Source: Minnesota Legislative Manual 1959/1960 CONGRESSIONAL VOTE - DEMOCRAT!C-Farmer-LABOR

Source: Minnesota Legislative Manual 1959/1960 CONGRESSIONAL VOTE - DEMOCRAT!C-Farmer-LABOR

This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. (443) Source: Minnesota Legislative Manual 1959/1960 CONGRESSIONAL VOTE - DEMOCRAT!C-fARMER-LABOR FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Eugene P. Foley Dodge 957 Fillmore 1,583 Freeborn 4,161 Goodhue 1,338 Houston 1,243 Mower 4,347 Olmsted 3,206 Rice 2,826 Steele 1,096 Wabasha 1,407 Waseca 1,408 Winona <.................................................. 4,027 Totals 27,599 SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Larry W. Conrad H. John S. Feyereisen Hammar Livermore Blue Earth .. 609 2,411 478 Brown . 229 480 144 Carver . 500 476 270 Cottonwood . 144 371 149 Dakota . 2,506 4,605 756 Faribault . 343 1,283 860 Jackson .. 245 682 411 Le Sueur . 651 914 381 McLeod . 399 779 297 Martin . 72 476 633 Nicollet . 435 793 325 Scott . 998 876 372 Sibley .. 101 260 116 Watonwan . 138 1,168 209 Totals . 7,370 15,574 5,401 THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Andrew G. RoyW. Kohlan Weir Anoka 792 4,395 Chisago 338 1,846 *Hennepin-All outside of the City of Minneapolis, and the First, Second, Third, Ninth and Tenth Wards of the City of Min­ neapolis and the First, Second, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth precincts of the Fourth Ward of the City of Minneapolis 6,299 32,535 Isanti 112 859 Washington . 562 3,398 Totals 8,103 43,033 FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Mrs. Donald Joseph E. Joseph E. DeCourcey Dillon Karlh Ramsey .. 7,766 15,732 34,232 Totals .. 7,766 15,732 34,232 FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Gene Joseph Larson Robbie *Hennepin-The Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Wards of the City of Minneapolis and all of the Fourth Ward of the City of Minneapolis except Precincts numbered One, Two, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven and Twelve 7,092 21,277 Totals 7,092 21,277 * (Wards. and Precincts as existed at enactment of Ch. 185, Laws 1933.) (444) PRIMARY ELECTION RETURNS 1958 445 SIXTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Fred Marshall Aitkin . 2,019 Benton . 2,018 Cass . 2,234 Crow Wing .................•.............................................................................................................. 3,973 Hubbard .. 1,262 Kanabec . 1,227 Meeker . 1,970 Mille Lacs . 2,020 Morrison . 2,361 Pine . 1,995 Sherburne . 675 Stearns . 7,089 Todd . 1,646 Wadena . 1,176 Wright . 1,230 Totals .. 32,895 SEVENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT A. I. Johnson Big Stone . 1,207 Chippewa . 1,094 Douglas . 1,664 Grant . 1,245 Kandiyohi . 4,406 Lac qui Parle . 1,543 Lincoln . 416 Lyon .. 1,779 Murray . 1,136 Nobles .. 1,207 Pipestone . 585 Pope : . 1,435 Redwood . 491 Renville .. 2,126 Rock . 271 Stevens .. 1,259 Swift . 2,581 Traverse . 937 Yellow Medicine , . 1,838 Totals . 27,220 EIGHTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT John A. Blatnik Carlton 4,480 Cook 650 Itasca 7,279 Koochiching 2,522 Lake 2,506 st. Louis 38,413 Totals 55,850 NINTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Marvin E. Coya Evenson Knutson Becker 1,379 1,564 Beltrami 1,198 1,252 Clay 2,387 1,759 Clearwater 764 939 Kittson 483 1,575 Lake of the Woods 141 362 Mahnomen 895 790 Marshall 767 1,213 Norman 911 1,199 Otter Tail ~ 2,050 2,366 Pennington 1,260 1,637 Polk ~............... 2,094 3,273 Red Lake 263 713 Roseau 936 1,513 Wilkin 609 562 Totals 16,137 20,717 446 PRIMARY ELECTION RETURNS 1958 FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Albert Quie Dodge ,............................. 1,275 Fillmore 2,516 Freeborn 3,386 Goodhue ,............................... 2,379 Houston 2,204 Mower 3,435 Olmsted 4,126 Rice 3,853 Steele 1,667 Wabasha 1,336 Waseca 2,142 Winona 4,003 Totals 32,322 SECOND CONGRESSIONAL .DISTRICT Arch Edward Ancher Campbell Johnson Nelsen Blue Earth .. 299 401 4,416 Brown . 39 75 1,370 Carver . 118 206 2,148 Cottonwood .. 31 78 1,004 Dakota .. 229 607 3,723 Faribault . 99 213 2,904 Jackson .. 44 65 1,055 Le Sueur . 98 212 1,757 McLeod .. 101 186 2,388 Martin . 65 168 1,773 Nicollet . 77 111 1,644 Scott . 105 159 1,214 Sibley . 27 48 739 Watonwan .. 61 105 1,509 -- -- Totals 1,393 2,634 27,644 l.'ffiRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Peter (Pete) Leonard: Eo M. D. (Merle) Filips Lindquist Tollefson Anoka .. 109 1,783 263 Chisago ,. 53 1,346 143 *Hennepin-All outside of the City of Min­ neapolis, and the First, Second, Third, Ninth, and Tenth Wards of the City of Min­ neapolis and the First, Second, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Precincts of the Fourth Ward of the City of Minneapolis . 1,081 19,970 3,786 Isanti . 8 520 35 Washington . 257 2,790 442 Totals 1,508 26,409 4,669 FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Frank S. Farrell Ramsey 20,635 Total 20,635 FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT WalterHo Arthur D. Judd Russell "'Hennepin-The Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Wards of the City of Minneapolis and all of the Fourth Ward of the City of Minneapolis except Precincts numbered One, Two, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven and Twelve. 27,009 1,007 Totals 27,009 1,007 '" (Wards and Precincts as existed at enactment of Ch. 185, Laws 1933.) PRIMARY ELECTION RETURNS 1958 447 SIXTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Aitkin . 1,118 Benton .. 1,107 Cass .. 1,451 Crow Wing . 2,456 Hubbard .. 1,029 Kanabec . 874 Meeker . 1,334 Mille Lacs . 1,288 Morrison . 1,126 Pine , .. 929 Sherburne . 604 Stearns . 3,658 Todd .. 1,211 Wadena . 985 Wright . 1,016 Totals 20,186 SEVENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Big Stone . 679 Chippewa .. 1,030 Douglas ~ . 1,845 Grant . 944 Kandiyohi " ; . 2,265 Lac qui Parle . 1,449 Lincoln .. 377 Lyon . 1,849 Murray . 1,265 Nobles . 1,393 Pipestone . 713 Pope . 1,370 Redwood .. 913 Renville . 2,304 Roek . 665 Stevens .. 1,321 Swift . 1,246 Traverse . 566 Yellow Medicine .. 1,395 Totals 23,589 EIGHTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT w. Carlton 266 1,390 Cook 226 262 Itasca 1,421 801 Koochiching 527 314 Lake 316 352 St. Louis 5,903 5,713 Totals 8,659 8,832 NINTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Odin Langen Becker . 938 Beltranli . 696 Clay . 1,445 Clearwater . 384 Kittson . 739 Lake of the Woods .. 146 Mahnomen . 270 Marshall .. 489 Norman . 615 Otter Tail ; . 4,199 Pennington . 716 Polk .. 1,606 Red Lake . 125 Roseau . 848 Wilkin . 393 Totals 13,609 ~ DEMOCRATIC-FARMER-LABOR ~ 00 FOR ~ CD FOR U. S. SENATOR FOR FOR SEC. FOR FOR FOR FOR R. R. & rn IN CONGRESS GOVERNOR LT. OF STATE AUDITOR STATE ATTY. WHSE. rn 'bQ rn -+'" GOV. STATE TREAS. GEN. COMM. S~ 0 ~ Z§ >, ,+-<'~ ~"'g.I~ ~ ~ ~ ro o Co) ~ ~ ro ~~ ~~8~ CD bO :> 0 ~ rn ro 0 ~ '2 ..3~ CD ~ ~ CD ~ ro ~ ~ Z 0 :::::: -+'" 0 ~ ~ ~ ~8~~ ~ § :> ~ ~ S ~ A ~ ~ ro ::;:j 0 ::;:j'"dO~ ~ ~ '0 ....c:: ~ ro '"d ~ -t5 ~ 0 ~~ Z"'g ~ rf1 ~ ~ ~ ::q t> ~~ ::@O~ ClJ ~ ~ ~ CD '"d ~ CD H '"d2h toO § ....c:: ~ rn -<~ 3$ rn .§ ~ 8 rn ~~ ~'"d ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ CD o bO ~ ~'"d ~ ::;:j ro 8 ] ~ 0 CD ~ ....c::~ 8~ 8OA~ ro ro S o ~ ~ ::q 0 ro ~ 1£ 0 ::q ~ ~ 0 ..s ~ ~ ~ ~-< ~~ I > ~ Aitkin................ 4253 2496 1502 118 790 2147 322 2105 2128 750 764 691 2105 2115 1439 743 Anoka................ 7831 5336 4209 206 830 4683 584 4920 4932 2082 1423 1532 4807 4939 3289 1704 t:I:j Becker .... " ......... 4276 2973 1745 147 868 2301 550 2339 2346 897 865 712 2323 2297 1602 862 t"l Beltrami.............. 3349 2478 1534 81 667 2001 361 2067 2088 927 671 572 2024 2003 1537 632 t:I:j Benton............... 4449 2317 () 1719 135 436 1845 472 1856 2008 720 538 846 1888 1937 1282 791 ~ Big Stone ........ "". 2684 1741 1007 82 576 1548 158 1371 1413 400 568 581 1395 1410 1041 475 H Blue Earth............ 15270 3818 2833 136 800 3364 415 3393 3451 1263 1010 1216 3363 3408 2428 1040 o Brown ................ 2622 1039 741 32 235 852 150 824 854 322 250 305 805 846 544 323 Z Carlton............... 6820 4740 3069 135 1369 4185 434 412"5 4304 1483 1668 1179 4187 4185 2835 1351 ~ Carver ............ ". 4325 1447 1052 69 268 1235 202 1140 1216 425 367 475 1144 1188 783 t;rj 464 ~ Cass ................. 5170 2763 1758 152 675 2234 462 2199 2262 956 686 701 2198 2197 1766 579 Chippewa............. 2444 ~ 1300 885 49 352 1197 93 1167 1128 391 428 385 1150 1180 921 285 ~ Chisago .............. 4291 2372 1338 71 867 1997 299 1947 1961 621 904 519 1916 1975 1434 627 Z Clay ................. 6040 4175 2475 171 1215 3414 613 3387 3409 1830 1228 620 3441 3335 2475 1039 Ul Clearwater............ 2228 1723 949 67 586 1449 216 1462 1432 721 445 332 1436 1428 1058 425 ...... Cook ................. 1341 706 381 27 (0 269 596 93 589 618 211 237 174 593 582 405 227 CJl Cottonwood........... 1975 754 485 28 229 650 98 650 646 260 204 207 657 647 454 208 00 Crow Wing .... : ...... 8383 4773 3277 180 1127 4101 560 4051 4137 1250 1676 1350 3999 4237 2695 1477 Dakota............... 14284 8637 7581 216 883 7581 1056 7585 7667 3678 1782 2356 7248 7632 5199 2534 Dodge ................ 2510 1061 790 26 238 931 130 962 968 402 319 232 944 963 718 248 Douglas .............. 4428 2152 1207 79 771 1901 227 1798 1815 449 844 578 1771 1830 1364 499 Faribault ............. 6520 2767 1849 97 768 2384 383 2317 2336 812 852 822 2262 2284 1746 727 Fillmore.............. 4749 1850 1130 78 575 1588 218 1549 1541 450 626' 549 1492 1515 1087 521 Freeborn ............

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