CONTENT PARTICIPANTS 1936 (Campus, 1996) was awarded the Ernst Reuter Prize. Between 1999 and 2001, he worked at the FUB Institute PARTICIPANTS Page 3 PARTICIPATING STUDENTS OF THE INTER- of Philosophy as Research Associate NATIONAL THEATRE INSTITUTE (ITI) IN and at the DFG Collaborative Research INSTITUTIONS Page 9 SINGAPORE ARE Center “Performing Cultures” in the project “The Performance of Society PERFORMANCES Page 11 Kalaiselvi d/o Piramayan, Lina Yu, in Games.” Shakeel Ahmmad Mulla, Ivan Pedro Simoni Talavera, Narayana Kurup, Denise Mordeno Aguilar, Giorgia Ciampi, Adele Frantz, FRANCES BARBE and Maryline David. is a theatre practitioner, scholar, and teacher currently based at the Western PARTICIPATING STUDENTS OF THE FRANKFURT Australian Academy of Performing Arts UNIVERSITY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS in Perth. She has trained extensively (HFMDK) ARE in Japanese techniques, including Butoh and Tadashi Suzuki’s actor training Alrun Hofert, Tim Dane, Gesa Köhler, method. Asian approaches to training Robert Will, Niklas Hagendick, Felix and to making performance inform her Bold, Bastian Sistig, Mark Reisig, work, building on her background in Cennet Voß, Nyamandi Mushagaranhu, Western dance and theatre. Her Ph.D., Tim Werths, Meike Hedderich, and completed at the University of Kent in Paula König. 2011, is titled The Difference Butoh Makes: A Practice-based Exploration of PARTICIPATING STUDENTS OF THE BERLIN Butoh in Contemporary Performance and UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS (UDK) ARE Performer Training. Barbe is also a qualified yoga teacher. Robin Dörnemann, Raphael Schmischke, Sven Scheele, and Thea Rasche. HANS-ULRICH BECKER PARTICIPANTS OF THE ERNST BUSCH has been Educational Director of Mise- ACADEMY OF DRAMATIC ART (HFS) IN en-scène at the Hochschule für Musik BERLIN ARE und Darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt/M. (since 2010). Becker started his thea- Hauke Diekamp, accompanied by the tre career in Frankfurt and as Artis- Russian sports scientist and martial tic Director of the Marburg Festival artist Viatcheslav Kushkov. “Theater in Bewegung.” He has worked as director at theatres in Aachen, Heidelberg, Mannheim and Stuttgart, THOMAS ALKEMEYER and staged productions at the Deutsches Theater Berlin, the Thalia Theater Ham- has been Professor of Sport and Society burg, the Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität in Munich, and in Salvador da Bahia Oldenburg (since 2001). He received his in Brazil. YVONNE oder die Burgunder- Ph.D. at the Freie Universität Berlin. prinzessin (1993) and Walpurgisnacht His dissertation Körper, Kult und Poli- (1994) were both invited to the tik. Von der “Muskelreligion” Pierre Theatertreffen Berlin. de Coubertins zur Inszenierung von Macht in den Olympischen Spielen von 3 GABRIELLA CRISPINO Rose Bruford College of Theatre and humanities. Research interests: psycho- the Foundations (Malta) and, together Performance (London). Previously, he pharmacology, psychology of perception, with Odin Teatret and the Grotowski is Voice and Speech Trainer for acting was Head of the Lincoln School of Per- system theory of psychosis, synesthe- Institute, the co-founder of Icarus students at the Universität der Künste forming Arts, and Producing Director sia, media theory, and depth psychology Publishing Enterprise. Berlin. She studied German literature, of the new Lincoln Performing Arts in film. Recent publications: Welche linguistics, movement, and sports in Centre (LPAC), projects which he in- Farbe hat der Montag? Synästhesie: Das Munich, and acting in Berlin. During itiated at the University of Lincoln Leben mit verknüpften Sinnen (Hirzel, MARTIN GRUBER her research on imagination, breath, (UK). Earley also worked as Editorial 2001); Engel und Avatar (Matthes & movement and voice, she worked with and Publishing Director of Methuen Seitz, 2011; with M. Roes). is a director and choreographer as well Frieda Goralewski (tradition of Elsa Drama publishers and as Chief Producer as Professor and Head of the Depart- Gindler) and Kristin Linklater (desig- of Plays for BBC Radio Drama, where ment of Movement at the Hochschule für nation in teaching). She also stud- he directed over 50 productions. He ERIKA FISCHER-LICHTE Schauspielkunst „Ernst Busch,“ Berlin. ied Russian methods of acting, body was Director of the Conference of Drama Previously, he taught acting and move- and voice (in st. Petersburg, Yeka- Schools (formerly CDS, now Drama UK). is Professor of Theatre Studies at the ment at the Otto Falckenberg Schule and terinburg) and “Gestisches Sprechen” Freie Universität Berlin. From 1995 to at the Bayerische Theaterakademie August (tradition of Bertolt Brecht). She 1999 she was President of the Interna- Everding, both in Munich. Based on his trained puppeteers at the Hochschule ROLF ELBERFELD tional Federation for Theatre Research. experience in Japanese martial arts, für Schauspielkunst “Ernst Busch,” She is a member of the Academia Euro- Tadashi Suzuki’s theory “The Grammar film actors at the Hochschule für Film is Professor of Philosophy at the paea, the Göttingen Academy of Sci- of the Feet,” and functional bodywork, und Fernsehen “Konrad Wolf” (Babels- Universität Hildesheim; he studied ences, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy Gruber developed his own approach to berg), and performers at the Institut philosophy, Japanology, Sinology and of Sciences and the National Academy the education of performing artists. He für Medien und Theater (Universität religious in Würzburg, Bonn, and Kyoto. of Sciences Leopoldina in Halle. She staged productions with international Hildesheim). Elberfeld’s fields of research include has been Director of the International casts in Beijing (China) and Hanoi (Vi- intercultural philosophy, comparative Research Center for Advanced Studies etnam). aesthetics/ethics, phenomenology, Japa- on “Interweaving Performance Cultures” NIAMH DOWLING nese philosophy, philosophy of language (since 2008) and spokesperson of the and the body. Selected publications: International Research Training Group GOPALAN NAIR VENU is Head of School of Performance at Kitaro Nishida (1870-1945). Moderne “Interart Studies” (since 2006). Most Rose Bruford College of Theatre and japanische Philosophie und die Frage recent publications: The Politics of is a well-known scholar, performer, Performance (London). She has worked nach der Interkulturalität (Rodopi, Interweaving Performance Cultures: Be- and director from India. Venu has done as a movement director, leading work- 1999); Phänomenologie der Zeit im yond Postcolonialism (Routledge, 2013); extensive research on Kerala’s theatre shops in the UK, Europe, USA, Asia, Buddhismus. Methoden interkulturellen Global Ibsen. Performing Multiple traditions and has evolved a system South and Central America, and Russia. Philosophierens (Frommann-Holzboog, Modernities (Routledge, 2010). to notate theatre and dance forms like Dowling trained as a teacher of the 2004); Sprache und Sprache. Eine Kathakali, Kutiyattam and Mohiniyattam. Alexander technique and in movement philosophische Grundorientierung He has devised a training method for with Monika Pagneux (Paris) and Ann (Karl Alber, 2012). MARIO FRENDO contemporary actors based on the “Nav- Bogart, Nancy Topf and Eva Karczag arasa Sadhana” and other principles of (New York). She has collaborated lectures theatre and performance at traditional theatre. Venu is Founder closely with Song of´´ the Goat HINDERK EMRICH the Theatre Studies Department of the and Chairman of Natanakairali (Research, Theatre (Teatr Piesn Kozła, Poland) School of Performing Arts, University Training and Performing Centre for for the past ten years. Dowling has is a German psychiatrist, psychoana- of Malta. His research interests Traditional Arts) and Ammannur Chachu a holistic approach to education and lyst, and philosopher. Emrich is striv- include musicalised processes in thea- Chakyar Smaraka Gurukulam (Training performance training, with emphasis ing to integrate the two foundations tre practice, contemporary theatre and Centre for Kutiyattam). He has been on the interconnectedness of movement of his discipline, humanities and performance theory, and interdiscipli- awarded several prizes including the and voice. neurobiology, and to draw conclusions narity in performance. In 2013, Frendo Kerala Sahitya (Literary) Academy Award, for individual therapy as well as for completed his doctoral thesis at the Kerala Sangeetha Nataka (Music and social designs. Aside from his work as University of Sussex, UK, titled Musi- Theatre) Academy Award, Kerala Kalaman- MICHAEL EARLEY Professor of Psychiatry and Psychother- cality and the Act of Theatre: Devel- dalam (Deemed University for Arts and apy at the Medizinische Hochschule oping Musicalised Dramaturgies for Culture) Award and the Nikkei Asia is Professor of Drama as well as Prin- Hannover (1992-2008), he held teaching Theatre Performance. He is one of the Prize for Culture (Japan, 2007). cipal and Chief Executive Officer at assignments at various faculties of directors of Theatre Arts Researching 4 5 NAVTEJ SINGH JOHAR dergraduate acting conservatoires. She tam) since 1995. He started his Mizhavu (directing/teaching) from Royal Central studied a traditional Korean vocal art percussion training at the age of 11 School of Speech and Drama, London. is today’s leading male dancer/chore- form called p’ansori under Human Cul- and studied, amongst others, under After lecturing internationally, she now ographer in India whose work freely tural Treasures Han Nong Son and Song Kalamandalam
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