Chair, Bob Johnson, City of Lodi Commissioner, Bob Elliott, San Joaquin County Vice Chair, Steve Dresser, City of Lathrop Commissioner, Leo Zuber, City of Ripon Commissioner, Debby Moorhead, City of Manteca Commissioner, Scott Haggerty, Alameda County Commissioner, Christina Fugazi, City of Stockton Commissioner, John Marchand, City of Livermore Executive Director, Stacey Mortensen SAN JOAQUIN REGIONAL RAIL COMMISSION This Agenda shall be made available upon request in alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 12132) and the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code § 54954.2). Persons requesting a disability related modification or accommodation in order to participate in the meeting should contact San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission staff, at (209) 944-6220, during regular business hours, at least twenty-four hours prior to the time of the meeting. All proceedings before the Commission are conducted in English. The San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission does not furnish interpreters and, if one is needed, it shall be the responsibility of the person needing one. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Office of the Executive Director located at 949 East Channel Street, Stockton, California, 95202 during normal business hours or by calling (209) 944-6220. The Agenda is available on the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission website: www.acerail.com. December 1, 2017 – 8:00 am Robert J. Cabral Station Sheraton Grand South Hall Meeting Room Sacramento Hotel 949 East Channel Street 1230 J Street Stockton, CA 95202 Sacramento, CA 95814 1 Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call Chair Johnson Roll Call: Haggerty, Marchand, Elliott, Fugazi, Moorhead, Zuber, Vice Chair Dresser, Chair Johnson Ex- Officios: Agar, Chesley, DeMartino 2 Public Comments Persons wishing to address the Commission on any item of interest to the public regarding rail shall state their names and addresses and make their presentation. Please limit presentations to five minutes. The Commission cannot take action on matters not on the agenda unless the action is authorized by Section 54954.2 of the Government Code. Materials related to an item on the Agenda submitted to the Board of Directors after distribution of the agenda packet are available for the public inspection in the Commission Office at 949 E. Channel Street during normal business hours. These documents are also available on the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission website at www.acerail.com/about-ace/sjrrc-board.html subject to staff’s ability to post the documents prior to the meeting. 949 East Channel Street Stockton, CA 95202 (800) 411-RAIL (7245) www.acerail.com 3 Presentations and Recognitions 4 Consent Calendar 4.1 Minutes of November 3, 2017 ACTION 4.2 Rail Commission/ACE/SJJPA Monthly Expenditure INFORMATION 4.3 ACE Monthly Fare Revenue INFORMATION 4.4 ACE Ridership INFORMATION 4.5 ACE On-Time Performance INFORMATION 4.6 2018 ACE Service Holidays ACTION 4.7 UPRR Modeling Reimbursement Agreement for Proposed Additional INFORMATION Service between Merced and Natomas 5 Approve a Resolution of the Governing Board of the San Joaquin ACTION Regional Rail Commission Authorizing the Executive Director to Submit and Execute any and all Grant Applications, Agreements, Certifications and Assurances and any Other Documents Necessary to Obtain Financial Assistance Provided by the California State Transportation Agency Under the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (Dan Leavitt) 6 Approve a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the San ACTION Joaquin Regional Rail Commission Authorizing the Executive Director to Submit and Execute Any and All Grant Applications, Agreements, Certifications and Assurances and Any Other Documents Necessary to Obtain FY 17/18 State Rail Assistance (SRA) Funding in the Amount of $2,500,000 for Operating Costs Associated with ACE Service Expansion (Jordan Peterson) 7 Approve a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the San ACTION Joaquin Regional Rail Commission Authorizing the Executive Director to Submit a “2017-2021 Measure K Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Safe Routes to School Competitive Program and Smart Growth Incentive Program” Grant Application to the San Joaquin Council of Governments in the Amount of $2,000,000 for the “East Channel Street Streetscape and Connectivity Project” (Daniel Krause) 8 Approve a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the San ACTION Joaquin Regional Rail Commission Authorizing a Consignment Contract for California’s Great America Theme Park Ticket Sales to California’s Great America for an Amount Not-To-Exceed $96,000 total for Calendar Year 2018 Season, and Authorizing and Directing the Executive Director to Execute the Agreement (Manny Caluya) 9 Approve a Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the San ACTION Joaquin Regional Rail Commission Authorizing a Two-Year and Six- Month Contract with Two One-Year Options for Website Design, Hosting and Maintenance Services to American Eagle Computer Products, Inc. for an Amount Not-To-Exceed $126,150.00 total from January 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020, and Authorizing and Directing the Executive Director to Execute the Agreement (Chris Kay/Autumn Gowan) 2 of 57 10 ACE Results From Unmet Transit Needs Surveys INFORMATION/ACTION (Chris Kay) 11 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION DISCUSSION/ACTION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: One case 12 Commissioner’s Comments 13 Ex-Officio Comments 14 Executive Director’s Report 15 Adjournment The next regular meeting is scheduled for: January 5, 2018 – 8:00 am Robert J. Cabral Station 949 East Channel Street, Stockton 3 of 57 SAN JOAQUIN REGIONAL RAIL COMMISSION Meeting of December 1, 2017 Item 4.1 ACTION Minutes of November 3, 2017 The regular meeting of the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission was held at 8:00 am, November 3, 2017 at the Robert J. Cabral Station, 949 East Channel Street Stockton, CA 95202. 1 Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call Vice Chair Dresser called the meeting to order at 8:00 am and led the audience in the pledge of Allegiance. Commissioners Present: Haggerty, Marchand, Dresser, Fugazi (arrived after Item 4), Moorhead, Zuber Commissioners Absent: Elliott, Chair Johnson Ex-Officio Members Present: Mr. Chesley 2 Public Comments None. 3 Presentations and Recognitions None. 4 Consent Calendar 4.1 Minutes of October 6, 2017 ACTION 4.2 Rail Commission/ACE/SJJPA Monthly Expenditure INFORMATION 4.3 ACE Monthly Fare Revenue INFORMATION 4.4 ACE Ridership INFORMATION 4.5 ACE On-Time Performance INFORMATION 4.6 Washington Update INFORMATION Commissioner Haggerty asked why the ridership in September was up but the revenue was down. Ms. Cordova said she would look into the discrepancy and report back. M/S/C (Haggerty/Zuber) Approve the Consent Calendar. Passed and Adopted by the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission on the 3rd day of November 2017 by the following vote to wit: AYES: 5 Haggerty, Marchand, Dresser, Moorhead, Zuber NOES: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 3 Elliott, Fugazi, Chair Johnson 4 of 57 5 Approve Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the San Joaquin ACTION Regional Rail Commission Adopting Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Budget Amendment #2, Increasing the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority (SJJPA) Operating Budget in the Amount of $763,597.38, from $52,093,699 to $52,857,297 Mr. Leavitt presented on the SJJPA operating budget amendment. Commissioner Zuber asked about the source of the funding. Mr. Leavitt responded that the state provides funding for the SJJPA. Commissioner Haggerty asked if there will be a presentation on the marketing campaign being funded by the budget amendment. Ms. Mortensen said the next SJJPA Board meeting will feature a presentation on the Morning Express Service marketing campaign. M/S/C (Marchand/Zuber) Approve Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission Adopting Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Budget Amendment #2, Increasing the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority (SJJPA) Operating Budget in the Amount of $763,597.38, from $52,093,699 to $52,857,297. Passed and Adopted by the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission on the 3rd day of November 2017 by the following vote to wit: AYES: 6 Haggerty, Marchand, Dresser, Fugazi, Moorhead, Zuber NOES: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 2 Elliott, Chair Johnson 6 Approve Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the San Joaquin ACTION Regional Rail Commission Authorizing a Three-Year and Eight-Month Contract with Two One -year Options for Operations and Safety Related Services to Finger Lakes Rail Consulting Group for an Amount Not-To- Exceed $360,000 total from November 03, 2017 through June 30, 2021, and Authorizing and Directing the Executive Director to Execute the Agreement Mr. Caluya and Mr. Schmidt presented on the solicitation process for operations and safety related services. Commissioner Marchand asked if there is on-site work associated with the contract. Mr. Schmidt said the contractor comes to Stockton about once a month. Commissioner Marchand asked if the contractor has a field office. Mr. Schmidt responded that the contractor has an office at the Rail Maintenance Facility (RMF). Ms. Mortensen discussed the need to have contractors who are familiar with commuter rail systems throughout the nation. 5 of 57 M/S/C (Haggerty/Fugazi) Approve Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission Authorizing a Three-Year and Eight-Month Contract with Two One-year Options for Operations and Safety Related Services to Finger Lakes Rail Consulting Group for an Amount Not-To-Exceed $360,000 total from November 03, 2017 through June 30, 2021, and Authorizing and Directing the Executive Director to Execute the Agreement.
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