Inside: Tax Story.......................Page 3 Veterinary Services........Page 4 Tex, MP's Top Dog.........Page 5 AYA .......... P......wPage 9 TV Listings ................. Page 18 Volume 1 Number 1 Published in the interest of personnel at Fort Leonard Wood. Thursday, January 15,1987 _111_________ __ Post goals set at Lake workshop By Jeffrey Peyton "This post has overcome the lish a document about the things we This document should be ready by all of our energies totally to the mat- The result was a cohesive and en- What is going well at Fort common problems that face many formulated-our purpose, a vision for early February." ters at hand." thusiastic command team working Leonard Wood? What is not going installations When we asked 'What the future, and the key things Fort When asked why the workshop "The staff and command ad- on the problems identified by the well at Fort Leonard Wood? What is going well? the soldiers gave Leonard Wood should focus on. I m took place at the Lake of the Ozarks dressed the issues," said Maj. Gen. soldiers "There are no disasters out our mission state- is going well within your directorate? us more than The fishing is great. going to publish Murn said "we wanted to get away James W. van Loben Sels. The See "Workshop" These questions and others were When we asked 'What's not going ments and our established goals. from the office so we could devote team-building efforts turned out well continued on page 6 sent out to the post directorates well? the soldiers gave positive in November and the command- suggestions, not nit-picking trivial ing general used the directorate things. The areas people want im- responses to get the senior leader- provements on are positive, thought- ship of the post together Nov. 20- ful things. The many items listed are 1- 22 for a three-day, goal-setting all possible. We just can't do them workshop at the Lake of the Ozarks. all because they are competing for ;: :. ., ;; According to Maj. Thomas J. the same money and manpower. Mumrn, Reception Battalion executive According to Mumrn, the par- officer, the purpose of the workshop ticipants in the workshop took the t was to enhance cohesion among directorate responses and broke the senior leadership and to estab- down into 12 committees to address lish goals for the next calendar year each problem separately. "Through and objectives leading up to those this process, goals were established goals. and objectives leading to those goals were discussed." \ ,q "In order for this to work, we H needed to know how each of the "There is always room for im- provement," Lee said. "Our directorates felt. So we asked every Definition of excellence states that '4 soldier in the directorates a list of an installation is excellent if it is questions," said Murn. "We asked better than it was last year. but questions such as 'What is going not as good as it will be next well at Fort Wood?' and 'What is year. Fort Leonard Wood is truly the 2 '2 not going well at Fort Wood?' We Installation of Excellence." also asked 'What is going well within Lee added that Fort Wood your directorate?' and we asked did not receive the Training and what needed improvement on post. Doctrine Command nomination for Initial entry soldiers assigned to Company A, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Basic place at Post Headquarters 4:45 p.m. daily. The ceremony is rotated This gave the leadership something the Commander-in-Chief s Award Combat Training Brigade participate in retreat ceremonies which take regularly among the brigades on post. to think about when setting the goals for Installation of Excellence for for the future." 1986, in lieu of Fort Jackson, S C 'I've been involved in goal-setting "I think it's interesting, though," he Trumpeter wins commendation for subduing drunk sessions since 1974," said Col. said. "Out of 12 categories, Fort awaded an; Ar,' Commndatiol ' F'.-" r V. Wicox a native Mt on the 'mer0ncy brak -nd Robert C. Lee, post chiet of staff. Jackson won ie and we oun ive. E y Louise baei Medal for subduing and detaining a of La Harpe. Ill., was leaving post on jumped out." "My observation of this one is that The next step in the process. A trumpet player assigned to drunk driver until the military police his way home and had just passed She was still trying to get away. Fort Leonard Wood is a mature or- according to van Loben Sels, is the 399th Army Band was recently arrived on the scene. the post gas station when he heard he continued, "but when she put her ganization." Team Building. "I intend to pub- tires squeal. He saw a truck in the car in reverse, our bumpers were oncoming lane skid into the median hooked so she couldn't back up. I and cars running off both sides of ran over to her car, reached in the Federa the road window, put it in park and told her to ho get out." day hon rs King "I thought someone was be- ing chased by the MPs," Wilcox According to Wilcox, when the By Jeffrey Peyton the New England Conservatory of said, "until I saw a car crossing driver stepped out of the car she Music. They married in 1953 and the mediap headed straight for my grabbed his jacket in a threatening had four children. truck." On Dec. 1, 1955, Mrs. Rosa manner. He managed to verbally King became the pastor of the subdue her, however, and detained Parks refused to surrender her According to Wilcox, the car Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in her until the military police arrived. bus seat to a white passenger. made a circle and headed back to Montgomery, and had held that violating the segregation laws of the other lane, then circled again. position for little over a year when "When I thought the driver was Montgomery, Ala., and was ar- 'By this time more cars had gone stuck," the city's small group of civil rights Wilcox said, "I was going to rested. off the road to get out of the way," activists decided to contest the racial go on. But when I saw her get loose. Black activists formed the Mont- Wilcox said. "The driver then ran I knew someone segregation on the public buses. had to do some- gomery Improvement Association to into a ditch. I thought she was thing or someone One year after King gave would get hurt or boycott the city transit system. The stuck, but she managed to free the his first speech to the members killed. I was there, so I did it." group chose Dr. Martin Luther King car. I realized that if someone didn't of the Montgomery Improvement Jr. as its president. stop her, somebody was going to "Fears a great motivation," Association as the association presi- "We have no alternative but to get hurt." Wilcox said, smiling. "You're afraid dent, Montgomery desegregated protest," said King in his first speech its of what's going to happen next. If public buses. as president of the association. "For Wilcox positioned his truck in she had come across the median, Recognizing the need for a na- many years we have shown amaz- front of the car and each time she could have hit someone straight tional movement to capitalize on the ing patience We have sometimes the driver tried to get around the on. victory in Alabama, King organized given our white brothers the feeling truck. Wilcox repositioned his truck "lId do the same thing again in that we iked the way we were being the Southern Christian Leadership to block it the same situation," he said. "If heated. But we are here tonight to Conference, which gave him a na- "Then she started to speed up," nobody does be saved from that patience that tional platform from which he could anything, what s the Wilcox said, "so I braked, and she world going makes us patient with anything less speak. to come to? If I ran into me. She kept stepping on than freedom and justice." He lectured in all parts of the had gone on, someone would have the gas, so I put my truck in park, stopped-at least I'd like to think so. This speech introduced to the na country, discussed the problems of tion a fresh new voice, a skillful civil rights in the United States and abroad, and, orator, and in time, a new doctrine in February 1959, met India's Prime of civil struggle that dictated direct Minister Jawaharlal nonviolent resistance, a philosophy Nehru. As a result of brief talks similar to that of India's Mahatma with the followers of Gandhi, King NewGuidon Gandhi. became more convinced that pas- 1st Sgt. (Retired) Benny sive resistance was the most potent weapon available to the blacks of Pardue, a test proctor for Central the history of the United States. father and grandfather had done. makes bow Texas College at Truman Education America. He achieved worldwide recognition King first became acquainted In Birmingham, Ala., in 1963, Center, grew up during King's when he was awarded the Nobel with Gandhi's philosophy of non- King's campaign to end segrega- tenure, and feels himself shaped by Prize for Peace in 1964 for his ap- violence at the Crozer Theological tion at lunch counters brought him the doings of King. and community-related topics and plication of passive resistance in Seminary in Chester, Pa., where he nationwide attention when police "Up until Dr.
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