''X 20 cents Vol. 3, No. 51 The Newspaper with Its Heart in the Plymouth—Canton Community January 19, 1977 City to^udy downtown farmers9 market Farmers may someday sell fresh produce on what is now a vacant lot downtown. In a special meeting next Monday on ways to spend federal Community Development Program funds, Ply­ mouth City Commissioners will consider the creation of a farmers’ market on city-owned property adJacent to the Penn Theater on Penniman Avenue. City Manager Fred Yockey included the proposal among a list of proJects to be discussed at the Jan. 24 . meeting. The list was presented to the commission at. its meeting Monday. Yockey proposed paving of the site and installation of a large canopy and ‘'much-needed public rest room , facilities.” He estimated the cost of the proJect at about ' $78,000, including landscaping, engineering and sanitary-sewer installation. According to the city manager,' the site has space for 24 retail stalls. Traditional Fall Festival events, includ­ ing the famous Rotary Club chicken barbecue, would still be held on the site, he added. ' * - Said Penn Theater owner Margaret Wilson,-‘“A ' farmers*' market would be a great asset to downtown .Plymouth.” ! Other proJects Yockey proposed include walkway lighting for Old tillage, $10,000; a covered salt storage - Cont. on pg. 21 A gripping moment SALEM ■ „ WRESTLER MARK ROSS, North Farmington. For complete $tory on the weighing in at 107 pounds during last second annual Canton Salem Wrestling Saturday’s CEP tourney at Salem High comes see pg. 18.(Crier photo by Robert Cameron) to terms with his opponent, Bruce Kilmer from “ - — Cantonites... petitionIT for action G roup m oves to con trol grow th BY KATHY KTlENZER In response, “Supervisor _ “Growth “T6“ntrbl”Is going to A Canton Citizen group last Harold Stein has asked that take a little more than Just week announced it would soon a citizen sub-cormnitt.ee under substantially limiting building' circulate' a petition asking tN the township’s .land use advisory tomorrow,” said Stein. “Growth township administration to ta committee be formed to “look control, when the ideal popula­ immediate $teps to lim,: into growth; control on a- tion. is determined, is going-to Canton’s growth. township wide basis. ■ , take some planning and several PEA PICKETS APPEARED outside the Plymouth Board of years b implement. If'Canton Education offices Monday to protest whaf they say is the school »shuts down new Yiousing starts board’s failure to come up with a fair contract foi* the,district’s Massive bonding plan we would have every builder in : 650 teachers. Teachers have been working without a contract Canton waiting in court to get since September 1976. (Crier photo by Robert Cameron) - a piece of Canton.” to get board decision - Stein believes the study-group Plymouth School Board members at their meeting Monday, has , to be charged with the task School, PEA bargainers Jan. 24, at 7:30 p.m. in Canton High School will decide whether of establishing a workable maxi­ to proceed with plans to place a $30 million bonding millage on mum population growth figure, the April 23 school election ballot, .. “not Just how many new houses mum on contract talks Sale of bonds would add about 1.26 mills to the tax bills of per year, but what Canton’s Although negotiators for the Plymouth School Board school district property owners. population should be when and the Plymouth Education Association have agreed School officials-say the nearly .$30 million would finance the , Canton finally stops growing.” to a week-long-moratorium on news announcements, : entistructiori of- five new elementary schools- and two middle • •I .--When --raskedvif'he - '--had any schools and the renovation of several existing schools tofacco- recommendations to make con­ -spokesmen-Ter-both-sides-said-they would-weleeme-tire- mmodate the district’s growth over the next five years. ,■ cerning controlling growth in presence of an independent third-party observer in up­ According to administrators’ proJections, enrollment in Ply­ .Canton* Stein said, it “wouldn’t coming negotiations. mouth Schools will increase by about 1,200 students per year * be fair to share my ideas. I don’t Both sides said they would have no comment on over the next three years, with growth continuing into The want to direct the committee’s progress of negotiations until after a session Friday , 1980s. __ • actions.” .... ..^JStein was- seconded - by Bart - afternoon... _____ ___ _________ ________ .... Berg, chairman of the lapd use For the first time since early October, Plymouth tea­ GooaorSuper S e w e r advisory committee, who said chers carrying signs picketed tha offices of the Board, ■0- ' 'Tt W '''■ * ' « ’t,r i. ' ■? r - ’ '1 ■' *’ * *■ * <••.* •* i l.'H ■ . ‘.i: '• ’ Stein'might some ideas of Education on Harvey Street kite Monday.'Some two J t\ 1 1 f « .» t s ji r t i t r * *.■ t f V , r ± ‘ is b a ck ... p . 2 2 - t't t (, v -i i V!^ V, S * t » » -» t ‘. .V, :'.; V , 7. 1 c* v> \ 1 < » 1 ,1 ' * • 1 * <v.:»: * fG0n1/difryv . t > / pti.uw "! • • t>r •> ^dp'zfcn -pfeA- m^ m b e ^ / l h r i l e d ^ n i ‘’1 ,, r*' . ,:V "-V ■' ‘ ' ' • • ' , • '■ ; 1 : i <0Tony fccts been tw/ofced to tte u4«towot&^e ^Busiiress stoce k u/as a ckild. S ’ony *08 86Wed> ike q>%moutk and g m ta e r n i m m rf r om fwe yem, as ike omen oJ a dm ttepuMe Jkub Shop, Vony k • • *' , • • i> j . now Wirt kfs b a e k g m d in t k C ta fa m iisk ip of u^utowobtfes lias elected to join one o( die Commueiftes M ^<to q)ea«as*lps. ^Tona feefcews m t k QwfthJ ui^awdiip Hat goes into ewiy C adtfc made. ?. ■ P ^ s e d ^ a «A £q>eMeeoe on <Dui, S a t e fle a m . S o stop m tJ n o d ^ efee t e t tn saa g ^ 0 ________ V: •’i:- THE COMMUNITY CRIER: January 19, 1977 V«Vi -, v U ¥ \\ y v 4’ Press Agent Hi' survives mishap IF LUCK FIGURES INTO how you bet on the horse ra­ ces, cash in your belongings and head for Northville Downs the next time Press Agent, an 11- year old gelding, is running. The horse escaped serious inJury Fri­ daywhen its-trailer -and rolled, down a steep bank $5 along Ann Arbor Trail by Beck Road. The trailer came to rest -A -V ' \* on its side down the.bank with ^ **«! Press Agent inside. Bystanders tied a rope around the horse and pulled it out of the van unhurt, /■ then they tied it to a tree where it watched as a tow truck drag line pulled the trailer back up the cliff. (Crier photo by Robert Cameron) it ■ 5 **■!*!■ or owns , now It was an embarassing week “Citizens for Opern. and Res­ “We are at fault. We didn’t don’t close the doors to any-, Bida said, “I registered the for what used to be the city’s ponsible Planning” with the register pur name because we body but I don’t control every­ name CORP so that a group Citizens for Open and Res­ Wayne County Clerk’s office - didn’t think about it. body and it was his (McAn- representative of informed ponsible Planning - CORP. thus making him the owner of “It’ all so ridiculous,” Ms. inch’s) home.- public opinion exists.” The four, Used to be? the CORP name. ' Wright laughed - but then ( , “ It was a week of embara­ other commissioners who have What everyone knows as “This name belongs to some­ she groaned again. ssing moments,” Ms. \ Wright opposed the former CORP on CORP, the group, which spear­ body who’s going to be cons­ “We’ll find another* name concluded. ~- the housing issue had no headed defeat of ; a tax abate­ tructive,” the mayor said. now,” she said Friday. ,At -Monday’s Plymouth City comment.... ment referendum for the pro­ Penny Wright," president of Over the weekend, the for­ Commission, Ms. Wright con­ Commissioners 'Bev posed senior citizen high rise the group which used to be mer CORP organization-picked a- fronted Bida • with the name ■ McAninch'■ and Jack Moehle, proJect, is now called something known as CORP but by Friday new name - PROGRESS (Peo­ change • asking why he did former-CORP members, stressed else. she termed simply “our organi­ ple for Responsible and Open take it, and the rest-of the com­ the - name . grab was hot to On Friday v morning, zation,” groaned when she heard Government plus “E,”“S,” “S? mission’s attitude'on it. ' their liking. Plymouth ^Mayor Joe Bida, an Bida had beaten them to the / ‘I don’t think a change of arch rival of the former CORP punch on registering the name. our name will keep us any less group, registered the name “What can I say?” she asked. viable in this community,” Ms. Wright added. City picks volunteers She also added some com­ ments about another embarassing moment for the for­ BY W. EDWARD WENDOVER 9440 McClurhpha) which \yas for panel on aging needs mer CORP last week. If you’d have been there, attacked by stray dogs last Oct. An open meeting of the - 25.’The goat finally had to be- An 18-member panel was said they would continue to you’d have thought it was group was scheduled. Wednesday destroyed, Foster said, so he also appointed Monday by Plymouth accept the names of volunteers 1877 -n o t 1977.
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