State of Hawaii Historic Preservation Review and Compliance Report April 17 2015 Date Log Number Jurisdiction Project Name Agency Firm Ahupuaa Moku Island TMK 04/09/2015 2015.01376 6E-42 Grant of Perpetual, NonExclusive DLNR Land City & County of Honolulu Oahu (1)1-3-008:004 Easement and Management Right of Division 4-8-15 Honolulu portion Entry for Water Meter Purposes 04/09/2015 2015.01372 6E-42 New residence at 1053 Wong Lane Jenken Honolulu Oahu (1)1-6-007:057 Architecture LLC c/o Kendall Wong 356-8788 04/09/2015 2015.01331 6E-42 Replace wood post, beam and new Rocky Marquez Honolulu Oahu (1)1-6-014:063 conc.driveway 1223 Hala Drive 330-6385, property owner's agent 04/09/2015 2015.01326 6E-42 Addition alteration at ex.SFD. 808 Jack Ho, Honolulu Oahu (1)2-3-013:015 Sheridan Street Primatech Construction Inc. 04/09/2015 2015.01348 6E-42 TRB Rycroft repair replace ex.sewer DPP HNLA2014- Mayumi Smith Honolulu Oahu (1)2-3-014:062 lines with new. 1203 Rycroft St 12-1691 386-2101 04/09/2015 2015.01342 6E-42 SOH Hawaii Convention Center DPP HNL A2015- Charles Nishimoto Honolulu Oahu (1)2-3-035:001 alterations to ex.roof of building DAGS 04-0098 523-9636 JOB NO 42-26-7449 04/09/2015 2015.01333 6E-42 Task Order 12, Papakolea Subdivision DHHL Tasha Arakaki, Honolulu Oahu (1)2-5-022:026 and retaining wall and stair improvements AECOM Technical 2-4-041:026 Services 04/09/2015 2015.01335 6E-42 Char residence addition of deck to DPP HNL A2015- Sheldon Char Honolulu Oahu (1)3-1-001:066 ex.Dwelling. 3142 Charles St 04-0296 04/09/2015 2015.01374 6E-42 Pfaefflin residence renovations. 734B Andy Shaw Honolulu Oahu (1)3-2-024:017 10th Avenue 04/09/2015 2015.01327 6E-42 Kahala AC Replacement, Rooftop A/C Cartwright Honolulu Oahu (1)3-5-017:016 replacement at 4847 Kilauea Avenue. Engineers 04/09/2015 2015.01373 6E-42 Rosann Jo Frasier moss rockwall fence DPP HNL A2015- Honolulu Oahu (1)3-9-024:048 @midleft of property. 19 Makaweli St 01-0015 04/09/2015 2015.01388 6E-42 1438 Mapuana GRESS residence DPP HNL A2015- Denise Caster Kailua Oahu (1)4-2-036:008 alteration to ex.SFD 03-0959 04/09/2015 2015.01328 6E-42 Addition alteration for Hornstein Henry Sonsona Jr Kailua Oahu (1)4-3-079:009 Residence. 713 Kanaha St #223-0664 04/09/2015 2015.01330 6E-42 Kamehameha Schools new 3 foot max DPP HNL A2015- Cliff Chu, Haleiwa Oahu (1)6-1-003:088 ht Wood Fence Front. 04-0099 Benjamin Woo Architects 04/09/2015 2015.01332 6E-42 Camp Mokuleia addition alteration to DPP HNL A2015- John Lawson Waialua Oahu (1)6-8-003:008 ex.building. 68-729 Farrington Hwy 01-0681 04/09/2015 2015.01334 6E-42 98-340 Ponohale St & 98-340 Ponohale DPP HNL A2015- Nancy Kaya Aiea Oahu (1)9-8-026:032 St UNIT A, Justo residence addition 01-0836 alteration to convert from ex. SFD to new twofamily detached. 04/09/2015 2015.01340 6E-42 BT 2015-0488 Caraang residence for County of Maui Kahului Maui (2)3-8-016:014 main dwelling addition over 50 years BT2015-0488 old, 75 Niihau Street 04/09/2015 2015.01341 6E-42 212 Ohaa Street Demo ex.SFD County of Maui Kahului Maui (2)3-8-034:035 Page 1 State of Hawaii Historic Preservation Review and Compliance Report April 17 2015 Date Log Number Jurisdiction Project Name Agency Firm Ahupuaa Moku Island TMK 04/09/2015 2015.01325 6E-42 626 Luakini Street Reconnaissance Masons Architects Lahaina Maui (2)4-6-008:017 Level Survey Inc. 4-8-15 04/09/2015 2015.01344 6E-42 Rezone property to allow for subdivision Hilo Hawaii (3)2-2-052:027 into two parcels. 04/09/2015 2015.01324 6E-42 Grading Permit Application Queen Belt Collings 4-3- South Kohala Hawaii (3)6-8-001:portions Kaahumanu Highway and Waikoloa 15 of 005, 027 and Road, Waikoloa Beach Drive 043 Intersection Improvements 04/09/2015 2015.01336 6E-42 AMR for a residential solar photovoltaic ASM Affiliates Inc Puuwaawaa North Kona Hawaii (3)7-1-002:014 project on TMK (3)7-1-002:014 4-6-15 04/09/2015 2015.01329 6E-42 Elevator addition to Kauai Kailani Sara Jehn, Agor Kapaa Kauai (4)4-3-009:050 building. 4-856 Kuhio Hwy. Architects 04/09/2015 2015.01343 6E-42 FINAL Hilo Municipal Golf Course Club Masons Architects Hilo Hawaii not listed House Reconnaissance Level Survey Inc. 4-8-15 04/09/2015 2015.01377 6E-8 Governor's Referral 802645 US Army DLNR Land Various See Notes various Corps of Engineers USACE proposed Division 4-6-15 changes to Public Law 84-99 PL84-99, Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies Act 04/09/2015 2015.01338 Chapter 343 Draft Enironmental Assessment for Hale Hawaii Housing Stanford Carr Honolulu Oahu (1)2-3-007:026 and Kewalo Finance & Development LLC 049 Development Corp. 04/09/2015 2015.01339 Chapter 343 Draft EA for Waimanalo Irrigation Line Belt Collins 4-7-15 Waimanalo Koolaupoko Oahu (1)4-1-008:080, 4- Upgrade 1-026:004 and Waikupanaha St in 4-1-008 04/09/2015 2015.01349 Section 106 2927 Hibiscus Place Residence Masons Architects Honolulu Oahu (1)3-1-033:007 National Register of Historic Places Inc. Registration Form 04/09/2015 2015.01350 Section 106 Final Determination of Applicability of Federal Highway Launiupoko Lahaina Maui (2)4-7-001:026 and Section 4f to Historic Sites Proposed Administration and Planaui 030 and 4-7- Relocation of Lahaina Bypass Southern HDA-HI 4-8-15 013:002, 005, 008, Terminus Fed.Project No. NH-030- 010 and 011 1(051) formerly portions of 4-7-001:027 04/09/2015 2015.01371 Section 106 Montessori O Keiki preconsultation for USDA Ukumehame Maui (2)4-8-002:108 EA 04/09/2015 2015.01347 Section 106 Request for SHPD concurrence with Dept of Hawaiian Hilo Hawaii (3)2-1-021:010 Determination of No Historic Properties Home Lands 3- Affected for Single Family New 27-15 Construction or Rehabilitation Projects 04/09/2015 2015.01345 Section 106 Request for SHPD concurrence with Dept of Hawaiian Hilo Hawaii (3)2-1-021:072 Determination of No Historic Properties Home Lands 3- Affected for Single Family New 27-15 Construction or Rehabilitation Projects Page 2 State of Hawaii Historic Preservation Review and Compliance Report April 17 2015 Date Log Number Jurisdiction Project Name Agency Firm Ahupuaa Moku Island TMK 04/09/2015 2015.01346 Section 106 Request for SHPD concurrence with Dept of Hawaiian Hilo Hawaii (3)2-1-023:071 Determination of No Historic Properties Home Lands 3- Affected for Single Family New 27-15 Construction or Rehabilitation Projects 04/09/2015 2015.01337 Section 106 NPS reply dated 4-6-15 re Annual National Park Kalaupapa Kalawao Molokai not listed Report on Use of Streamlined Review, Service, Kalaupapa Ahupuaa Kalaupapa NHP 4-6-15 04/09/2015 2015.01375 Section 106 US Fish and Wildlife Service proposal to DLNR 4-8-15 Kilauea Kauai not listed stabilize the walking trail between the visitor center and Daniel K. Inouye Kilauea Point Lighthouse at the Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge 04/10/2015 2015.01389 Section 106 KALAUPAPA Draft General Kalaupapa not listed Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement 04/10/2015 2015.01391 6E-42 71-45 Kam Hwy Unit #46 CONLEY DPP HNL A2015- Curtis Conley Wahiawa Oahu (1)*-4-751:065 home, addition alteration to ex.SFD 03-0598 formerly 7-1- 001:011 04/10/2015 2015.01399 6E-42 Draft AMP for the Ala Wai Watershed Cultural Surveys Waikiki Kona Oahu (1)2-8-006:015 and BMP Project, H-1 Makai Cloverleafs at Hawaii Manoa41 Lunalilo Freeway University Avenue, Manoa. DOT ROW and 2-8-029 Highway Division Project No. H1I-01- Lunalilo Freeway 14M ROW 04/10/2015 2015.01392 6E-42 3936 Gail Street project Andy Shaw Honolulu Oahu (1)3-1-029:017 04/10/2015 2015.01401 6E-42 TST Pocket LLC demolition of ex. SFD DPP HNL A2015- Roy Yamamoto Honolulu Oahu (1)3-5-012:028 658 Elepaio St 03-1930 Architect, AIA, Inc. 04/10/2015 2015.01402 6E-42 Construction of two carports at 474 Jonathan Yabiku, Honolulu Oahu (1)3-9- Kuliouou St. Unit2. YFH Architects 010:009:0002 Inc. 04/10/2015 2015.01393 6E-42 Luke Addition alteration to ex.SFD. DPP HNL A2015- How Wen Liang Kailua Oahu (1)4-2-025:020 1021 Hui St 04-0578 04/10/2015 2015.01394 6E-42 Demo ex. SFD. 47-018 Lihikai Drive Noland Magbaleta Kaneohe Oahu (1)4-7-010:036 04/10/2015 2015.01395 6E-42 New 3-story dwelling for Thomas Quan. Noland Magbaleta Kaneohe Oahu (1)4-7-010:036 47-018 Lihikai Drive 04/10/2015 2015.01414 6E-42 Makena Resort on site grading GT2015- County of Maui Jeff Faulkner Kihei Maui (2)2-1-005:086, 0031 GT2015-0031 108 04/10/2015 2015.01405 6E-42 Makena Resort off site grading County of Maui Kihei Maui (2)2-1-008:090 GT2015-0032 04/10/2015 2015.01406 6E-42 Old Haleakala Highway Sidewalk County of Maui MECO Pukalani Maui (2)2-3-017 Improvements WTP T2015- 0015 04/10/2015 2015.01407 6E-42 BT2015-0358 Paul Diener for a 2nd County of Maui Haiku Maui (2)2-7-036:033 Farm Dwelling at 41 Ulua Place BT 2015-0358 Page 3 State of Hawaii Historic Preservation Review and Compliance Report April 17 2015 Date Log Number Jurisdiction Project Name Agency Firm Ahupuaa Moku Island TMK 04/10/2015 2015.01408 6E-42 BT2015-0333 Guillermo Rosillo for County of Maui Haiku Maui (2)2-7-036:035 swimming pool & spa Revised to add BT2015-0333 Spa Project 52 Papio Way revised 04/10/2015 2015.01390 6E-42 Archaeological Preservation and The Spirit of Makawao Maui (2)2-8-004:032 Restoration Plan for SIHP 50-50-06- Aloha Temple and 5757, -5758, -5759, -5760 for the Spirit Botanical of Aloha Temple and Botanical Gardens Gardens 04/10/2015 2015.01409 6E-42 Asghar Sadri water lateral County of Maui Haiku Maui (2)2-8-004:108 WTP T2015- 0016 04/10/2015 2015.01410 6E-42 Revised AMP for a residential parcel at Scientific Wailuku Maui (2)3-8-089:055 14 Kamakoa Loop Lot 55 of the Consultant SandHills Estates Services Inc.
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