TEMI E TESTI TEMI E TESTI 203 CITIZENSHIP UNDER PRESSURE NATURALISATION POLICIES FROM THE LATE XIX CENTURY UNTIL THE AFTERMATH OF THE WORLD WAR I Edited by MARCELLA AGLIETTI ROMA 2021 EDIZIONI DI STORIA E LETTERATURA First published: May 2021 ISBN 978-88-9359-516-2 eISBN 978-88-9359-517-9 This volume is the result of two research projects funded by University of Pisa: Cittadini e cittadinanze nella costruzione dello Stato contemporaneo: esperienze a confronto and Le vie della cittadinanza in Europa. Storie, idee, istituzioni (1848-1948) All essays have been subjected to double-blind peer review The digital edition of this volume also provides an Italian version of the Introduction Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivatives 4.0 International EDIZIONI DI STORIA E LETTERATURA 00165 Roma - via delle Fornaci, 38 Tel. - Fax e-mail: [email protected] www.storiaeletteratura.it CONTENTS MARCELLA AGLIETTI An institutional narrative about nationality and naturalisation in a time of changing boundaries ............................................................ VII Cittadinanze e naturalizzazioni. Una narrazione storico-istituzionale in epoche di ridefinizione delle frontiere ................................................ XIX PART I BETWEEN NATIONHOOD AND CITIZENSHIP: STATE OF EXCEPTION AND ADMINISTRATIVE DISCRETION DANIELA LUIGIA CAGLIOTI – CRISTIANO LA LUMIA Tra stato d’eccezione, ritorno alla normalità e strategie di sopravvivenza. Naturalizzazione, denaturalizzazione e apolidia in Europa durante e dopo la Prima guerra mondiale ............................................... 3 ALESSANDRO BRECCIA Politiche e visioni della cittadinanza. Il personale consolare italiano al tramonto dell’Impero ottomano (1863-1923) ...................................... 21 MARIE BOSSAERT La politica italiana di cittadinanza e di protezione nell’Impero ottomano durante l’occupazione di Istanbul (1919-1920) ............................................ 35 FILIppO ESPINOZA Quando i castelrossini divennero italiani. Sudditanza, protezione e cittadinanza sulle due sponde dell’Egeo (1915-23) ............................... 55 MAURA HAMETZ Borders of citizenship in Italy’s eastern provinces after World War I ..... 71 Marcella Aglietti (edited by), Citizenship under pressure. Naturalisation policies from the late XIX century until the aftermath of the World War I, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2021 ISBN (stampa) 978-88-9359-516-2 (e-book) 978-88-9359-517-9 – www.storiaeletteratura.it VI CONTENTS MARCELLA AGLIETTI Naturalisation processes in the Kingdom of Spain and the impact of the Great War ..................................................................................... 87 CLAIRE ZALC Gli usi del potere discrezionale. Naturalizzare e denaturalizzare in Francia dalla Terza Repubblica al regime di Vichy ............................. 117 PART II MINORITIES, ALIENS AND FOREIGNERS IN ONE’S OWN LAND ALEKSANDR TURBIN Between welcomed ‘ foreigners with the capital’ and dangerous ‘exploiters of the Russians’. Russian subjecthood, inclusion, and exclusion of ‘ foreign’ merchants in the Far East of the Russian Empire ................................... 135 ÇİğDEM OĞUZ Practicing national hegemony. The anti-enemy alien regime on the Ottoman Homefront during the First World War ....................... 151 LAURA RATHMANNER There and back again. Austrian nationality after World War I .............. 173 MAITE OJEDA-MATA From Dhimmis to Citizens. Citizenship and national identity in North Morocco during the first half of the Twentieth Century ......... 191 BJARNE S. BENDTSEN Contested Border: Stateless Danes and Optants in Schleswig 1864-1920 ... 207 CARL HENRIK CARLSSON Naturalization and discrimination. Eastern Jews and other immigrants in Sweden, 1860 to 1923 ......................................................................... 229 Bibliography ............................................................................................ 243 Index ....................................................................................................... 269 AN INSTITUTIONAL NARRATIVE ABOUT NATIONALITY AND NATURALISATION IN A TIME OF CHANGING BOUNDARIES Studies of the history of citizenship and nationality have flourished in recent years thanks to the discovery of new perspectives and unpublished sources capable of shedding light on issues that have proved crucial, in the long process of legislative development, to defining the boundaries of con- temporary identity1. Among the most recent contributions that have turned to the notion of citizenship in order to open it up to empirical research a particularly promising field of investigation has been that of the policies and processes applied in the naturalisation of non-natives2. Without meaning to offer an exhaustive catalogue of procedures, my intent is to analyse some of them from a specific point of view, favouring the method of the «history of citizenship in practice». As certain recent historiographical contributions also show, the investi- gations of processes of conferment, refusal and revocation of naturalisation offer a wealth of information with which to identify elements of change, stability or influence, and their complex interactions. A look, in part meth- odological, which takes as its point of reference the administrative papers that reveal the ways in which new normative-prescriptive decrees which 1 Among others, only as examples: J. Clarke et alii, Disputing Citizenship, Bristol, Policy Press, 2014; E. Gargiulo – G. Tintori, Giuristi e no. L’utilità di un approccio interdisciplinare allo studio della cittadinanza, «Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica», XLV (2015), 2, pp. 503-519; Citizenship after Orientalism. Transforming Political Theory, edited by E. Isin, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015; La cittadinanza mobile. Ipotesi e comparazioni, a cura di D. Andreozzi – S. Tonolo, Trieste, EUT, 2016. 2 Pioneering research on this subject includes: O. Trevisiol, Die Einbürgerungspraxis im Deutschen Reich, 1871-1945, Göttingen, V&R Unipress, 2006; C. Zalc, Dénaturalisés. Les retraits de nationalité sous Vichy, Paris, Édition du Seuil, 2016; D. L. Caglioti, War and Citizenship. Enemy Aliens and National Belonging from the French Revolution to the First World War, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2021; Citizens and Subject of the Italian Colonies: Legal Constructions and Social Practices, edited by S. Berhe – O. De Napoli, Lon- don, Routledge, 2021. Marcella Aglietti (edited by), Citizenship under pressure. Naturalisation policies from the late XIX century until the aftermath of the World War I, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2021 ISBN (stampa) 978-88-9359-516-2 (e-book) 978-88-9359-517-9 – www.storiaeletteratura.it VIII INTRODUCTION were extremely pervasive in the discipline of citizenship took shape. The law almost always fails to provide sufficient information for analysis, given the concrete application of highly discretionary criteria responding to principles of suitability and interest chosen on a case-by-case basis. The documentary sources to be used are often discontinuous, being dispersed among different ministries and departments, and uneven in perspective and content in line with the responsibilities and competenc- es of the institution that produced them. In practice, the examination of requests for the granting of naturalisation was performed by a qualified official with temporary jurisdiction, or by the head of an overseas consu- late, or by some other employee tasked by police authorities to carry out checks for reasons of security or public order. Rationales based on political expediency, the assessment of possible repercussions internationally, and wide margins of discretion led to variations that were sometimes signifi- cant and in a class of their own. The reports, circulars and marginal annotations of the administrative documents produced by foreign and interior ministries, as well as the visas and certificates issued by consular and diplomatic staff in the period under examination, testify to a significant change in the procedure of categoris- ing individuals, a change in the reasons for the attribution and recognition of citizenship, and the adoption of unprecedented contingency measures when not directly suspending or cancelling the process, to such a degree as to reconfigure the nature of state action. In many cases the administra- tive apparatus played an active rather than merely executive role, determin- ing a variable that is not always easily foreseeable in the paths leading to the denaturalisation or forced naturalisation of individuals or groups that shared some distinctive, ethnic, religious or cultural characteristic. Arising from the need to solve specific problems and to regulate the sys- tem in general terms, the administrative procedures relating to naturalisa- tion that were introduced used identification criteria that were often inade- quate, if not openly contradictory or impracticable, but which nevertheless carried on into the following decades, and often are present still today in the discipline of integration processes and migratory phenomena. Thus, in the case of multi-national states subjected in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to territorial reconfigurations and violent centrifugal thrusts, legislative provisions were enacted – sometimes following métissage and emulation – which modified the previous mechanisms of belonging, for the most part in a restrictive
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