m Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations LITURGY HOLDS SEED OF NEW ERA IN CHRISTIANITY Contenta Copyrighted the Gatholio Press Society, Ine. 1946— Permission to reproduce. Except on Enemies of Church Articlea Otherwise Marked, given A fter 12 M. Friday Following Issue 650 Delegates Told to Restore In Desperate Try DENVER CATHOLIC Family Life, Marriage in Order To Win Over Spanish To Cure Social Evils of World By R ev. Jo h n B. E bel Campaigin in Denver Fails, JusI as It Does in “ A new era of Christian culture will be born as soon as the home becomes filled with Christ and incorporated in Him,” said the Rev. Austin Staley, O.S.B., of St. John’s ab­ Mexico; ‘Ex*Priesl’ Makes Vieions REGISTER bey, CoUegeville, Minn., in a paper read at the Liturgical Week in Denver Tuesday. Th§ AHaek on Chnrch The National Catholic W elfare Conference Newa Service Supplies Thd Denver Catholic Register. We chief remedy of social ills lies in the restoration of the “ Christian vision of marriage” as Have Also the International News Service (W ire and M ail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller seen through the “ eyes of faith,” declared the Rev. Shawn Sheehan in urging the “ re­ Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. (8 cents per copy) storing of the family in Christ.” A desperate effort is being made by Protestant sects and by Communists to wean from the Church of their fathers With some 650 ^gistered from coast to coast VOL. XLH. No. 8. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1946. $1 PER YEAR. in the United States and from Canada and France, the Spanish-Americans in Denver. Money is poured intp the conference was opened Monday evening with prosel^izing activities; “ evangel- an official welcome to the delegates by Archbishop istic” meetings are held featuring Urban J. Vehr, in which he described their work an "ex-Bishop” or an “ ex-priest;” as “ self-sacrificing, inspirational, and instruc­ literature is distributed through­ tional.” The sessions will continue through Thurs­ out the entire population o f Span­ day in the Empire room o f the Shirley-Savoy hotel. ish-Americans. On Friday morning a special session will be held The faith of the people, how­ for priests and seminarians in St. Thomas’ seminary. ever, is strong and there is little defection. They have an uncon­ /Aim to Fuie Family With Church querable devotion to Our Blessed “ Our one, our only purpose, is to fuse the family Mother; despite their many eco­ and the Family of God (the Church) that they nomic difficulties, they cling to may share a common life; that the life of the the Church. The situation in Den Trinity may flow through them, that we may ver reflects that in Mexico itself, go on toward the pursuit of happiness . toward where the Protestants and Com­ peace in our times— that in all things God may be munists, sometimes joining forces, glorified,” said the Rev. Thomas J. Carroll of are straining every effort to win Boston, president of the Liturgical Conference, in over the Catholic natives. Their his keynote address. campaign, despite twisted reports appearing in the U. S. press, has Father Carroll, who became president of the prove a dismal failure. conference upon the death last winter of Monsignor COMMUNISTS PRINT Joseph F. Stedman of Brooklyn, described the PROTESTANT LIES demise o f his predecessor as a great loss to the This is verified by the Rev, Church and to the liturgical movement. “ Mon­ Raphael L. McDonald, O.F.M., who signor Stedman,” he said, “was strong in the virtue has just returned to the United of hope.” States after a long stay in Mexico, A fter tracing the source o f the human family where he taught in a large high to the Trinity, “ where the love of the Father fo r school for boys of the laboring the Son gives us eternally the Holy Spirit,” Father class in Ciudad Guzman. He re Carroll described the Church as the Family of Gbd, ports that the Communist paper. a family “founded on love” and "living on love.” La Voz de Mexico, recently printed Christ is its head, but IHs inle is exercised through an open letter to the Archbishop the Holy Father of the family, the Vicar o f Christ, o f Mexico, signed by the “ Alliance the Pope, who combines in his office the divine and of Evangelical Pastors and Work­ the human, as Christ combine^ them in Himself. ers of the Federal District.” Some The Bishops are the fathers of the diocesan fam­ of the signers were well known ilies, and “ persecution of the Church through them ministers. The letter was so filled is persecution of Christ Himself, so that well may with lies and calumnies that some dictator of our own day hear the words o f no other paper would have pub­ Christ in judgment: ‘ Why dost thou persecute lished it. Me?’ ” This letter forms part of a re “ The Church is the continuation o f, Christ, Archbiihop Urban J. Vebr speaking at tha open* cent message circularized among teaching, ruling, sanctifying,” said Father Carroll. ing of the Liturgical Week in Denver Oct. 14. the Spanish-Americans of Denver She teaches the faipily in the words in announcing a series o f lectures of the Marriage Mass, in the words the corporate spirit in the world,” in the First Spanish Methodist Shown above are (ome of tha boyt of St. Clara’i orphanage, go far toward brightening the lives of these boys and of thousands for the consecration of virgins, in declared the R t Rev. Monsignor church o f Denver by an. "ex- Denver, one of the Catholic agencies assisted by the Community of underprivileged persons in Denver. Failure will mean want and the words o f the Holy Father, the Reynold Hillenbrand of Chicago C.D.0FI. priest,” the Rev. Juan Jose Uriarte Chest. Success in the annual Chest campaign Oct. 28 to Nov. 8 will increased suffering. Give generously to the Red Feather services! great encyclicals on marriage and in a panel discussion Tuesday Arrien. The letter is utterly vicious. on the Mystical Body, and con­ morning on “ The Decline of the No one who is not practically un­ + + + + + stantly in her preaching and her Christian Family.” In the Protes­ balanced with bigo^y could ac­ prayer. She rules in the saving tant Reformation the world lost cept its statements. It is given in ARCHBISHOP STEPINAC precepts o f canon law on marriage, the Corporate Christ, said Mop- SIELTEIISIJH an English translation. and the necessary regulations of signor Hillenbrand; in a few cen­ Arricn’ s career is detailed in a the Bishops. Above all, she sane turies it lost God Himself. The Spanish message. He is supposed Catholics Are Active tifies through the liturgy whose resulting disunity has made its way to be a native of Spain who stud­ participation the voice of the Holy into every phase o f life— political, ied in England and taught in the ‘TRIAL’ IS DENOUNCED Fathef himself has called the “ pri­ economic, and social— and one United States, His claims Are ^ mary apd indispensable source of divorce for every three marriages ing investigated. The lu t previous the triie ebristiair spirit.*' is its manifestation in th« family A fte r "bro niohnw'of opertftlbn “ ex-priest,” who also claimed to be life o f our country. The Rev. Hubert Newell, local the Catholic Daughters of Amer­ an “ ex-Bishop o f the Roman Cath- AT M EN ’ S Ignorance of the true nature ica Housing service in Denver is (Tvm to Page t — Column S) trO U R chairmanr presided at the ppening session, which was opened with of marriage was cited by the Rev. functioning 100 per cent When Vigorous Catholic participation cording to an announcement Tues- Bernard Laukemper of Chicago, Court S t Rita No. 626 assumed in the 1947 Community Chest day by Maurice J, Hickey, major. the prayer of the Mass of the day Fr. Angelus Tintle An appeal to Catholic men of a despot more terrible than any. by tte Rt. Rev. Abbot Columban who declared that people do not the responsibility of carrying on Denver to aid their suffering and ever seen before. campaign was assured this week “ We need perhaps eight or ten know enough about the sacra­ the project that had been success­ as organization of the Knights o f more men to round out our team, Thuis, O.S.B., of St. Benedict, Of St. Elizabeth’s oppressed brethren behind the The Holy Father receives the La. The liturgical movement, mental aspect o f marriage. Also fully conducted by the USO-NCCS Iron Curtain in Europe w a s news of the oppression of the Columbus-Catholic Charities team said Mr. Hickey. He requested that citing bad example on the part during the war period, it was an neared completion. Forty-six mem­ any one interested in joining the said Father Newell, is a “move­ sounded by Archbishop Urban J. Church and of the people in the ment of prayer beginning in the of parents. Father Laukemper de­ experiment that only the future Is SerioDsly Vehr and the Rev. Pacificus Ken­ countries behind the Iron Curtain, bers have been recruited, ac- battalion call him at TAbor 1395 clared that a census in his parish could determine. With two trained Although the K. o f C.-Catholic spirit of man that has its influence nedy, O.F.M., at the Holy Hour of the slaughter of hun€reds of in every phase of his life.” (Turn to Pages — Column S) workers and volunteer service by The Rev.
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