Trautman, publicity expert for the oil prospects are bright John Palliser, one of tho earliest explorers of Western Canada. *• Canadian Pacific railway. Each of | IN* BRITISH COLUMBIA. This .-.'s provincial gazette con­ tl.e visitors wore a neat budge bear- Cunningham Craig, a British oil ex tains I the following appoint­ Ing the name and insignia of tbe city pert Bent OUl I" Inspect thi Western ments 'ecil Wixon C'hlddy, of the Of Winnipeg and also the name of Oil district Mr a British syndicate city of Kamloops, to be a clerk in TEN MILE WALK EMPIRE DAY FIRE BURNS the wearer of tbe badge. said that it Was B fine pr08pect and the go*. ment agency at Kamloops, Immediately alter the visitors had the strike at the Dingman well was George • Kennington, ol Salmo, to CARRYING BEAR CELEBRATED FARM HOUSE disembarked Capt. William Grassie, one of the mosl phenomenal he bad .be a deputy mining recorder for the president of the Winnipeg Industrial ever heard ..f. Mr, Craig '.va- also of Nelson I I g division. with sub- I ureau, mounted a sleeping car step the opinion that I recordii _- >fflce at Salmo. May (I. Remarkable Feat of Endurance Good Program of Amusements Residence of Mrs. P. Moran and announced that much to the re- ia extended through to British Col- Wat-is • • operate) r in the office —Skin Perfect Condition Provided—Day Generally and Contents Destroyed gret of the rest of the party Or.-".' umbia and that tie Fraser valley had of the sor of moving pictures. of its members M, Bull, A. 0. Bui splendid indications of oil. Harold I nchford Kelly, to be clerk —Bought by Mayor Spent in Sports on Monday Night man and W. Herons would continue OIL IN ABUNDANCE, in the .' f the censoi of moving to the coast instead of returning east John I-'. Macintosh • pictur- -" - .l.i:.-.. Thomas Hard Carrying a black bear which had Empire day was pleasantly spent In The frame house belonging to Mrs. with the rest ot the party. Each ol < istoras, who bas beei absent for Wicke • - ::• Kinlavs. r. and Samuel the three made brief speeches express- the past two weeks attendi been caught in his trap 10 miles up Revelstoke, excursions, baseball mat­ P, Moran situated about IJ miles Fergu- ' ,•• unit, rs In the courl ches, rides and drives into the coun- Ing their satisfaction with the trip < nti v of oil drilling machinery li the Jordan, J.U.S. Munro reached outh of Revelstoke was completely lions.- uver, Thomas Gamble tiy and many other sports being in­ and the majority ol thc rem under oi Math.-ad valley, has returned I . Robert High<et, to be the city i! J o'clock on Sundaj ever cluded in the day's program, an en­ destroyed bj Are on Monday night. Itbe party then entered the automo • ing samples of oil dippi I from the elev.it. iant and carpenter, re­ ing, making the 10 mile trip with joyable and well attended dance in ; The piano was carried out of the lues and were taken ou a sigiit see- ground in that territory. The oil spects the court house, Van- bear in 8 hours. He left the city for the .Masonic ball in aid of the hos­ | house by neighbors but is much ing trip through the town and Into will burn freely and smoke the suburbs. W. Hews took his party 'i odor In Its natural I - eon vei the trap on Saturday. The bear was pital winding up the day. scorched. All the other furniture The arrival of the Winnipeg busi­ I art of the way up the national park been pronounced by experts t.. beex trapped and shot on Cottonwood was destroyed, nessmen's excursion ou Sunday was road but on account of the brief cellent. If further Investigation will I At 2:JII a.m.
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