FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1924 only I herd her tellln my ant she wus development class, Miss Stephens; there. To see the 10 commandment's little B-l, Miss French. maybe wich won't be there much morn. will dash Harbor City grammar school jim hold graduation exercises at the new If you take sum pitcher's In the auditorium June 25. Twenty-one mornin and take the fillum's down to graduates will receive their diplomas. DIAMONDS La Plante's up to 1K09 Cahrlllo you This will Include the February and can get them back the same day and June graduates. the pitcher's also and cheep, (adv) for the June bride or .My grand mother's tickled to doth hardly tell who lady's are In swlmmin They dun 6 for my mother for almost Mrs. Mary Rette of Shoshone, Colo., girl graduate make life­ 'Clause a lady's on the ticket with lotsa times my mother sed. nothln. Be cause I am a newspaper Jim dash and Mrs. S. Husklson of Chandler, long gifts. We have later Coolldge and she sed maybe man I gcss. So my mother told me were called here by the We had in a pitcher of Mister Dol- Colo., who them, for $16.00 and up. fche will live to see the day when a to give them a rite up. The cheef death of Mrs. Mary Moreau, are visit­ ley and his sun wich are in the drug told me wun time not to make my Her.e also you will find ,dy's prealdunt If the Republican's ing with relatives In Los Angeles and store but my mother sed It wus coilum a free ride to prospcrrlty for Huntlngton Beach. many other gifts of ap­ In and sumthln happens to the pretty near impossible to pick out evrybuddy. and the sun. peal for weddings, anni­ sldunt. My father cum In and he wich wus the father Jim dash At the last meeting of the Boy versaries, graduations, Ennyhow they do a dandy blzncss. Mister Lewis Ripple wich sell's 2nd Scouts plans were made for an enter­ id well Helen Maria Dawes is Mister jim dash etc. loolldge's runnln mate and thcn's handled furnlcher down to 1919 Car­ tainment, the proceeds of which will hen my grand mother sed that. So Mister Chas. V. Jones wich Is bed son's got a cupple a dandy baby car- go toward the summer camp to be 10 sed the Rroblshun's have got a manidger down to. the Consolidated Hdgc's wich are a drug on the market held In the near future. Scouts Rich­ dy for vice presidunt also so now lumber yard sed If bizness pick's up he sed he gessed. Wun's a Reed car- ard Carpenter, Floyd Hlggs, Lee Green the Demmercrat's have wun maybe like it's been pickln the past 10 day's ridge and the other's jess a go cart. iind Clarence Asplttle were appointed lady will get to be presidunt she he thinks it will be more than last My father got a 2nd handled desk a committee to prepare the program. id. My father laffed to beet the year wich is good news to evrybuddy from him for $ 14 doller's wich costed New members are taken in at each Buy where you KNOW nd so I gess they's sum ketch In it. my father sed wich got a cupple a ? 45 doller's wun time, meeting. At the meeting Thursday the price and quality jim dash bord's from him to put on our grodge. jim dash evening Lee Green and Wallace Hlggs are RIGHT. Mister Dewey Ormond and Mister jim dash Demmercrat's don't have much received the bronze bar. J. Wilkes wus down to Redondo Mister and Mrs. A. J. Wolfe wus chanco in Calif, less sumbuddy's goln a splash party in the plunge with down to L. Angles but I dont no to keep us out of war the che^r sed. ; Two prnrs fires last Thursday eve­ lady's. There wife's. You can't when a.nd ware and why nor notliin My fokes are alt goin to vote, for j ning kept the Harbor City fire de­ Mister McAdoo this time because my' partment on the move. One was on father sed he can't keep cool with | Weston street and the other on 256th Coolldge. I am threw now. street. It behooves our residents to thirty hear in m'nd the fnct that there are certain regulation* in regard to the starting of bonfires. Hotter look them Torrance Theatre up than wish you had. SUBJECT TO CHANGE Show Starts Every Evening at 6:80. Second Performance Among the Harbor City folks that at 8:80. attended the senior play, "Seventeen," Adults 26C Including Tax Children under 15 years, lOc Harbor City Notes | at the San Peclro high school last Harvel Guttenfelder Phone 182 or 78 Boeker, week were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Torrance Auto Electric Mrs. Delia Large and daughter Jo­ A. J. Dickerson, Misses Josephine and sephine and Mr. unrt Mrs. Emmett Lucy Boeker, Merton Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Higgs, Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JUNE 22-23 Thomas of Hollywood, who have just returned from a visit with relatives thur Aspittle, Miss Mildred Benfur, Barbara La Marr and Ramon Novarro and friends in Washington, were re­ Clarence and Stanley Asplttle, and SATISFACTION and a Big Cast cent guests of Mrs. Large's son, Ray Summers. Percy A. Large. U SUMMONS If You Dr. and Mrs. Dryer of 258th street Storage and Senator avenue leave Wednesday In the Justice's Court of Lomlta and the and Buy "Thy Name is Woman" is called at once the most romantic for an extended visit with friends and Township, County of Los Angeles, Radio most thrilling dramatic film of the year. Don't reliitives in Brighton, Colo. They will State of California. miss this big picture. also vihit their son in Laramie, Wyo., L. J. HUNTER, Justice. Batteries. AESOP'S FABLES Cartoon NEWSYVENTS ami from there will go to Wichita, Laurence M. Crowell, Plaintiff, vs. WILLARD BATTERIES Kan., where they will attend to prop­ James L. Jenkins, C. A. Raymond, Phone TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24-25 erty interests before returning to Har- P. M. Tourtellotte, Richard S. 168. ho;- City. Jenkins, Defendants. Both Storage and Radio Agnes Ay res and Mahlon Hamilton Summons M: R. The People of the State of California Send Greetings to: James L. "THE HEARf RAIDER" Jenkins, C. A. Raymond, F. M. novie, 'leoree Myerscough and Tourtelotte, Richard S. Jenkins, "FIGHTING BLOOD" Round 12 Lloyd Hamilton in "LONESOME" \spittle made a business trip Defendants. THE WlffCff£ST£A STORE IVdro Saturday. You are hereby directed to appear 1319 Sartori Phone 32 Torrance THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JUNE 26-27 in an action brought against you by Mi cy Larve of Harbor City, the above named plaintiff in th Viola Dana and Huntley Gordorf now tcaehpr of the sixth grade at Justice's Court of Lomita Township Lomita. .«pent Saturday with her Los Angeles County, State of Cal­ Oil ml. Mrs. Jt KS Hansen, of Corcoran, ifornia, and to answer before the (Viir. at the Miltmore hotel. Mrs. Justice at his office at 1113 Nar- "THE SOCIAL CODE" Hansen was a delegate to the bi­ bonne St., Lomlta, California, In said Will Rogers in "THE COWBOY SHEIK" NEWSYVENTS ennial of the Federation of Women's Township, the complaint filed there­ Clubs held recently in Los Angeles. in, within five days (exclusive of the SATURDAY, JUNE 28 day of service) after the service on Mr. and Mrs. William E. Baldwin, you of this Summons, If served within Wallace Beery and Marguerite De La Motte Mr. and Mrs. Percy A. Large and the Township in which thta action is family, of 257th street, Harbor City; brought; or, if served out of said Mr. and Mrs. Gripe and daughters Township, but within said County add to your equity each week by laying aside part Lucile and Gladys, Mr. Matteson and within ten days, or wlthi'n twenty )f your pay. Let it provide you with a home for the "Richard the "Lion-Hearted" son Martin, and Mr. and Mrs. Castle- days if served elsewhere. And you 'uture, and assure you of independence In old age. Chapter 2 of "LEATHER STOCKING" berry, of San Pedro, motored to Beau­ are hereby notified that unless you EXTRA"! mont Sunday and picked cherries. so appear and answer said complaint TORRANCE MUTUAL George Muse Presents Lunch was enjoyed by the wayside, as above required, said plaintiff wil BUILDING & LOAN ASSN. THE BARSTEAU TRIO the return home was made by way of cause your default to be entered and First National Bank Bldtr. International Artists Riverside and Redlands. All report take judgment for any money or dam­ June Marceau, Lyric Soprano George Barsteau, Violinist a wonderful day. ages demanded In the complaint, as M. Burngartner, Concert Pianist Nyla Tansey, Clog Waltz arising upon contract, or will apply Matinee and evening shows. No advance in prices. Mrs. William H. De Sterne of New to the Court for relief demanded in York, who has been the house guest the complaint, together with the costs of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. of suit A. H. Aimes, 257th street and Nor- Given under my hand this 6th day mandie avenue, left for a few days' of March, 1924. visit with friends in Long Beach.
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